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Official Feedback Thread: Great Weapon Fighter Cap Raise



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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    I'd hate to argue but destroyers and instigators can't compete with flat burst damage offered by other strikers with so much damage stacking which is the only way for them to compete in the first place. They should be dealing more damage, not the same afterwards.

    It's a horribly flawed mechanic to have to take damage to deal damage when new PVE enemies deal such erratic damage. The GWF does NOT deal enough damage to justify it's play style and role in a party. A TR can jump a mob and deal ridiculous damage and allow the rest of the party to clean with ease, the GWF cannot do this. Why does the TR have more control and damage?
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    ERMAGURDDDD!!!!!! This just MADE my day Crush! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance)." - This iS HUGE!!!!!!!! This will allow us to actually face tank some damage and have unstoppable!!!

    "Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active." - This is even better. Now we dont have to sprint to catch targets and can use sprint defensively AND it wont mitigate our determination gain as well.

    Takedown/FLS - AWESOME! That will make us MUCH more viable!
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Also, Why do we have to wait 2 weeks after launch? Is the Launch build already ready to go or something?

    This means we have to wait about 3 weeks to module then ANOTHER 2 weeks after that?!?
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    maniaco777maniaco777 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Good evening everyone, first I would like to ask, is some kind of joke?
    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE.
    Why? Because the character was a sh*t, that's why you are happy? It can only be.
    zacazu wrote: »
    a act show that a destroyer can not even over dps a OPRESSOR - "defensive" tree to a non main dps class - for 2x times is fine?

    is a solid dps for m5 maybe. in fact there are a better version of the suggestions give to the previous module. but m6? really?

    Who is our tester? this guy?

    ps: For the record, you were happy when, allegedly, had managed to separate dps and tank. guess what?
    you guys do not have to be happy with anything. WE HAVE to be, your playerbase.

    I agree with every word said by zacazu, especially this part
    zacazu wrote: »
    For the record, you were happy when, allegedly, had managed to separate dps and tank. guess what?
    you guys do not have to be happy with anything. WE HAVE to be, your playerbase.

    This the clonkyo1 said is something VERY VERY important to the GWF, because we do not have stealth, or healing, or shield to defend ourselves, our defense is our HP, then one thing that really should be taken into account by developers is we GWF's VERY need of increased base damage.
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    Class having damage bonus from "marks" shall be removed and rise class' base encounters and dailies damage a +20%.
    And just to clarify one thing, Developers, to improve a class you have to ruin other, that the extent to which the GWF was ruined, the TR was improved. GWF has become a dead weight that carries a useless weapon, while the TR became a Deity, I dare say that the TR needs only a black paint can (to fake an Impossible to Catch), and a stone, because when he in stealth have + 100% damage and + 100% critical chance, use a weapon, a stone is better, it takes much to refine a weapon...

    This is my feedback gentlemancrush.
    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zvieris wrote: »

    Hi Crush,

    So the defensive side of GWF is more or less taken care of, ok. But let me ask you, how do you imagine a GWF tank in mod 6? He does what? Gathers a group of mobs around him and then what? Kills them? Nah, he lacks the damage after the intimidation overnerf. Does he buff his group to kill them faster instead? Nah, he doesn't have any group buffs. So what does he do exactly as a tank? And I'm still waiting for an answer about why does intimidation no longer work with Resistance Ignored stat.

    I'm asking these things because in comparison to the other 2 tanks (GF and Paladin) sentinel GWF is greatly underperforming as a supposed tank. He provides low damage and little to no group buffs/debuffs. Whereas both GF and Paladin got their damage significantly increased and their group buffs/debuffs are incredible.

    Concerned citizen of Neverwinter

    I actually echo this as well. With the changes above - which ARE AWESOME and a step in the right direction definitely! I do fear for Sentinels with the OVER nerf of Intimidation.

    Not just an over nerf but MASSIVELY nerfed into the ground! It would be great if this ability would (again) benefit from +damage bonuses and ALSO beef its damage up a tad. From maybe 125% to 200%.

    This way the BASE damage would be around 4k which then from damage bonuses we can get it up to a reasonable amount of damage.


    If you like how PVE GWFs are, the BIGGEST thing GWFs DO need is less reliance on stacking.

    Please consider making BOTH Weapon Master Stacks AND Destroyer FEAT stacks last longer. Even buffing it to 6 seconds would be a MASSIVE improvement!
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    umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    maniaco777 wrote: »
    Good evening everyone, first I would like to ask, is some kind of joke?

    Why? Because the character was a sh*t, that's why you are happy? It can only be.

    I agree with every word said by zacazu, especially this part

    This the clonkyo1 said is something VERY VERY important to the GWF, because we do not have stealth, or healing, or shield to defend ourselves, our defense is our HP, then one thing that really should be taken into account by developers is we GWF's VERY need of increased base damage.

    And just to clarify one thing, Developers, to improve a class you have to ruin other, that the extent to which the GWF was ruined, the TR was improved. GWF has become a dead weight that carries a useless weapon, while the TR became a Deity, I dare say that the TR needs only a black paint can (to fake an Impossible to Catch), and a stone, because when he in stealth have + 100% damage and + 100% critical chance, use a weapon, a stone is better, it takes much to refine a weapon...

    This is my feedback gentlemancrush.

    Okay, no. The CW is not outdps-ing the GWF under uniform control. What I see is a CW is being given a huge boost in DPS by the fact he's not being destroyed by the hordes of mobs like the GWF is.

    The correct statement, given the data, is that the oppressor CW has higher POTENTIAL DPS, the potential being realized when he is allowed to utilize his CC without getting obliterated.

    These changes are welcomed, but we're still presented with the issue that ranged damage in PVP is far too superior to melee damage. That melee classes, with the exception of the TR, can not avoid damage. We can mitigate a lot of it, but we can NOT avoid it. Meanwhile, ranged classes can just dodge dodge dodge dodge, and even then, a well built one can easily survive the burst damage on preview.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    umcjdking wrote: »
    Okay, no. The CW is not outdps-ing the GWF under uniform control. What I see is a CW is being given a huge boost in DPS by the fact he's not being destroyed by the hordes of mobs like the GWF is.

    The correct statement, given the data, is that the oppressor CW has higher POTENTIAL DPS, the potential being realized when he is allowed to utilize his CC without getting obliterated.

    These changes are welcomed, but we're still presented with the issue that ranged damage in PVP is far too superior to melee damage. That melee classes, with the exception of the TR, can not avoid damage. We can mitigate a lot of it, but we can NOT avoid it. Meanwhile, ranged classes can just dodge dodge dodge dodge, and even then, a well built one can easily survive the burst damage on preview.

    I agree to the above, the determination gain pre-DR will be pretty massive as it will allow us much faster access to unstoppable. However the fact that we only gain 15-30% DR (non-Sent) is VERY small DR buff. Especialyl considering MOST times you do not have the luxury of waiting to pop unstoppable.

    Would it make sense to rework the DR/Temp HP boost Unstoppable gives and make it flat % numbers rather than based on the FULL bar?

    What that would mean is INSTEAD of 15-30% DR its a FLAT 30% DR.

    INSTEAD of 8-16% Temp HP. its a FLAT 16% Temp HP.

    Because we have a FLAT attack speed boost and a FLAT movement speed boost. It only makes sense we get a FLAT DR boost and a FLAT TEMP HP boost.

    The added benefit of more determination is LONGER unstoppable. Which is VERY important for mobility AND DPS.

    Also I would VERY much like to STILL see Unstoppable DR put on its OWN LAYER OF DR JUST LIKE GF BLOCK - ALLOWING GWFS A MECHANIC TO ASSIST AGAINST PIERCING DAMAGE (like Shocking Execute)
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    30% against 200k damage?

    you can cut this damage in half, my god... the way to survive agains this is

    1 - kill fiirst

    2- perma cc

    3 - range

    4- dodge.

    guess what? my god... 3 modules saying 2+2=4... the devs say 2+2=1, people be angry, now he say 2+2=2, and people be happy... 2+2=4; 4!!!!

    note: after receive 200k, wow, now sentinel will receive more determination to unstoppable... ops, but will be dead even if have 180k of hp...
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    izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Possible bug:
    Deep Gash does not hit for as much as it's written in it's description.
    20% of Power as damage over 6 seconds.
    While my character has 15k Power, it should tick 500dmg/s 6 times.
    But it hits only for 155-400dmg
    (Why it has so huge difference I dont know, even with self buff my Power is in 15-21k range)

    Does anyone know what are proc rates for new/changed boons like Even Tranquillity, Enraged Regrowth or Augmented Thayan Bastion?
    It seems that Tranquillity procs almost twice as often as Regrowth, but I couldn't check Bastion.

    One more thing... is it WAI that regural mobs in well of dragons or icewindale hit for as much as 90k (Green Dragon), 50k (many elites)?
    My GWF did not lvled up yet, but with all new buffs he has ~50k HP, 30%DR, 10%Defl, it's really hard to survive.
    And these are only mobs from adventure zones...
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    packrat0packrat0 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    Does this change also apply to the GF?
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ayroux wrote: »

    Also I would VERY much like to STILL see Unstoppable DR put on its OWN LAYER OF DR JUST LIKE GF BLOCK - ALLOWING GWFS A MECHANIC TO ASSIST AGAINST PIERCING DAMAGE (like Shocking Execute)

    Feedback on Recent changes in Crushs' post and in the above quoted post.

    Seriously if we had this above change for DR in unstoppable and the longer duration on stacks / less reliance on stacks I think as a majority a lot of the main feedback in this thread would be satisfied. We'd still have some "useless / less optimal features such as Ferocious reaction (heal is far too low) and blitz (chance is far too low for GWF to find it useful) and some feats not worth taking but in general these 2 (3 counting the below) changes would bring us in line in Destroyer and sentinel and allow the two roles to do their job and be more relevant in parties. these changes also dont affect our DPS in PVE so they will not affect the determined balance of us currently for PvE

    I'm still concerned that my now 15k gearscore rogue does more damage than my GWF with 21k gs, and also at 70 with 2841++ itemscore (WHAT? A level 60 outdpsing a level 70 vs training dummies ?!?!?). but if we were undeniably tankier than a rogue and had the ability to catch them if we are skilled that'd be a bit better of a trade-off (I still think the rogue should not be able to outdps him with that level of gear difference, perhaps within 2-3k gearscore as a rogue is a DPS class while GWF can hybrid, but not with a 6k gap in gearscore (actual stat difference is even higher as GWF has pets and Ioun stone!!)

    All that'd need a tweak then is intimidation so tanks deal enough damage to be relevant and hold aggro ( % increase is one fix, other would be adding base damage to the 2 skills and intim working like the other paths damage boosting tiers) and I think the class would be "Balanced"

    Personally though I'd like the damage of grand fissure to be a lot higher, so we can choose to slot it over IBS if we are IV and have mark via T-rush, which would also give us better control in PVP as we can use FLS and GF to try to hit a stealthed rogue instead of just standing by dying to the dagger damage

    (Balanced being a fair balance, meaning that in terms of balance the class has its strengths and weaknesses, not as in balance as being able to 1v1 any other class or outmatch any class at their roles primary job.)

    This recent log of changes from crush definitely are in the right direction, and they really do sound like something that will assist us getting towards being a valuable member of a party again in PvE and PvP, as well as survive better in solo content.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zacazu wrote: »

    guess what? my god... 3 modules saying 2+2=4... the devs say 2+2=1, people be angry, now he say 2+2=2, and people be happy... 2+2=4; 4!!!!

    note: after receive 200k, wow, now sentinel will receive more determination to unstoppable... ops, but will be dead even if have 180k of hp...

    I think what zacazu is explaining, is something I agree with:

    Ever since module 4, GWFs have been at the bottom of the totem pole in PVP. This is "2+2=1" Now we got a buff, which is incredibly good news for most GWFs. This makes little difference in PVE but helps PVP IMMENSELY thus "2+2=2" - meaning we are getting closer.

    I think these issues will definitely HELP the class alot, dont get me wrong and I am actually finding myself excited to play again. However I DO still feel there are a few issues that have to be addressed.

    1) Stacking - We need the duration of Destroyer and weapon master increased - or even add the ability to gain a stack of destroyer off receiving damage as well, SOMETHING to make this more reliable. This will NOT affect PVE.

    2) DR - The DR gained from Unstoppable should be on its OWN LAYER of DR - much like GF shield is. Also As I mentioned above, I think temp HP AND DR need to be a FLAT bonus - Like Movement speed and Attack speed. So it does not scale based on more determination, the only thing more determination gets you is LONGER unstoppable. Isnt having 30% DR for 8 seconds twice as good already as having 15% for 8 seconds? Why make it 4x better given that its TWICE the DR and lasts TWICE as long?

    3) Intimidation - this REALLY needs to benefit off of damage bonuses. Also, I needs to be increased up to ~ 200% OR turned into a "fire of the gods" type of ability dealing 100% weapon damage each second for X seconds - removing the NEED to use BOTH CAGI and Daring Shout - which allows a Sent to capitalize on other abilities such as Front Line Surge rather than feeling forced into BOTH CAGI +DS.

    While there are other issues such as the POOR damage of Fissure, and some of the others such as the HUGE damage that was posted earlier that we just cant take due to low DR, I would atleast say these three issues would atleast give us some better tools for PVP WITHOUT AFFECTING PVE. I think thats the Key.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sir ... a lot of gwf players will not be able to reach the lvl 70 to do pvp.

    2+2=2 because he do a lot of playerbase changes. but everthing is outdated now and dont take more than 2 weeks to that.

    the pve side is the priority here by this simple reason: now enemies hit by 50/100 / 200k ... rogues, one daily of 70k? encounter of 40k?

    even if you look the damage "gc seens happy to that": well, daggers is a lvl 65-70? until there, you need mark. but if choose destroyers (poor instigator) you dont have access to powerfull challange for example.

    yes, less damage now.

    he just take MY speech (or a generic version) + pvp craps to say " gwf will be suspended until May :eek:.

    2+2= he was not able to launch the paladin and control cws / sws / rogues without stipulating a bizarre damage doses even after the nerf in lifesteal.

    panderus dont say "iam happy to pvp gwf"? be happy is good way to say: "i dont care" or, the new, "i dont have time or idea to solve this problem now". that if he really have some idea about that.
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Truth be told I really want to see hidden daggers animation / sound changed. It just makes me go all OCD about my GWF.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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    xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance...
    ..Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Feedback:Gwf defensibility overall
    Well this are Great changes, but I am still worried about our defense/endurance.
    Pls check the impact of piercing dmg to GWF, its ridiculous high.
    it ignore defense / resistance / tenacity our completely endurance defense abilitys.
    no matter if i use Unstoppable or not. it goes through.
    GWF's personal "DR" Really need a bit of improve.
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
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    nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    xgrandz02 wrote: »
    Feedback:GWF's personal "DR" Really need a bit of improve.

    True. But that's not just for pvp. Mod5's gwf already dies routinely against ESOT trash mobs. Mod6, with the stats reduced by two thirds, with regen and lifesteal gone, with unstoppable merely being a visual effect, DR is nowhere to be seen.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
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    nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.

    Well that's yet another case of antagonist mechanisms.
    What is the idea of unstoppable? The usual unstoppable from MMOs, not the NWO unstoppable. The idea is, sorry to have to explain that, the gwf takes damage, and at some point it procs a transmute into a more powerful entity. Bruce Banner becomes Hulk. What is Hulk doing then? Running away with his 20% increased speed? Leaving the fight to run back home and have a five-o-clock tea? No. Hulk is strong, Hulk is invincible.
    That's what unstoppable has to bring. More DR. More damage. Certainly not more movement speed. Once again, sorry to have to explain that.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
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    emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    nazghul22 wrote: »
    Well that's yet another case of antagonist mechanisms.
    What is the idea of unstoppable? The usual unstoppable from MMOs, not the NWO unstoppable. The idea is, sorry to have to explain that, the gwf takes damage, and at some point it procs a transmute into a more powerful entity. Bruce Banner becomes Hulk. What is Hulk doing then? Running away with his 20% increased speed? Leaving the fight to run back home and have a five-o-clock tea? No. Hulk is strong, Hulk is invincible.
    That's what unstoppable has to bring. More DR. More damage. Certainly not more movement speed. Once again, sorry to have to explain that.

    Come on man, thats a bit uncalled for. It seems you are the one in need of explanation. First I'll explain the speed boost. When you pop Unstop the more sensible players try to keep away and kite you. With the speed boost it'll be much easier to catch them and lay the smackdown.

    Second, lets look at the GWF class as a whole. He needs work right? Right, but realistically we cant expect to get it all fixed at once. Nah, its a '2 steps forward one step back thing'. Whats more, this is a free game, so its better to choose to just take when you're given..or move on. There is no point in anything else
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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    nickolasssssssnickolasssssss Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    В игре очень разделено PVP и PVE, мне как PVP игроку фарм какого либо рода неприятен и утомителен, есть предложение сделать шоп, где можно будет за славу либо другую PVP валюту купить всё необходимое для игры, помимо доспехов оружия бижутерии и артефактов, добавить ещё и камни (Волшебные, Камни усиления доспехов и оружия), очки совершенствования, разного рода усилители, даже скакунов в конце концов! (Или же обмен PVP валюты на АБ)
    Таким образом проект вернёт много игроков, которым надоело фармить 24\7, которым просто хочется насладится игрой!
    А если вам покажется что игроки таким образом станут меньше прибегать к донату, вы просто введите данную PVP валюту на рынок ZEN

    The game is very divided PVP and PVE, PVP me as a player of any kind of farm unpleasant and tiring, there is a proposal to make a shop where you will be for the glory of any other PVP currency to buy everything you need for the game, in addition to armor, weapons and jewelry artifacts, and add more stones (Magic, Stones gain armor and weapons), glasses improvement, various amplifiers, even horses in the end! (Or currency exchange PVP AB)
    Thus the project will return a lot of players who are tired of farming 24 \ 7, who just wants to enjoy the game!
    And if you feel that the players thus become less resort to Donato, you just enter this PVP currency market ZEN
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    koalazebraiikoalazebraii Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.

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    koalazebraiikoalazebraii Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    also why is it 2 weeks AFTER mod6 launch? what was the purpose of the delay then? what is happening to all the updates from now up to april 7, are they all getting to live weeks AFTER launch too? or this special delay is only for GWFs? :(
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    you guys do not have to be happy with anything. WE HAVE to be, your playerbase.

    Just thought this needed to be quoted.

    Devs, we don't care if you're happy with where the class is at. We should be the the judges of that, your players. There are a ton of other MMOs that we could rather spend our time on if we're not happy here.

    The customer is always right. Please, remember that.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Reading all these posts, it makes me feel like we are all just a bunch of whiners... But everything being said is true.


    I am grateful that you decided to take a look at our QoL fixes. MY first post, responding to these changes, I was extremely excited. We have not had any major changes since module 4 when everything was over-nerfed and even the Temp HP "buff" we got, wasnt necessarily a great one. However THESE changes you just posted WILL be a big impact. However I echo the statements made the last few pages in that its not quite enough.

    Most of the comment are surrounding PVE, I havnt tested alot of the lvl 70 areas so I dont speak to that. Maybe damage IS too high, maybe our DR isnt high enough. This is why I think Unstoppable DOES need a buff up to ATLEAST 30% as the base. Flat DR boost nothing like 15%-30% like it is now. Also this needs to be on its OWN DR level Like GF block.

    I see STILL a MAJOR issue with our "stacking mechanisms" Both Weapon Master and DEstroyer FEATS have VERY low uptime and require many stacks to be viable. In PVE this is not as apparent but in PVP its CRITICAL. Its nearly impossible to get 2+ Destroyer stacks up.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    the stuns are no longer deflectable, what about the damage from those encounters?
    can they be deflected ?
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    kr0nixx#5213 kr0nixx Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As a non pvp gwf player, I really hope this helps in pve as well. I think dps is low in pve just because of lack of survivability at level 70, Its hard to swallow going from the top of the list in paingiver a vast majority of the time in live to the very low low bottom in preview.

    Pve intimidation was fine in live,very viable with good dps and cc. Now we are hosed it seems, really discouraging. Again pvp completely ruined a solid class.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    the stuns are no longer deflectable, what about the damage from those encounters?
    can they be deflected ?

    Of course. The only thing that will change is that you won't run off a 0.1s later after taking a stun in your face.
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    koalazebraiikoalazebraii Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    if you get chain-stunned by a GWF, you deserve it because GWF encounters are the easiest to dodge.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    if you get chain-stunned by a GWF, you deserve it because GWF encounters are the easiest to dodge.

    Yeah this is going to cause alot of QQ especially from the CW community "OMG GWFs have more Control than a CONTROL WIZARD" - Well my only response. We have MELEE range control, we DONT get RANGED control, we also DONT get massive AoE control only melee stuns, one is single target one is AoE that hits 5 max.

    So I hope that these QQ tears are not taken seriously since Koala put it nicely, they are easy to dodge with "shift" so if you get caught, you deserve it.
This discussion has been closed.