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  • So I'm over 600 days and my icon says 400 day still. I've sent in 5 tickets with no reply. I really don't even know if all the buffs are active or not. This game and more importantly this company are total bull****. They're not EA bad..but bad enough. so...wtf? I don not want to meet a Cryptic employee because I can not…
  • I'm agree with most..it's a nerf and a mistake. Lets take a look at this blasphemy: "we’ve had to constrain our powers due to the fact that the most dedicated players would have all of them active at any given time. " -Yeah..that's a good thing, right? What's wrong with having eight active powers that you've earned working…
  • Picard was working his way through SFA playing in Dubai along with Brewmeister Smith of Strange Brew fame and Captain Lt. Henrich Lehmann-Willenbrock from Das Boot! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ciasVF9joks
  • My expectations for season 9 are cloudy at best.
  • Yeah, Tim who? Haven't seen this guy since Janeway hit menopause all those years ago. The needs of the few out way the needs of the many, even if it's F2P.
  • You just gave away your age, and so did I cause I know what you're talking about.
  • Sorry 'bout that. It was self defense.:rolleyes:
  • Makes perfect sense. We wouldn't be here complaining if it was up. I'll take my unicorn now.
  • ^ My point exactly...now get outta my forum leech
  • ^LOL. thank you..that made my night.
  • 1.Vested interest mental midget. 2. I didn't know leeches could type. 3. Better then you.
  • I pay a subscription, so your point is invalid and if you're F2P you shouldn't even be allowed in the forum since you have no vested interest in the game. Don't mean to sound harsh, but that's just the way it is.
  • Launch Fail! Really guys? I guess you need a few more million dollars in Zen purchases to get your collective acts together? I got the daily and mission done on just one character then you guys failed us again. We will just add this to the list of things you can't do well: 1. Launch new content 2. Be prepared for large…
  • So, the original idea still stands. I would like a Dev to answer this question and fanboys to stop speculating. My questions: 1. Why is it capped at 8k? 2. Has it even been considered raising the limit? 3. What are the possible complications from raising the cap? To be honest, I really have never seen a satisfactory answer…
  • My issues with KDF gameplay and it's definitely not Cyptic's fault: 1. No one ever queues for Star Base Defense: I've queued for as long as the ENTIRE event time. Never made it above 6 people. 2. No one queues for Daily events: Big Dig, Breaker The Planet...no one queues. So that two events were easy fleet marks (50) and…
  • [im wondering if this was removed just checked my accolade list and its not even there] -The accolade does not show up until you kill your first Breen capital ship. Same as Path to 2049 and Romulan History. I can't image why ALL accolades simply can't be listed in there entirety and have to be" found"? If you don't find a…
  • I had the same thoughts, but I just kept warping out when no spawn and then immediately warped back in to try again.
  • I just did this run for three days on two different toons (8.13.13 to 8.16.13) and here's what I experienced: Snosk: Deferi Patrol 11 o' Clock ( The left from where you spawn ) -I found her three times almost due south of where you spawn and far off at the 6 o'clock position 1.5 squares from the bottom of the green mission…
  • Welp, she was at 11 o'clock again. Maybe she used to spawn at 2 o'clock but I found her twice at 11 o'clock on two different toons. Maybe it changes. All you people that post with useless wordage "it's rare" or" I found it but don't remember where" are absolutely no help to anyone. Your postings should be constructive and…
  • I found Istapp on 2 different toons, one day apart. It spawned both times at the 11 o'clock position not the 2 o'clock. Perhaps it spawned at 2 o'clock before but yesterday (8.14.13) and today she was at 11 o'clock. My procedure was: I warped in, point my ship nose up, hit impulse, scanned the base, dialogue queue pops up,…
  • It has the turn rate the same as my Fleet Support Retrofit Cruiser(FSRC). As a matter of fact, the stats are the same except FSRC has a little more hull hit points(3450) which I feel is a photon hit away from being a non issue. I don't think the .2 increase in the Shield Modifier make up the difference in hit points from…
  • So when one warps in, do u have to scan the base, then answer the breen hail and it spawns when all the other ships do? Or does it spawn later? Or is Istapp already spawned as soon as you warp in? I've reset this like 25 times and nothing. *update* ...found it on my Tac Capt. 1st scanned base, popped full impulse so as not…
  • Just a partial list of issues these guys probably have no idea how to fix since we've given them enough time. 1. Mail from exchange won't delete 2. Can't turn in Borg Daily(s) 3. Getting kicked from events: like Mirror event, Big Dig, etc.. 4. Rubber banning(always a crowd pleaser) 5. Uniform skin item issues, missing…
  • It's tough to be KDf lately. I have waited in the queue for as long as two hours for Big Dig and Breaking the Planet before I just give them up.:mad: I could really use the fleet marks and dilith. 20 man event NEVER goes off, stuck with Red Alert and ground missions for fleet marks atm. Been in two fleets before making my…