A good solution could be to let only 1 stone proc the bonus, otherwise the augment pet are 100% deth. Useless pet if the bonding "help" will stay like this. If 1 player can do a 5 man DUNGEON alone, there something wrong in the game. This is a MMORPG (Massive(ly) Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) so it's supposed to do…
You are the only 1 if your guild o.0? Our coffer is allways full xD Just 5 min and is full of this resource xD Try find not lazy player in guild and start kick out of guild "leechers"
I hope they dont recude the price in resource needed for SH. Organized guild don't have problem with progression, the only problem is the long time you need for upgrade the guild hall.
Yup the queue atm are disabled xD So when we can start test them o.0? P.S:I can still make 800k AD per weak, you have just to play and don't mess around with leadership only. I know is hard, but this is a MMO, so now you are supposed to farm for earn AD. If you don't wont to farm, you can still opne your wallet ^^. So…
At last try the set first, maybe isn't so deadly. Until i try it, i would't care :D After all i am a DC, i don't do pvp so if some class can do huge damage in less time, good for me, less time to waste in dungeons :D
How can be a +50% of your weapon damage as poison damage be a pay to win? The 50% of 1100 base weapon damage is 550 of damage -.- Yeah is a deadly damage -.-
Stats mount are too expensive :/ And there nothing worth for a lil DC healing spec :/ maybe the axe mount for some solo damage with the ArP :/ I think's only DPS class got benefit from the new stats mount.
Thx god not all the guild leader are like that one o.0 Erza find a new guild and have fun play ^^ There no needs of a rank ina guild to have fun. At the moments rank in guild mean nothing, you didn't get more power for boons or more advantage, it's just a tag before your name in the guild rooster.
I think's there is a tool yet... if you don't donate you will get 0 guild marks. 0 guild marks mean no gear for that player. So, if he don't donate, who care about him, he will not get nothing from the stronghold ^^
It's an MMO, you have to play whit people. If you wont to play alone, i can suggest you to try some offline game. Btw, you can drop the HV set whit no problem
try ask it to the few player that have a lot, lot, lot,lot,lot,lot,lot,lot of AD and play whit the AH to make profit ^^ and you will be surprised if you will know the trinity that do this little game to make personal real incoming...
why debuff the GWF o.0 ot the TR? this 2 class are supposed to do damage, c'mon pls stop ask for nerf on that crappy pvp >< it's even hard now to close a dungeon legal whit less then 12k GS and a party whit at last 2-3 player whit full epic set gear :/ another nerf to the class we will destroy the pve forever :(
Hr can dodge 6 time, maybe is for this that the cryptic made you to pay more attention when you dodge. If your dodge work like the CW or the Dc you will be immortal
the problem is only on premade vs premade, when all 10 have high regen. So basically is a figth vs dummy, when you can regenerate your hp more fast then the hp you lose ^^ that's why they cry, because now even a simple newbie whit a ton of regen can face them easy ^^
simply remove that stupid FX effect and change it whit something different. Like the lurker assault of the TR, on beta was the full screen to change color and smoke, now is only the TR body that have this smoke effect
This set work for the Pvers :/ for my build, is out of the world :( sad :( i can't use none of the T2 set for Dc, maybe only the high prophet will work for me. At last my heal are very high at the moment
Are you doing to do another hideen fix on the RP? because first of winter event shard was giving 1350 RP, now 540 -.-. It give 1350 only if you use the same time. It's like i have to use 15 shard of vorpal for charge a lesser vorpal -.-. At last, when you do this fix, tell to the comunity not simply add item ont he Zen…
But yes, is hard now for new player make gear, make Ad and get the other stuff. Whit all the bad thing's in the dungeon, the duper, the gold seller almost everything is overpriced. The last istance where you can drop your first weapon set atm is heavly bugged, make almost impossible kill the last boss for the incoming of…
Dev take a look at the skill of Valindra. On PuG is almost impossible do it, she cast some skill ( casket+phantasmal claw ) at same time and sometimes, when the hand is casted over the casket, make it impossible destroy the casket. Pls try take a look