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digitalbeachbum Arc User



  • I finally downloaded STO but !#$!@ it is slow and it is taking forever to load the actual game. when it reaches "connecting to the login server. please wait" it takes about five minutes then tells me that the connection to the login server timed out.
  • I started from scratch and after some problems with the arcinstaller, I went in to the registry and removed any reference to arc or the game, then tried again. After getting installed, the patching servers were unreachable. I tried several times and finally connected, but I don't think the patch was completed. When I got…
  • It's erratic. Sometimes I get through to the launch page, where it says PLAY. The server light sometimes says it is up, sometimes it says it is down. When it is up, it times out on me and gives the error as before.
  • A little bit ago, my launcher said the servers were up, but when I tried to connect, it timed out.
  • So I got to the point where CO was loaded. The top left corner says the servers are down. I tried patching and it let me go for a bit, but then it said "THE CONNECTION WAS IDLE FOR TOO LONG".
  • No. Not FW. It was working previously before the HD crashed and there were no changes made to the FW. Also, I made sure the new install of the app was put in as an exception on the virus protection (which seems to be an issue for AVG as it thinks ARC is virus).
  • I recently had a HD crash, so I had to install everything from scratch. I'm having the same problem. I can't connect to the servers.
  • To clarify, When I try to login in to ARC I get a "LOGIN HAS TIMED OUT. PLEASE CHECK YOUR NETWORK CONNECTIONS..."
  • Your statement is a fallacy. The XP bonus isn't being disabled completely, it's disabled while you are using the vehicle. If you exit the vehicle then turn in your mission, you get the bonus.
  • a1 - active enough that they keep the servers running, but it isn't progressive. I come back every few months to get my subscriber stuff and look around but I'm bored with the game and don't play any more. It would take a complete overhaul of the game to bring me back. a2 - Yes, new content, new character classes, new…
  • I've been a Lifetime Subscriber since the pre-beta. I purchased the lifetime subscription when it first game out and I've never changed the account/downgraded. I've never had this problem previously. Does the game automatically give these items to players or do you have to go to the vendor? I'll need to check.
  • I am just thinking about screwy the framework is when I compare it to learning skills in real life. Usually to become a master you have to spend a lot of time working on one skill or maybe one or two skills which are similar or connected to the primary. Such as if you were working on Fire there might be a connected with…
  • I noticed that TOUGH provides a 1.5 increase to your Max Health. I assumed that was a 1.5% increase to your current Max Health but it turns out the numbers don't jive. My toon had 8468 before the purchase of the TOUGH from the Specialization Tree. After the purchase I had 8710. The math doesn't add up. How is it…
  • I was using the same map but couldn't find the foxbat I needed for the IOU. And that map has one misplaced or missing, if you start at the city center, go up the right side of Mercy hospital and half way up on your left is a Foxbat on a step. In the alley next to him, is another greyed out foxbat with two vipers near him.…
  • And the drops for the gear is ridiculous. This morning it was every thing time I ran the mission. Now I've run the mission 30+ times and got one gear drop. Balance people. Balance.
  • I've run at least 100 missions today and I originally had the "defeat BH" done but later after my first battle with Clarence that portion of the completed requirements disappeared. I finally defeated Clarence and went back to the vendor but it won't let me turn it in. In fact the vendor doesn't even show that the mission…
  • I dislike that so many people are running the mission at a super high rate of speed. Unless you have a travel power which allows you to skip the mobs and you are a low level hero then you are stuck never or very slowly getting passed them. I've seen people never make it to the end because the high levels run it so quickly…
  • I ran the mission (8) times last night with no gear drop. I also noticed that the mission requirements are mixed up. Did any one notice this? It says something like find and defeat Black Harlequin twice.... it's a really hosed mission. Strange that it worked fine for me early yesterday. I ran it and got a gear drop every…
  • I noticed this morning after I got back from an errand that the mission stopped giving drops. I ran it (4) times in a row with no drops. When I got back from work the vendor was giving out the mission so I picked it up. I ran the mission (6) times and only got one drop. I've yet to fight Clarence.
  • I know right? I mean, come on already? Can't you people get it together and stop being so inconsistent? I had really high expectations for CO and it was all based on what I was being told in the Dev chats. However, each chat it became clear, "no, we won't be doing this" or "we had to tone this down" or "we modified the…
  • BTW I had never tried DCUO until today and while it is different and cool looking.. it's the same old hash with a different garnish. The content seems more refreshing but other people I've talked to said it gets old pretty quickly because it repeats itself. I like that I'm up against some infamous villains. I like the…
  • That was one of my earliest suggestions but I was told there would be a dynamic Nemesis portion of this game which would be amazing. The Nemesis would be specific to each hero and they would constantly keep you on your toes. I'm still wondering when they will get it up to speed.
  • I know. However my memories of playing the PnP version of Champions was what was presented to us during the early stages of development. It was one of the stories I was told and caught me hook, line and sinker to purchase the lifetime subscription. I recall chatting with them, including his name who won't be spoken, and I…
  • It topped out at 350 on one evening and I see how it varies from time zone to time zone. When I get up in the morning I see less people, but in the evenings and weekends I see more. I just looked at it tonight and there wasn't more than 300 online through the MC view.
  • During the Taco Halloween special I was looking at the number of people online between the three servers/shards and it was hovering around 300 during that time frame.
  • A Foundry won't save this game. The few 300 people who play this game are feeding a cash cow which is on the operating table bleeding out while the surgeon has left the building. They come up with these lousy items for people to purchase along with costume parts which is cool but 10% of the game. The best thing would be…
  • I'd like to see better transfer of items between bags and the bank. I'd like to see an ability to expand your shared bank account. I remember in WoW I could transfer items from A-Z in a heartbeat but in here I'm left to dragging stuff because nothing will quick-click in to any other bag but my primary bag. Bags 2-5 all…
  • I am a comic collector and yes I know that, but it is always how he escapes or who breaks him out then Batman has to do detective work, etc. I don't expect the same detailed story line as comics, but hey that would be amazing wouldn't it? That is why I thought it would be cool if you actually put them in the prison. Then…
  • Thanks! I got them put together at the ToyMaster
  • I'd like to see what was originally promised during the alpha and beta stages where powers had weaknesses and strengths against other powers. Such as water vs fire, etc. There will be a 'wheel' and depending on the powers to your left and right it would signify your strengths and weaknesses to a power. The closer to you,…
  • That explains it for me. Thx.
  • Thanks. I finally got around to retaining my first one.
  • Become Evil Frank is a terrible character and that's an understatement. Yeah it's sort of cool but as long as you aren't in combat.
  • No turrets. I stay away from them. I agree they are too weak Onslaught is over all terribly executed. I've had the idea for this type of event in WoW but didn't have several million to put together a company and build the perfect MMORPG
  • All great suggestions, let us hope people are listening.
  • And another suggestion... I just spent my entire time waiting for the targets to respawn. With travel time it took forever just to get three targets.
  • A nice try, but a failed execution. It will be enjoyable for a few weeks.
  • I did not see a RETRAIN, but will look again. I have all other characters as FF but I was using the last slot and I said "I wonder what this will bring me..." so I tried it but I didn't know you couldn't break out of the preform because I never used them previously. Thanks for the info
  • And on a side note. Any form with out a blocking upgrade/specific block is just plain silly - and the form I'm locked in to has no blocking power.
  • I didn't purchase the RETCON. I'm a lifer. I had seven RETCON saved and since I haven't used the Cstore until recently to purchase the box keys, I didn't know there was a "retrain". All kind of stupid really. I got to pick two different powers and every thing else was locked. There is no advantage to using a Archetype in…
  • Yeah I understand that... but last night I logged in and did all the "PRE" stuff again. When I logged in tonight... I had to do it ALL OVER again...??????
  • Hold on a second... I just logged in and I have to do the pre-mission stuff over yet again????? WTH?
  • That would be super cool of you to do. I will need to look at what I have in my personal stash and then calculate what I need. I also will need to check with my Super Group leader and see if he knows what I took from the SG vault. I took most of my stuff from there and he ever made a comment to me about "putting back" in…
  • Well after much "discussion" with tech support the basic reply came back as "too bad so sad" for me on the mods. They said they couldn't help me with the equipment if I had lost it but the mods which were stripped from the equipment will not be returned to me. Don't they keep backups of our characters?
  • Well, they replied finally to my ticket and the only thing they are suggesting is that I am using the wrong account and I'm confused. HUH.... I only have one account and never have had more than one account. I'm screwed. They won't do a damn thing. This is all one giant cluster frak. **** Update **** I have verified the…
  • Well, my hero is still messed up. I'm annoyed because of the mod's missing because it took a lot of work to get some of my equipment fused up. I'm guessing if I want to use my heroic items again I'll need to just forget about getting a character restore. I've had my ticket submitted for over three days now and no response.…
  • I'm talking about the live server. It doesn't make sense. I purchased the items I wanted with the points earned. I fused the mod's to them, equipped with them, then went out hunting for bad guys. Every thing was fine for a week or two, then I noticed that I had the "old" equipment which I SOLD to a vendor because I didn't…
  • Yes I did. No response.
  • ???? How long does it take to restore a character? I have lost points, mods and more because of this issue making my character less on performance.