Oh I know and I definitely don't want to mess with the options - I really want the torpedo autofire to be an option that can be toggled so those who want them in order can do so. It's just that currently it's very very difficult to do much with it on console. It will fire in order the first time you go through the sequence…
No hitch - who's to say that our counterpart in the prime universe wasn't actually somewhat insane. They undergo all kinds of terror in their youth and grow up with secret grudges to make it through Starfleet with the idea of someday having revenge. On a diplomatic mission they think that it would be better to show force…
There's no problem...I want the torpedoes to automatically fire as soon as they have cooled down. That's it. The global cooldown is what - 1.5 seconds? Which can be reduced with a console. I don't want to be having to continuously tap the shoulder button over and over to get them to fire...I want them to just keep firing…
If there was no advantage to it, I doubt very much that players would be so eager to have it. There is an advantage, it allows 360 coverage of 8 weapons continuously with relatively little degradation of damage vs. regular beams. If there is truly no advantage to it then everyone should be quite happy with beams and omnis…
At this point I think it's a case of just becoming a nuisance to them. Keep posting here, I may set up a twitter account to start asking there. Overall I know Kael doesn't actually give a damn but it's a pain for something they once mentioned "I thought you already had that".
Well, ideally they'd autofire in the order they are in the bar and then just as soon as they cooldown from then on. But yes, the option to just have them fire as often as possible in the order they are on the bar would be a great one to have as well. Just give us SOMETHING so we can stop having to hit the fire button over…
I really just want the option to be able to autofire them in the sequence they're loaded. Having to repeatedly hit the bumper over and over gets a bit annoying after a while and on a torpedo bomber it tends to wear out the bumper quite quickly.
Couldn't edit so I'll post this as well - And yeah, it is rather infuriating, I was looking forward to that bundle far more than the next couple of Lockbox/Promo pack ships they're hitting us with instead.
The issue isn't that it hasn't come out yet - it's that they announced all the fixes to it in the patch notes for console while it isn't out. I don't recall them ever announcing patch notes for things they haven't released yet - usually they're fixed on the day of release. That suggests that it's not a marketing issue but…
They've obviously forgot to "turn on" the bundle. They've put in the fixes to it but forgot to actually turn it on in the store...the usual incompetence that we've come to expect from them. Or maybe they just assumed they had already sold it to us and forgot. When I first read the notes I assumed that I had made the…
> @rattler2 said: > You two are feeding off each other and escalating. I'm putting my foot down and asking you to let it go. BOTH of you. I respect that there is a debate going on but it is starting to escalate and we've already had to deal with an escalation issue in another thread. I would rather not have another one…
I have my original copy of both the FASA tabletop game AND SFB...thanks for the reminder I'm old ;-) In the FASA one they didn't get torpedoes until the D7M, plus a few of the models exchanged with Romulans to get cloaking technology and some plasma torpedoes all had their own class names. It was probably my favourite of…
Depending on the game you were playing they were all referred to as D7 class, K't'inga was a particular model of D7. There were others like K't'mara etc. It does make sense though, they were all pretty much using the same frame just with upgrades throughout along the way, pretty much the same as the Connie's (which in the…
On the mod bit - no one is getting heated - merely asking someone not to resort to gatekeeping or attacks in defending Disco just as you would do if someone was attacking that show. First off - the K't'inga is a D7, just a later version of it - no need to be pissy about that, it's a silly nitpick. And yes it was meant to…
That's lazy arguing - if you can argue just claim people are only arguing because they don't like the show. Seriously, don't pull that nonsense. There are a LOT of legitimate arguments against the show - I'll never say you can't like it, or you shouldn't like it, I'm *GLAD* that there's a ST that people can enjoy but I…
Where to start with where you are wrong... First - Did they not say something about not seeing Klingons for like 100 years prior at the very start of the show? I don't see a lot of cold war there compared to what happens later. I didn't say she didn't last - I said suggested she didn't and that if she did she was a…
First - knock it off with being a TRIBBLE about things...you do it everywhere with the veiled insults etc and it's very demeaning for yourself. Second - I admit I forgot that line, my interest in the dsc stuff is limited as I find it poorly written. However we know that she didn't make it to the TOS era - either that or…
L'rell turned the Klingons into a police state where they are watched at all times - I believe this was discussed in one of the TOS episodes. The Klingons were very much NOT in a good place....sounds like L'rell was a total TRIBBLE up as a chancellor which is not surprising since she did nothing to unite the people instead…
What made me most notice the issue was with the remade Klingon missions. The one remade into Mars bringer of war (I think that's the title) was awful compared to the original. I loved flying around the old shipyards and fighting groups of defenders and attack shuttles. It felt like an epic attack....now, it's a number of…
> @cryptkeeper0 said: > I do think the added items are lacking some of them I got in other bundles... Like the legacy of Romulus bundle. Maybe the Zhat Vash vanity shield would have been a nice inclusion. I'm having hard time thinking of thing with in the game that they could have included. A mirror romulan/ramen vanity…
> @somtaawkhar said: > So the same as the Romulans did to the Federation and Klingon Empire? Wait, the Romulans turned Feds and Klinks into horrible mushroom versions of Romulans and turned them back on their own people???? I missed that mission, those monsters!
> @evilmark444 said: > They don't introduce items like that with legendary ships, that's something that would only come with a promo or lockbox ship. They could have included the plasma weapon set from Mudds store, that would have been useful bloat for the bundle.
Maybe the Borg were a massive invasive threat in another galaxy and were finally beaten by higher dimensional beings like a Q who threw them into our galaxy a beaten and broken species who have taken Millenia to assimilate their way back to where they are a threat again. The galactic barrier was put there by those beings…
There are also unexplored temporal shenanigans by the Borg that have been left open. There was that one world in the alpha quadrant that we find parts of Borg ships where they had never been known to reach as well as evidence of temporal events. Who knows what they were up to.
I like it and tend to put it on all of my ships somewhere as it's a great survival console. I play on Xbox though and we can set it to auto activate in the right conditions so it might be a bit easier for us. The set is also top notch imho.
B5 was written as a 5 year arc but was shut down in the 4th season requiring everything to be wrapped up (including a series finale episode...for me still the greatest series finale ever made) however another network picked it up to air another season at the last minute so they slapped together a season 5. One of my…
If you're thinking of cannons, I suggest going canon with cannons and sticking with Fed non canon canon or the Klingon canon cannon. Don't get me wrong, some Feds are canon cannons and some Klingons are non canon cannon so you can mix it up. Either way. I personally enjoy DBBs because of the extra angle to fire with them…