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Update on the Dungeon Key Change



  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    Sorry, I meant this to be shorter, so I will wrap it up. Let me just say lastly that, it was a mistake to make some of the really great drops and items you get from chests that were previously always unbound, now occasionally bind on pickup. I've already got my Orcus shard. The idea that I could run CN and possibly get another one that is bound discourages me from even wanting to set foot in that dungeon. Or worse, the person who both needs an Orcus shard themselves, but also plans to farm for more of them to sell on the AH. Imagine the dilemma when they finally get an unbound one. Knowing my luck I'd hang onto it for a while and try to do some more CN to see if I got another, finally decide to keep it, and then get a bound one on my next run. (and actually that might as well be what happened to me, because I broke down and bought one off the AH and then got a shard to drop on the next run of CN) Honestly, increasing drop rates on chests and then giving a chance for some of them to be bound is a case of taking steps forward and then steps back. The question of how many forward and how many back only you can say because you know the drop chance increase and the chance of that item being bound, and we do not. So for me, because there isn't much I need or want from chests or drops for myself, but rather would sell them, I would probably only run the content that I wanted to and enjoyed, as opposed to doing it with AD profit considerations. And for people who also don't really need anything from a specific drop pool, but are farming dungeons to sell stuff, using their zen to buy LDKs for dungeons would not be as profitable as using the zen in other ways. Not to mention how much less time it would take.

    Anyways, I hope this was useful.

    PS as an after thought, regarding stuff for me to do in game, anyone have some decent foundry suggestions? Please, nothing that takes more than an hour, hour and a half :)

    Just FYI if you get a bound shard it's a drop that you would not have gotten before the key change and you can get it in any dungeon.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    All theese Cryp fanboys still missing and dodging the point about relic weapons and to get them with this key change.
    Im watching the AH since the change. If some one really wanna tell me you can make easy ADs with this change? Thats BS.

  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    @thefiresidecat They are F2P regardless because there's no cost to enter. Just because you and some others may feel that way doesn't mean it is so, that's "your" purpose and not everyone shares it. The chests are RNG so if players opt into it that is their choice. Trade house prices have dropped by over half on a number of items so something must be working...

    Pretty much the only ways to even begin to try and decrease the timer on crafted Greater Demonic keys is to have something like a meter (similar to skirmishes) where players "gain" by actively engaging in the Demonic Encounters, if they fall below a certain threshold(s) their Faerzress gains are reduced, this will help prevent afk/minimal effort abuse. Also having players rotate ALL 3 Demonic encounters or their Faerzress gains are reduced as well, this will help prevent players from camping closure/slaughter and pretty much ignoring escape (you see it pretty much all the time in Dread Ring and other zones). Demonic Escape takes just as much time as the others if not less but gets ignored, why, hmmm, because it requires actual effort? Yea that sounds about right. If even half the amount of people that flock the other two
    did escape it wouldn't be a problem.

    I'm not opposed to a timer reduction but it should require more than the current minimal effort to be utilized, balanced and not so easily abused.

    As it stands players that don't want to put in effort/as much effort for their keys aren't running dungeons/as many and as a result the pool of dungeon runners is arguably more comprised of players who are, what this means is essentially after a "few" runs players that queue in less than a full group will pretty much be grouped with others that are doing what it takes to be able to run multiple dungeons. Am I stating that those players are of higher quality, not necessarily but I am stating that the players that run their crafted keys and log off aren't putting in the same/similar effort as those that don't.

    If you have seen "them" feed Zen into the market, can prove it and that other poster eats their hat like they stated they would I will eat mine. :wink:

    Seemingly the players who are putting in effort aren't the ones complaining... it's the ones that: have limited play time, quest alone, run dungeons only, don't have an active Guild/Alliance, aren't getting the drops they want, do the minimum, etc., etc. that are making the big fuss...
    spideymt said:

    All theese Cryp fanboys still missing and dodging the point about relic weapons and to get them with this key change. Im watching the AH since the change. If some one really wanna tell me you can make easy ADs with this change? Thats BS.

    @spideymt What about relic weapons? What are you watching? You can make easy AD's after the key change...

    Post edited by trinity706#8838 on
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    spideymt said:

    All theese Cryp fanboys still missing and dodging the point about relic weapons and to get them with this key change.
    Im watching the AH since the change. If some one really wanna tell me you can make easy ADs with this change? Thats BS.

    You are aware that Cryptic does not want you to "make easy AD" but to grind your a$$ off to have some AD?
    Cryptic certainly would prefer that you give them $$$ for ZZZ that you then can exchange at the ZAX into AD or buy keys directly.

    I don't say I like it. It's just the way things seem to me.
    And I expect SVA rewards to be tuned soon. I guess they did not think about that.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    You are aware that Cryptic does not want you to "make easy AD" but to grind your a$$ off to have some AD?
    Cryptic certainly would prefer that you give them $$$ for ZZZ that you then can exchange at the ZAX into AD or buy keys directly.

    You do know that there are a number of things (that are not Artifacts) that pretty much sell for what they did before the key change right?

    I STILL make 100's of thousands of AD on the trade house if not more...
    Post edited by trinity706#8838 on
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Let's move on the topic my friends and leave Trinity to its Fantasy...

    He know everything bettter than you all.
    You are just lazy people who dont put "efforts in the game and want everything served on a plate".

    The same guy explaining you that if Cryptic do that or that, people will not do that and that and Cryptic will end up without a cent to live and explain you in the same time that you can make loads of AD without zen...

    For me and most us, this game went from D&D to G&G. (Greed & Grind).

    A bizness model in video games is simple...

    You devellop a game during a few years or month, you sell it. Costs are covered and benefits are earned...

    During all these years on PC and xbox and ps4, i think they earned way more than enought but it's just never enought for Cryptic.

    Can't see why i should provide a regular income to Cryptic during 10 years...

    It's an old game now, they obviously made serious profits and maybe it's time to go on...
    Unless they get us back old dunjeons, create real content ( not more stupid fishing and heroics), it will die soon anyway.

    He doesnt even admit that the new artifacts restoring farm system is pure <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and endless and artificialy making the game longer covering the lack of content...

    The idea is simple, an MMO is suposed to be a long run but whith regular new content to enjoy playing ( new dunjeons, new skirmishs, actual content...)

    So people should be able to play during a few weeks then leave game and come back when actual new content that worth it is released instead of farming all day or playing ah.

    Fishing and sva until i get these marks arent my conception of an MMO at all.

    Anyway, this year will provide very goods game and we'll have plenty of ways to move on !

    This is my last input on the subject, debating with Trinity is just a waste of time.
    There is no point trying to convince him, the only opinion i'm interested in is Cryptic's not Trinity Cryptic fanboy. ( no offense).

    And the only input from Cryptic was Julia " 300 to 250 z keys" wich should already have been done from the begining but for some reasons it's easier to ask people to buy keys by "fixing" a years old "bug" than to change the price of the keys... Enought said...
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    You do know that there are a number of things (that are not Artifacts) that pretty much sell for what they did before the key change right?

    But not from chests. Maybe from lockboxes, not from chests! Highest value shard of orcus. Do you know how much this was worth before the change? And you still try to tell us prices didnt changed at "pretty much stuff"? Thats just .... i dont wanna feed you. sry.

    I STILL make 100's of thousands of AD on the trade house if not more...

    Sure...in the "trade" house ( never heared of that...btw) in ur dreams maybe. I also make good ADs in the auction house, but not from theese "great" new drops from chest.
    But...thats not my point, cuzz ur just dreaming. My point is the pain in the a.. now to get legendary marks from svardborg. I cant find any official comment on that.

  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    @diloul31 Again, your words, not mine (and please don't ride the coat tails of other peoples posts, get your own :) )

    As long as there is Zen in the AD exchange Cryptic is making revenue. Again, with effort AD can be accumulated and converted to Zen as long as people continue to purchase it and this F2P game will continue on whether you or anyone else likes the key change or not :)

    Operating costs (salaries, paying employees, building rent/maintenance, Sony's cut, server costs, etc., etc., etc.) do not go away therefore a business/company still has to find ways to TRY and turn profit/revenue, keyword TRY, nobody has to play this game and nobody has to buy Zen so don't try and make it seem like anything is forced. Don't blame Cryptic because they developed a great F2P game that hooked thousands/millions of players and they can't stay away from it for too long.

    The artifact restoring system is great, the "top tier" players got the challenging dungeon content they have been asking for, it grants marks to upgrade the relic weapons that at rank 1 are stronger than rank 45 weapons. How strong do you think those weapons will be at Legendary? Being that, how difficult "should" these weapons be to obtain? You think Cryptic should hand them out? If you or anyone else doesn't want to put in the effort to obtain/upgrade them step aside and fume while the players that want to do.

    You think game developers want to spend time and resources creating content that will last a few weeks then begin developing/continue developing even more content? That would be quite inefficient time and cost wise, btw who are you to state "During all these years on PC and xbox and ps4, i think they earned way more than enought but it's just never enought for Cryptic"? LOL. Creating content that lasts well into the next content release is what helps keep F2P games going.

    Don't wait for those other games to be released, please leave the game now if you are bothered by what's going on that much, which you aren't because you are here posting and still playing...
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    spideymt said:

    My point is the pain in the a.. now to get legendary marks from svardborg. I cant find any official comment on that.

    It is still the same PITA as it was before, just that now you can run SVA only once for free (or little work=quests etc.)
    If you want more, Cryptic expects you to pay them for the service of opening the dungeon chest.

    I still don't like it, but it was (for them) a good move.
    You won't be BIS within 2 weeks of a new Mod without paying lots and hard cash, but that's what you pay for. That's their business model, if you like it or not.
    And I still expect them to lighten the load on SVA marks in a way.

    Post edited by nameexpired on
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • mistalowmistalow Member Posts: 58 Arc User

    You are aware that Cryptic does not want you to "make easy AD" but to grind your a$$ off to have some AD?
    Cryptic certainly would prefer that you give them $$$ for ZZZ that you then can exchange at the ZAX into AD or buy keys directly.

    You do know that there are a number of things (that are not Artifacts) that pretty much sell for what they did before the key change right?

    I STILL make 100's of thousands of AD on the trade house if not more...
    True, I got unbound stuff worth 2m AD in freaking ETOS (VIP keys) Energons are still selling for 40k each (chest for free) And with salvagable gear you can convert AD for ZEN so you dont even need buying VIP. For me personaly this change is positive so far.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    spideymt said:

    But not from chests. Maybe from lockboxes, not from chests! Highest value shard of orcus. Do you know how much this was worth before the change? And you still try to tell us prices didnt changed at "pretty much stuff"? Thats just .... i dont wanna feed you. sry.

    Did you NOT read and comprehend my statement?

    "You do know that there are a number of things (that are not Artifacts) that pretty much sell for what they did before the key change right?"

    I didn't state prices didn't change, I stated prices on a number of non artifact items are pretty much the same. If players are still trying to sell those same artifacts that have been dropping more often after the key change they will make LESS. Again, look at the trade house and look at the NON ARTIFACT items that STILL sell for around what sold for before. If players want to base their AD income solely/primarily off of dungeon chests that is their conscious decision and they have every right to limit their own AD gains. Players can't logically squander opportunities then complain at the results.
    spideymt said:

    Sure...in the "trade" house ( never heared of that...btw) in ur dreams maybe. I also make good ADs in the auction house, but not from theese "great" new drops from chest.
    But...thats not my point, cuzz ur just dreaming. My point is the pain in the a.. now to get legendary marks from svardborg. I cant find any official comment on that.

    Utilizing the trade house is part of my point...

    Do whatever it is you want to get AD, convert, get LDK's and farm the dungeons, that is pretty much my best solution for you and anyone else, if you don't and don't want to do it about once per session then what? You won't play?...

    The key change shook up the "I can fund everything through dungeons" mindset a lot of players had/have. Dungeons are not as lucrative as they were before, I suggest players adjust their strategy for progression...

    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • fogcrowfogcrow Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    fogcrow said:

    they might not make it faster to create keys for free, but easier?...for some of them I don´t see much room for easier: an FBI key costs 10 ten town supplies, and 2k Voninblod. In my last few FBI runs, I got 10 ten town supplies, and ostorian relics worth between 650 and 1100 Voninblod per chest. So with a little luck it covers the cost of the next days key completely.
    The lesser demonic key is similar, cost: 150 fearzess. In f.e. Throne of the Dwarven Gods a gold result nets 100 fearzess, and the chest contains another 50.

    Ok, granted, they cost gold...

    I hereby apologise for having posted incorrect information: I believed the campaign tasks for creating ancient runic keys(FBI) and Demonic keys(lesser and greater) would require gold, but they do not.

    Also, yesterday on Fangbreaker Island, I noticed for the first time that when Drufi bit the dust, I got 300 Voninblod aside from elemental and protector seals. Need to pay attention in the future to find out if that number is static. Anyway: the rewards from FBI are even more likely to fully cover the costs of the next key then I thought^^.

    Another thing that might be worth noting: I did get an unbound shard of orcus wand on Fangbreaker Island a day or two after the key change, and assume they can drop anywhere now, even unbound.

  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User

    Do whatever it is you want to get AD, convert, get LDK's and farm the dungeons, that is pretty much my best solution for you and anyone else, if you don't and don't want to do it about once per session then what? You won't play?...

    Farm the dungeons?? Only possible if you got vip. I dont know why it has to be a must have to be a vip in an freaking f2p game! What kinda loot do you get from boss 1 or 2 in the most dungeons? Salvage crapp. And for the chest you need keys. So you run highend dungoens like FBI ( "best" dropp till now was a lostmauth necklage...woohoooo...yes i farm SVA for lost set items...makes sense), open the chests and get ( if your lucky) 1 enchant rank 8. Great! Wot else did i get? Lemme think: Red slaad ( no one will buy this. I observer the Ah every day on that), some crappy green! mounts ( some are for 80k in AH, but no one buys them).
    All you say makes only sense if you got enough keys from vip. Droprate for relic armor in fbi still pita. Droprates from legendary rings ( and OFC charbound and not acc bound anymore...!!!) was increased? Like wot? From 0,0002% to 0,0003%? Wow.
    Svardborg legendary marks droprate?
    This has nothing to do with " i want become easy a bis player". Make your math and youll see its nearly impossible without buying legendary keys to get theese marks. Thats not my understanding for a f2p game. I dont have any problem to farm dungeons. But with this droprate at ( for example) svardborg legandary marks? No way.
    I stopped running edemo before the change after my 782th run ( i counted them. All gold). NO legendary and 1 time i got my mainhand. Thats all. After they change i made 25 edemo ( all gold). Do you think droprates on legendary are btter now? 0 legendary, but thx to cryptic i got a winter sled. Yippiiee ...and char bound winter sleed. My dream came true.
    For your last question: If they dont change svardborg marks and if they dont take a good look at the drops ( BTW: does any one got a list of thees "great" loots after the change? Should be easy for cryptic to show us this, shouldt it? ´So they can proofe how "good" this change was..), yes, i wont play anymore. This new system is a slap in the face for every new player. But you dont get it and you never will. So with the words of the wise diloul31:
    "Let's move on the topic my friends and leave Trinity to its Fantasy..."

  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    spideymt said:

    Farm the dungeons?? Only possible if you got vip. I dont know why it has to be a must have to be a vip in an freaking f2p game!

    False. I ran Lostmauth less than 20 times and got the horn drop from the boss...
    If you have a good group some dungeons can be ran in about 10-15 minutes, even without any type of key that is about 3 different chances at Boss loot each run.
    spideymt said:

    All you say makes only sense if you got enough keys from vip. Droprate for relic armor in fbi still pita. Droprates from legendary rings ( and OFC charbound and not acc bound anymore...!!!) was increased? Like wot? From 0,0002% to 0,0003%? Wow. Svardborg legendary marks droprate?

    You are referring to some of the top tier items of the game right? Right (their drop rates would/should be low anyway).
    spideymt said:

    Make your math and youll see its nearly impossible without buying legendary keys to get theese marks. Thats not my understanding for a f2p game. I dont have any problem to farm dungeons. But with this droprate at ( for example) svardborg legandary marks?

    When you state "buy", you mean LDK's gotten with money or converted AD? Players that make the game work for them aren't the ones complaining about keys for the most part.

    Again, players that want to make AD "solely" from dungeon runs are essentially shooting themselves in the foot and complaining about it. It's kind of like having a bowl of cereal in front of you with a spoon on one side that weighs 3 lbs (the spoon being things outside of running dungeons), a fork on the other side that weighs 1 lb (running dungeons) and choosing the fork because it's "easier" to lift when it would make more sense to put in the extra effort to lift the heavier spoon (I could go about over time the heavier spoon would be just as east to lift with building muscle, etc. but hopefully the example is understood).

    It's a fantasy to log on or get the mail notification and see 100's of thousands of AD in trade house sales? LoL
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    spideymt said:

    All theese Cryp fanboys still missing and dodging the point about relic weapons and to get them with this key change.
    Im watching the AH since the change. If some one really wanna tell me you can make easy ADs with this change? Thats BS.

    I mean I've been regularly making about 500k AD a day just from drops but never mind that.
  • kydavi#1678 kydavi Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    You don't need keys for the main chest in Malabog's Castle or Shore's of Tuern; additionally you don't need keys for Master of the Hunt or Dread Legion. Not a perfect answer (or even a great one), but you can run those for loot without VIP or campaign keys.

    I tested the viability by running all four multiple times and only taking the free chest; reward drops rate is obviously reduced compared to using keys, but I have still acquired some significant loot (Heart of Red Dragon for example) and all the salvage is pure profit since the chests are free (sands the time required to complete the raid).

    Again, not the answer we want or need, but it is something.

    Main: Nidara Devilspawn- Ranger
    Alt: Aradin Coldblood- Fighter
    Alt: Lucrezia Vileborn- Warlock
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    urabask said:

    I mean I've been regularly making about 500k AD a day just from drops but never mind that.

    Ah...here are the 500k again. The 500k like this one?
    urabask said:

    But say Heart of the Blue Dragon will hold steady at 500k AD.

    I guess every thing you get is worth 500k, even if the AH tells a different story. 500k per day from drops? Plz. Dont go any further with this obvious .......
    And trinity?
    Do you really think the droprate is increased cuzz you got lost horn in eLoL after 20 runs? Srly? Dont need to answer. Its senseless to talk to you, i guess. You saif "False" and forgot that i stated "wot kinda loot at b 1 and b2?". Ofc there is loot mostly at endboss. But its not garantued. So we have to open chests. And if you need 3 different types of legendary marks in svardborg, wth cares about a lost horn?

  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    urabask said:

    I mean I've been regularly making about 500k AD a day just from drops but never mind that.

    Ah...here are the 500k again. The 500k like this one?
    urabask said:

    But say Heart of the Blue Dragon will hold steady at 500k AD.

    I guess every thing you get is worth 500k, even if the AH tells a different story. 500k per day from drops? Plz. Dont go any further with this obvious .......
    And trinity?
    Do you really think the droprate is increased cuzz you got lost horn in eLoL after 20 runs? Srly? Dont need to answer. Its senseless to talk to you, i guess. You saif "False" and forgot that i stated "wot kinda loot at b 1 and b2?". Ofc there is loot mostly at endboss. But its not garantued. So we have to open chests. And if you need 3 different types of legendary marks in svardborg, wth cares about a lost horn?

    It dropped to 400-450k. Oh no.

    I guess that invalidates the two air archons I had drop. Or the Phase Spider. Or the three Lantern of Revelation. Or Priestess of Senahnine Moonbow. Man, I must be just imagining all the drops that I've gotten that are worth more AD than getting a few extra r8s every month.

    I don't get why you keep bringing up SVA because I've never said that there weren't problems with SVA. Believe it or not people play dungeons/skirmishes/trials besides SVA and the chest change makes them more rewarding. Also, the drop rate for artifacts is the most obvious change that they made. Shard of Orcus's Wand wouldn't be sitting at 1.5m right before a 2x RP otherwise.

    Oh look it's Pre Reaper of Souls Diablo 3 "LET'S FARM THE AH INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME" all over again. Crappy loot tables, check! Bleeding players, check! I guess in a way Cryptic is trying to tell you to suck up your loss and move on, don't let the door hit you on the way out yadda yadda..you can be nice to the upcoming player churn by telling them to quit once they hit 60 or once they step into Protector's Enclave. I had yet to see someone who programs a bot to do just that though.

    After removing AD from leadership the AH has always been the primary way of gaining AD : \

    Heck even before that it was a close second if not better.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    My drops have actually gotten WORSE since the update.

    I've run between 3-12 eLoL each day (depending on the time I had available) since the update:

    From the Right chest:
    Low level salvage

    From the left chest
    1) lostmauth belt
    1) Lostmauth horn
    1) set of those stupid money eater gauntlets (aka salvage)
    All of the other chests have had - elemental seals, 1 bit of salvage gear, 1 rank 5/6 enchant

    Boss Drops
    First boss is running at 50% chance of giving either a necklace or peridot
    Scorpions seems to run at about a 15% chance of dropping a peridot
    total of 3 drops from lostmauth - 2 peridots, 1 aquamarine

    Keep in mind - 4 times my keys have been taken by chests and nothing came out of them. That glitch was awesome. Submitted a ticket day 1, still haven't gotten the keys back yet. Two other friends have had this happen as well - one in CN the other in eLoL.

    I don't see where what I'm getting out of the chests is worth making keys for. I still only get the lostmauth gear on my healadin so I'm still convinced that the drop rate is higher for toons that have no need for the drop.

    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    ravenskya said:

    My drops have actually gotten WORSE since the update.

    I've run between 3-12 eLoL each day (depending on the time I had available) since the update:

    From the Right chest:
    Low level salvage

    From the left chest
    1) lostmauth belt
    1) Lostmauth horn
    1) set of those stupid money eater gauntlets (aka salvage)
    All of the other chests have had - elemental seals, 1 bit of salvage gear, 1 rank 5/6 enchant

    Boss Drops
    First boss is running at 50% chance of giving either a necklace or peridot
    Scorpions seems to run at about a 15% chance of dropping a peridot
    total of 3 drops from lostmauth - 2 peridots, 1 aquamarine

    Keep in mind - 4 times my keys have been taken by chests and nothing came out of them. That glitch was awesome. Submitted a ticket day 1, still haven't gotten the keys back yet. Two other friends have had this happen as well - one in CN the other in eLoL.

    I don't see where what I'm getting out of the chests is worth making keys for. I still only get the lostmauth gear on my healadin so I'm still convinced that the drop rate is higher for toons that have no need for the drop.

    No one is really running elol because the second key takes too much time to make. Everyone switched to VT once the chest change happened. Even then you should be running etos or CN ever since the salvage value change.
  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    My gamertag is diloul ingame (ps4)

    If a dev or anyone able to want to check my drops and prove that i'm lying abouts dunjeons drops and locked chests, please do so.

    Since update by runing every dunjeon almost everyday i got ( when it was possible queues never end since there is so few tanks and heals in the game and the class queue fix)
    - +5 defense ring binded
    - symbol of earth sold 250k when you remove fees
    - tiamat necklace (worth 15k)
    - ioun stone bided
    - face of bloody lord with just beautiful but useless for the moment.
    - dwarf item for campaign 50k after fees

    Basically it's like a refund...

    It's more than 20 keys used not counting vip keys...

    20 keys = 1200 zen = 360 000 da
    I won a 250k artiact, can you do the math ?

    To be fair i didnt buy these keys had them before or crafted the days i had gold. ( can't anymore)
    Locked chest openened almost everyday since i started to play with daily free keys and 20 bought during black friday the only good drop was a 300k worth companion and diamond :)
    (vip is still good imo anyway but still wouldnt hurt to get something nice from time to time)
    I'm not sure why i should be amazed with these amazing drops :D

    Good game for you 500k/daily...
    Post edited by diloul31 on
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    urabask said:

    No one is really running elol because the second key takes too much time to make. Everyone switched to VT once the chest change happened. Even then you should be running etos or CN ever since the salvage value change.

    I do run etos and CN, ran CN last night and neither of the chests would open for one of our clerics. At least he didn't lose a key on it, he just wasted the run.

    We ran elol a lot before the change as the starter dungeon for people just getting into dungeons - it's quick and we know it like the back of our hands and if everyone dies any one of us can still finish it. So we take new people through there quite often(and have been for the last 3 months).

    Because I am most familiar with the drop rates - it seemed to be the best dungeon to experiment with since the change. I also had a stash of keys piled up.

    The point is, as you clearly made - they made a dungeon worthless to the players.

    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    ravenskya said:

    urabask said:

    No one is really running elol because the second key takes too much time to make. Everyone switched to VT once the chest change happened. Even then you should be running etos or CN ever since the salvage value change.

    I do run etos and CN, ran CN last night and neither of the chests would open for one of our clerics. At least he didn't lose a key on it, he just wasted the run.

    We ran elol a lot before the change as the starter dungeon for people just getting into dungeons - it's quick and we know it like the back of our hands and if everyone dies any one of us can still finish it. So we take new people through there quite often(and have been for the last 3 months).

    Because I am most familiar with the drop rates - it seemed to be the best dungeon to experiment with since the change. I also had a stash of keys piled up.

    The point is, as you clearly made - they made a dungeon worthless to the players.

    Elol has been worthless since the salvage values were changed and the horn was nerfed: \
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    Oh look it's Pre Reaper of Souls Diablo 3 "LET'S FARM THE AH INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME" all over again.

    My suggestions include profiting from the trade house as well as doing other things in-game, dungeons included, not a replacement...
    diloul31 said:

    Basically it's like a refund...

    Just because you haven't had the favor of drops as a number of other players have gotten doesn't mean the change is bad overall, eventually you will get your turn.
    diloul31 said:

    Good game for you 500k/daily...

    I know right? Get on the AD wagon :)

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    For the people concerned about drop rates, screenshot your boss/chest drops for a couple weeks and let's see what they show :)
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I don't run a ton, I have pretty limited play time. I hear stories of people getting great drops and I have seen some of them happen so I can see the drop rates are better and the new loot does drop.

    So far I have not gotten anything of interest, I probably need more runs, but the +1 ring in the left chest of CN and the rank 8 runestone in the right chest is barely worth my 15-20 minutes of time, let alone the keys it takes. For every story of great loot, this normal loot is happening for 4 of the others in party and usually all 5 people. So a normal run costs more in AD that I am getting as a reward, and that is not right. That is called a fee to run the dungeon, not a reward for completing it.

    Epic dungeon key 5000 AD - left chest has: a blue ring 2000 AD salvage value, some seals, a shard of almost no value. I think 6 runs will get you a blue chest for salvage and 10 runs for the purple chest salvage, so another 3000 AD every 6 runs and a whole 6000 AD on the 10th run. This is a loss of diamonds one every run that gives the standard rewards.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I've ran a fair amount of dungeons. not as many as some... but enough for a fair sampling. I've probably done 30 since the change. I'm not upset with the new loot table and drop rate over all. I've got the shard of orcus to drop and in elol in the left chest I got the blue dragon artifact today (neither bound to me) . i've also got some worthless bound to character companions. and that's great. they're still fun to get. so happy wiht that. I'm enjoying running a variety of dungeons because more stuff can drop and that's neat.. what I'm not liking is how worthless MOST of the loot is. each key costs 15k if you go zen market. most of the time I do think the second chest of CN gives you at least that much back (but you'll never turn a profit and be able to make enough to upgrade your toon that way because most of it is just going back to the house as it were) but most of the special chests give you about 3k back in value. it makes it hard to justify getting the extra keys for the extra chests. that needs to be addressed. a little more salvage from each chest...

    people have to be able to upgrade the toons.. this is gonna make it hard. (not talking for myself.. I'm good there lol) getting special rewards that are worth more occasionally... . they keep people like me in the game. but for people who are still just trying to get a decent toon going it's not enough. they need to be able to MAKE ad to buy things, to donate to their guild ect ect.

    and the value added of the second chest. today I bought five keys and did five edemo runs to see about getting a plus five... I didn't get anywhere near the value out of that. I won't be doing it again. I got one plus three. so 4k instead of 2k.. twisted I don't need.. a couple peridots.. all said total value of the run was about 15k... I paid 77k (not counting the free drops that fall from the sky.. because you get those anyway but if I did add those In double that so 30k and I paid 77k)
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    urabask said:

    It dropped to 400-450k. Oh no.

    No, it doesnt. You dont need to lie to proof any false facts. Check how "expansive" this arte is.
    I dont want to talk with you. You claiming drops and tell ppl how much worth they are, but the truth is different. You where one of the biggest enemys for this key change BEFORE they made this change and now you are getting richer and now its better? You sir, talking nonsens. Thats all. This change is good for some ppl, but not for the majority.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Not to forget :

    1. Not everyone have alts.
    2. Not everyone have VIP
    3. Not everyone have money to spend or a credit card to use

    Why do people forget this i do not know.
    Just cos we have VIP , we think everyone else has it.
    They do not.

    Why would a new player make 2 or 3 alts while just starting this game ?

    He gets his or her little char. , and tries to level it following the story line.

    A person like that is not aware of the fact you need to play AH to "make" money, or get tons of alts, in order to "get" that money .

    A person like that is not aware that without VIP he or she needs to pay up 5 k for a dungeon keys , but if he/she spends Zen on VIP he can get a discount to buy them. 25 % , JUST BUY THAT ZEN , since it pays off. Right ?

    So what then ?
    Getting VIP right ? So he or she can run 3 free dungeons a day.
    And 1 from the free daily key. Oh the joy : 4 dungeons ! Amazing !

    But wait they can only refine 36 k a day per 1 character.
    So it is important to make alts , no alts no money.
    What kind of stupid HAMSTER way of thinking is this...
    You can only refine " this amount " per day. But legendary keys are 250 Zen.

    You want to buy 5 legendary keys ? Make 4 more alts >! Or wait 4 days to get keys.
    If you manage to buy Zen at all in the first place.

    It will get back to 5oo. I have no doubt about that . It will happen.
    And people will again wait months to get some Zen for AD.

    .. I do not understand how people can not see this.

    But it is okay.
    We got over removing Coal wards from trade bars .. since " it was not such a big deal ".
    We got over putting a limit on refining.
    We got over tons of HAMSTER and we ll eventually get over this.
    People will get tired of replying in here.


  • diloul31diloul31 Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Thank you araneax for seeing the truth as it is !
    Playing a game shouldn't feel like some kind of real life job where you have to consider every component of the game and implant a daily routine in your life.

    I use my 2 alts as mules, never ran anything whith them.
    It helps with festival and events like that but that's all :)

    I ran out of extra keys and campaign currency, i'm not runing them anymore, no way in hell, i'll do that.

    The less you play a long run game, the more complicated it become to progress and soon or later you leave the game plain and simple...

    That's sad there is plenty of ways to make money in a f2p but keys change as it is right now was really a bad decision.

    No matter if a few people get a lot of drops, that don't change anything at all....

    On pc people had time to stack loads of keys maybe but not on ps4...

    Campaign currencies are melting and keys too, and people will not spend hours a day griding campaign currencies to buy keys.

    I keep saying that was the plan from Cryptic from the begining..

    Making the grind so bad that you would buy keys instead of grinding but it will not happen :)

    Check on the web "Perfect World Entertainement revenues"
    You may be surprised by how the incomes kept rising these past years.
    So the key change was absolutely not a matter of survival just a greedy move and a lack respect and considerarion for players.
    Post edited by diloul31 on
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Looking at opening chests other than as being a "lottery" with a minimal consolation prize if no high value roll each time is pretty much looking at it as being other than "RNG". Same thing goes with players that defend their argument with the "value" of the keys when they see the odds of that initial cost returning more yet STILL continue to opt into it full fledged.

    "RNG" is in a lot places OUTSIDE of dungeons as well (wanderer's fortune, dragon's hoard, fey blessing, lock boxes, treasure chests, refining, etc.) and works in the favor of us all quite often overall, it may not be in the manner in which a number of players really want (rare dungeon drops) but still proves useful/rewarding. How about this, the player's complaining about the specific portion of "RNG" (dungeon chests) take off ALL enchantments/mount bonuses, etc. that give a chance at a additional drop from defeating mobs then come double refinement only use things that you collected without them and see how much refinement points you have. I can pretty much guarantee no one will do it. not only will it help defend my argument it will pretty much CLEARLY show how "RNG" overall works for us more often than not. I have picked up enough refinement from enchantments/mount bonuses to net well into millions of AD.

    If no one ever got rare drops or the trade house had very few a majority of the time it would be a different story but this is not the case. Just because a player hasn't gotten a rare drop doesn't mean the system is broken, it just doesn't and comparing oneself against the vast number of players that the system has worked in favor of is a problem within itself, not that a player can't feel ill towards the system because it hasn't favored them in the manner in which they want it to.

    It's a F2P game with elements to help speed up ones progress or streamlines it and some of them come at a price which can be paid with money, converted in-game currency and or time.

    @araneax players don't have to utilize both character slots or obtain additional ones to get AD, utilizing more characters raises the amount of AD that can be generated. New players who haven't checked the forums beforehand or asked hot to get AD in-game probably won't know the benefits of utilizing multiple characters, we do though, some opt in others don't, yet complain.

    The daily 36k RAD > AD limit is static though the amount of AD players can obtain via the trade house is virtually limited by how much effort they put into it, this fact cannot be overlooked but players try to sweep it under the rug seemingly because they aren't willing to put in the effort to make it work for them and or they are holding onto some argument that it will destroy.

    VIP can be obtained in-game in about 8-9 days with one character.

    VIP grants multiple benefits, not just Epic dungeon keys but also ease of travel, mailbox, salvage anvil, immunity to injuries, etc., etc...

    @diloul31 Anybody that looked at the PC changes would have seen the changes would eventually come down the line as well, the information out there isn't hidden so PS4 players did have time to prepare. Just like how you found that link you posted other players found out ahead of time what was coming.

    Just like you use multiple characters for events, they can be used for other things too but you choose not to and thus are consciously limiting yourself :)
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
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