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For The Powers That Be....

herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Suggestions Box
Just sittin here and thought i'd share a couple ideas.
1.) DOORS: made front different materials so breaking through certain doors means the proper force required. wood being weakest, then metal, then electrified doors( every time you physically hit it...it shocks you taking your health down), and forcefield doors( the hardest).
2.) EXTRA PROJECTION POINT: characters that weild weapons could have the option of firing a ranged attack from their weapons. imagine firing lightning from your wizard staff or fire from your hellish sword?
3.) MORE HEAVY WEAPON CHOICES: more styles to choose from. swords, hammers, axes, staffs, ect. maybe just plain looks and some not as huge. can still get the same effect.
4.) WEAPON IN HAND: when you run...your weapon is still in your hand. these characters are WEILDERS so...let them weild.
5.) POP UP CITY ATTACKS: imagine your in Club Caprice and red lights and warning sounds go off. you rush out side and check your mini map. red circle flashing at docks. when you get there with everyone else that heeds the call...a giant monster has risen out of the bay attacking everything in sight. option ideas...alien warbot, plant creature, lava men, and even a team of super villians.
6.) RANDOM CHARACTER ATTACKS: (Behemoth):a leap attack with both fists overhead then coming down on target. also deals knockback and damage to foes close to main target . (Fire): a continuos stream of fire from outstretched hands like flame breath (Earth): have a giant rock fist form in an uppercut or a massive frontal punch but still attatched to the ground. maybe form a controllable rock golem. your contiousness goes into it until you or foe are defeated (Heavy Weaponer): a swing of the weapon maybe back handed or both hands swinging frontal with roomsweeper effect
7.) FIGHTING CLAWS: more styles, some just plain claw/dagger looking and giving more attack ideas.targets bleed like sword attacks
8.) MORE HELMETS: want different styles either half or full. flat to side wing options please
9.) ARCHETYPE IDEAS: ok, we know stretchings out. (Changeling): different attacks from different animals: Kangaroo kick, Rhino ram, Bear claw swipe...different ones, Lion pounce,Gorilla beatdown...couple punches, Elephant area stomp, Eagle eye rake, and his flight special free option...change into a eagle, hawk, falcon, ect. maybe even a T-Rex chomp and tail smash? (Speedster): this guy could use some existing attacks but some more ideas are, Superspeed Dodge, 360 Assault...he runs around target punching, Tornado Spin...a combo attack with direct and area damage plus defense, and Speed Ram. (Density Master): can become super heavy/dense or immaterail. attacks could be Diamond Punch...several different ones with different effects, Phase touch...disruptive, Ground Slam...jumps up then comes down heavy with area knockback. he could have several defenses also. Super Density or Intangiability. walking through objects would be cool but i'm sure thats not possible. (Size Changer): this character would have different attacks based on size changing. also...his strength and durability are determined by his size. maybe 35 ft tall would be his maximum. one ability would be Micro-stealth...unseen while in this form. all you see is maybe a small moving dot of your characters color.
10.) RAYS & BEAMS: Heat Rays, Sonic Beams, Freeze Beams, Cosmic Blasts, Radioactive Beam, Atomic Blast and can be fired from wherever we want...head, chest, palm, fist, or weapon!
11.) PRICES!!!!: shouldnt cost that much to change things. Retcons, Name, ect... come on powere that be... inflation. help us out here.:smile:
OK...I'm done for now. hope there will be looked at by the powers that...ahh...you know the rest. one more thing. Secret Identity slot.
Post edited by herodad1 on


  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    oh...the title was meant to catch "their" attention but would love to hear feedback from my fellow heroes! :wink:
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    12.) BATTLE CRY: we could choose a battle cry...then save it and have it quickly available via small icon on screen. example....SPOOOOON!!!! :tongue:
    OH...how do i remove the pic at bottom of pages? that character isnt me anymore?
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    12.) BATTLE CRY: we could choose a battle cry...then save it and have it quickly available via small icon on screen. example....SPOOOOON!!!! :tongue:
    OH...how do i remove the pic at bottom of pages? that character isnt me anymore?

    I bind my battle-cries so that I can say them with the push of a button. It's easily done.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    how is this done? oh...i'm goin back to that character with few improvements so gonna just keep pic.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    how is this done? oh...i'm goin back to that character with few improvements so gonna just keep pic.

    Like this....... /bind N "local Rule Britannia!"

    N being the key I use.

    local being the chat channel.

    Rule Britannia being my battle -cry.

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tried it but couldnt get it to work. may need more indepth instructions please. type it in the chat thingy at bottom left of screen right. where we talk to others? :confused: really want a battle cry! help!
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    tried it but couldnt get it to work. may need more indepth instructions please. type it in the chat thingy at bottom left of screen right. where we talk to others? :confused: really want a battle cry! help!

    Yup, that's where you type it. Why don't you post here what exactly you typed so we can see what the problem is.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • taintedmesstaintedmess Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    as others have said all you need to do is type

    /bind x "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

    where x is the key you want to use and yyyyyyyyyyyy is what you want your charachter to say.

    remeber you must use the /bind at the beginning and enclose the shout out in " " or it'll not work
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    /bind x "HAVE AT THEE!!!" this is what i want my guy to say. systems down so cant try it yet. so...when i type this in i just hit ENTER and it'll save?:smile:
  • vorshothvorshoth Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    Just sittin here and thought i'd share a couple ideas.
    1.) DOORS: made front different materials so breaking through certain doors means the proper force required. wood being weakest, then metal, then electrified doors( every time you physically hit it...it shocks you taking your health down), and forcefield doors( the hardest).
    Uh... I guess this is so there's buildings which you can smash into, or perhaps whilst inside a mission, they have locked doors you can get through? Good idea I guess, makes it a bit more realistic to have to 'open' doors as you go through an instance
    herodad1 wrote: »
    2.) EXTRA PROJECTION POINT: characters that weild weapons could have the option of firing a ranged attack from their weapons. imagine firing lightning from your wizard staff or fire from your hellish sword?

    I've heard on other Suggestions and various old dev posts that more varied enamation points are in planning, they're just not quite sure how to implement it right just yet.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    3.) MORE HEAVY WEAPON CHOICES: more styles to choose from. swords, hammers, axes, staffs, ect. maybe just plain looks and some not as huge. can still get the same effect.

    Agreed. Looking at the heavy weapons, I don't see why we can't have some smaller weapons on there too: the animation doesn't actually look like it necessarily needs a large weapon, just something that you'd move slowly. To begin with, all the single blade weapons should be in heavy weapons and vice versa, allowing for a character using one to concievably use powers in the other without changing from their chosen weapon, but instead simply ramping up the power.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    4.) WEAPON IN HAND: when you run...your weapon is still in your hand. these characters are WEILDERS so...let them weild.

    Yeah, this is something that bugs me a lot in the game. There is a workaround by quickly pressing a bind command after attacking something, but it's awkward to use. Star Trek Online has weapons drawn in it when inactive, although I suspect we don't get that because we have a more varied system that's harder to control. A 'wield' power connected to a button that you select from a variety of weapons to have as your wielded weapon when not in combat, to be held in your hand unless you press the wield button to put it away could be one way to do it.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    5.) POP UP CITY ATTACKS: imagine your in Club Caprice and red lights and warning sounds go off. you rush out side and check your mini map. red circle flashing at docks. when you get there with everyone else that heeds the call...a giant monster has risen out of the bay attacking everything in sight. option ideas...alien warbot, plant creature, lava men, and even a team of super villians.

    I think this is what they're currently planning to do, with Zone wide events. In theory, that's what the latter stage of this Dr Destroyer event is supposed to be. Maybe. One thing I do suggest to Cryptic is have the enemies wander randomly or have new spawn points for them, because knowing exactly where they are because they always go there is a bit immersion breaking, although I appreciate that it makes things a lot easier to set up on the fly.

    herodad1 wrote: »
    6.) RANDOM CHARACTER ATTACKS: (Behemoth):a leap attack with both fists overhead then coming down on target. also deals knockback and damage to foes close to main target . (Fire): a continuos stream of fire from outstretched hands like flame breath (Earth): have a giant rock fist form in an uppercut or a massive frontal punch but still attatched to the ground. maybe form a controllable rock golem. your contiousness goes into it until you or foe are defeated (Heavy Weaponer): a swing of the weapon maybe back handed or both hands swinging frontal with roomsweeper effect

    Nice ideas. Perhaps the fire one can work as a maintained version of a Blast attack, which would then mean it has the head, arms, fists, chest enamation point? Rest of them sound good too.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    7.) FIGHTING CLAWS: more styles, some just plain claw/dagger looking and giving more attack ideas.targets bleed like sword attacks

    Fighting claws probably will get a lot more love over this year since they've actually got an archetype out that appeals to the seemingly large amount of people who prefer antiheroes over the 4colourpantsovertights heroes of yore. So some new claws is probably coming soon.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    8.) MORE HELMETS: want different styles either half or full. flat to side wing options please

    herodad1 wrote: »
    9.) ARCHETYPE IDEAS: ok, we know stretchings out. (Changeling): different attacks from different animals: Kangaroo kick, Rhino ram, Bear claw swipe...different ones, Lion pounce,Gorilla beatdown...couple punches, Elephant area stomp, Eagle eye rake, and his flight special free option...change into a eagle, hawk, falcon, ect. maybe even a T-Rex chomp and tail smash? (Speedster): this guy could use some existing attacks but some more ideas are, Superspeed Dodge, 360 Assault...he runs around target punching, Tornado Spin...a combo attack with direct and area damage plus defense, and Speed Ram. (Density Master): can become super heavy/dense or immaterail. attacks could be Diamond Punch...several different ones with different effects, Phase touch...disruptive, Ground Slam...jumps up then comes down heavy with area knockback. he could have several defenses also. Super Density or Intangiability. walking through objects would be cool but i'm sure thats not possible. (Size Changer): this character would have different attacks based on size changing. also...his strength and durability are determined by his size. maybe 35 ft tall would be his maximum. one ability would be Micro-stealth...unseen while in this form. all you see is maybe a small moving dot of your characters color.

    The main thing with the animal one is stances. A lot of the regular powers we've got will work well for a fair few of these if only we had a new bunch of stances. We've got low-stance simian, what about standing up simian? We've got a werewolf stance, but what about the more angular quadraped stance, which would make height dependant on arm length and leg length, with the spine angle being based on how close they are.
    Speedster powers, yes, even though I dislike speedster characters simply because I never read the Flash as a kid (I know, I had a sad childhood), would benefit those who struggle to make the martial arts moves fit their speedy guys and gals.
    Density master... Hmm. To be honest, I'd add all those as secondary type powers for Mountain, similar to how the laser swords are a secondary set of powers amongst the Power Armour set.
    Size changer... Hmm. We've got bits of those growth powers already, as pinnacled by Pulsewave's Genome build which even with the various changes over the years still lets you be a giant person, however a dedicated set to it... No, I'm not seeing that being a good thing. Although theoretically giants would be good, imagine what happens when 10 people pick that set for the increased damage. GIANTS. EVERYWHERE.
    Shrinking is always a good idea, since targeting very seldom requires clicking on the person, mainly tabbing or autotarget settings, so it's not too overpowered, perhaps similar effects to the stealth power, where the passive gives you a power which can be activated to get the effect, so in this case you'd be small while the passive is on, however you'd only get the benefit (a stealth effect) if you activate it specifically and it turns off once you're in combat.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    10.) RAYS & BEAMS: Heat Rays, Sonic Beams, Freeze Beams, Cosmic Blasts, Radioactive Beam, Atomic Blast and can be fired from wherever we want...head, chest, palm, fist, or weapon!

    Enamation Points. They're a coming.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    11.) PRICES!!!!: shouldnt cost that much to change things. Retcons, Name, ect... come on powere that be... inflation. help us out here.:smile:
    OK...I'm done for now. hope there will be looked at by the powers that...ahh...you know the rest. one more thing. Secret Identity slot.

    After you've played for a while (whilst a gold member), you get an additional costume slot per character. I usually use this for secret identity costumes, however the main problem with this is that there's not actually anything you can DO as a secret identity unless you roleplay.

    I wouldn't mind if there was some kind of activity in-game which suggested less the superhero actions, but just a person who's keeping track of heroic things whilst being under the guise of a normal person.
    For example, photography missions for a in-game newspaper company. You get a device, "Codak Kamera", which you need to use at sites of supercrime in various locations around the city, getting close to villains of various types.

    If we have more activities that strongly imply (but don't necessarily preclude) mild mannered alter egos, then there'll be excuses to put more stuff that encourages people to actually have secret identities.

    Oh, and the prices for everything seems fine, IMO. My only suggestion on prices is to make the grab bags a bit cheaper since... Well... Then you get people buying more of them at a time, meaning they get into the habit of buying lots at a time, which means more profit overall with more rewards per player. Maybe. That might not work, I don't know.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    /bind x "HAVE AT THEE!!!" this is what i want my guy to say. systems down so cant try it yet.

    You would have to type /bind X "local HAVE AT THEE!!!"

    Note that it's a capital X:wink:

    Can I also suggest that your toon say "Have at thee!" instead of "HAVE AT THEE!!!". Other people tend to get annoyed at everything written in CAPS. The exclamation mark should be enough for people to realise that your toon is shouting a battle-cry.
    herodad1 wrote: »
    so...when i type this in i just hit ENTER and it'll save?:smile:

    Should do, yeah.

    If you have any problems then post back mate.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Nooooo! it wont work. type it exactly the way you guys have said and nadda! i hate being computer stupid! i mean its type and hit enter.why wont it work. do it in game right? argh!:mad:
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    vorshoth wrote:
    Star Trek Online has weapons drawn in it when inactive, although I suspect we don't get that because we have a more varied system that's harder to control.
    Well, there's also the fact that most of the time when you have your weapon drawn in STO, it's because you're on an away mission in hostile territory and might need it at any time. It's not like you beam into Earthdock or DS9 with your disruptor rifle out.

    Meanwhile, here in CO, say you're in Mill City or Vibora Bay, and you're wandering around with a drawn sword or gun. You're not in a war zone now - you're in a city. How would you expect the cops to react? Remember, they can't see that little green thing floating over your head that means you're a good guy...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    Nooooo! it wont work. type it exactly the way you guys have said and nadda! i hate being computer stupid! i mean its type and hit enter.why wont it work. do it in game right? argh!:mad:
    In game, in the chat window. It's a chat command line.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Did you type X on the X place? Then press the X or what ever letter you typed in the X place.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    yep. typed it exactly as told and hit enter. this is what i typed. /bind X "Have at thee!!!" and this way... /bind X "local Have at thee!!!" even with lower case x and even tried no spaces. dont understand why it wont work. Ahhhhh!
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    yep. typed it exactly as told and hit enter. this is what i typed. /bind X "Have at thee!!!" and this way... /bind X "local Have at thee!!!" even with lower case x and even tried no spaces. dont understand why it wont work. Ahhhhh!

    I have just tested it to make sure that I originally gave you the correct bind and it worked for me.

    One more time, this is the bind you should use.... /bind X "local Have at thee!!!"

    I don't see why it doesn't work for you. Copy and paste it into your chat box
    It must have a capital X and it must have the spaces.

    Good luck.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ok. one thing i did notice...when trying to copy/paste in chat box...it wouldnt let me paste. Hmmm....1 must be some villinous plot! LOL! thanks for your help and patience. :wink:
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I admit...defeat. so...any more comments on my ideas? :biggrin:
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    No offense, but you may want to change up your character's appearance a little - if it's the one in your sig, then it's pretty much a Thor clone...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    ok. one thing i did notice...when trying to copy/paste in chat box...it wouldnt let me paste. Hmmm....1 must be some villinous plot! LOL! thanks for your help and patience. :wink:

    You may already know this, but copy/paste in-game uses the following commands.....

    Copy: Ctrl and C

    Paste: Ctrl and V

    Here's a very long stickied thread on bindings and commands that you might be interested in. It helped me a lot when I started using them...http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=81117&page=44

    And bioshrike was a big help to me at the time.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    no...didnt know that. thanks Zenith! Bioshrike...no...not offended. :) its really hard NOT to create a character that doesnt in some way look like someone else. kinda hate to pay for this stuff and not get to use it. maybe i'll give him red hair. :wink:
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    it worked! the ctrl C&V was the trick! i am happy now! :biggrin: THANKS!
  • cerebellumcerebellum Posts: 74
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    Nooooo! it wont work. type it exactly the way you guys have said and nadda! i hate being computer stupid! i mean its type and hit enter.why wont it work. do it in game right? argh!:mad:

    Quick question since you seem to know how to do the "battle cries". Is it possible to bind a set of words to an individual power, rather than an individual key? I use a 360 controller to play, and it would be nice to have a phrase as power specific rather than key specific. Sorry for the thread derail btw, if you don't want to derail this further you could try sending me a pm. :biggrin:
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    no problemo! climb aboard. i wouldnt know but...Zenith might.
  • cerebellumcerebellum Posts: 74
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    no problemo! climb aboard. i wouldnt know but...Zenith might.

    Oops, I thought I hit the quote button on one of his posts, that question was meant for him. Sorry for the confusion. :biggrin:
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cerebellum wrote: »
    Quick question since you seem to know how to do the "battle cries". Is it possible to bind a set of words to an individual power, rather than an individual key? I use a 360 controller to play, and it would be nice to have a phrase as power specific rather than key specific. Sorry for the thread derail btw, if you don't want to derail this further you could try sending me a pm. :biggrin:

    Hi there. I don't use a controller, but I know how to bind a saying with a power to one key.
    I could just tell you the bind I use to do this, but it would need quite a bit of explanation for you to modify it to your exact specifications.

    Really the best thing for you to do would be to take some time out and have a look at this rather long thread. It's worth taking the time to do this and will tell you if what you are asking is possible........http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=81117
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    it worked! the ctrl C&V was the trick! i am happy now! :biggrin: THANKS!

    No problem mate. Glad to be of service:biggrin:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • cerebellumcerebellum Posts: 74
    edited September 2012
    Hi there. I don't use a controller, but I know how to bind a saying with a power to one key.
    I could just tell you the bind I use to do this, but it would need quite a bit of explanation for you to modify it to your exact specifications.

    Really the best thing for you to do would be to take some time out and have a look at this rather long thread. It's worth taking the time to do this and will tell you if what you are asking is possible........http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=81117

    Thanks, I will see if it's in there.
  • d0m1nusdrak3d0m1nusdrak3 Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I acutally find binding battle crys to certain attacks or costume changes kinda gives the game more of a comic feel, although it may seem a bit nerdy to do it, i acutally enjoy it :P.
    Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    it just better customizes our characters!:biggrin:
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    12.) POWER ARMOR: (Cloaking Generator)- your character can generate a cloaking field becoming invisable. (Wide Cone Energy Blast)- able to fire a continuous wide blast of energy. (Energy Shield Variations)- different shapes of energy fields. (Flame Throwers)- wrist mounted flame thrower/s...like flame breath.
    13.) STREAMING EYES: different eye effects. we already have toxic and flame. would like ice, energy, radiation, and electric
    14.) BROWS: more to choose from. reptilian, basic rock...no protrusions, bushier basic and aggresive brows, robotic/armored versions, alien, ect...
    15.) SHIELDS: different shapes and even energy based shields
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,122 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    12.) POWER ARMOR: (Cloaking Generator)- your character can generate a cloaking field becoming invisable. (Wide Cone Energy Blast)- able to fire a continuous wide blast of energy. (Energy Shield Variations)- different shapes of energy fields. (Flame Throwers)- wrist mounted flame thrower/s...like flame breath.
    13.) STREAMING EYES: different eye effects. we already have toxic and flame. would like ice, energy, radiation, and electric
    14.) BROWS: more to choose from. reptilian, basic rock...no protrusions, bushier basic and aggresive brows, robotic/armored versions, alien, ect...
    15.) SHIELDS: different shapes and even energy based shields

    We already have Force which stands mainly as an energy powerset for the time being.. (I am hopefull ^^)

    OR do you mean like battle shields? Like what Cap A uses?
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    We already have Force which stands mainly as an energy powerset for the time being.. (I am hopefull ^^)

    OR do you mean like battle shields? Like what Cap A uses?

    I imagine(though I may be wrong) that he's wanting the choice of shield costume pieces that they have/had in CoH......I would love these too. However, herodad, a lot of the block powers have cool energy shield effects.
    I acutally find binding battle crys to certain attacks or costume changes kinda gives the game more of a comic feel, although it may seem a bit nerdy to do it, i acutally enjoy it :P.

    I totally agree. I have a bind on Britannia that has her shout "Rule Britannia!" while a lightning bolt shoots from the sky instantaneously conjuring her Sceptre of Power and transforming her into her hero identity. Basically battle cry+brimstone+costume change.

    It looks fab and I've had nothing but compliments about it:biggrin:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • cerebellumcerebellum Posts: 74
    edited September 2012
    Hi there. I don't use a controller, but I know how to bind a saying with a power to one key.
    I could just tell you the bind I use to do this, but it would need quite a bit of explanation for you to modify it to your exact specifications.

    Really the best thing for you to do would be to take some time out and have a look at this rather long thread. It's worth taking the time to do this and will tell you if what you are asking is possible........http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=81117

    Yeah, I looked through a pretty large amount of that thread, but only saw one person ask a similar question to what I asked, and nobody seemed to respond to him. Do you maybe know a specific person that would be best to ask about something like what I am trying to do?
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cerebellum wrote: »
    Yeah, I looked through a pretty large amount of that thread, but only saw one person ask a similar question to what I asked, and nobody seemed to respond to him. Do you maybe know a specific person that would be best to ask about something like what I am trying to do?

    I would only be able to show you the bind for using the keyboard. Bioshrike (who has already posted in this thread) may be able to help you.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • cerebellumcerebellum Posts: 74
    edited September 2012
    I would only be able to show you the bind for using the keyboard. Bioshrike (who has already posted in this thread) may be able to help you.

    Thanks, I will send him a pm, and ask him if he knows about it.
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    well..both solid and energy shields.:smile: oh...how do i change this pic? upgraded my character so he looks different. been trying but havent figured it out. update...GOT IT!
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    16.) LONE HERO: everyone doesnt wanna be a team player. there are those of us that like the whole lone-gun thing. make the comic/normal missions where you may be asked if your a single or team player. i hate going through a lengthy series only to get to the end and the dudes unbeatable because you cant win without back-up.
    17.) BEEFIER BEHEMOTH'S: i look at this archetype like the Hulk, Thing, Colossus,ect...guys who could take it AND dish it out. make more according to what this character should be. he also needs some kinda healing ability.
    18.) LEFT & RIGHT: as far as hands/arms go...wish we had the option of making each side whatever size we wanted. left hand/arm normal and right hand/arm huge. vice versa.
    19.) POWERS BROWSER: when you go to the powerhouse, maybe have a computer set up sso you can watch a short video of each power and what it looks like when used. browse before you buy.
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    20.) NEW IDLE POSES: different idle poses to choose from. i like the running on all fours but not really crazy of the crouch position. couple different idle-to-all fours positions please. how about standing with arms crossed or the menacing idle where the thugs is hitting his own hand, or even hands on hips...the superman pose!:tongue:
    21.) CHARGE!!!!: give us head butts, charges, and ram attacks for animal characters like Rhino's, Bulls, Rams, ect....
    22.) TAILS & ATTACKS: tail attacks.smacking, crushing, stabbing, and roomsweeper. alligator, scorpion, dragon, dinosaur, ect tails to choose from.
    23.) DINOSAURS: heads and pieces to make dinosaur characters. anybody remember Dinosaurs for Hire? like those guys.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    herodad1 wrote: »
    20.) NEW IDLE POSES: different idle poses to choose from. i like the running on all fours but not really crazy of the crouch position. couple different idle-to-all fours positions please. how about standing with arms crossed or the menacing idle where the thugs is hitting his own hand, or even hands on hips...the superman pose!:tongue:
    21.) CHARGE!!!!: give us head butts, charges, and ram attacks for animal characters like Rhino's, Bulls, Rams, ect....
    23.) DINOSAURS: heads and pieces to make dinosaur characters. anybody remember Dinosaurs for Hire? like those guys.

    /signed. But...
    herodad1 wrote: »
    22.) TAILS & ATTACKS: tail attacks.smacking, crushing, stabbing, and roomsweeper. alligator, scorpion, dragon, dinosaur, ect tails to choose from.

    That won't work, because:
    1) Tails are purely cosmetic in this game. they have no emanation points for attacks.
    2) What would a character without a tail do when using the power?
    If this is ever added, it will be exclusive to NPCs. Specifically to a villain named Ankylosaurus.
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