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senselocke Arc User



  • Hourlies used to run on a roughly 20 hour cycle--so if an event was 4pm one day, it's noon the next, 8am the following day, 4am, midnight, then 8pm and repeat. Certain high-reward ones were more frequent, and it changed up during weekends, but usually it was about 20 hour rotation--so if you played 3 hours a night, you'd…
  • I actually like that idea better than a "return" to hourlies. Just have events last X number of hours, with overlaps. It still wouldn't bring back the Race, though--that would need to be an hourly to bring back the awesomesauce. YES to regularly scheduled! YES to forseeable weeks in advance! YES to overlaps and…
  • Wow. So, considering that I've tailored every one of my toons to have level 6 in a bunch of stats specifically so I can train BOffs, you folks are going to give a free Respec token for each character, right? Right?
  • Agree with above. ANY C-store ship that's been purchased needs retroactive additions of these hybrid seats--basically anything that can be upgraded to T5U. Alternately a CHEAP way to add these seats to existing ships would let us use a much wider variety of ships day-to-day, leading to more sales and happier customers all…
  • Yes. It's more work, it's an extra step, and if you don't do it, it's a hell of a lot of unnecessary steps. A much, MUCH more useful function would be a "strip all to inventory" button, or maybe an option to "move gear to new ship". Making it automatic is not an improvement or a help.
  • If you'll notice, I'm specifically talking about people who do pay. People who bought T6 ships won't be able to use them. People who bought T5 upgrades won't be able to use them. People who bought lifetime subscriptions still have to cough up $30 each time they add new features. These new features only work with new ships.…
  • No one is saying "no" to the new additions. Most seem pretty excited by the new features. What people are saying "no" about is the fact that (so far) it seems these features will only work on a select few ships, that have not yet been announced, and will cost $30 each. What Cryptic are doing is saying "Either pay for new…
  • Well, I dropped sub when they overhauled crafting, and only came back for the Winter ship, only to find out that every ship I've ever had/bought is now sub-par, and now they want to limit my options even more? It's not good business if no one is buying, and participation numbers are tanking across the board. I'm certainly…
  • So, I need a paid ship to get these new slots. Meaning the whole system is behind a paywall if you plan to play in space (where most of us play because ground combat is still not that fun). ...Thanks?:confused: You know, you could make it possible to add this seat to an existing ship, or sacrifice a console slot or two to…
  • You know, it's a bit infuriating that you ended it earlier than planned. Earlier than most Thursday updates, and earlier than said in the Mission Log for the entire event. Mission log says "until 2PM PST". That's seven hours later. What this means is, I had to burn all my zen and most of my EC on keys to open boxes to get…
  • Oh wow, do I agree. I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist if it doesn't work, as I was expecting to have to do the grind non-stop on every toon to earn ships. Even if it doesn't work smoothly, I do greatly appreciate that they're trying to give us a bonus here. It is a common problem with grindy games that, when…
  • Off-topic, but I have to say: Oh my god, your sig is GLORIOUS..
  • It's a valid question though: Does the game view a T5U Breen ship as different than a T5 Breen ship, thus voiding the discount? Can this Tribble fix be tested against this? Also, let's not pretend there is a single, up-to-date listing of all current changes/differences. I didn't know there even was intended to be a…
  • Could someone give me details on what the "discount" is supposed to even be? I'm trying to outfit 3 alts, had I known there were discounts I'll be doing things differently.
  • That's an insanely appealing idea, truthfully. It's something I'd actually get tingles reading about if it were added to the game, even with restrictions like a cost to remove mods, or mods being permanent. You should make a separate post on this in suggestions, it's a fantastic idea IMO.
  • No, it's a class of ship all it's own: A Punchline. It's too weak to be an Escort, way too fragile to be a Destroyer, and too expensive to be a Shuttle. It's a Raider, or it's nothing. And if it's not a Raider, give it back the hull and shields that the Raider class strips away, and give it a boost to MAKE it either an…
  • Why not give it the ability to engage Full Impulse much faster, or in combat (with a cooldown)? It's small--tiny, in fact, That smallness could be actioned (lol, I hate that word!) into actual flight performance--faster acceleration, faster turning, and faster movement debuff recovery. That way, its Defense would be…
  • Curious about new Stardock. Still cross about losing half my slots for Rep bonuses. Kits seem interesting. Do want to see the new facial options. Will dearly miss Commendations. Do we get hourly events back? Are Romulan marks still obnoxious-to-earn/scarce?
  • So, since these are now modular Kit Frames, that can hold individual mods... ...can we load up two or three Kit Frames and swap them out? Because if I have to re-slot every single power, it actually takes us farther from that "tool for every job" idea in the post. At least now, one item swap changes all the powers--if it's…
  • So, guaranteed loot is good. Taking away the BNP jackpot, though, is bad. What, too many people earned too much Dil during the one weekend every three months (or more? are we ever getting another one??)? I mean, I get it--I had 200+ BNP cluttering my inventory, but the point remains: STFS ARE THE ONLY REP MISSIONS THAT…
  • File one more vote under "leave it at 8/8/4". Want to cap future reps? Fine, that's okay. But don't remove the number available now. Lot of discussion, gave up after 17 pages. Hawk, you did an admirable job of explaining rationale and reasoning, but it's still too much of a nerf IMO. Please consider 6 or 8 trait slots each…
  • I snipped it, but purely for space, not because what you said isn't worth saying. The "confusion" would be removed by simply adding toggles or "branches" to the Rep UI. And letting people check "Mk X" and "Space" (or drill down in a more streamlined tree) would leave the option for new players (I get that Borg Mk X engine…
  • It is beautiful, and the music is simply stunning! But for all the ramp up, the lead in, and the story... it's hollow. Nothing you do there is worth the time, and nothing for Romulan rep even comes close to the reward/time of Omega or Dyson rep. Sure, there are Rabbits. But I had enough "do the same thing every 20 hours"…
  • No, that's not at all what was said. What was said is existing dailies will get you a bonus--unless I'm totally misreading this. Tau Dewa Patrol is 35+ minutes, and boring. Everything else is worse. If you did ONE system, ONE time, and that popped the daily, I'd be fine. But it'll stay the five systems. Doesn't fix the…
  • Uh... what planet are we on? I talked to several dozen fleetmates--NO ONE disliked the Commendations. In fact, everyone liked them, and was hoping the system would apply retroactively to every other rep system. It was dead simple--do ANYTHING and get your daily, then just play for fun to get marks. And it avoided the main…
  • ...I don't think you guys realize what "like" is supposed to mean... We enjoy something first, then maybe it gets "likes"--not the other way around. Yes, this will get you a lot of "likes"--but they're bribes, nothing more. It does not indicate anyone actually likes ARC (most don't, or are ambivalent). What we LIKE is STO.…
  • 1) People who only play one hour a week are not Cryptic's customers, nor are they anywhere near the majority of players. So, it's kind of inconsequential. 2) Most people are not trying to max every system at the same time--they want either Marks and/or Dil and/or XP and/or CXP or some combination--but not usually all. 3)…
  • These Events have really sapped my interest in the game. I'm probably going to drop sub this month--I've not played in a week or more. Why? Because with the old system, there was ALWAYS something to do, even if it wasn't my "usual". Want to play, but a bit bored? Pull up the rotating list of events that change on the…
  • You're really committed to this long-troll, aren't you? :)
  • I don't own any of this (yet), but I'm starting to see a trend. Similar thing with the free C-store items offered at the pre-anniversary. The folks that bought, and played, the broken stuff for months/years seem to be getting the shaft when the things are actually fixed. So, NEW players that buy the price-reduced bundle…