You are tired of people complaining about lock boxes, so you post a thread complaining about people complaining about lock boxes. How quaint :rolleyes:
PR spin aside, the fact remains that a Doff app has been the number 1 feature requested for a mobile app, yet it apparently wont be the first thing developed for a mobile app. Really weird priorities.
Now that is truly backwards. You would think that the Doff system would be the premier function of any mobile app, and then any other features would be added later.
Its not a matter of "forgetting" anything. The simple fact is, they will make the apps for whatever the most popular OS are. EDIT: This post has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic :) Thanks! ~BranFlakes
Are you alone? Probably not. There are usually always at least a couple of people that will agree to anything. But you are most definitely in the minority when it comes to not wanting a Rom faction.
If you've got everything you want and are just looking for fun then there is nothing better than the foundry. But if you still want to keep earning up your dil/zen for the future, I'd recommend doing your standard set(s) of dailies and add 1 foundry mission per day.
Cryptic doesnt have to release the actual numbers to deny the ones on the wiki as being accurate. However, the way the word that denial would be telling. If they simply say they arent accurate, they could mean by a microscopic fraction and still be "honest". However if they said the numbers on the wiki were way off, that…
Some may be. But if they did not add any rewards to the missions, lots of people would complain and say they would rather spend that same amount of time doing dailies.
That is an interesting statement, as it does not apply to free players. They arent paying any sub, therefore they cannot stipulate what they are supposedly paying for. And even if they make zen store purchases, they are only paying for that specific item, not for any certain type of game development. Assuming the majority…
The reason the foundry has not been as popular as the devs would have liked is because of the simple reason that it doesnt reward people for the amount of time it takes to play most "good" missions. If it did, I have a feeling most people would be more than happy to play foundry missions.
Some people will play with the story as their main motivation. However that does not mean those people would not also enjoy having a nice reward at the end. Other people will play with the reward as their main motivation. However that does not mean those people would not enjoy a nice story as a means to get that reward. A…
Unless of course, you played that long mission over several days. You would still get the big payout at the end, but you wouldnt have to play it all at once. Unfortunately that doesnt work so well in STO because any time you come back to a mission you have already been playing you have to jump back through each previous…
Its pretty simple actually. Putting up a big chunk of money up front is more of a sacrifice than paying a little a long the way. If it werent, then everyone would do it.
Which is the flaw of all missions having the same reward regardless of playtime. If you actually get more dilithium(or something else you wanted) for playing the longer mission, you would have more motivation to do it. Likewise, the motivation for playing the short mission would be much less.
The fact is, Cryptic is never going to stop making new missions. However, it is very likely the speed at which they do it is not going to be as fast as you would like. The foundry may not be a replacement for official mission content, but if it had rewards comparable to official missions it would at least lessen the pain…
Thats great and all, except for the fact that no one ever said that. If you had been keeping up with the devs comments you would know S7 is mainly focused on new mission content, and that they are now planning to start the FEs again before the end of the year. So to re-emphasize the point: neither Cryptic nor the foundry…
Some people will play with the story as their main motivation. However that does not mean those people would not also enjoy having a nice reward at the end. Other people will play with the reward as their main motivation. However that does not mean those people would not enjoy a nice story as a means to get that reward.