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Unexpected Outage - 5/28



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    louiscyfer666louiscyfer666 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cairella wrote: »
    Ok I for once was VERY excited to finally be able to get my romulan faction which i have dreamed of for so long. I thought that with legacy of romulus cryptic was going to do right by its players after so much time had gone by.

    Sadly I was gravely mistaken.

    This has been by far the worst update I have ever seen. And quite frankly I would have been happier if launch was pushed back a few weeks then have to deal with whats going down now. Not to point fingers but the first sign should have been all the outages that we had around the time that neverwinter got released to open beta.......and it seems as if things have continued to go down the proverbial toilet since then.

    Don't get me twisted now I'm very pleased with the content thats gone in as well as the few bugs that have been fixed. But when you have serious issues that have been going on for awhile now i would expect to have seen I don't know maybe someone higher up address the issues and actually step up and take responsibility for at least SOME of the issues. I feel sorry for Branflakes quite honestly. i believe that the game should be taken down for 24 hours....so that way proper time can be given for whatever issues that need to be addressed and if it involves migrating sto over to a new server then do it....but i'm sure you're loosing more money than you're making right now because of all of this mess.

    i really wished Cryptic would just have took more time to perfectionize the pretty new update wich outed as so beta.

    im not really sure what are the test servers for if they release something with so many bugs wich involve the gameplay itself that much.

    i can agree more to cairella
    "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting.
    It is not logical, but it is often true."

    - Spock -
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    natewest1natewest1 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can definitely emphasize with this, and I am not beating down the OP there. I am just venting because it's frustrating as hell to keep ending up with downtime out of game lately. Some folks in this forum have seen me defend Cryptic MANY times over against angry players, but it is hard to defend a server that is down a lot as of late. So I apologize if I came off wrong in response to this. I want the email issues fixed, also, and those white Valdore wings . . . . but at the top of MY particular list (aside from server stability) is that bloody POPPING issue! ~cringes~


    But above all else . . . I just really want to log in right now and play a bit before hitting the sack before work tomorrow.

    Same here. I enjoy ST:O and really feel for the developers, but as it goes on, my patience is reaching critical levels. That and it went down right as I was finally finishing up "Abducted" just rescued the last engineer and it all went down...not liking the idea of doing that annoying mission again.
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    russ2539russ2539 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yep, server is down. Surprise, surprise! I'll just go give my money to Bioware and SWTOR tonight.

    Are you kidding me??? The server is down again!

    Ever since the Legacy of Romulus roll out the server has gone down every single day, usually in 3 hour blocks. Every day!

    The FAQ section indicated that SOL is maintained once per week. But this isn't even close to true. It's down every day for 3 hours, then there are the 1 and 2 hour "emergency" updates and the server crashes.

    Every time I decide things are getting better and I decide to switch to a paid membership, TRIBBLE like this happens and I'm back to "maybe later".

    Seriously, fellas at Cryptic, it's not that difficult to keep a friggin server running! Every company on the planet does it every day!

    If Second Life or World of ******** were run this way, they wouldn't be making billions and they wouldn't be household names.

    Get your TRIBBLE together Cryptic!!!

    That's my 2 cents anyway.
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    guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zmacg wrote: »
    On the upside, I think Branflakes said they are taking care of tomorrows maintenance during this outage.

    99% sure tomorrows maintenance will be called "Emergency maintenance" and will still be there.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
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    wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dont tell people who have the cajones to speak up over a product they have paid fr to shut up.. Maybe you like to give your pay away to corporations with zero return on investment, but these people ( and I ) dont. its not "just a game", its a paid for bought with hard cash product.
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    jc89123jc89123 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If they take care of the maintenance now, then we might only have to put up with a few restarts through out today.
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    eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's just sad lately. I decided to go to sleep early due to the lag and emergency meowntenance. I get up 8 hours later ... and wow ... the server is either still down or down again. At least the scheduled meowntenance of today evening will be made right now, so we "might" get an evening without downtime here in Europe for the first time in like ... yeah, it's a week by now. I just learned a lesson, I will never again change my bedtime for this game, as it's unpredictable when online or not. I will go to work now, and I hope that when I return in around 90 minutes, that the server will be back online as it has been offline for over an hour as I saw.
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
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    tahlloltahllol Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rajathomas wrote: »
    Maybe those guys @ MIT are not as smart as we've been led to believe ;)

    One thing I will say, Branflakes is good at his job. I can't imagine having to deal with all the TRIBBLE thrown his way, esp when all of this is out of his hands being the PR guy.

    These guys most likely did not attend MIT, if they did they would know what a computer and server is, and to leave the duck tape at home.
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    majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    helconhawk wrote: »
    Hot off tweeter

    Star Trek Online ‏@trekonlinegame 17s

    We're working to bring #STO back up, and will take care of tomorrow's scheduled downtime during this downtime. Updates as available. Thanks!

    Again they update Twitter but their official site? No that's too much to ask isn't it? Thanks for the update though, just a shame you have to go to a social media site to find info.

    I think they are on separate servers, there's just one door to get onto those servers. Kind of like three really big shops in a mall, but only one door to get in, the traffic and congestion is too much.

    Though, while it's nice I can talk to friends in Champions and Neverwinter, it's not that big a deal that I do. When I'm in STO, I'm playing STO. I don't need to be in the middle of an STF and suddenly someone on my friends list hails me for a Nemcon.

    Yes that's it exactly, though moving Tribble and Redshirt to their own servers would help as well.

    I often think they need to split up the game and put the Federation on their own server and have the Klingons and Romulans on another as well all know the Federation will always be the greatest population and the Romulans and KDF together should equal somewhere under that so maybe a 60 Federation to 40 KDF and Romulan.

    Might cause an issue with STF's but then again if all Romulans are on the same server as KDF it shouldn't be as big on an issue as before LoR.
    zztoppers wrote: »

    Me thinks they are teaching the servers to speak Tamarian!

    Shaka when the servers crashed!

    Servers as they drown in the ocean!

    Beasts at the forums as they post!

    The instability may continue until we all speak Tamarian causing a new Tamarian faction!

    Lmao yeah that sounds about right.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Even the Forum is lagging. If they don't feed the Hamster, it dies.They are aware of this, aren't they?
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    mwildermwilder Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zztoppers wrote: »

    Me thinks they are teaching the servers to speak Tamarian!

    Shaka when the servers crashed!

    Servers as they drown in the ocean!

    Beasts at the forums as they post!

    The instability may continue until we all speak Tamarian causing a new Tamarian faction!

    this my new jam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OImA1k2ckiI
    Liberty Task Force
    "Liberty, Equality, Justice, Peace & Cooperation"

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    eaisxieeaisxie Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not surprised..
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    wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    russ2539 wrote: »
    Are you kidding me??? The server is down again!

    Ever since the Legacy of Romulus roll out the server has gone down every single day, usually in 3 hour blocks. Every day!

    The FAQ section indicated that SOL is maintained once per week. But this isn't even close to true. It's down every day for 3 hours, then there are the 1 and 2 hour "emergency" updates and the server crashes.

    Every time I decide things are getting better and I decide to switch to a paid membership, TRIBBLE like this happens and I'm back to "maybe later".

    Seriously, fellas at Cryptic, it's not that difficult to keep a friggin server running! Every company on the planet does it every day!

    If Second Life or World of ******** were run this way, they wouldn't be making billions and they wouldn't be household names.

    Get your TRIBBLE together Cryptic!!!

    That's my 2 cents anyway.

    Ok people lets get something correct, this started BEFORE LoR roll out.. This has been ongoing for months and "Server Stability" is just a sad joke as a result of it...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
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    gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Latest tweet:
    Star Trek Online ‏@trekonlinegame 1m

    Thanks for your patience Captains. We?ve identified the issue. It?s definitely the Tal Shiar. (P.S. Our ETA is about 45 min from this tweet)

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    darkfiresssdarkfiresss Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    It's been about the fourth time in the last two weeks for me (and I'm sure a lot of others).

    I agree with @hunter966, the subs and lifers should get first in line to access the servers. I've been contemplating a life time sub, amazing how whenever I start thinking about that these downtimes happen.

    I agree, the last time they had the life time sub sale on their servers were down or unplayable more than not, then Season 6 hit and I quit playing for a year.

    For the record every other PWE game is just as unreliable, they did a big rollback on Forsaken World because a PWE employee screwed up on the price for something in the c-store, people spent hundreds that weekend and got screwed. I stopped playing that game, came back to this one that is just as screwed. I think I'll go back to Eve, at least their game always works, players riot if it doesn't.
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    raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah...hi...F2P player here.

    Did anyone read the little sticky on how to survive the launch? I think it mentioned something like this happening. Now granted, I've been playing since December...and I've put money and time in myself when I could do a little.

    But I see these threads and I think, "Why not compensate everyone? 1000z for all of us?" Or stuff like that. Have I seen it happen yet? No. Am I going to complain and whine about it? No. Why? Because I got more going on in my life than to complain on a forum like a spoiled brat about a game that people put time and energy and that they love and try to keep it up for everyone. This is including some of you ungrateful <insert Klingon insult here> that complain every time the server goes down and ask you get compensated just because you put money in.

    If anything is ruining the game, it's those of you who seem to think you are special just because you paid for Gold or Lifetime.

    Do you need to vent? Yes.

    Better ways to do it than come off as spoiled toddler brats? AFFIRMATIVE.

    Granted, this is not aimed at all of the Lifetimers and Gold Subscribers. Just those who post and complain on the forum about how they deserve compensation or that Cryptic/PWE is <insert insult>. Those of you who do not do this, I thank you for existing in the game and playing it.

    I also give thanks to the team for so far making this launch a good and fun one even with the down times and crashes and a heaping pile of bugs to get through and figure out.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
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    deezy611deezy611 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zztoppers wrote: »
    Patience! Maybe with this much of an update. WIth so many changes to STO. Myabe it is taking them a while to fix these issues. I would rother see them fixed right the first time.Then see more bugs or worse server instability becuase they rushed it!

    I thought this might be the thread where NOBODY rushed to Cryptic's/PWE's defense, but I finally found one. Eight pages in, but I found it. That speaks volumes in itself; normally the Defenders of Mediocrity appear on Page One.

    zztoppers - don't take this the wrong way, but do you have kids in one of those school districts where they don't hand out failing grades? What is your position on participation trophies in youth sports? I kid, of course.

    I was _this_ close to pulling the trigger on the hundred-dollar discount on a lifetime subscription last week; now, I don't even know if I'll renew at the end of my prepaid six months when it expires this fall. My story is not a unique one, I reckon - I mean, there are much more philanthropic ways to give away my money. :grin:
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    x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cmon we all know cryptic dont give a TRIBBLE and thats why they ignore everyone questions regarding these matters. I stopped spending in the first week of playing this game 4weeks later i vowed not to spend another dime!

    Cryptic have not given me one good reason why i should put my hard earned cash into this game, besides they seem to want to take the worst game award from Ea and Simcity.
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    sardiajaxsardiajax Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    russ2539 wrote: »
    Are you kidding me??? The server is down again!

    Ever since the Legacy of Romulus roll out the server has gone down every single day, usually in 3 hour blocks. Every day!

    The FAQ section indicated that SOL is maintained once per week. But this isn't even close to true. It's down every day for 3 hours, then there are the 1 and 2 hour "emergency" updates and the server crashes.

    Every time I decide things are getting better and I decide to switch to a paid membership, TRIBBLE like this happens and I'm back to "maybe later".

    Seriously, fellas at Cryptic, it's not that difficult to keep a friggin server running! Every company on the planet does it every day!

    If Second Life or World of ******** were run this way, they wouldn't be making billions and they wouldn't be household names.

    Get your TRIBBLE together Cryptic!!!

    That's my 2 cents anyway.

    AGREED, 100%

    I keep looking at the lifetime membership and say to myself:

    "Well, maybe the mail bugs/disconnects, mirror universe pvp flagging bug, general server stability, exchange lag, foundry fubar (WTF happened to it, sheesh), and all the rest of the slamm but very annoying things currently plaguing this game i like will be fixed in a week or so..."

    Then this **** keeps happening, on a DAILY basis.So eeeeehhhhhh no to the lifetime sub
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Id understand, considering MMO development is my actual IRL job.
    Heh, I've dabbled with programming and video game modding for 20-ish years so I'd probably understand at least some of it too. But to most people it'd be technobabble.
    wufangchu wrote: »
    dont tell people who have the cajones to speak up over a product they have paid fr to shut up.. Maybe you like to give your pay away to corporations with zero return on investment, but these people ( and I ) dont. its not "just a game", its a paid for bought with hard cash product.
    ORLY? I got what I paid for.... (LTS and Legacy pack) there was nothing in the transaction about how many hours of server uptime you get....
    My character Tsin'xing
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    xossetxosset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just a partial list of issues these guys probably have no idea how to fix since we've given them enough time.

    1. Mail from exchange won't delete
    2. Can't turn in Borg Daily(s)
    3. Getting kicked from events: like Mirror event, Big Dig, etc..
    4. Rubber banning(always a crowd pleaser)
    5. Uniform skin item issues, missing Boffs randomly, Shuttle instead of Starship on Character selection page.
    6. Login queues(really?)
    7. Waiting 10 seconds for STF queues to respond

    Cryptic's customer service has once again failed to deliver any reasonable level of satisfaction. This impression is well founded in years of disappointment. Cryptic has repudiated it's customers and won't even provide some tangible form of reparation. I wait in utter dismay for your newest patch to be released. It will surely do little and provide almost nothing worthwhile. My three month recurring subscription provides consistent frustration and is devoid of any sense of monetary value. Do us all a favor: your job and learn from your failure: never attempt an expansion again.
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    gawlrodgawlrod Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This really sucks. Really cryptic, really? Down again are we? Remind me why I even try to play this game....
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    amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Isn't that cute, expecting compensation and business ethics from Cryptic and PWE, both are companies that would happily sell your children for dog food if they thought there was a profit in it and they could get away with it.

    Compensation is not forthcoming, nor will it ever be. They either don't feel responsible or they don't care, either way, there will be NO COMPENSATION. Read the terms of service, it's all in black and white and that's what they'll follow regardless of consequences and lost income, they can't show weakness to their customers. PWE could cause the end of the world and would deny responsibility even through the trump and the shout and the final judgement of mankind.
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    mwildermwilder Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This just in from twitter:

    Star Trek Online ‏@trekonlinegame 2m

    Thanks for your patience Captains. We?ve identified the issue. It?s definitely the Tal Shiar. (P.S. :mad:Our ETA is about 45 min from this tweet)
    Liberty Task Force
    "Liberty, Equality, Justice, Peace & Cooperation"

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    corjetcorjet Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    corjet wrote: »
    Why don't we just have a time travel thing go on here... Just revert the servers to back before LoR went online, when there weren't any issues... Then we'll put ourselves in a temporal causality loop and we'll be happy forver! :)

    "... back before Lor went online..." See?:)
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    v1ctor1stv1ctor1st Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Final straw for me was the downtime couple of nights ago, cancelled my gold sub.
    • "You know when that shark bites, with its teeth dear... scarlet billows start to spread..."
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can definitely emphasize with this, and I am not beating down the OP there. I am just venting because it's frustrating as hell to keep ending up with downtime out of game lately. Some folks in this forum have seen me defend Cryptic MANY times over against angry players, but it is hard to defend a server that is down a lot as of late. So I apologize if I came off wrong in response to this. I want the email issues fixed, also, and those white Valdore wings . . . . but at the top of MY particular list (aside from server stability) is that bloody POPPING issue! ~cringes~


    But above all else . . . I just really want to log in right now and play a bit before hitting the sack before work tomorrow.

    Hey no harm, didnt take it as such. Dont mind the feedback ehehe. Yeah its been really fustrating when theyve had numerous maint and we are here again with another, with "to me" little to no change. I would think they would have fixed the issue and patched all the noticeable bugs they could as new players are testing this game our for the first time. Meaning new clients for the game and possibly new revenue. But alas... they rather continue on the way they do and Im sure once enouph see how the game is.. theyll be headed elsewhere.

    Id love to see this game get big, big big. To the point they have multiple servers and all that, where their dev team is massive and content is pooring out like crazy, but how they handle this kinda stuff among other things just shows there really not ready to compete. Just want to keep things small and do little to the game as they can.

    Again like always this is my personal view not fact.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    STO should be back up in less than 45 minutes, and we're taking care of tomorrow's scheduled maintenance with this downtime.


    Brandon =/\=
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    whoami2whoami2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    when is the sto will be online
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    amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    STO should be back up in less than 45 minutes, and we're taking care of tomorrow's scheduled maintenance with this downtime.


    Brandon =/\=

    Great, now to fix the alienated customer base and you'll be all set right. Seriously though, the LoR release has been at least as big of a debacle as the original release three years ago and it's really torquing off the people that pay your salaries, perhaps when you get the servers working right, you can fix your customers.
This discussion has been closed.