To come back to the real topic, the classes, i will say that it will be most likely an healing or controlling class. Sorry for those who expect to see the warlock, but the Hunter ranger fulfills already the role of dps distance.
And the Control Wizard did before there was a Ranger. And it can be easily argued that wizards still do a better job in that role. That didn't stop ranger from happening.
Warlock is a given. Simply because a large part of is already done. Warlock items have been data mined as in the game, from as far back as beta. Warlock powers are also in the game and in use by NPCs. There is no reason at all, for all that work to simply evaporate. There will be a warlock class, the only real debate is when.
As far as the rest, only Druid has been commented on directly as being an option.
In their videos, the devs talked about how they wished to be closer to the tabletop game but we have to be realistic. It is a MMORPG, and they can't bring the 20 classes from the books. The fact that they brought so many races is already so great.
They can and they will. New classes (and the new alts that come with them) drive new sales of zen like nothing else. On that fact alone they will continue to develop classes until the game shuts down.
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
I agree with you since less and less rogues in dungeons care about traps saying "it's the healer's job to fix injuries so no need to disarm"...
My main was a rogue, and while I love her, I pretty much ignore traps entirely. Not because "it's the healer's job to fix us" or anything like that. The two main reasons are that a), everyone moves past the traps anyway, making them pointless to disarm, and b) you can't disarm them combat. If you're not in combat, walk past them and ignore them. If you are in combat, move away from them and ignore them, as I can't disarm them. Either way, disarming them is pointless.
And even if I was seriously bored, went into a solo instance and started disarming every trap I find, it doesn't make any difference at all. I get absolutely NOTHING in return for bothering to disarm them. I can't even reverse them, so they attack the enemies instead. That would have been cool, though.
On topic, I voted Bard, as I sing so poorly in real life that I bet I could do some actual damage with my sorry excuse for a singing voice. Could be fun in the game. The problem is that I have absolutely no idea what the various classes will do in the game even if they are included, so voting for one is rather pointless. What seperates a Shaman from a Druid? How is a Sorceress different from a Warlock? How is a Paladin different from a Guardian Fighter? What would a Barbarian add to the game?
Whatever class they add it should be a class with significant healing and some control. We've got two tanky classes (one of which needs to be fixed I gather), but only one class built around heals. I don't know enough about the 4E versions of the classes to pick one though.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Whatever class they bring it should be a class with significant healing and control. We've got two tanky classes (one of which needs to be fixed I gather), but only one class built around heals. I don't know enough about the 4E versions of the classes to pick one though.
Classes whose primary role is leader (aka healer):
Ardent, Bard, Runepriest, Shaman, Warlord
Classes whose primary role is controller:
Druid, Invoker, Psion, Seeker
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I can't even reverse them, so they attack the enemies instead. That would have been cool, though.
You can view it as enemy AI is too dumb to avoid traps, or traps are too dumb (and they *are* inanimate objects, so...) to distinguish any kind of factions, but traps damage whoever walks into them.
There are a couple of places where you can strategically bait an enemy into the existing traps to take advantage of this (Rime Wolf), or just watch patrolling monsters blunder into blade traps and possibly even die (Cloak Tower).
(In Neverwinter Nights, I recovered every. single. trap. and would spend an enormous amount of time using them to set up horrifying gauntlets of death prior to major battles. It sometimes took up a lot of bag space, but it was a lot of fun.)
i don`t think there`s any improvement of the game with new classes.
because you can go different ways with the existing ones already.
but maybe paladin can add something.
as in melee healer.
i don`t know.
In every D&D game i have played i have always enjoyed playing as a monk and when i first found out about this game before it launched i was hoping it would have that class because D&D online was so boring. i have a rogue and a defender fighter but i didn't enjoy either enough to keep playing. so i'm hoping and waiting for the monk class so i can play again.
Speaking for myself I like to play wizards, warriors, and warrior-mages. I like to play a good magic-user, as opposed to someone wielding the power of darkness. The first character I seriously played in Neverwinter was a Control Wizard and honestly I didn't like the way it played at all, especially seeing as the developer's idea of what constitutes "control" and what mine is are entirely different, and they keep monkeying around with the abilities. Basically if I'm supposed to be a crowd controller, I expect to be able to seriously lock down mobs easily, you know like "City Of Heroes" or playing an Enchanter in old school Everquest, not throw out slows and the occasional stun. When the Dev's eventually gave us the ability to throw a fireball, it came at the expense of key abilities, so as a fire mage I could no longer say interrupt Valindra at the end of "Malabog's Castle" if I decided to go that way. I decided to re-roll "Guardian Fighter" as my main and did okay at it, but they seem to mess with that class a lot too and my opinions are mixed, especially given that the game puts so much focus on doing damage and even when required I just never really felt all that awesome being a tank even if I'm pretty good at it.
I'm returning for the new expansion, and am disappointed that there isn't a new class. I'll probably be dusting off my GF as she's far better geared and see what's up.
For the next class I'd like to see a functional caster type, even if technically wielding "evil magic" like a Scourge Warlock. I've even been storing goodies in case such a thing happens (A legendary beetle, one of those Tomes Of The Dead artifacts, some companions). When I say functional I mean I either want to be able to blast, trash, and survive and feel like a real powerhouse spellcaster in a way CW just doesn't, or I want some real crowd control, as in the ability to say lock a bunch of mobs in damaging cages and render them unable to attack me like a REAL crowd control character in another game. I mean I probably won't get that for whatever reason, I guess just to be different from other games that already did it, but to me that's what being a heroic MMO spellcaster is all about. I got my CW up to 10.5k gear score (small potatoes now I know) so it's not like I didn't play it, and I even did successfully, but as a guy called "Therumancer" I will say it was probably the worst/least fun/least satisfying mage-playing experience of my many years of doing MMOs.
I just hope they keep the GF in good/competitive shape until something else comes along.
I voted 'other'. To clarify, a Monk. Limited armour/weapons, but using mental-focus and discipline to hand-to-hand fight and with the possibility of limited healing ability. A cross between GF/GWF and DC would be a definite bonus to the game IMO.
I still think monk would be the best. warlock and the others are to closly related to the ones we already have.
Agree about the monk. Monks have a richer lore in the history of the Realms as well. Warlocks not so much. Paladins are HUGE in the realms too. more Paladins per square inch than any other Setting. Yet they are omitted in this game *eye roll*
Basically I would like to see a martial arts class, and a shape shifter class (druid would be best). Those seem to be the flavors that are missing. maybe a psion class as well once those bases are covered.
Pretty silly Monk wasn't listed in this Poll (as its own category). Probably omitted because the poller knew it would draw lots of votes
The problem I see with the Monk, is that the game is largely based around itemization, it means that a lot of the flavor of a character that is supposed to be the opposite is going to be lost. Simply put if the Monk somehow functions without items it defeats the purpose of a game that heavily bases advancement around increasing gear scores and getting better stuff. Not to mention the whole balance issue of giving a character power equivalent to what others earn, combined conversely the issue of what happens when new gear is introduced to which monks will no longer be competitive without an upgrade. You can of course just do the usual gear progression by giving monks monk-themed gear (cloth armor, fist weapons, etc...) but then it just basically becomes another Trickster-Rogue, evasive melee fighter. There is nothing wrong with that I suppose, but it's probably better to just put in another gear-based swashbuckler type rather than calling something a Monk that isn't going to function or play like a monk. I've generally been disappointed by the attempts at games like "Everquest" that tried to do Monks for that reason.
Of course opinions vary, I simply back the Warlock or something like The Invoker because I don't like the way they did the only arcane caster in the game right now. It certainly appeals to some people, and is arguably functional, but I think there is plenty of room for a more normal approach to caster DPS or crowd control as well.
At the end of the day Neverwinter has a good array of basic classes, so anything they pick is probably going to be similar to something else. Paladins, Monks, Warlocks, Druids, all are just going to represent alternate playstyles/takes on a basic function that is already in the game.
Honestly though I do hope they come out with some new character types soon, whatever they may be. When the game came out I actually expected we'd already have a larger roster by this point that we currently have.
My main was a rogue, and while I love her, I pretty much ignore traps entirely. Not because "it's the healer's job to fix us" or anything like that. The two main reasons are that a), everyone moves past the traps anyway, making them pointless to disarm, and b) you can't disarm them combat. If you're not in combat, walk past them and ignore them. If you are in combat, move away from them and ignore them, as I can't disarm them. Either way, disarming them is pointless.
And even if I was seriously bored, went into a solo instance and started disarming every trap I find, it doesn't make any difference at all. I get absolutely NOTHING in return for bothering to disarm them. I can't even reverse them, so they attack the enemies instead. That would have been cool, though.
Thank you, you exactly made my point, back in nwn u would never have forgotten a trap or death would have followed... Here it's just about bashing stupidly mobs without taking any care of the environment whereas it could be greater.
The issue that i have with the monk is that it is an awfully cheated class. This guy can solo a dragon with its bare hands... wtf ?! And all that beacause he is "protected by the gods"... So not rp !
The best release list for me would be Paladin, Druid, Bard, Psion and then Warlock or Sorcerer
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2014
Personally favorite: Bladesinger/Swordmage would be amazing.
Next in line: Monk. I've always loved playing them.
Truly best for the game: Bard. It's such a unique class and there's so many ways Cryptic could swing it.
Next truly best for the game: Shape shifting Druid. Why Shape shifting? We already have a nature class (HR). And Shapeshifting would be quite a unique element as well. Daily Power: Massive Earth Elemental! Mwahahaa!
Could someone explain how Bard heals in 4e? Are its powers, including healing powers, all arcane spells in 4e? In 3.5e, it casts both divine spells and arcane spells, and its healing spells are all divine spells (at least they share the same spell names).
soza13Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
I have to admit, I'm a little torn on the subject: On one hand, I love paladins (druids second), so would love to play a paladin in the game. On the other, my dog just died and I've been really thinking of making a character of myself and getting the Portal Hound to copy her; only problem with that being I'm more like a bard than anything else. (And really, I wouldn't mind seeing how a bard would be implemented out of geeky curiosity and not knowing a thing about 4th edition.)
sgtknoxvilleMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2014
Any word on when the new class is releasing? There's always that little icon calling my name, begging, pleading, holding on to my wonders like a dog to it's toy. lol.
As becks said, probably warlock (and probably in mod4), due to the fact that we have a warlock NPC who we've seen fight (Makos), meaning that they are already working on the warlock mechanic.
my friend assumes that they will be adding more races and classes eventually, but they can't release everything at once, or they will run out of canon material
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
my friend assumes that they will be adding more races and classes eventually, but they can't release everything at once, or they will run out of canon material
I don't think "running out of material" is really the concern. I think it has more to do with the fact that they don't want to commit themselves to too many or specific classes or races right now - they'd rather make the announcements when they are certain that they can get them done and so they have the flexibility to change their minds if situations should change...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited May 2014
. . . They said early on that they are only limited to what races and classes Wizards of the Coast will allow them to put into the game, which basically means anything from 4th edition... and we have a ton of races and classes to go yet, before we'd get close to running out. Especially when you start taking in account all the sub-races, class supplements, and so forth. We don't even have all the elven subraces yet and we only have one dwarf subrace, out of like 6 or so. Then there are all the paragon paths... man, such a bright future for Neverwinter, indeed!
And the Control Wizard did before there was a Ranger. And it can be easily argued that wizards still do a better job in that role. That didn't stop ranger from happening.
Warlock is a given. Simply because a large part of is already done. Warlock items have been data mined as in the game, from as far back as beta. Warlock powers are also in the game and in use by NPCs. There is no reason at all, for all that work to simply evaporate. There will be a warlock class, the only real debate is when.
As far as the rest, only Druid has been commented on directly as being an option.
They can and they will. New classes (and the new alts that come with them) drive new sales of zen like nothing else. On that fact alone they will continue to develop classes until the game shuts down.
And even if I was seriously bored, went into a solo instance and started disarming every trap I find, it doesn't make any difference at all. I get absolutely NOTHING in return for bothering to disarm them. I can't even reverse them, so they attack the enemies instead. That would have been cool, though.
On topic, I voted Bard, as I sing so poorly in real life that I bet I could do some actual damage with my sorry excuse for a singing voice. Could be fun in the game.
Classes whose primary role is leader (aka healer):
Ardent, Bard, Runepriest, Shaman, Warlord
Classes whose primary role is controller:
Druid, Invoker, Psion, Seeker
You can view it as enemy AI is too dumb to avoid traps, or traps are too dumb (and they *are* inanimate objects, so...) to distinguish any kind of factions, but traps damage whoever walks into them.
There are a couple of places where you can strategically bait an enemy into the existing traps to take advantage of this (Rime Wolf), or just watch patrolling monsters blunder into blade traps and possibly even die (Cloak Tower).
(In Neverwinter Nights, I recovered every. single. trap. and would spend an enormous amount of time using them to set up horrifying gauntlets of death prior to major battles. It sometimes took up a lot of bag space, but it was a lot of fun.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
because you can go different ways with the existing ones already.
but maybe paladin can add something.
as in melee healer.
i don`t know.
I'm returning for the new expansion, and am disappointed that there isn't a new class. I'll probably be dusting off my GF as she's far better geared and see what's up.
For the next class I'd like to see a functional caster type, even if technically wielding "evil magic" like a Scourge Warlock. I've even been storing goodies in case such a thing happens (A legendary beetle, one of those Tomes Of The Dead artifacts, some companions). When I say functional I mean I either want to be able to blast, trash, and survive and feel like a real powerhouse spellcaster in a way CW just doesn't, or I want some real crowd control, as in the ability to say lock a bunch of mobs in damaging cages and render them unable to attack me like a REAL crowd control character in another game. I mean I probably won't get that for whatever reason, I guess just to be different from other games that already did it, but to me that's what being a heroic MMO spellcaster is all about. I got my CW up to 10.5k gear score (small potatoes now I know) so it's not like I didn't play it, and I even did successfully, but as a guy called "Therumancer" I will say it was probably the worst/least fun/least satisfying mage-playing experience of my many years of doing MMOs.
I just hope they keep the GF in good/competitive shape until something else comes along.
Agree about the monk. Monks have a richer lore in the history of the Realms as well. Warlocks not so much. Paladins are HUGE in the realms too. more Paladins per square inch than any other Setting. Yet they are omitted in this game *eye roll*
Basically I would like to see a martial arts class, and a shape shifter class (druid would be best). Those seem to be the flavors that are missing. maybe a psion class as well once those bases are covered.
Pretty silly Monk wasn't listed in this Poll (as its own category). Probably omitted because the poller knew it would draw lots of votes
Of course opinions vary, I simply back the Warlock or something like The Invoker because I don't like the way they did the only arcane caster in the game right now. It certainly appeals to some people, and is arguably functional, but I think there is plenty of room for a more normal approach to caster DPS or crowd control as well.
At the end of the day Neverwinter has a good array of basic classes, so anything they pick is probably going to be similar to something else. Paladins, Monks, Warlocks, Druids, all are just going to represent alternate playstyles/takes on a basic function that is already in the game.
Honestly though I do hope they come out with some new character types soon, whatever they may be. When the game came out I actually expected we'd already have a larger roster by this point that we currently have.
Thank you, you exactly made my point, back in nwn u would never have forgotten a trap or death would have followed... Here it's just about bashing stupidly mobs without taking any care of the environment whereas it could be greater.
The issue that i have with the monk is that it is an awfully cheated class. This guy can solo a dragon with its bare hands... wtf ?! And all that beacause he is "protected by the gods"... So not rp !
judge me
Next in line: Monk. I've always loved playing them.
Truly best for the game: Bard. It's such a unique class and there's so many ways Cryptic could swing it.
Next truly best for the game: Shape shifting Druid. Why Shape shifting? We already have a nature class (HR). And Shapeshifting would be quite a unique element as well. Daily Power: Massive Earth Elemental! Mwahahaa!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I don't think "running out of material" is really the concern. I think it has more to do with the fact that they don't want to commit themselves to too many or specific classes or races right now - they'd rather make the announcements when they are certain that they can get them done and so they have the flexibility to change their minds if situations should change...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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