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Official Feedback Thread: Great Weapon Fighter Cap Raise



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    kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i must say we ran epic grey wolf on ptr with a gwf as a supposed "tank"

    we couldnt get passed main reason being couldnt tank even the starting mobs (lol)
    my melee HR out performed him in tanking and damage and i was using normal gear rank 7s 8s and epics no legendarys
    GWF was all mythic rank 12s with Tvorp with about 88k hp

    rest in piece Great weapon kiter.. ehhm i mean fighter xD
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    by the way, the act posted here is compared to a OPRESSOR. a destroyer beat a a opressor seens "fine"

    now come the question: why grand fissure are nerfed? because you guys lost the chance to, through Disintegration, turn cw broken in single target too?

    defense need be buffed to, at least, to gwf can survive for yourself (protect, like cw, is impossible now) and OVER BUFFED in damage to, at least, beat a non dps classes in all your trees through all your trees.

    less than that represent a simple frustration to my "Player experience". of course, fix cw seens good too, since the beginning of the game, but now enemies hit by 200k. so,,, no make difference.
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    schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    After messing with my high skilled greaded friends <sw(temp) CW(renegade)> .
    I came to following conclusion .
    GWF sentinel are really lack of utility the intimidiation got too heavy nerf i think some dmg boost can help a lot mybe another 100% weapon dmg dealing 10-15 k dmg in lvl 70 isnt feel rigth .
    Just asking. Tanks must not hit hard ? Cuz i can undestand this but GF and paladin have somthing else paladin can heal and GF have some buffs .
    So GWF sentinel shoud be hard to kill /and must generate huge threath cuz he offer nothing else to the pt.

    Sentinel need at least a few more charges to threatening rush mybe 4-5 and and pls increase the target cap of cagi and daring shout to at least 7.
    Also somthing is wrong with cagi the "Pull your enemies towards you" is missing, bug or the mobs have too much controll resist ?

    Countless scars (BUG?)
    I think this isnt working at all i dont see increased DR in log .Mobs players hit still the same dmg even if we have full stack .

    Countless scars takes to much time to stack can we have some less stack with higher DR ? Somtimes i am dead before i got the full stack.

    I made some suggestion to change unstoppable DR and sprint dr like CW/GF have they shild dr.
    This will help a lot currently now in pve and pvp sentinel with the nerfed intimidiation is almost wortless.

    End game GWF die in all corner this isnt rigth . (change unstoppable DR and sprint dr like CW/GF have they shild dr) heavy needed here 30 % dr boost will not make destroyer immortal .
    I think the dmg is almost ok . But !

    Nerf or Bug ? Grand fissure deal to low dmg. Why shoud i slot a lvl 65 skill if it do at-will dmg.

    Bug :Unfettered Strikes dont grant me any running speed .

    In pvp GWF sentinel/instigator/destroyer they are dead to any class, they can kill it easy. Mybe we have chance aganst SW(SW is total underperforming too cuz he lack of good defensive mech too).
    We really need the those DR changes to unstoppable& sprint.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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    nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sprint is an inappropriate mechanism in the first place. Replace it by a block with the sword.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    nazghul22 wrote: »
    Sprint is an inappropriate mechanism in the first place. Replace it by a block with the sword.

    Then how are you gonna reach anyone or anything? Especially SM paragon.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Over the weekend I took the liberty to level up a CW to add to my 6+ lvl 60s. I have 2 GWFs, 2 GFs, 1 DC, 1TR, a nearly 60 HR, and now a CW. I took my CW to the PTR for some testing and after leveling up AND PTR testing (given it wasnt lvl 70) I realized alot about the GWF class and what its lacking and why.

    Just for some comparison:

    CWs have "Storm Spell": Shocks targets 30% of the time you land a crit. They couple this with "Eye of the Storm" which grants 100% crit chance for 6 seconds.

    Both those have a CRAZY synergisitc effect. Not only can they already get high crit but they have this that guarantees amazing crits.

    The Swordmaster GWF needs tools such as the above to be viable.

    Steel Blitz - should work alot like Storm Spell. (Im not sure how storm spell damage is calculated) but Steel Blitz should be some type of proc that deals massive damage -just like Storm Spell. (I also think there is something bugged with Storm Spell in that I think because it procs ONLY off crits, it guarantees SS a crit? I ran some ACT testing and got crazy numbers on dummies such as out of 140 SS procs literally 140 of them were crits) I think it COULD work LIKE:

    Each attack has a 25% chance to hit on ANY attack (remember CWs have ranged GWFs are melee only) for 200% weapon damage. Steel Blitz also Marks targets for combat.

    Flourish - This ability needs to MARK targets. (You could even add this to "Stunning Flourish if you want to make it cost points)

    It would be nice to also revisit feats LIKE:

    Focused Destroyer - I would like to see a rework here along the lines of: "Destroyer increases your damage by 3.5% more per stack. Destroyer now gains a stack anytime you strike a target or are struck by a target." (This removes the horrible stacking) - you can even keep the 4 second CD as it stands now since NOW we can maintain stacks 100% chance to gain with ANY attack and we ALSO gain stacks by being HIT.

    Master at Arms - This should give you 2% deflect per stack, 2% deflect severity per stack, along with the other benefits.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    Our Determination gain should be MULTIPLED by the % HP lost.

    Thus if we are at 50% HP, we gain a multiplier of 1.5 (or a 50% increase off 100% meaning 150%) determination gain. If we are at 20% HP we would gain a 1.8 multiplier (180%).

    What this allows is at higher HP amounts we must take more damage (or deal more damage) to gain unstoppable but as we have less and less HP we gain determination faster.

    Also Unstoppable DR needs to be on its OWN LAYER of DR - much like GF block or CW Shield. A sentinel IN unstoppable has up to 80% DR boost - this should be EXACTLY like a GF who is holding block.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zvieris wrote: »
    Then how are you gonna reach anyone or anything? Especially SM paragon.

    gwf will block or dodge using shift and sprint using spacebar (no more jump). the sprint animation are destroyed to looks like darksouls; why not do the complete work?

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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    gwf will block or dodge using shift and sprint using spacebar (no more jump). the sprint animation are destroyed to looks like darksouls; why not do the complete work?

    Nonsense. How will gwf jump then? Using an Alt + F4, I assume?
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    dont jump. or use mleap. or you need press the bar to sprint. a single touch, jump. is the "basic" of alot of games.

    or double click... like in dark souls
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    dont jump. or use mleap. or you need press the bar to sprint. a single touch, jump. is the "basic" of alot of games.

    You know, there are places you can't get to without jump. And using an encounter with 12s cooldown, really? Stupidest idea ever.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i include, in the previous post, a double click in spacebar (like in dark souls). stupid no, sir. is game "culture"

    tested solutions in real games instead to try change everthing based in nothing.

    in fact, a "double click" in shift work too. dont need be stationary in unstoppable, mark, etc.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    What Flourish needs is to be inmune to CC on casting + more damage. Class having damage bonus from "marks" shall be removed and rise class' base encounters and dailies damage a +20%.

    Yes I agree the damage bonus from mark should no be, however this then spills over into the GF class which causes more problems than it potentially fixes.

    What I post in this thread is not necessarily the "ideal" situation but easy to implement changes that would help alot this next module. Ideal situations are something we will never get.
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    gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
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    schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Feedback :
    Well one shot is one shot i dont think both pve and pvp this will help .

    Lvl 70 Gear more tenacity = more CC resist negate those changes .
    I hope from our feedback at least devs see the bugs and fix those ugly things.

    I think i am done with testing as you say GWF is fine .
    So there is nothing we say in future "feedback" will change anything at all .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Would you add that same stun effect to Flourish? it doesnt seem fair that frontline gets it when its already an aoe, but flourish which is more difficult to land and single target gets a subpar stun duration with it being the a paragon power aswell as frontline.
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    venjendorzvenjendorz Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Even though I don't play GWF, these are awesome changes. Anything to make the PvP field fun for all is a buff to everyone! No one should be looking and say "Oh it's X class, don't have to worry about them...." or the opposite "OH it's Y class, ignore everyone else because Y class is OP (overpowered... not pally :P ) and must be killed first"

    Good job :)
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Feedback :
    Well one shot is one shot i dont think both pve and pvp this will help .

    Lvl 70 Gear more tenacity = more CC resist negate those changes .
    I hope from our feedback at least devs see the bugs and fix those ugly things.

    I think i am done with testing as you say GWF is fine .
    So there is nothing we say in future "feedback" will change anything at all .

    yes: the risks for melee is: a instigator need take 5 attacks of 200k to active your capstone... that is "fine". HOW CAN BE "SOLID" A TREE THAT NEED TAKE ONE MILION OF DAMAGE TO ACTIVE YOUR CAPSTONE?

    destroyer need again and again, and again use ibs (grand fissure are nerfed to nothing) are fine?

    a act show that a destroyer can not even over dps a OPRESSOR - "defensive" tree to a non main dps class - for 2x times is fine?

    is a solid dps for m5 maybe. in fact there are a better version of the suggestions give to the previous module. but m6? really?

    Who is our tester? this guy?


    ps: For the record, you were happy when, allegedly, had managed to separate dps and tank. guess what?

    you guys do not have to be happy with anything. WE HAVE to be, your playerbase.
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    ofnieslafofnieslaf Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).

    can someone pls explain what this means?

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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Determination: Determination gain now scales with damage before damage resistance (instead of damage after damage resistance).
    Unstoppable: Now increases movement speed by 20% while active.
    Takedown: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.
    Front Line Surge: Base stun duration now increased to 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds). This stun can no longer be improperly deflected.

    We believe these buffs should help improve PVP performance significantly without upsetting the PVE balance greatly.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback.
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    Hi Crush,

    So the defensive side of GWF is more or less taken care of, ok. But let me ask you, how do you imagine a GWF tank in mod 6? He does what? Gathers a group of mobs around him and then what? Kills them? Nah, he lacks the damage after the intimidation overnerf. Does he buff his group to kill them faster instead? Nah, he doesn't have any group buffs. So what does he do exactly as a tank? And I'm still waiting for an answer about why does intimidation no longer work with Resistance Ignored stat.

    I'm asking these things because in comparison to the other 2 tanks (GF and Paladin) sentinel GWF is greatly underperforming as a supposed tank. He provides low damage and little to no group buffs/debuffs. Whereas both GF and Paladin got their damage significantly increased and their group buffs/debuffs are incredible.

    Concerned citizen of Neverwinter
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    lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ofnieslaf wrote: »
    can someone pls explain what this means?


    I'll let the devs give the official answer, but this will mean a ton more determination in pvp.
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ofnieslaf wrote: »
    can someone pls explain what this means?

    If a Bad Guy hits you for 10,000 Damage, and you have 40% Damage Resistance, you take 6,000 Damage. However the amount of Determination you gain (on your bar) will calculate as if you took 10,000 Damage and not the 6,000 Damage you actually took.

    It is a superb change IMO. Well done Devs! :cool:
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    If a Bad Guy hits you for 10,000 Damage, and you have 40% Damage Resistance, you take 6,000 Damage. However the amount of Determination you gain (on your bar) will calculate as if you took 10,000 Damage and not the 6,000 Damage you actually took.

    It is a superb change IMO. Well done Devs! :cool:

    I wish it worked with deflect too...
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hey all, wanted to drop in and let you all know we are monitoring the PVP performance.

    To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about).

    However in PVP we want to make a few targeted buffs that should not strongly impact PVE performance. These buffs will not make it for launch, but should go live roughly 2 weeks after launch.

    Now come on; this is my pre perfomance temporary hp buff and nerf grand fissure.
    I am here for a lvl 60 "promoted" to 70; ie, I have only 30k hp. Enemies here strike me 20k and this is enough for me to not be able to keep up the fight. Assuming that I can, after buffs, double my hp (30k + 30k hp temporary hp) I will be taking three blows before die.

    At lvl 70 now, my damage is too lower than it was due to nerf the grand fissure. My hp, EVEN IF reaching 150k or more is not proportional to the damage of enemies (I will improve my hp 5x, but the damage from enemies increased by 10x) and I still LOST my damage tool.

    what in this make you happy?

    Second point: the argument about the "melee danger" is about gwf / rogues / combat should have more damage than cws / sws / archer DURING M5. Now the gwf is more exposed because it is not able to withstand attacks, A LOT OF THAT ATTACKS ARE ONE HIT K.O and that is the single dps class that DONT HAVE DODGE.

    LEARN THIS LESSON. when you are happy about gwf, so gwf is too weak.

    look ONLY the act perfomances is for dumbs; look the reality. this module will fail again because of that.
This discussion has been closed.