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sterlingwarbird Arc User




  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~syberghost Thats pretty much your answer...
  • Actually, I do use them myself on a Vesta, however I think they are totally overpowered at the moment and need to either, have their damage significantly reduced, or fix the problem with their crits. It just seems slightly unfair and no, this is not my first MMO, my first MMO was WoW and EvE, where the staff were somewhat…
  • Yes I do, because players incapable of not using it while Cryptic admits that its broken. It should be removed from the game while they take the time to fix it and stop everyone from abusing it from its original intended function. I really could not care if its a "reward", there are other rewards on that particular mission…
  • That makes no sense and makes PvP an "elitist" thing and we know how well that goes down in other games. PvPers are important members of the community and its important that anyone have access to this feature if they desire it. How does making PvP accessible to casual players harm you in the slightest.
  • Just off topic slightly, its nice to see some of the bigger fleets support the notion of a better galaxy. So thank you :)
  • Ah... well... actually its SCI Escorts which are horrible but in a kinda cool way :)
  • Ah... now I see where all our money went... Office Equipment, a Coffee Machine and a bunch of computers... Thanks for that :D
  • They didn't decrease development staff, they flat out abandoned it for STO. Now they are going to do the same when they move onto Neverwinter. I think STO is slowly becoming a meer shadow of what it could be because they've decided to move onto another project after 2 years of STO being top dog. This is really evidenced by…
  • Yes, while ships that are not even canon like the Vesta are free to infest this game. The sheer problem is that the Galaxy does not work with its current slot configuration and needs a makeover to showcase the adaptability of the class. Its all alright when Cryptic releases vessels like the Vesta and Odyssey which nobody…
  • Unfortunately that is the case currently, but hopefully that will change in the coming years. Most UK citizens are not happy being part of the EU and want out because we had the decision made for us without consultation so I doubt that the UK will remain in the EU forever. (Saying that as a proactive member of United…
  • Because that what it looks like and quite frankly, I'm still not completely convinced but since nobody seems to care that much, I won't bother dragging it out. Personally, I believe practices like that are somewhat morally wrong.
  • Plenty of things I could say, but I won't... So lets just end it here. I asked for an explanation of why this wasn't illegal and got one, albeit a bit rudely... lets just leave it at that.
  • You also failed to mention that this thread is the largest one in Federation shipyards so maybe its about time Cryptic started to actually do something about it instead of ignoring the problem.
  • Maybe that's how they get away with it then... still a bit morally dodgy but not exactly illegal... And hey, somebody did call European's a "nanny state"... Oh and btw, I'm British, not European... different thing. Just to let you know :)
  • Oh I forgot, thats the American ideology for raising children right? A child's safety online is not the responsibility of others but rests solely on the parent? Thats cool and all but what about when trading in countries that do not have those laws? What then? See, this is why I'm a bit confused, arn't Cryptic required to…
  • Because some parents do not actually know that their child does this. See, its hypothetical but it does not negate Cryptic's responsibility in this matter since everyone gives their date of birth when they sign up to STO. As a free game, they should be taking proactive steps to stop these types of things from happening.…
  • Europe is not a big nanny state, we just like to protect our children from online predators which don't just come in the form of individuals but companies as well. Its what is called "Good Service", most of the TV and ISP providers now have parental controls on their services, to prevent kids from buying things or…
  • See, that's what I thought as well, its probably some obscure legal loophole that Cryptic is using to justify it but it doesn't make it any less right. If there is no age limit on the game, then their should be measures to protect children, like the profanity filter that is already in the game. What about methods to stop…
  • Yes but Cryptic just allow that to happen when its their responsibility to make sure that children cannot access these features. There should be some sort of lock on buying zen for people with accounts under a certain age, to protect both minors and their parents.
  • You are wrong, it doesn't matter what the prize is... fact of the matter is, its exploitation of minors. Besides, I only asked for proof that it was legal, no need to jump on me like this because from where I stand, it looks surprisingly dodgy.
  • Seriously doubt it, we all know how desperate they are for money. Even if it is fine legally, there is no way to restrict minors accounts from purchasing zen or have any parental controls in place to prevent this. Would you not agree?
  • Actually that is the bill that was changed, go look it up. Its the bill that was implemented in the UK in 2003 to prevent exactly the kind of exploitation which Cryptic is trying to pull.
  • Actually no, it is illegal because you are still trading in money (Zen) to have a shot at winning something in the game to people under the age of 18 which is illegal in many countries. You are encouraging minors to buy lockbox keys using zen and spend them trying to get in-game items. How do we know that some kid is not…
  • I'm not nitpicking, essentially what Cryptic is doing is fundamentally morally wrong and I actually think its not only that but illegal under international trading laws. I think I will actually send a letter to UK Trading Standards to see if this is actually right. From UK Laws on Online Gambling, including "in-game"…
  • Well this because people like you who go "Oh, its just a buisness" and feel that Cryptic should do this CONSTANTLY are PAYING for it and therefor justifying it. Everything decent in the game SHOULD NOT cost dilithium and biggest bull**** was Fleet Modules which you require 4 of, unless you have forked out for the C-Store…
  • You think that the Federation is not the same? After all, someone on this very board commented that Federation console powers are TRIBBLE compared to the Klingon ones, probably because they are more tactically orientated. I both fanbases should be demanding better quality from Cryptic and not attacking each other for…
  • You mean as long as it makes them money. Capitalist corruption at its best eh? I am sure they could give trying to increase their income a miss one month and focus one month of development completely on content and bug fixes. Then all would well with this game... you can get a lot done in a month. You say there are…
  • Thumbs up there!
  • That is the Galaxy Dreadnought, good ship but it does need an update, the Galaxy-R has the Saucer Seperation console.
  • The problem is, you see yourself as some sort of persecuted minority of players in the game. We have to be UNITED as a playerbase if we really want any kind of change. Cryptic is the enemy here and not each other... as long as you blame Federation players, nothing will ever change and we will never have a decent game. The…