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  • Or they could do something similar to DCUO where each power is effected by the role you are in. You usually had to switch roles in order to gain the advantages you wanted, but it worked out pretty well IMO. Usually a DPS role would give a % damage boost until your combo meter ran out, which wouldn't work for this game, but…
  • I would also like to say that the "no nose" "alien" style would be nice if it didn't have to be so flat against the face, and have a slight bump. Thought it would be good to mention the idea here, since I wanted both of these things for the same character. :biggrin:
  • What about this, instead of "flying" it looks like you are swimming in the air? Just a thought. :biggrin:
  • Same problem, can't get in game now at all.
  • Tried metal for the emblem, and it looked like wrinkled tinfoil. For the metal to look good it would need to on a um... flatter area, so that there are no unusual effects on it.
  • Yeah, locking characters who get killed out isn't fair.
  • So far I have gotten 2 compliments for Dwarf Star, and one for Cerebellum, so people are definitely reading them. :)
  • Thanks for the input. Yeah, cosmic is mostly the concept, but I want the Star Burst costume to have an angelic feel, I think that the Nephilim Wings might fit better, but right now what is available doesn't quite fit. I think I am going to put in the beast legs once I get some better high heel options for them. She is…
  • Thanks for the offer.:biggrin: I guess I will just have to farm questionite for now.
  • If you have any left I would like a code, you can PM me, but if you are out already I understand. ETA: Sorry, quoted the wrong person, used to the quote being at the bottom of the thing I want to quote instead of the top.
  • What about a high powered range slash that either does wind, or energy damage. :biggrin: Would be perfect type of attack for a FF I want to make.
  • Well, even so, I didn't exactly design Dwarf Star to be the "Greatest American Hero" hopped up on caffeine. :tongue:
  • Newest Dwarf Star model. Any advice? http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a482/Cerebrum123/th_Costume_DwarfStar5_zps1929b0f0.jpg
  • I've done quite a bit of digging around, and haven't seen anyone ask this question. Is it possible to bind a phrase to a specific power, rather than a specific key? Or perhaps to a certain part of the power tray, rather than a key? I use a 360 controller to play, and I don't think that it would work right if I tried key…
  • I'd say it's a pretty decent design. I have to agree that the white background isn't too good, but the blue one that most people have would have made him practically invisible.
  • A potential Dwarf Star model, still think it needs something in the hip area, but not sure what. http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a482/Cerebrum123/th_Costume_DwarfStar3_zpsae1c849c.jpg
  • No, no, no. We want more REALISTIC women, and maybe some Big Bertha types, the boobs get big enough(if not too big in some cases, I know, I am a guy, I shouldn't be saying "too big" for boobs, but that's what I think anyway :tongue:). What we need are more realistic shapes, and sizes.
  • Wow, that's pretty good. Wish I could draw things even half that good. You might consider taking origin story requests. :biggrin:
  • This idea sound very good. /signed
  • /signed I would also like a better lip slider, they are not very good with that on this game.
  • Ok, here are all of my costumes, two of them are early version of Dwarf Star, and her Star Burst form. http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a482/Cerebrum123/th_Costume_cerebrum222_DwarfStar_CC_Comic_Page_Blue_402259414_zps0d196934.jpg…
  • Will have to complete Aftershock then. Would think that that might look more demonic than angelic though, but we'll see. I will check out photobucket, and the renaming tool.
  • Thanks I had that at first, and I might try doing it again, but I wanted to put something a little different than just the black with very light spots on it. It seemed to need something, and the lightning storm pattern seemed nice. Currently she has a medium light purple for the lightning. For the second costume my idea is…
  • Ok, here's hoping that I am using ImageShack right. First up Dwarf Star's main costume. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/dwarfstar.jpg/ And her alt costume. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/starburst.jpg/
  • Ok, sorry. Do you know a good easy one I could use?
  • /signed I definitely like this idea.
  • /signed Resistance, and a couple others, had completely bugged when a friend of mine played, I was able to complete the Nighthawk mission, and would possibly have done Resistance, but she got neither, and she should have at least have gotten the rewards for the Nighthawk mission, especially since it was a double…
  • Actually, one of the characters I want to make would be weak to sharp objects. :wink:
  • Yeah, I have had a couple problems with Rebuke recently (Radiant AT), and sometimes it will hit, other times nothing. Sometimes even my AoE(forgot the name, first power your actually earn through lvl ups) won't do anything either. Not sure why either.
  • Unless it drops those dll files in there automatically, then, no I didn't have to do that. The XBCD driver can usually detect rumble from about any program that can do it, but I do suppose that since I am not being registered in game as a 360 controller, then rumble isn't supported? Or, maybe I don't have the right kind of…
  • 1 Purchasable power color change 2 Water powerset 3 more advantage points, and more than 5 per power. :biggrin:
  • Thanks, I will send him a pm, and ask him if he knows about it.
  • Yeah, water set, with maybe a few healing type abilities involved, even if they are only self heal, I could still get much closer to a certain character I would love to make, but no game matches even close to what I want.
  • Yeah, I looked through a pretty large amount of that thread, but only saw one person ask a similar question to what I asked, and nobody seemed to respond to him. Do you maybe know a specific person that would be best to ask about something like what I am trying to do?
  • Thanks, I will see if it's in there.
  • Which time zone for the times, I'm not very good at this kind of thing. Today is Monday, and I would like to see this.
  • This is what I plan on making if I ever get a FF slot. He's themed to mostly use guns, and a single blade as far as weapons, and he has telekinetic/ wind techniques for other things. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Cerebellum Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary)…
  • Oops, I thought I hit the quote button on one of his posts, that question was meant for him. Sorry for the confusion. :biggrin:
  • Yeah, I try to do them when I can, but for some reason I don't "qualify" for very many.
  • Quick question since you seem to know how to do the "battle cries". Is it possible to bind a set of words to an individual power, rather than an individual key? I use a 360 controller to play, and it would be nice to have a phrase as power specific rather than key specific. Sorry for the thread derail btw, if you don't…
  • Did a little more tinkering, and removed Dragon's Bite, and moved a few things around, and used a few different advantages. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Cerebellum Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary) Level 15: Strength (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The…
  • Ok, I will definitely do that. Well, it's nice to have the ability to heal if my team ever needs it, and being able to solo heal is nice on occasion as well. Cool, will keep that in mind. I'm actually kind of surprised that someone actually tried out my build. Thanks though, it definitely helps me to understand what works,…
  • I was the one who got stuck in the building when playing with my friend, it's not even worth doing any AP's at this point.
  • I just realized that Killer Instinct, and WoTM are also passives, so it looks like my more recent build has 3 passives, unless Killer Instinct, and WoTM are somehow both usable, I am going to likely have to drop one of them, and add in a new power.
  • Well, this hero was designed to be very unique, and I will probably change the order of the powers like you said, and I will take out one of the passives. Thanks for the tips.
  • Taking into account some of the things said previously, I tried tinkering around a little more, and came up with this. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Cerebellum Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary) Level 15: Strength (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Inventor…
  • One thing I forgot to mention, he only has two pistols, and one sword. So shot guns, and machine guns aren't too good.
  • Thanks for the tips, I am pretty much a noob, but I intend on learning this. I will try making a new build, also like I said in a previous post, it will probably be a long time before I get a chance to actually make this, but I want to plan ahead on this. CO comes by far the closest to making my character the way I want,…
  • Wow Ravenforce, thanks. I did a little tinkering as well, and came up with a new one. Will have to take a look at all of these, and then see which one actually ends up working the best. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Cerebellum Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Recovery (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary)…