Greetings Captains!
We will be performing our weekly maintenance tomorrow as well as apply an updated patch at 7AM Pacific. Downtime is estimated is 2.5 hours, and patch notes can be found here:
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
We value your feedback and want to help direct it to the right locations. Please check the following links to redirect to the best sub-forums to post your replies.Experiencing a Gameplay Bug with our latest patch? Please click this link to be taken to our Gameplay Bug Report Section to file your reports.Having Graphical issues or problems with your Sound quality? Please click this link to be taken to our Graphical and Sound Issues Section to file your reports.Is your PC or Mac struggling with STO? Please click this link to be taken to our PC, Network, and Other Technical Issues Section to file your reports.
Thank you for the assistance!
The Star Trek Online Team
I'll offer 10:1 odds against. Come on now, place your quatloos!
[On a separate note, good follow-through on the new mission. Looking forward to it.]
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
There er...uh...any information on this particular episode?
There was...
...and the it's delayed one...
....which mentions:
So uh,
Thats a good catch virus yeah thats an odd one no doubt
Hadn't even thought of that. Good point though, guess we just have to find out tomorrow.
Reduced the server performance impact of several types of powers. ◦These changes do not alter how these powers function.
Manheim Device: Disabled healing interactions with past and future self in order to prevent excessive latency when interacting with certain Starship Traits. ◦This functionality may be restored at some point in the future, but was removed to improve server performance.
Wasn't this done last week? can someone please address the lag issues like what is the status it would be good to know
Thank you very much
pretty much this .... not touching STO's summer event at all until that's fixed ( meaning no money spent either) . I now log in to do doff-assignments and that's it ....
It's not even a " known issue "- has never been - which leads me to conclusion it will never be fixed , either b/c they're unable to or simply don't give a s**t .
one way to find out... although i remain skeptical as usual.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
That's just the light at the end of the wormhole.
Wormhole took me direcly too STO. My cold turkey is over for a week.:D
But looks like they changed their mind lately. I have not seen the game so lagy since LORE came live even on ground map (shanty town for pvp) or sector space it's all the time lagy ship jumping from 1 system to another then go back to 5-7sec earlier.
looking at how many people complaining on zone chat about that I know for sure it's not me, my PC is too powerfull to lag, I have a fiber connection tested at 98/97MB/s and -5ms latency on most servers and by the way no other games we play at home have same trouble so realy not me, PC nor ISP... it's STO svrs.
Their realy need to adress bugs and on top of it the lag cause right now all I'm doing is doffing, afew lagy borg alert / tholian alert on main chars and move to next char asap.
In case you haven't figure it out here is a good example why it is realy urgent to fix that :
Prety soon I'll have so much dili I'm not using (+6 Millions) that by the time game will be playable again in PVE / PVP, if it ever go back to that. I'm gonna buy again ships packs etc but I won't buy zen for that until I'm done with the dili I already have.
Lag & bugs = lot of people farming only = lot of dili = no buy = no money for criptic !
and I'm already thinking of canceling subs I took for my 2 children since they dont play it more than 5mn / 4-8h to also collect or start dili from doff missions. Saving +30 Euro / month is going to pay another game that do not lag.
Don't worry, House Pegh already ended.
it changed now it's january 1, 1:00am-1:am
we'll be ok in a few month