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saeyn Arc User



  • Update -- It went away for a few days but now it's back. What the hell is going on?
  • FYI this went away for a couple of weeks, but just came back. I'm unsure of any kind of cause, but I just picked up the Maneuvering Thusters specialization. However it worked for several days after picking up the trait... It just started happening again Saturday 6 December. Unrelated to the warp core this time. I swapped…
  • I bought a new Elite Fleet Resilient ResA and ResB (they aren't that expensive anymore) and... same problem. According to the parser and watching the damage floaters each time I take a hit, I'm getting 10% bleedthrough on BOTH of them. Going to file a bug report. 5% Bleedthrough is the whole point of Resilient Shields.
  • I have both an Elite Fleet Resilient [ResA] AND [ResB]. I have yet to upgrade them because I'm afraid of something bugging out... however I have noticed another problem. The only proof I have is through Combat Log Reader, but according to that program, the [ResB] of those shields are giving me 10% Bleedthrough (via the…
  • That's about right. I've not commented on one of these yet, but I'm in agreement--- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD *clap* *clap* *clap* Woah sorry, something came over me there... anyhow leveling post level 50 is just punishing. I will never complete my specialization at this rate. It will literally take me years. At least I…
  • Sigh. Logged in today, and to my amazement it was working when I first jumped into game - in orbit of K-7! I swapped out my Advanced for my Elite more than once and the AMP was back! And the EPS Bonus was back! I went to sector space and went to the nearest combat map - Traelus Satellite Repair and...…
  • Agreed. He has the unenviable job of having to respond to people's snarky, rude, bile-filled bug reports while being unable to fix the problem himself. I say this as someone who made himself the squeaky wheel for a few days trying to get a bug report noticed. As soon as Frost noticed it he was very responsive.
  • Hey Frost, it's still broken. Advanced Core: http://i.imgur.com/shbeKc3.jpg Elite Core: http://i.imgur.com/Coyjawt.jpg Note EPS Skill, Shield Power and no Synergy Amp. Base power is different than my prior screenshots b/c I have MACO set equipped instead of Borg. Let me know if you need any more detailed information from…
  • Ahh nuts, too bad. Must have been a different glitch.
  • http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1296961&page=2 Please see this thread. Check back after today's patch to see if it is fixed.
  • OK awesome. I don't get home till late EST tomorrow, but I'll log in and check it once I'm home and respond here one way or the other. Thanks, Frost.
  • Thank you, sir! It may be related to the thread about fleet items slotted then removed from the upgrade queue glitching and losing their buffs. I think (but cannot confirm because I can't remember specifically) that I slotted the warp core in the upgrade queue to see what a MK XIII would look like. It might well NOT be…
  • This sounds suspiciously like my bug: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1296961&page=2 I'm pretty sure I slotted my now-bugged Elite Warp Core into the upgrade window at least once to see what a Mk 13 would look like... I will have to check all of my fleet items that I have slotted into the upgrade screen…
  • Sigh. Bump. Seriously, not a peep? Come on please notice this. I'm not making it up. I will post the screenshots again. http://i.imgur.com/3YPlHkf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OBXVm8Q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9QItLP6.jpg Last, a functioning Advanced Fleet Warp Core, showing the Shield Power and EPS Skill buff I should be getting.…
  • I only own the one Elite Core (they expensive) but my Advanced Core with almost the same stats is functioning perfectly. I think the problem is associated with Elite Cores. I have seen plenty of people flying around with "Synergy Amp" buffs on, so it's not every Elite Core (though they could be people with upgraded UR rep…
  • Submitted bug report #2,904,672 with the updates I have discovered -- my earlier bug report only noted the Synergy Amp was broken because that's all I had noticed at the time. The bug report references this forum posts and the screenshots I have taken. I will continue to bump this post till someone important notices it.
  • Really? Well I have one now anyways ;-) What the hell, it's not gonna hurt anything.
  • OK I just got an imigur account. Here are screenshots documenting that I am not making this up. Last, a functioning Advanced Fleet Warp Core, showing the Shield Power and EPS Skill buff I ought to be getting. Thanks! Chris
  • Zoning doesn't seem to fix anything for me. I haven't taken Maneuvering Thrusters, but I have taken Eat My Dust 1 and 2. Not sure if the problem began happening after I took those abilities.
  • Yes! Oh my god thank you! I've been going around in circles trying to report this. Elite Fleet Reinforced [AMP] [Ecap] [EPS] [SST] [W-S]. Here is my post to Cryptic support, Incident 141112-001748 Hello, I was directed by a GM to file this ticket. It is a follow-up to bug reports 2883839 and 2889465 and a series of emails…
  • OK so here I am again, yelling at a wall because nobody seems to want to listen, but I have another update. The EPS Manifold Efficiency issue seems to have gone away. When I log in, I have my Elite Reinforced AMP Warp Core equipped and I receive the EPS Manifold Efficiency buff when activating an EPtX power. However, as…
  • Update! (Ever feel like you're having a conversation with yourself?) So I logged in today intent on further testing if the Synergy Amp on my warp core is causing the problem alone, or in combination with another item I have... but the Synergy Amp buff and Engines Capacitor power are missing. I logged off then back on…
  • This is a bump. Please see above post for details. Last night I was playing and, with my fleet warp core equipped, the Synergy Amp buff bugged out and disappeared on its own. As soon as the buff disappeared, EPS Manifold Efficiency began working again. I logged out and logged back in and Synergy Amp was back. On cue, EPS…
  • It happens to me too with any consumable item in a quick slot, however I have found a work-around. I think its related to loadouts. Whenever you save a loadout with, say a stack of 20 Aux batteries or 5 Deuterium Burns, the loadout doesn't save that you have a generic stack those items equipped, the loadout saves THAT…
  • Haha, that's a good point. I'll come back Monday. It's still happening, by the way. I think I may be on to something: it might be related to my Dilithium Mine Elite Fleet Reinforced [AMP] [EPS] [ECap] [W->S] Warp Core (just to be very specific). Last time EPS Manifold Efficiency worked, I had lost my Synergy Amp buff,…
  • Can I have a bump? Yes, yes I think I can.
  • I am having the same issue. Selwyn@saeyn. Bajoran Male Engineer. Thanks Edit: I lied. I logged off to write this post. Logged back in and it was working. Odd, but I'll take it. Edit #2: And after an area transition it came right back. Is not working. Please help, something is going on.
  • Ahh thanks! Not sure why that thread didn't come up when I searched the forums. No matter, thanks for the link.
  • I'm sure that I'm not the first to notice this, but the design for the Guardian cruiser looks almost exactly like Andrew Probert's initial concept for the Ambassador class. The resemblance is uncanny, I think: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Ambassador_class_model
  • Ignore the engine for turn-rate boosts, I would pick one of the rep engines and go with a two-piece rep set. Whichever strikes your fancy, I like the Assimilated Borg set, but the Solanae Set is free and great until you can access the Omega (Assimilated, MACO, Adapted MACO) or Dyson rep sets. To boost your turn rate, get…