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So you want to be rich in Neverwinter? Here's how I did it



  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    . . . . . This thread has been cleansed. I apologize for it being unavailable for so long until there was time to clean it. Let's stay on topic. This thread is not a place to discuss exploits, is not a place to discuss what is an exploit and what is not, and is not a place to discuss real life issues (such as one's job or income). Also, please remember everyone:

    Thank you Zeb for for taking care of this! Apologies if we strayed from the topic, but in all honest, with PWE staff commenting on the thread (after negative commenting and "Real life" issues being discussed) and with him not saying anything with regards to these posts/comments, I believed that everything was ok. Upon receiving your message today and reviewing the ROC, I understand that was incorrect. Rest assured, we will attempt to keep the exploit related posts out as well as any unhelpful commentary.

    That being said, when discussing different ways to play the game (i.e. casual gamer, hardcore gamer, or alternate gamers such as those who prefer to PVP only, or spend most of their time crafting) it seems likely that a comment made regarding ones personal living situation would be relevant to the topic. (i.e. I cannot imagine someone with only 1 hour to play per day wanting to spend 30 of those minutes doing crafting... maybe they do, but their home situation/background DO have an effect of which advice or guide would BEST fit). Please clarify as to when these kinds of discussions are ok, and when they are not. Many thanks!
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Howdy all, and glad to have the thread restored! Hopefully those of you who stayed with it prior to the Mod deleting it will return now that we are back!! I wanted to do a quick update for those of you who are still trying this method.

    FIRSTLY: I am sitting at 21 characters currently, each level 11 or higher for profession access and invoke. My first "batch" of slaves (characters # 3-8 achieved level 10 profession recently and level 30 character level, bringing their total Profession Slots to 5!! This allows for 3x Protect Caravan (How I love this mission!) & 2x WHATEVER THE HECK LOOKS GOOD AT THE TIME! ( I recommend Seeking Maps (which allows for Collecting Taxes Mission and provides decent XP) Collecting Taxes (if you have the maps), or my new favorite BATTLE UNDEAD! This is my new fav due to my obtaining 4 adventurers, and using 2 for each Battle Undead mission. This rewards 400 AD for 6 hours of mission time, but with -25% & -25% due to the adventurer, it comes down to 4 hours and a few minutes! (not quite, but ALMOST as good as Caravan). BUT since you can only have 3 of any single mission running, this works out well.

    I am floating between 1 million and 2 million AD constantly, with my key addiction still being fed (I usually buy a key each night and cross my fingers) while still being able to splurge on the occasional item in the AH I want, and with still being able to keep my alt army growing.

    Depending upon in-game stability and how long it takes for the AH to come back up, I would imagine being back in action 100% by Wednesday, and back on track for a FULL ACCOUNT of 50 characters, each capable of farming leadership, by 4th of July.

    I also took a pretty little screenshot of my latest alt that I leveled. This was my best time /played to level 11 so far!
    (I am founder and have access to companion & greycloaks weapon at level 4. This is the ONLY reason why I imagine that these times are possible, and will have to try leveling one without using them as a means of comparison!

    *Screenshot not found.... facepalm. Will track it down when I have more time.
    For now, you will have to trust my 1 hour 13 min time! Ha
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    khatzhas wrote: »
    How did you manage this bit?[/QUOTE

    My first 2 character slots were a combination of selling my first coalescent ward for 130k, and then whatever AD I had made from professions. The second batch of character slots came 2 days later, and since my 3rd batch of characters slots have opened up, I have had a constant stream of new characters without running out of AD. This does require that you save AD, do not spend it buying gear of ANY KIND (what is the point? you are going to outlevel it in 1 hour anyways) and be smart with the AD exchange. Buy low, sell high.
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • kinada350kinada350 Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    The biggest issue is that you had an initial investment AND got to take advantage of rock bottom prices on tradeskill assets due to exploiters, though for now I'm guessing the prices are still lower than normal.

    My main, level 60 with 5 slots is at level 12 leadership and 11 leatherworking (which I've stopped leveling for now). I've played around with other characters to see how it goes and leadership slows way down at level 6-7. Only 1 of the mule only characters has reached level 10 leadership so far.

    If you are a free player and want to use this guys method it will work but the setup will take a LOT of time. As an example it will take me 6 days to get the rank 2 assets on my sub characters and you will not have 5 slots on any of your characters since he had the cash shop +100% bonus (if you want to spend about 450k on assets you could get this but again that's a long way away.)

    My total AD between all my characters right now is probably around 300k, 100k of which was sales of tier 1 epics I didn't need and a weapon I bought by accident from the seal vendor (they should tell you they are unique equipped)

    Anyone that is OCD and wants to track your AD gains could do it using the gateway which displays each characters AD. Easiest way would be to write a script using something like greasemonkey in Firefox.
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kinada350 wrote: »
    The biggest issue is that you had an initial investment AND got to take advantage of rock bottom prices on tradeskill assets ...

    Elessym posted some data on the two booster packs from the Zen store. Those 300 Zen booster packs may be a good alternative now to buying assets from the AH. At 370:1, this equals 110k, which I guess is still more expensive than assets in the AH, but this is probably going to change as time passes (also I expect the exchange rate to keep going down after the current flaring up, so it may require fewer AD).
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • kinada350kinada350 Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    Elessym posted some data on the two booster packs from the Zen store. Those 300 Zen booster packs may be a good alternative now to buying assets from the AH. At 370:1, this equals 110k, which I guess is still more expensive than assets in the AH, but this is probably going to change as time passes (also I expect the exchange rate to keep going down after the current flaring up, so it may require fewer AD).

    Good to know. Having 4x blue adventurer is pretty much a must have for this setup. My other characters with only 2 slots are not all that useful. It really looks like to get the most out of this I'll have to level every character to 30 and buy assets. That's a lot of work so we'll see how it goes.
  • asakochanasakochan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My pleasure, and thanks for staying with the thread! Let me know how you progress!

    updating as well.

    4 days after last time i posted in here, i'm at 100k AD. Meantime i hit 60 on my main.
    I done everyday prayers on all 4 chars, also ran with 2 of them the pvp daily for additional AD.
    I don't think 100k in 4 days is a great deal though.

    Atm on my main the leadership is lvl 11 and unlocked 5 slots, also i got adventurer so i can do additional missions for extra adds on the extra slots.
    On the other 3 mules i have lvl 9, respective 6 leadership. For some strange reason i got 400 AD on one of them for running caravan while on the other 3 only 200. I have no idea why, i done them on same time.

    I'm thorn if to continue or just quit. (not only the missions but the entire game lol)...
    I've got burned with the last events.
    We'll see. Thanks!
  • toyeverdaletoyeverdale Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    And as you level up, you can unlock more profession slots. So you can grind more tasks at the same time. If done right, per character, you can get 28,800 AS from the top end leadership profession. So for each character, without doing any foundry or anything else, you can get 24k AD per day, per character slot. Which is dcent from professions alone.
  • dugansonduganson Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    Glad to have this post up and running. Here's to it's continued use!
  • kinada350kinada350 Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    And as you level up, you can unlock more profession slots. So you can grind more tasks at the same time. If done right, per character, you can get 28,800 AS from the top end leadership profession. So for each character, without doing any foundry or anything else, you can get 24k AD per day, per character slot. Which is dcent from professions alone.

    Your numbers are nowhere near accurate.

    You can only ever do the same missions 3 times, and there is only 1 decent mission all the way to 20. So you get 1600x3 twice a day. So 9600.

    Next you are only going to have 6 profession slots on these alts. You are not going to get them to 60, you are not going to get 3 professions to 20, and it is impossible to get a rank 3 result from leadership, ever. Not to mention getting a rank 3 result will take millions of AD in tools.

    Now to get those 6 slots you will have to raise every character to 30, buy enough adventurers to get the 100% bonus, and wait till you get to rank 20 leadership which will take you months.

    So barring playing the waiting game and doing non-AD missions to get items to complete decent rare-AD missions (which might be a good strat) you have this for your eventual 6 slots. (assuming you have WAY to much time on your hands)

    Start of day collections
    Destroy Enemy Camp x3 = 4800
    Fight off Spellplagued x3 = 1200

    End of day collections
    Destroy Enemy Camp x3 = 4800
    Protect Caravan x18 = 3600

    So if you collect from your characters every two hours for 12 hours in a day you can make 14,400 raw AD a day per character.

    Realistically you will make far less than that.
  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kinada350 wrote: »
    The biggest issue is that you had an initial investment AND got to take advantage of rock bottom prices on tradeskill assets due to exploiters, though for now I'm guessing the prices are still lower than normal.

    My main, level 60 with 5 slots is at level 12 leadership and 11 leatherworking (which I've stopped leveling for now). I've played around with other characters to see how it goes and leadership slows way down at level 6-7. Only 1 of the mule only characters has reached level 10 leadership so far.

    If you are a free player and want to use this guys method it will work but the setup will take a LOT of time. As an example it will take me 6 days to get the rank 2 assets on my sub characters and you will not have 5 slots on any of your characters since he had the cash shop +100% bonus (if you want to spend about 450k on assets you could get this but again that's a long way away.)

    My total AD between all my characters right now is probably around 300k, 100k of which was sales of tier 1 epics I didn't need and a weapon I bought by accident from the seal vendor (they should tell you they are unique equipped)

    Anyone that is OCD and wants to track your AD gains could do it using the gateway which displays each characters AD. Easiest way would be to write a script using something like greasemonkey in Firefox.

    You post is full of assumption.

    1. I did NOT get to take advantage of any "rock bottom prices on tradeskill assets due to exploiters"...I CRAFTED ALL OF MY OWN ASSETS with the exception of any that I pulled from profession packs (which are rewarded by IN GAME QUEST in the graveyard). So before you go blowing you nonsense all over my thread, take a second to read through some of the pages. Or if you are too lazy for that, ask for more detail and I will provide it when I can.

    2. I already mentioned in previous posts that I literally blew my Founder Ad on unsocketing enchants and runes... Yes, I was **** and assumed that ADs would be plentiful at start. It wasnt until level 30ish that I ran out, and became to research the method of alt farming AD's.

    3. "since he had the cash shop +100% bonus" wtf are you blabbing about now? Cash shop?? I did not buy any profession items nor boosters with the cash shop.... and if your vague 100% bonus refers to the double AD weekend, this had NO effect on XP gained, only AD. So they leveled at the same rate as a free to play player. NOW, if you want to start talking about how everyone wont be able to do exactly as I did... well thats something we can get into because
    a. I never ever promised that anyone could duplicate my exact results... only duplicate them to their own results.
    b. I paid for Founder, played the game earlier, and worked hard at what I was doing. THAT IS MY BONUS. Each of you had the opportunity to do the same, and still do for all I know (as founder packs are still being sold, seriously.. come on PWE).
    c. this doesnt belong here, but you leveled leatherworking? pffft. last response from me then. This is for farming AD and leveling Leadership. You blew 1/2 of your crafting time on your main with leatherworking and lost out. Thanks for playing
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kinada350 wrote: »
    Your numbers are nowhere near accurate.

    You can only ever do the same missions 3 times, and there is only 1 decent mission all the way to 20. So you get 1600x3 twice a day. So 9600.

    Next you are only going to have 6 profession slots on these alts. You are not going to get them to 60, you are not going to get 3 professions to 20, and it is impossible to get a rank 3 result from leadership, ever. Not to mention getting a rank 3 result will take millions of AD in tools.

    Now to get those 6 slots you will have to raise every character to 30, buy enough adventurers to get the 100% bonus, and wait till you get to rank 20 leadership which will take you months.

    So barring playing the waiting game and doing non-AD missions to get items to complete decent rare-AD missions (which might be a good strat) you have this for your eventual 6 slots. (assuming you have WAY to much time on your hands)

    Start of day collections
    Destroy Enemy Camp x3 = 4800
    Fight off Spellplagued x3 = 1200

    End of day collections
    Destroy Enemy Camp x3 = 4800
    Protect Caravan x18 = 3600

    So if you collect from your characters every two hours for 12 hours in a day you can make 14,400 raw AD a day per character.

    Realistically you will make far less than that.

    1. 3 of my alts are level 30 already. I will bring them to 60. Will I bring all of the army to 60? Prob not. Either way, your statement is an assumption.

    2. 3 of the same mission is correct. But you can continue to use less amazing missions with amazing leaders and end up with a very close return.

    3. We are all aware of the typical "Race to 60, pug with randoms or skype with your bros and raid whenever you can to farm purples and sell on the auction house" method. That's been done in every mmo ever made. THIS THREAD is not about that. If that is your preferred method, enjoy. Frankly, I have had more fun producing my own AD, staying away from borderline exploits and exploits alike, and doing it all by my lonesome. When the occasion arises that a friend is online, then we quest together, usually at a snails pace, talking about the quests and absorbing the lore. I have zero interest in raiding, pvping, or otherwise trying to destroy this game for my own amusement. I am here to play within the laws set by the gamemaker, to play the game how it entertains me, and to share what I learn along the way.
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    duganson wrote: »
    Glad to have this post up and running. Here's to it's continued use!

    Thanks duganson! Happy to see that (somewhat creepy) smiling face again! Ha!
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
  • rowanzerowanze Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just curious...does anyone else feel like knowing how much a zen really costs makes the work you do in game feel more trivial. I have been running my 2 characters through leadership for a week or two, and realized that every 2 hours, each toon makes about 600 AD (although one of my characters seems bugged and gets double AD). When I realized that 600 AD = 2 zen = 2 cents, I started to question whether its even worth it to log in. I almost wish I didn't know. I like the game for the game, but the ability to put a price on my time, its sort of back firing.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    profession packs (which are rewarded by IN GAME QUEST in the graveyard)

    Only doable once per character though. I only got 1 rare mailsmith, 1 uncommon man-at-arms and 1 uncommon tongs from 5 profession packs. The rest were arcane crystals or worse. At least I had better luck than a friend who didn't get a single worker.
  • kinada350kinada350 Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    You post is full of assumption.

    1. I did NOT get to take advantage of any "rock bottom prices on tradeskill assets due to exploiters"...I CRAFTED ALL OF MY OWN ASSETS with the exception of any that I pulled from profession packs (which are rewarded by IN GAME QUEST in the graveyard). So before you go blowing you nonsense all over my thread, take a second to read through some of the pages. Or if you are too lazy for that, ask for more detail and I will provide it when I can.

    2. I already mentioned in previous posts that I literally blew my Founder Ad on unsocketing enchants and runes... Yes, I was **** and assumed that ADs would be plentiful at start. It wasnt until level 30ish that I ran out, and became to research the method of alt farming AD's.

    3. "since he had the cash shop +100% bonus" wtf are you blabbing about now? Cash shop?? I did not buy any profession items nor boosters with the cash shop.... and if your vague 100% bonus refers to the double AD weekend, this had NO effect on XP gained, only AD. So they leveled at the same rate as a free to play player. NOW, if you want to start talking about how everyone wont be able to do exactly as I did... well thats something we can get into because
    a. I never ever promised that anyone could duplicate my exact results... only duplicate them to their own results.
    b. I paid for Founder, played the game earlier, and worked hard at what I was doing. THAT IS MY BONUS. Each of you had the opportunity to do the same, and still do for all I know (as founder packs are still being sold, seriously.. come on PWE).
    c. this doesnt belong here, but you leveled leatherworking? pffft. last response from me then. This is for farming AD and leveling Leadership. You blew 1/2 of your crafting time on your main with leatherworking and lost out. Thanks for playing

    1. Prices are still pretty low as those people didn't get in trouble for what they did but they are going up. Before buying character slots I might have to buy adventurers. With the AH still down I can't get a good take on where they are sitting AD wise so I probably overestimated the current price. Really though get em while they are cheap folks.

    2. Ok fair enough.

    3. Now who's got reading comprehension issues? You mentioned in another post about getting some characters to 30 and having 5 profession slots. This means that you have at least 4x adventurers for the +100% bonus so you can get another slot on every character you have. Something that should be mentioned as I'm sure plenty of people are wondering how their characters only have 2 slots and yours have 5 (yeah I know its a comprehension issue on their part, not your problem, but it pays to be clear). I call it a cash shop bonus because that is what it is as that is where you are intended to get most of your assets from.

    Just trying to give people a realistic assessment of the time investment involved in this. There are way to many people that think its going to be possible to max every characters AD through leadership alone when in reality you will be lucky to break 10k off of leadership.
  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I started a character with something like this about two weeks ago- level 18 now, and honestly I'm not too great at keeping up to date. It's a nice guide- one thing I didn't see, or maybe missed that you could add is- what class are you using to hit level 11?

    I'm trying to figure out which is the fastest, I'm guessing either GWF or TR.

    Overall- I think in a month or two this could make me maybe two hundred thousand AD a day, depending how serious I get about it- though honestly, I think the real prize is that in a year, I'll have a dozen angels to sell.
  • mrtastixmrtastix Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    This is definitely one of those things where you need to put the effort in short-term to get good effects long-term.

    If you work at it it can be good, you just need patience. Personally I don't feel it takes me that long to keep up so I just check back now and again and play the game in the meantime. I don't mind. I play the AH on most games, too, and I spend less time on that, too.
  • steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do this right now, except that I only raise Leadership in 2 of my 3 characters, so the gain is much slower right now. I have no hurries though.

    About the praying, it's easy. When you need to pray with your main, just log out and do it with the rest. It'll take you 2 minutes more at most, it's easy to keep track.

    If you do this right, each time you pray with your main, you'll have similar gains with the rest.

    Right now I'm gaining about 20-25 k AD by the day without doing any dailies, which is a fair amount already in my opinion. Once I start with them I'll probably hit around 50k. If I did dailies with my GWF too (which would be quite tedious tbh) I'm sure that I could reach almost a 90k profit per day.
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
    - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
    - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
    - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)

    Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
  • azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    no, just no...

    i've been trying this since before i read this thread. for the amount of time it takes...no

    and honestly, i don't see how some of you are making 50k/day with two alts.... bs
  • utaniautania Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2013
    When ever I've done more than 1 protect the caravan, I've not seen an increase in AD or RAD,
    herbtrader2 do you login to the game to collect your AD or through the gateway?

    Not that I have any hero's yet, but I am assuming that if you get two, you can use it to unlock the 100% boost slot on each character by mailing it between your alts, is that correct?
  • assassin83assassin83 Member, Banned Users Posts: 276 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    How to get rich: play the game, have fun, talk with your friends, and eventually you will be rich.

    How to quit the game and get bored after one week: do what you say.
  • endagonendagon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    So much hate for a simple way to earn a few AD on the side. With the gateway and a second monitor I am using this method and play normally, and throw in my Droid for running tasks while I am at work. To the original poster thanks for the tips its slow at the start but now that I have a few alts its starting to snowball a little more quickly.
  • clanrakkaclanrakka Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's a nice guide but a bit misleading. You can earn AD this way but when you're rewarded with AD's for each Leadership task in the hundreds and anything decent costs hundreds of thousands of AD, then you might as well play another well known game for CPA/Excel spreadsheet fans: EVE Online.

    I have 3 characters that I do a lot of work on Leadership with and while the XP has been great, the AD potential is minimal, at best.

    Again, unless you're going to be logging in hourly 24x7 but instead of spending that amount of time on a game to save a few $$ you'd get a much better ROI by actually getting a paying job.

    Then you could buy Zen and have RL $$ left over for other RL things. Radical concept I know..
  • azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    clanrakka wrote: »
    It's a nice guide but a bit misleading. You can earn AD this way but when you're rewarded with AD's for each Leadership task in the hundreds and anything decent costs hundreds of thousands of AD...

    yes, yes, yes...

    this is exactly what i was meaning..

    to title the thread 'how to make a few grand in diamonds' would be one thing, but people saying they are/could be making 50-90K/day, as stepp is, with two toon slots, erm...no.
  • phoenixrte69phoenixrte69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is it just me or the Leadership missions can only be dont 3 times each at the same time ?!?
  • devilluk6665devilluk6665 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    apart from the fact that i cant collect AD via gateway it is an ok concept.What this guys should have said is that u should just make 10-20 characters use invoke and once a week u get 100kx10=1mil without doing **** but u could also play pvp and dungeon events and get that amount in 3-4 days on selling stuff or farm boxes i get alot of AD from doing that so to keep it short play the game smart 3-4h have fun and sell thats how u get everything in this game if u going to focus on leadership then yea if u got a long life u can do that to gain AD
  • endagonendagon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    apart from the fact that i cant collect AD via gateway it is an ok concept.What this guys should have said is that u should just make 10-20 characters use invoke and once a week u get 100kx10=1mil without doing **** but u could also play pvp and dungeon events and get that amount in 3-4 days on selling stuff or farm boxes i get alot of AD from doing that so to keep it short play the game smart 3-4h have fun and sell thats how u get everything in this game if u going to focus on leadership then yea if u got a long life u can do that to gain AD

    You may want to check to see if they are getting auto-refined.
  • osadamaskosadamask Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow, so many people misunderstand how this works.

    Use the gateway and play your main. Jeeze.
  • endagonendagon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    clanrakka wrote: »
    It's a nice guide but a bit misleading. You can earn AD this way but when you're rewarded with AD's for each Leadership task in the hundreds and anything decent costs hundreds of thousands of AD, then you might as well play another well known game for CPA/Excel spreadsheet fans: EVE Online.

    I have 3 characters that I do a lot of work on Leadership with and while the XP has been great, the AD potential is minimal, at best.

    Again, unless you're going to be logging in hourly 24x7 but instead of spending that amount of time on a game to save a few $$ you'd get a much better ROI by actually getting a paying job.

    Then you could buy Zen and have RL $$ left over for other RL things. Radical concept I know..

    Why spend RL money on a Meh FTP mmo, when it has a system built in to purchase Zen through the game? Specially since I will probably leave this game when either elder scrolls or wildstar comes out.
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