have it your way .I outlined the exact reasons why I thought this kind of promotion is a bad idea and the venom I got thrown at me subsequently did underscore the points I made 100 % .
you don't know me AT ALL and are showing precisely what is wrong with this promotion in just a few posts ( calling me "comical ", pretty much dismissive across the board )
I highly doubt this constitutes as comedy . If all of this was "inconsequential " then how come this thread is already at 7 pages ( never mind threads on Reddit ) ?
This entire post is BS . I'll tell you why : if I buy a lottery ticket and don't win anything I have no reason to moan about it , because by buying the lottery ticket I accept the rules of the lottery .If I buy a lockbox key and get zilch , you will not hear me complaining because - again - by opening that box with the key…
It's also simply bad for business to p**s off a substantial part of the playerbase . When someone opens a lockbox and tells everyone in chat they got a ship ( or the system messages ) , that's an entirely different thing too. Those people chose to participate in the lockbox lottery . What is even worse is that no dev - or…
I have played a lot of MMO's and have never seen a worse "promotion "( ever ) . Sure, you have similar promotions in other MMO's but they always tell their players what criteria makes them eligible to receive the "prize " . Folks comparing this to the outfit don't understand either : the difference is everyone gets that…
you know what this theater does ( from a marketing perspective ) ? It makes me think twice about spending any $$ whatsoever - in the foreseeable future - on anything in the Z-store . I would think the exact same way if I did get the email and someone in my fleet didn't . It is bad marketing in the extreme ...
Disagree .. this isn't any "giveaway " due to the complete randomness - apparently - on who gets the email. Those folks get the ship free while others have to spend $$ to get it in the Z-store . I'd find that acceptable if it wasn't totally random but based on a set of criteria ( so folks would know why they didn't get…
the last bit is making fans ín SWTOR - and on the forums and reddit -mad as hell , I might add .Mainly because they díd have time to update facebook with "commercial " stuff at exactly the time word of Fischer's death came out . Back on topic: I see no reason why naming an NPC in ESD - or elsewhere - after her would be in…
They could simply name an NPC at ESD after her ( a memorial in STO for a SW actor or actress would be too much to ask ) as someone else suggested . It doesn't affect any other part of the game - it is after all just a name - but shows the proper respect . I wouldn't mind that at all and would find it completely appropriate…
this is dead wrong ( especially the last bit ) .It's a known fact the Tolkien estate has - on numerous occasions - blocked stuff from appearing b/c it wasn't in line with the lore . SWTOR can't do s**t without the licensors ok-ing it ( this has been stated numerous times by the devs at SWTOR ..they have contact with the…
yeah... Well I upgraded the Kar'Fi to T5U ( with the sale going on I thought that was wise ,given fact T6 version of either Vo'Quv or Kar'Fi won't be happening any time soon...) .Unfortunately you can't upgrade the "free ships " and I don't like the Boff-seating in the mirror Vo'Quv ...
T6 D'Kyr would be nice .Even better would be completely new Vulcan ship - maybe even a carrier - with a science emphasis . I understand what you mean but that's not going to happen any time soon b/c it entails a completely new mechanic for how carriers work ( with all the pitfalls in terms of balance ) and as is now I'd…
Hell, yeah !! And when and if they update the Atrox they could actually include an interior for it...but for KDF I feel there's nothing wrong with how the Vo'Quv looks ( I find it to be one of the most impressive designs from early game) . The major issue I have with most pets is the wipe out due to warp core breach ( even…
absolutely yes, in fact more than one carrier should be upgraded to T 6 ( both the Vo'Quv and the Kar'Fi are marvelous ships and should be updated including new skins ) . I like the ideas for the command carrier by mustrumridcully0 ( it should most definitely have a science emphasis , including the same crappy turnrate the…
you can't undock the pet ( the support craft ) at all. That's what OP is taking about . The hangar pets have never used full impulse ( to my knowledge ) so that isn't a "bug " as such . What ís a bug is that recall for hangar pets doesn't work as it should ( never mind the infamous warp core breach wipe out of the entire…
that's the ONE exception. When you're klingon and you talk to anyone ( say during iconian war epsodes ) , regardless if they are KDF or not, the dialogues are identical to the ones you have as fed-character . That's ludicrous ( even from a continuity perspective) . The dialogues you have with KDF ambassador ( or Worf )…
There's stuff that's really irritating when it comes to "cross faction " . For example : if you make a Reman character the dialogue you have with Obisek is no different from that you have as a human . Likewise if you go to new Romulus as a Romulan the scripted dialogue is no different from that with a human captain . if…
what is particulaly annoying is that you have lag and rubberbanding WHILE IN AN INSTANCE ( i.e. all by yourself,zero other players ) as was the case for me with their latest episode .I find that be totally unacceptable .The whole point of using instances is to reduce lag .....
I recently did "out in the cold "on one of my delta recruits ( in Zaria map ) and to relog no less than 15 times , kept a tally .... as long as these very basic (Breen arc is even part of the DR-event ) bugs aren't fixed I'm reverting to log in for doffing , and nothing else ...no $$ from me ..
pretty much this .... not touching STO's summer event at all until that's fixed ( meaning no money spent either) . I now log in to do doff-assignments and that's it .... It's not even a " known issue "- has never been - which leads me to conclusion it will never be fixed , either b/c they're unable to or simply don't give…
CBS won't let that happen , look at how much Lucasarts invested in SWToR : it's in the interest of companies owning the franchise to have these games exist
I love the look of the Atrox... but it's high time they they designed a Caitian interior for it ( instead of the standard starfleet issue one ) , but then again : I also want a vulcan interior for the D'Kyr : maybe it's time for Cryptic to "outsource " some of the interior-designs to the foundry -wizards ?
they added an entire "Earth "map to Tabula Rasa mere months before closure ( talk about resources ) , what they add doesn't really tell you a lot .You can even have a profitable game with healthy population : if you are part of a larger comny they simply use the adding machine ...which game shows least profit ? Pull the…