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zysalian Arc User



  • 1- Queued up from Events UI menu. 2- Ran all three featured task forces at Easy and Infected Space at Advanced (via Events menu). Always a pick-up group. 3- Claimed rewards before leaving area at all cases. Got one "step" of progress towards free T6 ship but no progress towards actual event, still showing as "Daily…
  • Deliver Prototype Technology to Allies in Gamma Quadrant used to require one each of different turret/platform blueprints (like Heavy Disruptor Turret Blueprint and Quantum Torpedo Platform Blueprint) in exchange for Gamma Quadrant commodities like Shapeshifting Lockets. It was only available as department-head (Tactical,…
  • Same problem here. Not sure which version is active in-game, however at any case that basic version of Predictive Algorithms is taking a trait slot.
  • Pretty much the only way to make fighter pets lose survivability (especially against Undine, Voth and similar) from current state of things would be to make them explode *before* they are even launched. Hangar Pets need balancing, not simple nerfing.
  • Agreed. Having to switch traits to focus on ground/space combat is a tiresome hassle and takes away from the versatility of being able to choose between different traits. To make the idea appeal to business sense of Cryptic (and thus make it more appealing to implement), why not sell such "trait loadout" slots for a few…
  • For me the main problem is two-fold. Lack of communication from Cryptic and, most of all, the fact the rollback (if it really was one and not a bug) has obviously hit people randomly. Some people lost points despite not having done any Tau Dewa grinding or equivalent, while others got their spec trees maxed/near-maxed and…
  • Another major point, one that in my book proves that this is a bug and not punishment for exploiters, is that several people who were "TD grinding" like anything have reported that they still have all their specialization points remaining. Or if this really was a punishment, it was one epic failure of one. Allowing some to…
  • Once again: There are people who were "Tau Dewa Grinding" and didn't lose any XP/specialization points, and at same time there are people who lost XP despite not having done any "Japori Grinding" or similar. This isn't about some exploit/not exploit. This is about there being a very bad bug that came with patch and yet…
  • And your comment further shows the total ignorance of some people regarding current messed-up situation. Many people (like myself) have lost lots of specialization points despite having not done any TD grinding, while others who leveled their characters and their specializations to maximum didn't lose a thing. The real…
  • Lost like eight or nine specialization points myself out of 23 or so, and I had not exactly been power-leveling at Tau Dewa either.
  • Having the same bug here. Saved loadout several times and yet space duty officers (always just space ones, never ground) get un-slotted pretty much every time I switch zone.
  • We shall see how #DeltaRising goes
  • Another euro-zoner with exactly the same problem as OP here. Started after I lagged out when trying to zone into a new sector.
  • Just had that same crash bug happen after I upgraded my Borg Kinetic Cutting Beam to Mk XIII, so add that one to list of items that shouldn't be upgraded (for now).
  • I've been able to choose from two different templates "Narcine Alpha" and "Narcine Beta" and three different skins. Not exactly much customization (like I expected regarding a lockbox ship) yet still something, and I've seen other Narcines around with said different skins too.
  • Agreed, some kind of "trait loadout" system would be very good, although at this point I'd be happy enough if traits were organized into ground/space sections. The current system is clumsy and goes against the whole concept of switching traits around for versatility and effectiveness.
  • Team of three purple Research Lab Scientists sent to Recover Artifacts, all ended up in Sick Bay as result. I can pretty much imagine that the last recorded dialogue between the three would have been along the lines of "Hey people, we are in this Iconian ruin, right ? And there is this button with text that translates to…
  • "Unusual" duty officer choices for assignements are always fun. Like sending holographic William Shakespeare to mine dilithium in unstable asteroid cluster, sending a Gorn to provide shore leave services to Dyson personnel or having a Horta participate in shipboard concert. Besides, I am kinda curious about what kind of…
  • Got the same problem myself, "Well Traveled" seems to have vanished soon after most recent patch. Already bug reported it too.
  • A race as distinctive as Tholians could definitely use more attention. What we currently have regarding them feels like "half a season" worth of material and story. Besides, they are one of the "old classic" Trek races, perhaps not as iconic as (say) Klingons or Romulans but still.
  • Same problem here. Seems to be almost random whether or not I can start hourly reputation project(s) within given 24 hours. Sometimes I can start one, sometimes another after that, usually none at all. Doesn't seem to be any clear pattern.
  • Same problem here... While not a major bug, it is definitely an annoying bug.
  • Encouraging teamwork and socializing is all fine, however the whole thing about "requiring teamwork" can easily go too far and end up becoming a total mockery of social gameplay. Seen it at far too many times at MMOGs: When team members are required to do Very Specific Things and have Very Specific Skills, the end result…
  • Agreed. Since that battle zone is supposed to be about co-operation, the whole "rush and grab all the command creds you can"- aspect feels simply out of place. A small annoyance yet still an annoyance.
  • I've had the same happen to me on ground with Large Hypos. The only way to get those to show again at quickbar after using one of them has been to move the remaining stack of hypos from device slots to inventory and back to device slots again, and since one usually has to use hypos in combat, such back-and-forth hassle can…