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Transphasic Cluster Torpedo - Take it out the game while you fix it!

sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
It strikes me that if something is broken and is seriously negatively effecting game balance... Take it out the game! Don't leave it in for everyone to abuse the "One Crit, it all Crits" bug...? How does that make sense. If it does not work correctly, it should not be in the game and since I know that pretty much every Klingon has become reliant at abusing it, Surely it makes more sense to take the item out of the game until it can be actually fixed?

You admit its bugged Cryptic! But you don't remove it from the game so people are free to abuse it in PvP? Does that make any logical sense at all?
Post edited by sterlingwarbird on


  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You want them to remove a reward from all inventories?

    Thats a even worse idea than leaving something damaged (provided this is even the case), in game.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • seraphimghostseraphimghost Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Maybe it's intended to be that way; I don't use mines but how do they work?
    Does Critical hit affect all of the mines or just one?
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes I do, because players incapable of not using it while Cryptic admits that its broken. It should be removed from the game while they take the time to fix it and stop everyone from abusing it from its original intended function.

    I really could not care if its a "reward", there are other rewards on that particular mission to choose from and to be blatant. If I had my way, all the lockbox ships would have a significant rebalance as well to bring them in line with the other vessels.

    People should not be wanting to pay for a massive, game-breaking advantage over other players and if you are legitimately like that, you really arn't worth worrying about.

    No, basically, its a bug that Cryptic has admitted to, the Cluster torpedo mines hit for one critical hit and as a result every critical mine hits with 40% shield penetration, meaning that you can effectively kill a player instantly, with no chance to react.

    The good old Klingons abuse it in every conceivable way, effectively making any defense against their BoP's which act a dive bombers mute.
  • seraphimghostseraphimghost Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    But you can destroy it, can you not?
    And if not, you can use Evasive Maneuvers to escape them; not sure for how long they follow you, and how far.. :/
    And if your a Romulan then you can use your Singularity Absorption ability when they do eventually "catch up" with you.
    I'm not saying they don't need to remove, I'm just providing possible solution until they do. ;)
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    anazonda wrote: »
    You want them to remove a reward from all inventories?

    Thats a even worse idea than leaving something damaged (provided this is even the case), in game.

    Exactly. Is this your first MMO OP? These things happen and the solution you propose would likely create far more problems. It's just a passing phase you can ride it out. Or fight fire with fire and equip them yourself. Either way you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I thought the "one crit, all crits" bug was fixed months ago, before the launch of LoR.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is not a cluster torp issue, it happens on all mines in the game.

    And there are defenses, it is not incredibly fast and can be shot down.
    Also evasive, brace and pretty much every short range aoe will take care of it.
    There are worse things in game right now.

    Equip at least one good monotanium console and resilient shields.

    if you are asking for this to be removed you might as well ask for tricobalt mines, and the new destabilized plasma torpedo to be removed. or any reputation torpedo for that matter.
  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    its destructible and requires a bit of distance for the mines to deploy.

    There are many, many ways to take out destructible torpedoes.

    I'm not seeing the problem
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Exactly. Is this your first MMO OP? These things happen and the solution you propose would likely create far more problems. It's just a passing phase you can ride it out. Or fight fire with fire and equip them yourself. Either way you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Actually, I do use them myself on a Vesta, however I think they are totally overpowered at the moment and need to either, have their damage significantly reduced, or fix the problem with their crits. It just seems slightly unfair and no, this is not my first MMO, my first MMO was WoW and EvE, where the staff were somewhat competent. All these F2P "make a quick buck" MMO's I'm not used to so maybe incompetence is just the way.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey, right, blame the KDF players for "Abusing" this particular item. You do realize there is no reason that a Federation player cannot mount one, or two of these right? It's a mission reward. A mission that is available to both factions... Please to note that Federation players still out number KDF players by around 4 to 1. Off hand I say the opportunities for fed players to "Abuse" the noted game mechanic is much higher then the KDF players. You must be specificly complaining about KDF players in the C-store BOP, and the fleet version of the same with the advanced battle cloak which allow the use of some BOFF powers, the dropping of mines and firing of torpedo's while under cloak. Please be thankfull that they didn't go entirely canon on the advanced cloak. An ABC BOP firing torps breaks cloak for a 3 second window, yet in the Undiscovered country movie the Enterprise, nor Excelsior were able to target General Chang's BOP. So, it could be worse...much much worse.

    Personally I don't think its all that broken as the same mechanic is used for normal mines.
    The only difference is the "Transphasic cluster torpedo launcher" allows you to project a mine field at a distance. Please also to note.. it operates as a "heavy torpedo" type and can be shot down...so get a point defence battery dude! As it is, the torp has changed.. it used to deploy its "mine/submunitions" at a greater distance then it does now...

    If you don't want the silly things causing you as much damage then slot DOFF's that reduce the cooldown for "Brace for Impact" and use your Brace for impact captains power when you see one! To difficult to do that you say? Doing to much in combat, and you miss seeing that and one bites you you say? Tough! Really, Tough!

    There is a rather old saying about war and battle. "In Battle even the simple becomes difficult."

    If there is any one particular issue with STO ship combat is the player captain is absoltly overloaded with decisions during PvP combat. Instead of having BOFF's that see a situation and reacting to them on their own inititive, the player is stuck with making those dicisions.

    Basicly, the player with the better situational awareness, a solid macro setup (to automate certain sequeces of power triggering) or just damd fast fingers on the keyboard that has their hot keys memorized is going to be the one the owns PvP combat, and the most OP ship in the game, with the most OP weapons, consoles combo's etc., isn't going to make a lick of difference.

    Get over it.. STO isn't even a remotely "realistic" (if the word is even applicable) simulation of Trek starship combat. Your crew does nothing without you activating the powers... a player simply cannot react sufficiently fast in the middle of a PvP furball.

    Love it or hate it, that's the way it is.. and your really stuck with "working as intended"

    STO is however a great way to find out out just how much abuse a keyboard can take...
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Broken? Hah. Give me the Hyper plasma over it any time, the borg will burn.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Exactly. Is this your first MMO OP? These things happen and the solution you propose would likely create far more problems. It's just a passing phase you can ride it out. Or fight fire with fire and equip them yourself. Either way you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Except you are ignoring the fact that everytime cryptic has done something like this, there is massive loss for the players.

    And lets face it... it's not like you can't defend against it.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Huh. They used to be completely worthless compared to other torpedoes. I'd taken a break from STO after the Lobi Store incident* so I never even looked when I came back for LoR. I may toss it on my KDF just for fun and see how it behaves.

    *When they first added Tholian stuff to the Lobi Store, they removed the Ferengi stuff... which were the items I was saving Lobi for. :mad: They fixed it and now LoR was interesting enough to get me back.
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
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