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Control Wizard Feedback - Discussions



  • v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014
    Can everybody stop replying to @ayroux or other classes players in general?

    We get it, you have a gf or a gwf and everything you talk about is nerf cw/ nerf hr , it's not funny anymore can we move on now????

    This is getting ridiculous, one thing is to point out something you think is overperforming in the appropriate class thread, another thing is literally crying all day every day in those two threads multiple times.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hefisdo wrote: »
    This seems very hypocritical since GWFs and GFs are currently better CCers than CWs on PvP due to prones and Roar, but well... what can we do about it, amirite?

    Apparently GWFs, GFs, and HRs having more CC then CWs is as it should be. Only CW cannot be tankier, nonono.

    @ Topic

    Here goes another bug in Shard's buggy history: while you casting it, it's... invisible. Noticed it in VT. I'm pushing invisible ball, it does its thing most of the time, but it feels awkward. It becomes visible a bit later, but still...
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    I dont think you understand how the shield works... Its NOT a buff to your base DR its its own layer of DR.

    Slotting shield in Tab (even when broken at 25%) actually makes you JUST as tanky as a GF or GWF(sent)... I dont see how you think a CW should be tankier than those classes?

    Lets look at CWs "dreaded IBS". In 1v1 vs CW the most ive crit for is about 17k - done more but it wasnt 1v1.

    So 17k comes in. My GWF has more ARP than your DR so DR+Tenacity do nothing. So your shield will block 25% of this damage down to about 12,750k On my hardest hitting - requres set up AND max stacks (from 2 feats) for about 1/3rd of your HP.

    That same 17k Hitting a GF? Well my 33% ARP takes his 50% DR down to 17% (then 17 *1.2 = 20.4% with tenacity) So that 17k drops to 13,532.

    So your shield made you TANKIER than a 50% DR GF... Id say its worth slotting. Not only that you have Stable and R1 Unstable which offer more AND control resist....

    TLDR: Shield is perfect where it is at 25% broken.
    CW should not be tanky? Okay, personally I would be fine with that. But then melee should not have better cc than CW, melee should not have cc immunity, melee attacks should not be ranged, melee attacks should not be supernatural, melee who are heavily armored should not run so fast, ......
  • myvain7myvain7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 77
    edited July 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    Lets look at CWs "dreaded IBS". In 1v1 vs CW the most ive crit for is about 17k - done more but it wasnt 1v1.

    So 17k comes in. My GWF has more ARP than your DR so DR+Tenacity do nothing. So your shield will block 25% of this damage down to about 12,750k On my hardest hitting - requres set up AND max stacks (from 2 feats) for about 1/3rd of your HP.

    That same 17k Hitting a GF? Well my 33% ARP takes his 50% DR down to 17% (then 17 *1.2 = 20.4% with tenacity) So that 17k drops to 13,532.

    So your shield made you TANKIER than a 50% DR GF...

    Mmmm... except that a CW and a GF have not the same amount of HP. Not many CW have about 36000 HP. A 13k on CW will hurt it more than the same hit on a GF. It's not 1/3, it's 1/2 of the max HP of a "normal" CW with a special encounter provided for the defense (a shield !).
    A hit of 1/2 of the HP is normal here... with asaillant this is a scandal... well
    Chaotic neutral - so i can do whatever the hell i want
  • matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    myvain7 wrote: »
    Mmmm... except that a CW and a GF have not the same amount of HP.

    Exactly. And thats why shield is a unique balancing factor for PVP CWs and T3 PVE CWs, plus u have the option to go glass cannon and take your chances. Fact is that with shield CW comes closer to the average toughness of almost all classes.

    I also wanna believe that ayroux wants to offer his expertise for the purpose of good pvp balance, i dont think he rages cause of the endless ice knifes delivered unto his head :)

    M4 is truly a unique opportunity to make a strong start with balanced pvp after 1 whole year of the unbalanced slaughterhouse we lived.
  • miaskydustmiaskydust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    One thing, Control Wizard = Control
    You will ruin CW's with these extreme changes
  • dingleberrytruthdingleberrytruth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    abaddon523 wrote: »
    Feedback: Shield

    From a PvE perspective Shield seems to be appropriate. I was doing HE's last night and kept getting killed by burst damage (lousy Deathlock Wrights). I eventually slotted shield on tab and gave it another go and while it was still tough and went slower it did a great, great job at diminishing the burst damage I was taking. Enough so to keep me alive. There were still touch and go moments, as without a 4th spell my control suffered so I was getting hit more. But it made enough of a difference that I was able to complete one where I could not without it. It was by no means overpowered as the drawbacks of not having a 4th spell were very evident and make me hesitate to use shield all the time. But, situationally, it is very useful and has its place.

    You're a good theorycrafter.

    But let's stop there for a moment.

    CoI/Icy Terrain, why would you still need shield to even solo entire HEs including deathlock wights with your eyes closed.

    lvl 65 HEs maybe.
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    miaskydust wrote: »
    One thing, Control Wizard = Control
    You will ruin CW's with these extreme changes

    You have no idea. Step one has already been done: Renegade tree ruined completely.
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You're a good theorycrafter.

    But let's stop there for a moment.

    CoI/Icy Terrain, why would you still need shield to even solo entire HEs including deathlock wights with your eyes closed.

    lvl 65 HEs maybe.

    I needed shield because Icewind Dale enemies have very high control resist. They break out of freeze very quickly and can do truckloads of damage before I'm able to freeze them again. From parses the Deathlock Wrights can hit for 10 - 13k with 25% damage resistance. A pack of three of them is lethal if they all break freeze at the same time.
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hello Devs.

    Can we have some word from you about what is being considered to make Renegade viable again in PvP and PvE?

    Renegade at the very beginning when many of today's few renegades decided to choose that tree was suppose to be the other DPS CW (only based on burst damage: Crit-Cha-Combat Adv). Just to refresh your memory:

    - we wanted EotS ICD minimized, to help Renegade's DPS.
    - or give Renegades kind of specialization that will allow them to cast encounters, at wills and dailies significantly faster then other trees (by reducing ICD, CD and casting time).
    - we wanted (and that applies to all trees) our single target spells de-nerfed (for PvP purposes).
    - there was also idea to make Renegade's buffs party-wise. And only this one (which helps Renegades themselves the least) has met Dev's feedback. No CW who is used to deliver DPS of a different kind will buy that! They will simply switch to the one and only DPS tree.

    Devs, if you stay true to the first idea, to have 2 CW trees DPS focused, world will not end. The math stays the same. You will have DPS CWs divided between thaumas and renegades. If you keep pushing Renegade down, you'll have most renegades going thauma and another class with 1 tree (which once was satisfactory) totally wasted.
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • adamy2004adamy2004 Member Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hefisdo wrote: »
    Make the current tabbed version of this power be the normal version, and in the tab the area effect is doubled.

    I don't feel like putting this on tab slot because the location issue seems to be "easily" solved by just walking to the target location. It just don't feel worth like a tab mechanic... for me, at least; looks more like a QoL change. I can do much more with other tabbed powers than Icy Terrain currently.

    Steal Time and Sudden Storm already have this mechanic that you have to walk to the target and then use the power, and it already feels very unfun for a ranged class.

    no, that would essentially make it a more OP version of thornward. its strong enough as it is being able to proc assailing force, freeze targets in it and it procs GPF on them aswelll. icy terrain is strong enough.

    right now, the only thing that needs to happen for CW is a shard of endless avalanche buff
    Don't waste my time.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We still want Wizards to feel like a viable DPS class while they are specced into Thaumatuge......
    Btw, your sentence is quite thought-provoking.

    Speaking of DPS, War Wizard is more skilled than Control Wizard. Personally, I always think someday War Wizard will be introduced in this game and I can then enjoy playing a true damage dealer.

    However, in your sentence, "Wizards" was used instead of "Control Wizard". Not sure if I misunderstand you, but it looks like you didn't seem to have War Wizard in your mind and didn't have the intention to introduce it.

    If making Control Wizard's DPS viable is how this game introduces War Wizard and we will never ever see stand-alone War Wizard class being introduced, that would be very sad.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    adamy2004 wrote: »
    no, that would essentially make it a more OP version of thornward. its strong enough as it is being able to proc assailing force, freeze targets in it and it procs GPF on them aswelll. icy terrain is strong enough.

    right now, the only thing that needs to happen for CW is a shard of endless avalanche buff
    Thorn Ward can proc GPF and feat-related effects, too. Is it overpowered?

    Icy Terrain's damage is low. It doesn't do as much damage as Thorn Ward does.

    And both powers are supposed to have the same area effect and casting mechanism. (See reason).

    Icy Terrain has been an underrated power for a long time. That needs to be changed.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    lcwwpyjhjs wrote: »
    Feedback : Weapon Artifact


    Not relevant, but how could this At-Will bonus benefit Ray of Frost?
    Continuous of casting Ray of frost in live server only required 3.7-3.8sec total till fully freeze (On a Thaumaturge Feat without Glacial Movement feat)
    The additional stack of chill after 1sec might be useful, but it will even further reduce the total time until freeze status with only 3.1sec required.
    2nd bonus after 4sec of continuous casting Ray of Frost brings no beneficial at all.
    Yeah, the Chill-adding bonus might need to be changed otherwise the casting won't even last long enough to 4 seconds.

    And Deflection is probably the least useful state to CW. Recovery or Armor Penetration would be more useful.
  • hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yeah the second half of this power is useless. I hope they find a way to make it useful before release. Adding the second chill after 2 seconds would be better.
  • ganjahero91ganjahero91 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Idk what you guys' deal is but cw has been so bugged lately. First the op shield that does 50% dr on top whatever else you have for dr. Then assailant(I'll deal with it). Now smolder + bile procs after soulforged? Let's not even get into overload enchants that does 10k damage that cant be mitigated or the other overload enchant that does 50% dr plus the shield that does another 50% dr. Seriously, mod 4 is in a few weeks is this basically what mod 4 is gonna be like? If so just tell me now so I can make arrangements.
    Dark Chocolate HR
  • nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2014
    Thorn Ward can proc GPF and feat-related effects, too. Is it overpowered?

    Icy Terrain's damage is low. It doesn't do as much damage as Thorn Ward does.

    And both powers are supposed to have the same area effect and casting mechanism. (See reason).

    Icy Terrain has been an underrated power for a long time. That needs to be changed.

    DONT SAY THAT... when u say change...they NERF... they'll make it do ZERO damage next ! o.o

    Anyway is there ANYWAY to make the targeting reticule or whatever more responsive? If im supposed to CC it would really be nice to be able to do that. To be able to switch targets immiedietly and CC one guy, then immiedietly go back to CCing and dpsing others. Currently I can't figure out how to do this, and it really anoying to have the guy I want to entangle Right behind me, and I turn 180 cast entangle and it entangles the mobs that are now currently behind me o.o that I was dpsing. Same thing occures with healing. This system needs to be dirastically improved if there isn't a way to fix it. EVEN focuses would be better, IE focus target ctrl+1 ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 would be a start

    Healers in my guild would be dirastically improved by this to. So if anyone knows how, please post
  • v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014
    Idk what you guys' deal is but cw has been so bugged lately. First the op shield that does 50% dr on top whatever else you have for dr. Then assailant(I'll deal with it). Now smolder + bile procs after soulforged? Let's not even get into overload enchants that does 10k damage that cant be mitigated or the other overload enchant that does 50% dr plus the shield that does another 50% dr. Seriously, mod 4 is in a few weeks is this basically what mod 4 is gonna be like? If so just tell me now so I can make arrangements.

    Shield got nerfed and the rework goes live next preview patch (dr will be 25%).
    Assailant got nerfed too and hits players for half the damage now.

    Don't worry, they're reeeeeeally fast when it comes to nerfs.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
  • ganjahero91ganjahero91 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    v1rus89 wrote: »
    Shield got nerfed and the rework goes live next preview patch (dr will be 25%).
    Assailant got nerfed too and hits players for half the damage now.

    Don't worry, they're trigger happy when it comes to nerfs.

    Yes I know that but what about the other stuff?
    Dark Chocolate HR
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Yes I know that but what about the other stuff?

    You mean the shard that deals overall 1,5k damage only when placed correctly in the back of the head of someone that has the biggest cooldown of all our powers?

    Yea I think it's very OP and needs some nerfs.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • dingleberrytruthdingleberrytruth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Watching the focus on tweaks and the changes which are happening to our CWs is as frustrating as watching Akro playing his GWF in his first few streams....

    At least he presses tab now.
  • fgmfanhafgmfanha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Went on the Preview Shard today and a question popped my mind while trying out Assailing Force... Sometimes it Ticks Red and Sometimes it ticks Blue, is there any diference?
  • v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014
    fgmfanha wrote: »
    Went on the Preview Shard today and a question popped my mind while trying out Assailing Force... Sometimes it Ticks Red and Sometimes it ticks Blue, is there any diference?
    Should be blue when it procs and red when actually hits the opponent with the next strike.
    hefisdo wrote: »
    You mean the shard that deals overall 1,5k damage only when placed correctly in the back of the head of someone that has the biggest cooldown of all our powers?

    Yea I think it's very OP and needs some nerfs.

    Exactly, no other class that has a lvl 45/50 damage encounter that crits for 1k. DC INCLUDED.

    Some other class powers in the past were nerfed by a high amount, but when it was explained and proved by the class players that the nerf was too much you devs right or wrong cut the nerf by a decent amount after a couple weeks or less.
    Hunter Ranger: Split Shot: The damage reduction on this power has been readjusted. This power now has a total reduction of about 25% (down from 48%).

    And this wasn't even a 60% nerf.
    It's been over a month right now, multiple players already stated and proved since the creation of the thread that this encounter CRITS FOR 1k AND GETS DEFLECTED FOR 400 dmg, please do something about it.
    I get that in pve it needed to be toned down, but there's several way this encounter can at least reach the 4/5k dmg range while on mastery for PVP.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
  • silpharian93silpharian93 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
    How could they nerf an encounter like shard of endless avalanche this severely after a year in the game? Its the only thing control wizards have that takes skill to use.

    Like, i would understand this nerf if it wasnt effected by armor pen, because then it would be 20% better when they fixed it, but i heard its already effected by armor penetration. so Why do they think its necessary to nerf the overall damage output by like 75%? its absurd. similar to what v1rus said, i dont believe that there has been a nerf this severe for an encounter yet, and this game has been out a year!

    Please! perfect world team..... dont do this to shard. buff it some atleast! it is absolutely useless now
  • mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited July 2014
    Maybe up its Damage again, but remove (unless used by an Oppressor) the majority of Control it can provide? Maybe get rid of the current 'throw back and prone' and turn it into a Daze (works as Stun against NPCs, remember? and getting hit with a concussive wave would surely daze you).
    Right now, on Live, the only saving grace it has is its high damage - because otherwise, SotEA can be seen as some kind of 'Trolling' of the rest of the group by throwing Shard into the mobs, just as the rest of the team prepares their own AoEs - and then watch them nuke emptyness into oblivion because everything not control immune is bowled all over the room by Shard blowing up.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014

    Questions for dev

    1 Do you think in live server CW is a good or a bad PVP class ?
    2 What is the main play that you find from most CW in PVP ? so to speak what their roles in the PVP group ?
    3 Do you think the change done change anything from point 1 and 2 ?

    And 4 Give us one good reason to still play a CW that in actual situation is unable to play PVP and in the same time is becoming a real hard class to lvl up and play solo unless you completly outgear the map and in same time that became an easy replacable class for dongeon ?

    I hope this time answer from dev
  • iamannoyingdeviliamannoyingdevil Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    crazymikee wrote: »
    *snipped feedback*

    Most of this is due to gentlemancrush making changes to the CW based on feedback from GWF/GF who obviously have ulterior motives , he buffs something , GWF/GF see that they aren't as effective or efficient against CW anymore so they come here and whine he renerfs ,its idiotic.

    Now some GWF have started whining they want Takedown to be given back it's prone , who's willing to bet gentlemancrush caves in and pampers to them?
  • izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited July 2014
    These devs have no idea how to balance the classes properly, nerf after stupid nerf. Play the game and see what the problem is...don't depend on posts on the forums from whiners.
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Lol just noticed this , CW gain slight amount of control then poof this appears .

  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    crazymikee, what you purpose don't change anything for CW in PVP on previous server. What was giving us a little chance in live server (a really little) was armor pen feat and debuf spell (and that in thauma or renegade way). Without that buff dammage are already cut by 3 or even 4 on live server. Since they practicaly taking it all + reducing damage around 15 to 30 % on single target we are doing 30-40% of damage now.

    let take a fight in live server between a GF or GWF with 80% dr (yes sentinel can goes to more than 80% with inflexible). 1 if you have entrengling force it do 0 damage against control immun target). let make count on thauma way with a classic and consider the best for the CW (spell not block by all instant control encounter on GF or GWF). default ice knife, ray of enfeeblisment in tab, ice conduct, let say steal time and chill strike for damage. base damage on my character in same order 12K,6K, 4K,4K,6K. alos lvl 9 spell plague enchant

    with 15% armor pen and the fact that arcane spell reduce armor 10% more (t4 feat of thauma) you get in this order.
    (ice knife usable only once)
    1 ice conduct: 4k * (1-0.8+0.15)*(1-0.2(tenacity))= 1.12 K
    2 ray : 6K * (1-0.8+0.1+0.15+0.1)*(1-0.2 )*(1.15+1.15)= 2.8 k
    3 second ray: (most of time i see that both in live and test server second ray do 0 damage): 6K * (1-0.8+0.1+0.3+0.15)*(1.45)=5.22K
    4 ice knife: 12K *(1-0.8+0.3+0.15)*(1-0.2)*1.45=10.44K
    5 and 6 give an extra summ of 8.7. mean your doing at all 28k dammage mean to shot a GF and GWF with 80 DR you need if he let you strike 2 full roll of spell to shot him (40K life) 30 second.. here that the best without blocking or dodging or be controled or interrupt even once + ice knife charged (practicaly 50% damage here) mean without ice knife = 18k roll

    now let see in test server with same spell.
    ice knife do 11k base, ray: 4K, ice conduct:3K, steal time 6K, and chill strike:4k let also say that with the actual statment assaillant will proc once per 10 second (here is best since it's the minimal time that it can proc)
    same fight.
    1 ice conduct: 3k * (1-0.8+0.15)*(1-0.8):0.84K
    2 ray: 4K *(1-0.8+0.15+0.10)*(1-0.8)*1.15: 1.656
    3 second ray.4K *(1-0.8+0.15+0.30)*(1-0.8)*1.30: 2.7k
    4 ice knife 11K*(1-0.8+0.15+0.30)*(1-0.8)*1.30: 7.37 K
    5 the rest: 6.7K damage and add 1 assaillant for 4 k: =17.61 k + 4 k = 21k at all. and 14K without ice knife: mean 45 second to kill without any dodge or anything nore any life back.

    with new shield slotted in tab
    taking same other spell just replace chill strike with ray (couting assaillant proc same once per roll)
    1 ice conduct: 3k * (1-0.8+0.15)*(1-0.8):0.84K
    2 ray: 4K *(1-0.8+0.15+0.10)*(1-0.8)*1.15: 1.656
    3 ice knife 11K*(1-0.8+0.15+0.30)*(1-0.8)*1.15: 6.5 K
    4 steal time: 6k*(1-0.8+0.15+0.30)*(1-0.8)*1.15:3.5K

    total 12.5k with ice knife +4k from assaillant: 16.5k without ice knife: 10K dammage mean 1 min to kill a passive player

    know let see the other side. since def haven't change from live server and test server without shield it pretty the same.
    1 all GF and GWF have at least 1 feat that provide 0.1 DR reduce+ let say a terror enchant lvl 9 and same 15% Dr ignore
    A wizard can have at best 30% dr. mean only the first shot will have 5% dr left rest is 100% damage* 0.8 for tenacity

    with a mere 6K medium feat damage it give
    first shot: 6K *(1-0.05)*(1-0.8):4.56K
    rest :4.8k
    daily : 12k = 9.6

    total: 23.76 K (as you can see i do not count any boost dammage to consider a fight against a GF. against GWF you can easely up that by 1.25%). with a 25K or 30K PV CW; your are near or already dead if even one crit (since we have 0 deflect value)

    with shield and against a player that do not strike with at will to reduce damage it give
    =14k and since shield will not reup after first roll, second role also do 3.6k each mean 10.8k . mean we are dead in 2 roll of encounter.

    And since our at will do less damage we canno't hope anything from there too.

    PS in GF case with there 30 second up shield we will be dead before we can control them with shield down and since we don't have any control immun we are already dead before doing any spell.

    With on live server we already have hard time with a ratio of 20-25 second to kill vs 15 second for other due to control immun.

    now on previous server we need twice the time we needed in live server with nothing else change for control or anything else.

    Even with the 50% last shield lvl we were at disavatage but not an unpassable one


    in all that" i took each time the best case for CW but practically always min case for opponent (best enchant to debuf DR etc. just immage what damage if you do not even use spellplague. we are speaking of 6-7 K damage with a whole roll for CW also with enought HP regen, CW do not even do enough damage to overcome a passive regen GF GWF that is not behind is screen) .

    Also the new artefact, if it not for purpose against CW. i doN,t see what is it again. doN,t worry we trade your damage VS some control and then give a control immun to especially your control power for every one
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