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Question for STO community, what is wrong with STO ?



  • zntechzntech Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wasn't log in to STO for 3 days not only because of bugs , it's cause i have to do again GDM reputation x 3 or 4 again with Romulan toon with half cut in repository (as gold member) .
    Can't do that ..

    Yeahhh its time to move on !
    In the beginning there was all and then become nothing

  • zachverantzachverant Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You are ALL WRONG...NO "Risa Beach Wear" is what is wrong with STO.

    However...the PvP comment by "that" Sad Panda is a close second.

    its my opinion and i'm sticking to it...:P

    coffee...black...and keep it coming...:cool:
    "Sips her PWE Koolaide and looks at alllll the goodies in the Z store"
    Badname Betty (PvP...PvE...STF...Trophy Hunter...Latnium Collector...Federation)
    Commander Morgana (PvP...PvE...STF...KDF)
    1000 day vet and LTS
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] STO Join date: 7 Feb 2010
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    IMHO, you all should strike and boycott STO, Cryptic and PWE. Don't bother to waste another second of your life in game or on the forums until they give you the Star Trek game that you DEMAND! :D
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    IMHO, you all should strike and boycott STO, Cryptic and PWE. Don't bother to waste another second of your life in game or on the forums until they give you the Star Trek game that you DEMAND! :D

    Sarcasm aside, if we actually all did that, Cryptic would start to listen to its playerbase. If you grab something by the balls then it DOES listen and Cryptic's weakness is that they expect to make money. Lots of players have valid and insightful ideas and its about time some of them were implemented into the game by Cryptic. We don't have to live in a dictatorship y'know.

    Problem is... too many random players now to make a positive effect.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What is wrong with STO..?

    Well... if a balance pass made of EVERYTHING in game with no mercy shown and the AI given a sense of intelligence I would be happy and all would be well in my opinion.
  • lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Things wrong with STO:

    1. The stupid daily limit on DIL.

    2. The fact that if you miss the daily limit you screwed yourself for 8k that prior day. It should be accumulative AT LEAST say if you miss two days you are allowed to refine 16k There is absolutely NO REASON not to have it this way.

    3. The insane prices on the Zen store. 300-500 Zen for costume changes, are you insane?

    4. The lack of sales on the Zen store.

    5. The lack of customer and tech support especially for bugged and TRIBBLE characters.

    6. The immense downtime, and slowness of patching bugs. (Almost two weeks to patch a mail bug, really?)

    7. THe lack of DEV response and just all around not caring about their customers (I call us customers because they treat this game like a business now.)

    8. The crappy reward from Lockboxes and low amounts of Lobi crystals. Then on top of that not having the LOBI crystals CHARACTER bound.

    9. The absolute BS incentives for GOLD MEMBERS (like me).

    I seriously could have a laundry list. But DEV's don't care.

    Sorry, but after your devs don't care thread I cannot take you seriously anymore lol

    Screaming a dev hasn't posted once in your thread when there aren't one but four dev posts in it is absolutely hilarious. xD
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sarcasm aside, if we actually all did that, Cryptic would start to listen to its playerbase. If you grab something by the balls then it DOES listen and Cryptic's weakness is that they expect to make money. Lots of players have valid and insightful ideas and its about time some of them were implemented into the game by Cryptic. We don't have to live in a dictatorship y'know.

    Problem is... too many random players now to make a positive effect.

    I'm glad you recognized the sarcasm as sarcasm although I really wasn't worried about anyone actually taking me seriously. :)

    I see a BIG difference between how players making suggestions to Cryptic to make Cryptic's STO more enjoyable for all players and how some posters have decided that Cryptic doesn't know what they are doing while the posters demand that Cryptic change the entirety of the game to suit the posters whims.

    Cryptic's STO is fine, playable and enjoyed by thousands of players daily. Those players are in the right, "get it" and support the company and their game. Some of them come to the forums and have discussions about what sort of ideas and changes they would like to see that would help to make their STO experience more enjoyable. They provide positive feedback on issues and help to foster a communicative interaction between the company that owns and operates STO and themselves.

    Personally, I think that Cryptic does listen to it's player base. They try to take into account what the majority of their players are doing, playing and enjoying as provided by their game metrics and financials. Then they come to these forums and read about ideas, hot topics, suggestions and get a more verbose reaction to what they are doing with THEIR game. They take those typed reactions and see how they fit into their metrics and their grand plans for their game. They consider, weigh and discuss suggestions and possibly implementing them or they might not. It's their decision for their game run by their business.

    They only decision we as players get to make, is whether to stay and play or take our entertainment time and funds elsewhere.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    What is wrong with STO..?

    Well... if a balance pass made of EVERYTHING in game with no mercy shown and the AI given a sense of intelligence I would be happy and all would be well in my opinion.

    Show no favortism or signs of fan influence and that may work, but boy the noise that will arise from those whom are unhappy with how it would work out would deafen the forums I think.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The problem with the game is that everyone has their own version of what a Star Trek MMORPG should be and we are not playing our version, but a version Cryptic has created that tries to appease as many fans as they can within reason. PvP is a joke because the Federation/Klingon Empire War is a joke since we have static missions not dynamic missions where PvP would affect what missions are available. Therefore, nothing really changes based on our interactions with the game. Ships that should never be available to players are available through the C-Store and lockbox.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    The problem with the game is that everyone has their own version of what a Star Trek MMORPG should be and we are not playing our version, but a version Cryptic has created that tries to appease as many fans as they can within reason. PvP is a joke because the Federation/Klingon Empire War is a joke since we have static missions not dynamic missions where PvP would affect what missions are available. Therefore, nothing really changes based on our interactions with the game. Ships that should never be available to players are available through the C-Store and lockbox.

    I find it amusing that you make a very astute statement regarding the problem with forum posters ... and then proceed to contribute to the problem with the rest of your paragraph. :)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    I find it amusing that you make a very astute statement regarding the problem with forum posters ... and then proceed to contribute to the problem with the rest of your paragraph. :)

    Hardly astute. The problem with the game is NOT that everyone has their own version of what a Star Trek MMORPG should be, but that there are so many bugs that never get fixed, that devs are unresponsive and give you the finger, and, instead of fixing old stuff first, rapidly release yet another expsansion, introducing even more bugs. THAT, man friend, is the problem with the game.
  • wylonuswylonus Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Flash425 got one thing right I agreed with.

    Orions shouldn't be part of Klingon faction, due to "Honor", and the orionians are nothing more than "space pirates without honors", I don't think they fit with romulan faction.

    it more classified as Highway bandits dealing with slave trades and search for stolen technologies to adapt.

    I don't think orionians were highly techno advanced, I think they stole from unknown alien species visiting them and learned how to create their own ships by cannibalizing other older races, and they almost did with Captain Archer and the crew of Enterprise, they want earthling's shield techno.

    they are classified as space pirates and tech hunters.

    anyway, back on topic...

    1. Billing services need to be fixed
    2. Raise DIL cap limit
    3. fix the mail service
    4. quest and mission timers is no fun to wait for 24 hrs
    5. chat menu too cluttered, remove "report spam", move to newer "report tab menu" with bugs, issues, help, and report "hostile" spams, (racist slur, hate, and seller sites).

    there few more issues.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Hardly astute. The problem with the game is NOT that everyone has their own version of what a Star Trek MMORPG should be, but that there are so many bugs that never get fixed, that devs are unresponsive and give you the finger, and, instead of fixing old stuff first, rapidly release yet another expsansion, introducing even more bugs. THAT, man friend, is the problem with the game.

    And there you go as well...contradicting yourself! :)

    YOUR version of STO would not have any bugs or issues, there would not be a Romulan expansion (btw, the ONLY expansion to the game so far) and would never have any other new bugs or issues! ;)

    But the version that we all experience and get to play does have some issues that most of us manage to get around one way or another or we just don't let them bother interrupting our enjoyment. We know that Cryptic will get around to fixing them in time.

    Try again? ;)
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ... a lot.

    But it's free
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    I find it amusing that you make a very astute statement regarding the problem with forum posters ... and then proceed to contribute to the problem with the rest of your paragraph. :)

    Glad you had fun with my post. Not entirely sure if I was mocking Star Trek fans with it or not. Personally, I don't care about PvP and lockbox ships, but some people have a problem with it. All I really want in this game is that the decisions we make in the game affect future content.
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The PVE content is too much like a grind. The limitations on the rep system make it not very fun to play, but tolerable if it were to be bound to account. Ship balance is way out of wack here in escorts online.

    - Can there be a system or a replay system for the STF's that sorts the said STF's in chronological order, the way the events unfold, so it feels like a campaign and not some other instance. Maybe add in some more cutscenes and a save system if we want to keep a static party.

    - Can we have captain cross-training into other disciplines (classes) so flying a ship that doesn't complement out class isn't so bad (since we're not changing that).

    - Can the doff personal missions for ship buffs be expanded on, as well as warp cores, to help bring ships back into line. Maybe have personal doff ship buffs that appear in the doff pane that only work with the ship we are currently in, not to mention PvP buffs and PvE buffs.
  • roosterrider80roosterrider80 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure if anyone else listened to this interview with Daniel Stahl, Cryptic Studios Executive Producer so heres the link.

    Boldly going where most men and Ferengi have gone before...come here Leeta!
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I heavily dislike the dilithium limit and cap should be increased or removed.

    It doesn't even impact the economy, really. You make raw dilly faster than you can refine it so you're not so much trying to make the dilithium to buy something, just waiting the X days to refine it.

    If you want to make the "omg it'll crash the market!" argument, make it take more dilithium after a set amount like 1-8000 is a 1:1 raw/refined ratio and every 8000 after takes more raw to make one refined, blame it on the ferengi taxing you for bulk dilithium.

    Anything but forcing people to just simply wait till they can "refine" what they earned is just annoying.

    If anything it'll make The dilly/Zen market better by adding controlled inflation. People that don't want to farm the same STFs and dailies can grab a good amount of refined with spare Zen and get more dilithium per Zen to boot, and those that do can farm all day long and refine it immediately, thus there's a constant supply for the Zen guys.

    The only problem is running out of things to get with dilly, but the lockbox and the dilithium exchange keep that in check with a steady money sink for keys.

    I can see nothing but win/win removing it.
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    I'm glad you recognized the sarcasm as sarcasm although I really wasn't worried about anyone actually taking me seriously. :)

    I see a BIG difference between how players making suggestions to Cryptic to make Cryptic's STO more enjoyable for all players and how some posters have decided that Cryptic doesn't know what they are doing while the posters demand that Cryptic change the entirety of the game to suit the posters whims.

    Cryptic's STO is fine, playable and enjoyed by thousands of players daily. Those players are in the right, "get it" and support the company and their game. Some of them come to the forums and have discussions about what sort of ideas and changes they would like to see that would help to make their STO experience more enjoyable. They provide positive feedback on issues and help to foster a communicative interaction between the company that owns and operates STO and themselves.

    Personally, I think that Cryptic does listen to it's player base. They try to take into account what the majority of their players are doing, playing and enjoying as provided by their game metrics and financials. Then they come to these forums and read about ideas, hot topics, suggestions and get a more verbose reaction to what they are doing with THEIR game. They take those typed reactions and see how they fit into their metrics and their grand plans for their game. They consider, weigh and discuss suggestions and possibly implementing them or they might not. It's their decision for their game run by their business.

    They only decision we as players get to make, is whether to stay and play or take our entertainment time and funds elsewhere.

    You mean as long as it makes them money. Capitalist corruption at its best eh? I am sure they could give trying to increase their income a miss one month and focus one month of development completely on content and bug fixes. Then all would well with this game... you can get a lot done in a month.

    You say there are listening but they won't listen unless they can see a way to make profit. Think about it, all the ships introduced and new stuff has all been around making solid profit. Sure, some new missions are nice but do not really take that long to create and has anyone noticed that the Romulan missions are a great deal shorter then the older Federation made ones?
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well I come here to fly space ships, that's my hobby, and even though there are a lot of things that I personally dont like about STO, I am able to fly space ships, so it passes that test.

    The biggest problem is the item-centric nature of the game. It never works well, not even in single-player games, and its absolutely disastrous in multi-player games. PVP is irreparably broken due to item power-creep, and PVE isnt far behind. Worse is that I get the feeling that Crypitc sells the OP items on purpose, like they are afraid that if the were just normal competitive then nobody would buy them, so they make the items OP. Pretty soon we will get items that double the loot drops or some kind of TRIBBLE like that. They have completely mortgaged the future with this stuff. Same for selling ships from other factions, you've killed off future development around those factions, pretty much. I'm not sure they know it. This is what will eventually interfere with my hobby time here.
  • zntechzntech Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It is 4th day that I didn't log in on STO I feel very well actually great :)
    In the beginning there was all and then become nothing

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