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samt296 Arc User



  • If I could delete your comment from this thread I would, it completely goes against the point of this thread. If you want to rage go elsewhere, there are PLENTY of rage threads in existence but this is NOT one of them. Cryptic does their best to please the player base but most people don't know what they want or their…
  • Alright let me remind y'all to stay nice! Doing pretty well so far but I do detect some anger... This is understandable but it won't solve any of the problems mentioned. On to more important matters! We have thoroughly discussed the Tier 5-U upgrade program which I think we all agree is much better than it could have been…
  • I tried fixing it by making a generic feedback thread on all of the coming changes. I figured the best way to keep mini-threads away was to try and make a big one! We shall see if it succeeds... ;)
  • In the latest DEV post about upgrading Tier 5 ships, Cryptic mentioned player feedback would influence how the system was implemented. Therefore I have decided to create this thread which will offer constructive feedback on all of Cryptics systems as they rollout the DEV blogs in the coming weeks. There is one rule: keep…
  • You know I've been thinking about this a lot lately... Where are our ****** Iconians Cryptic!!! I want the ultimate baddies already, you've been dangling them in our faces for FOUR frickin' years! :mad:
  • I appreciate it but I did not design it someone else did... I suck at art. LOL Whole fan fiction stories have been written about the ship though. It looks like a futuristic Romulan/ Federation hybrid I think!
  • Regardless of your opinion on fan made designs... And that's one of the better ones... It doesn't change the fact that just looking at those pictures made my eyes shrivel up and die.... Does anyone know what the opposite of an TRIBBLE is? :D
  • Words cannot describe how hideous that thing is! But this comes pretty close... That ships registration plaque is an apology from the condom factory.
  • Dear God it looks uglier than the Love child of the Jupiter and the Typhoon! Which than had a love child with the love child of Hilary Clinton and Elton John... Talk about scary ugly!!!:eek:
  • Speaking of getting drilled... http://ross71521.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/cheese-grater.jpg Enjoy!
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_in_China http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures Yes... im sure that will happen despite that fact that the US spends ten times as much money on its military as China and twenty times as much as Russia. Your threats are meaningless and hold absolutely no…
  • And yes the wilting violets up north are a bit more liberal. But im from North Texas so that doesn't exactly count as the deep south. Entitlement - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/entitlement In this case y'all think that you are entitled to having everything in this game exactly how YOU want it when Cryptic has…
  • Yes well its also a country that has endured for more than two hundred years and tops the economic and military power of every country in the world... put together.
  • ORIGINAL POSTER HERE I am afraid there is no way to convince these self entitled b*tches... You would better luck getting a KDF player to stop b*tching. They want what they have and are afraid of change because they don't like to learn new things. In the words of the Borg "adapt." As to the claims of me not having a right…
  • Well its been fun trading barbs but I refuse to get caught up in an all out battle of wits... Its against my morals to attack an unarmed person. :D In other words... BITE ME!!!
  • I would but its difficult to do with your head in the way... :D
  • you forgot something... you can only use HALF of them right now... 40/2 = 20 20-12 = 8 lost
  • Actually 8... 4 ground and 4 space... 4 tiers X 2 = 8 More choices for optimizing your builds in both ground and space.
  • Its not bad when it preserves balance and gives more variety to building ships! I'm done trying to argue with you... You sound more entitled and b*tchy than a KDF player who does PVP! Go give your head a frickin' shake! Of course to do that you will first need to remove it from your TRIBBLE. :rolleyes: :D
  • That's actually 6 more choices you get to make when optimizing a build... Think about it like skill points, you get certain ones depending on your career and ship. The difference is you can re-skill anytime you want to! As for my opinion of all your posts on this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARUcA94QP18
  • Anyone? Its not on Tribble yet...
  • Actually it smore like putting a LVL 100 cap on a game with 50 levels... :rolleyes: #powercreep Imagine how overpowered it would be when we have 15 REP's? This prevents that entirely...
  • #biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch! ***** ***** biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch! ***** *****! #meet your future husband - http://ross71521.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/cheese-grater.jpg P.S. I should NOT have to grind my TRIBBLE off before I can even begin to play the game "normally."
  • Unless im misunderstanding you are basically saying that I have very few choices where he and others have many choices... Your right! Keep in mind you can switch out the traits anytime your out of combat AND most of the passives have DOUBLED in effectiveness. What more do you want!?! All you're losing is the ability to…
  • SORRY TO BURST Y'ALLS BUBBLES BUT ORGANIC SHIPS ALREADY EXIST IN-GAME. Breen Ships anyone? If you wanted to complain about organic technology being used by players than your about 2 years too late. :D :rolleyes:
  • You can buy it off of the exchange I just checked... type in "photonic science" that should bring it up... but they are prohibitively expensive.
  • You can get it on the exchange for a good 40 mil or so I think...
  • He's trying to tell us what to do as if we need a mother... If I wanted his opinion I would've given It to him! Y'alls suggestions are more than welcome but please don't try to interfere in something that is none of your business. IF you enjoy that sort of thing than your welcome to BITE ME! :D
  • 8 MIL Is a lot to some people.. I don't have the stomach for grinding so I buy things straight out.
  • People ask more than 100 mil for veteran BOFF... I'm not interested in paying that much but they are incredibly rare. P.S. I replied to your PM Flash525 and sent you a friends request. I will buy the BOFF at your price!