Have you tried the harder ones that require more people? Not completely sure on the drops, people have got it from the remorhaz ones, and epics do drop from the 3-5 man ones, not 100% sure if the arms drop or not.
Yes, I've gotten in on as many as I can and, of course, have solo'd the mother lode, as no one is in pvp a lot. I've done remorhaz several times, as well, and still no bracers. I did finally get the ice wedge. I also still haven't gotten the salve, which is keeping me from purifying the armor. This might be less of an issue when the module goes live, as more people will be joining in so we can farm for them. It's just hard now because so few are on the preview.
Yes, I've gotten in on as many as I can and, of course, have solo'd the mother lode, as no one is in pvp a lot. I've done remorhaz several times, as well, and still no bracers. I did finally get the ice wedge. I also still haven't gotten the salve, which is keeping me from purifying the armor. This might be less of an issue when the module goes live, as more people will be joining in so we can farm for them. It's just hard now because so few are on the preview.
Tbh I'm getting frustrated myself.
Things I've got:
* Remorhaz fang x3
* Hide of the Beholder x3
* Troll bone x4
* Deathlock ash x4
* Shamanic salve
* Barbarian totem x3
* Mithral ingot
When all I really want is 1 pair of bracers to test out the skirmish :c
One of the people I did enocunters with got 6 bracers... Hopefully I have better luck on live and more people actually do them.
Still, by next monday it won't really matter.
Edit: I should probably mention that I didn't include my hammer stone stuff. Most of that stuff also came from the pvp heroic which I spend a lot of time doing. Kind of annoying not knowing if I'm wasting my time on those. I also now have 3 more fangs, 5 more hides, 3 bones, 1 salve, 4 totems, 2 ingots and 4 biles. Also got my 2nd blace ice orb.
Things I've got:
* Remorhaz fang x3
* Hide of the Beholder x3
* Troll bone x4
* Deathlock ash x4
* Shamanic salve
* Barbarian totem x3
* Mithral ingot
When all I really want is 1 pair of bracers to test out the skirmish :c
One of the people I did enocunters with got 6 bracers... Hopefully I have better luck on live and more people actually do them.
Still, by next monday it won't really matter.
Well, I have allmost same stuff (+bracers). It seems that Dwarven Valley drops more those Epic-Legendary craft items or is it just that we grind it so much.
About Black Shaping Profession,
it will not hurt if there is fourth Level task. Now we must wait two weeks before we get Rank3 shaping.
Giving four level for Black ICe crafting can make grind less boring.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I don't understand the difficulty of adding a vendor who sells corrupt and purified gear so we can actually test not only the epic skirmish but also the set bonuses and the black ice resistance , it's been up for testing for 4 weeks now , not much else we can do if nobody can get the gear we need to do the testing....
That's been the real problem in Mod3 so far.
There's not as much way to test a lot of things as this time around its a longer grind than the other Mods. So testing also has had to take the length of time for the grinding portion.
Ergo there's a possibility unless there are some shortcuts included that this stuff may go untested.
Had anybody luck finding the Black Ice Silver crafting Resource? I have plenty Cores and Wedges, but not a single Silver from the "Rares". Might be nothing, but since we already had an error to the loot table with Splinters I guess its better to ask.
Had anybody luck finding the Black Ice Silver crafting Resource? I have plenty Cores and Wedges, but not a single Silver from the "Rares". Might be nothing, but since we already had an error to the loot table with Splinters I guess its better to ask.
Sort of lol. A dev a long while ago stated that one item needed to craft the off hand only comes from Kessell's retreat. And yes it is confirm it is there and dropping. The first group I got together to venture into the retreat got a Sliver.
Can we allow black ice craftable enchantments to stack, it kind of makes it unmanageable if you want to become a mass crafter or farm kessels retreat (even though I find it unfarmable anyway)
Can someone give me a quick explanation of how the BI gear charging works?
I think you get the basic gear Tier 1 then use the BI shaping profession to upgrade it to Tier 2. Then you can "charge" it to tier 3.
Is that right?
If so I know that the armor loses charge and can drop back to tier 2 after awhile. Can it drop back to basic BI gear (tier 1) if not charged?
I see timers on the BI gear but confused as to how this works with the tier 2 gear.
No. You buy basic Black ice gear (except mainhand and gloves, those drop off large HEs).
Level 2 crafting crafts gloves/boots/helm, Lv 3 crafts armor/offhand/mainhand. Each task requires the black ice gear+ black ice and in some cases extra profession items, black ice gear is consumed in the process.
Crafted gear have 3 tiers. When crafted they have T2 stats, you can spend 1500 black ice to instantly charge to Tier 3 (roughly 40 points improvement per stat, less for tenacity). Gear decays with time spent in combat (doesn't lose charge idling in town etc). When deteriorated enough it will lose the T3 stats and go back to T2 stats. If left uncharged it will decay to T1 stats.
It will not revert back to black ice gear and only requires re-empowerment via black ice (1.5k to tier 2, up to 3k to tier 3 per item).
Minimum cost of acquiring and crafting all 6 pieces is around 89k black ice. More if you want to make overload enchants and empower further.
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Thank you I mostly understand the only thing im not sure on is this:
You said it will decay to T1 stats is that the basic armor stats or something else? Basic armor doesnt have enchantment slots, do you lose any enchants?
I have seen the basic armor and see the t2 armor you can make. I have not seen the t3 or the t1 so Im being a little dense.
Thanks for the insight.
Thank you I mostly understand the only thing im not sure on is this:
You said it will decay to T1 stats is that the basic armor stats or something else? Basic armor doesnt have enchantment slots, do you lose any enchants?
I have seen the basic armor and see the t2 armor you can make. I have not seen the t3 or the t1 so Im being a little dense.
Thanks for the insight.
Your gear set lose just stats over time. In order to keep your armor charged you must Grind 10 - 30 min. per day and refine raw Black Ice. All then depends how much you are in batle with armor and how many armor piece you have...
Active player with Black Ice set (6 - 9 piece gear) are doomed like junkie for ever lasting grind.... so I might grind whole set for fun and use it only when its really needed... HV -set is still best and GRIND Free after you once obtain it(New key system helps lot for this grind)
Is the T1 upgraded (but not empowered) better than the basic gear you get from the black ice vendor?
Also is the upgraded gear affected by the quality boosting asset I see in the black ice shaping tree? If so, how so?
I was kind of excited for the new gear set, but reading the above about it being Buy Basic Gear->Craft T1->Empower->T2->Empower->T3 is really making me second guess my enthusiasm. Plus is that 1500 per piece per tier? Because it seems like it'd be impossible (unless you spent money or were awesome at pvp and played it constantly) to always be empowered.
You really had to put that in did you? P2W allussions are not allowed. Why don't you take a look at the preview server yourself?
What? There was nothing wrong with my post. I was civil, yours is full of attitude. I've been to the preview server. The UI doesn't answer my specific questions. In the crafting menu the gear has a timer, which implies the stats it's showing for the upgraded pieces are the already empowered once and not the base upgraded but unempowered stats.
Edit: Let me put it this way and see if I'm clearer, I don't care about the monetization. What I'm trying to determine is if someone's going to spend most of their time unempowered (whether they lack funds, time, skill or whatever), what do stats look like compared the vendor black ice gear or the hammerstone. That can change how someone chooses to engage the new content whether they think its worth it farm some or all of the new gear.
No rashylewizz is not full of attitude. I am sure he is just tired of answering the same questions over and over and over.
Now to your concerns...Yes the stats are better then the bought and drop "basic black ice gear" the basic black ice gear has no black ice resists either.
Yes it can be affected by crafting assets, like any other profession...why would it not.
No rashylewizz is not full of attitude. I am sure he is just tired of answering the same questions over and over and over.
We can agree to disagree.
Now to your concerns...Yes the stats are better then the bought and drop "basic black ice gear" the basic black ice gear has no black ice resists either.
Ok, thank you. So it sounds like the T1 (or unempowered) black ice gear has better stats than the vendor black ice gear and in addition has the bonus black ice resist as well?
Yes it can be affected by crafting assets, like any other profession...why would it not.
Maybe they just wanted it to affect refining outcomes but not gear stats for balance. The choice is a design decision and the point is the UI (at least to me) isn't clear on what can or can not take certain assets to boost until actually have the mats to craft, begin crafting, and then finally see what I can add asset wise.
It's just helpful to know before hand to plan how to play mod 3. For example, if it does, I now know to save all my black ice components until I can get the high end crafting asset since it'll boost the resulting stats.
Thank you for the additional post in the other thread. I'm sure it'll be helpful for others, but your answers there weren't answers to what I was asking. Thank you though.
For the most part the "basic black ice gear" you can buy and that drops is not really meant to be worn by most, though I did meet a few on preview who did. It would depend on what gear you have. It was really intended as a crafting material.
When you craft the gear it starts at T2 so better stats then t1. And IMO depending better then most t2 gear stats.
As far as assets, we did not have access to the purple or blue assets, though I did have multiple guantlets and yes it would change the end results rarely, since the chance was only 24%. It never went off on the gear I crafted, since you do not do much of that, however refining it proced quite a bit and rewarded more refined black ice.
The Corrupt and Purified Black Ice gear does not get better with better tools. Instead you will receive a rebate on the Black Ice expended to craft the armor.
The Corrupt and Purified Black Ice gear does not get better with better tools. Instead you will receive a rebate on the Black Ice expended to craft the armor.
The Corrupt and Purified Black Ice gear does not get better with better tools. Instead you will receive a rebate on the Black Ice expended to craft the armor.
On the plus side you made it so that the tools aren't a necessity.
On the minus side, you made the boosters out of the price range for 99% of the people.
I felt like the tiers were self explanatory, but it's still nice for you to post
If you've been to the preview server, you would know that Black Ice rewards are tiered with tier 3 giving you a small fraction more black ice. That's it.
But that's if you've actually been to the preview server.
And yes, cayapp is right. It would be better for folks to actually do some research if they are going to make p2w allusions about certain stuff.
We need to be able to buy gauntlets from the professions vendor.
Unless they either fix the spawn rate for mid range HE's or make it possible to change instances to hunt down ones that are still spawning we will see a lot more threads like this start to appear.
I don't receive anything when I take the rewards from Baerick's Iceforge I. The window with the rewards pops up and if I click ok the sound appears but it isn't done. I can take the reward again and again but it doesn't give me anything. That means i can't do the Icewind Dale campaign.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2014
Is your profession asset bag full, somehow? That's where the items are intended to go, and profession bags are unlikely to have overflow capability, especially since they're so huge.
Yes, I've gotten in on as many as I can and, of course, have solo'd the mother lode, as no one is in pvp a lot. I've done remorhaz several times, as well, and still no bracers. I did finally get the ice wedge. I also still haven't gotten the salve, which is keeping me from purifying the armor. This might be less of an issue when the module goes live, as more people will be joining in so we can farm for them. It's just hard now because so few are on the preview.
Tbh I'm getting frustrated myself.
Things I've got:
* Remorhaz fang x3
* Hide of the Beholder x3
* Troll bone x4
* Deathlock ash x4
* Shamanic salve
* Barbarian totem x3
* Mithral ingot
When all I really want is 1 pair of bracers to test out the skirmish :c
One of the people I did enocunters with got 6 bracers... Hopefully I have better luck on live and more people actually do them.
Still, by next monday it won't really matter.
Edit: I should probably mention that I didn't include my hammer stone stuff. Most of that stuff also came from the pvp heroic which I spend a lot of time doing. Kind of annoying not knowing if I'm wasting my time on those. I also now have 3 more fangs, 5 more hides, 3 bones, 1 salve, 4 totems, 2 ingots and 4 biles. Also got my 2nd blace ice orb.
Well, I have allmost same stuff (+bracers). It seems that Dwarven Valley drops more those Epic-Legendary craft items or is it just that we grind it so much.
About Black Shaping Profession,
it will not hurt if there is fourth Level task. Now we must wait two weeks before we get Rank3 shaping.
Giving four level for Black ICe crafting can make grind less boring.
That's been the real problem in Mod3 so far.
There's not as much way to test a lot of things as this time around its a longer grind than the other Mods. So testing also has had to take the length of time for the grinding portion.
Ergo there's a possibility unless there are some shortcuts included that this stuff may go untested.
I'm only 5 days away
I was away *rinking twice for several days so fell behind on my dailies lol.
Sort of lol. A dev a long while ago stated that one item needed to craft the off hand only comes from Kessell's retreat. And yes it is confirm it is there and dropping. The first group I got together to venture into the retreat got a Sliver.
I think you get the basic gear Tier 1 then use the BI shaping profession to upgrade it to Tier 2. Then you can "charge" it to tier 3.
Is that right?
If so I know that the armor loses charge and can drop back to tier 2 after awhile. Can it drop back to basic BI gear (tier 1) if not charged?
I see timers on the BI gear but confused as to how this works with the tier 2 gear.
No. You buy basic Black ice gear (except mainhand and gloves, those drop off large HEs).
Level 2 crafting crafts gloves/boots/helm, Lv 3 crafts armor/offhand/mainhand. Each task requires the black ice gear+ black ice and in some cases extra profession items, black ice gear is consumed in the process.
Crafted gear have 3 tiers. When crafted they have T2 stats, you can spend 1500 black ice to instantly charge to Tier 3 (roughly 40 points improvement per stat, less for tenacity). Gear decays with time spent in combat (doesn't lose charge idling in town etc). When deteriorated enough it will lose the T3 stats and go back to T2 stats. If left uncharged it will decay to T1 stats.
It will not revert back to black ice gear and only requires re-empowerment via black ice (1.5k to tier 2, up to 3k to tier 3 per item).
Minimum cost of acquiring and crafting all 6 pieces is around 89k black ice. More if you want to make overload enchants and empower further.
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You said it will decay to T1 stats is that the basic armor stats or something else? Basic armor doesnt have enchantment slots, do you lose any enchants?
I have seen the basic armor and see the t2 armor you can make. I have not seen the t3 or the t1 so Im being a little dense.
Thanks for the insight.
Your gear set lose just stats over time. In order to keep your armor charged you must Grind 10 - 30 min. per day and refine raw Black Ice. All then depends how much you are in batle with armor and how many armor piece you have...
Active player with Black Ice set (6 - 9 piece gear) are doomed like junkie for ever lasting grind.... so I might grind whole set for fun and use it only when its really needed... HV -set is still best and GRIND Free after you once obtain it(New key system helps lot for this grind)
Also is the upgraded gear affected by the quality boosting asset I see in the black ice shaping tree? If so, how so?
I was kind of excited for the new gear set, but reading the above about it being Buy Basic Gear->Craft T1->Empower->T2->Empower->T3 is really making me second guess my enthusiasm. Plus is that 1500 per piece per tier? Because it seems like it'd be impossible (unless you spent money or were awesome at pvp and played it constantly) to always be empowered.
You really had to put that in did you? P2W allussions are not allowed. Why don't you take a look at the preview server yourself?
What? There was nothing wrong with my post. I was civil, yours is full of attitude. I've been to the preview server. The UI doesn't answer my specific questions. In the crafting menu the gear has a timer, which implies the stats it's showing for the upgraded pieces are the already empowered once and not the base upgraded but unempowered stats.
Edit: Let me put it this way and see if I'm clearer, I don't care about the monetization. What I'm trying to determine is if someone's going to spend most of their time unempowered (whether they lack funds, time, skill or whatever), what do stats look like compared the vendor black ice gear or the hammerstone. That can change how someone chooses to engage the new content whether they think its worth it farm some or all of the new gear.
Now to your concerns...Yes the stats are better then the bought and drop "basic black ice gear" the basic black ice gear has no black ice resists either.
Yes it can be affected by crafting assets, like any other profession...why would it not.
See my posts here for all your other questions, I decided to explain it again since the mod is coming out today.
We can agree to disagree.
Ok, thank you. So it sounds like the T1 (or unempowered) black ice gear has better stats than the vendor black ice gear and in addition has the bonus black ice resist as well?
Maybe they just wanted it to affect refining outcomes but not gear stats for balance. The choice is a design decision and the point is the UI (at least to me) isn't clear on what can or can not take certain assets to boost until actually have the mats to craft, begin crafting, and then finally see what I can add asset wise.
It's just helpful to know before hand to plan how to play mod 3. For example, if it does, I now know to save all my black ice components until I can get the high end crafting asset since it'll boost the resulting stats.
Thank you for the additional post in the other thread. I'm sure it'll be helpful for others, but your answers there weren't answers to what I was asking. Thank you though.
When you craft the gear it starts at T2 so better stats then t1. And IMO depending better then most t2 gear stats.
As far as assets, we did not have access to the purple or blue assets, though I did have multiple guantlets and yes it would change the end results rarely, since the chance was only 24%. It never went off on the gear I crafted, since you do not do much of that, however refining it proced quite a bit and rewarded more refined black ice.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and info.
On the plus side you made it so that the tools aren't a necessity.
On the minus side, you made the boosters out of the price range for 99% of the people.
I felt like the tiers were self explanatory, but it's still nice for you to post
But that's if you've actually been to the preview server.
And yes, cayapp is right. It would be better for folks to actually do some research if they are going to make p2w allusions about certain stuff.
Norbir Hammerblow@Oathbound Paladin Level 70
Kaelyx - TR: Whisperknife
Kae'lyxstra - OP: Protection
Kae-lyxa - DC: Divine Oracle
Kael Blazebeard - GWF: Iron Vanguard
Nope not gonna happen. We ask on preview. This is how it is intended.
Unless they either fix the spawn rate for mid range HE's or make it possible to change instances to hunt down ones that are still spawning we will see a lot more threads like this start to appear.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia