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redsnake721 Arc User



  • Why not a series just about section 31? It would have the action and edgy themes that younger generations would enjoy and have creative freedom to explore "Darker" themes. Also it could take place in TOS, ENT, and TNG,DS9 timeframes. It would be a totally different type of Trek as Section 31 is really a mystery so the…
  • Everyone buying this ship for this console should know that if it affects PVP and causes to many tears it will get the nurf bat. This is comming from the track record of all the past consoles that cryptic has released. Now some were broken and needed a fix, but some were just to powerful for the liking of the PVP…
  • Any news on when the Breech and other voth missions are going to be fixed? Their weapons do %100 bypass on player shields on all attacks.
  • Well looking at your Forum icon your KDF and dont have to fly it. So I guess you really have nothing to complain about. Seems like that dual aft cannot is great for targeting destructable projectiles and Pet spam. A fixed weapon better than a BA or Turrett in the aft section is a bonus all around. Its not going to be a…
  • I agree with the guy above. When Sisco took the Mirror Defiant out on its first run they forced The Regent's (Mirror Worf) Flag Negh'Var to retreat. Also every instance of a ship with a cloak that needed to use it, always had to break off from the fight and cloak. Thus the very idea of using a cloak in the middle of a…
  • I have really tried to understand why they dont fix bugs or QA test patches. Right now for the 1st time in 3 years the game is not playable to me. Constant sound issues and the game is lagging about 4 seconds behind my clicks, sometime it just freezes like a stuck dvd with the auido buzzing and cracking. I work in IT…
  • Since S9 patch now I am getting buzzing and cracking noise, freezing and lag. If I am doing a load-out the game is like 7 clicks behind me. I have been playing 3 years and never had any game issues. The PC I am on is 4 months old and has a $700 video card and 16 gb ram and a 3.8 ivy bridge quad core prossessor so its not…
  • To keep players and fleets coming back and spending money cryptic needs to use the sick and carrot approach. Create 6 endgame sets. 3 space 3 ground. One for each career type. Tank, DPS, Sci. Make these the most sought after gear in the game. Not wildly OP just a little better than anything else out there. Then do what the…
  • The best PVP in this game is the PVP you play as soon as you can do PVP. What is it? LTCMDR when you get the first daily missions? Tier 2 or 3 ships. That PVP is fun.
  • EC is capped at 1 billion unless you have it spread out over several toons. Just sayin.
  • So I am all for Buffing the NPC's AI and giving them access to Commander level powers and the ability to use chain or combo attacks. Even giving all of them a %15 Buff to Hull and %10 buff to their shields. But what is going on with the Voth is clearly broken. I cant even do the Daily mini-missions in the Allied Zone.…
  • Has there been any responce from Cryptic on the Voth content? Its all now pretty much un-playable now. This has noting to do with the Reputation changes. They did something to them and now all the PVE missions and space battle zone and even the dailys in the sphere are pointless unless you have a full team with you. Some…
  • All I can say is this: I have played since launch, Spent money every season. Grided out every rep on every toon. Loved every new mission event. But since season 9. I have not logged in yet to even play. No desire to try to "fix" all my builds that I have spent months perfecting, re-spec my captains. I have no desire to…
  • Just imagine. Where you choose a race when you start the game. And depending on what race you choose thats what ships you can choose from. So Breen get Breen ships, Romulan get Romulan ships, Tholian gets Tholian Ships. You get the point. Each race having special traits/skill/abilities that make them special. But none…
  • any ship with 10 consoles is a "Fleet" Ship
  • Looks like a ship and it wake.
  • While I work at my desk for 8 hours a day and cant play STO I come to the forums. I have been doing it ot for 3 years. I have seen this topic on threads numerious times. It is either a group of people that are sick of the party ball being used in heavy traffic locations like Bank/Exchange locations, or it is the wierd…
  • The Destiny trilogy is the best I have ever read. But Anything by David Mack is awesome. But Destiny is just spectacular.
  • I remember being a kid and sitting in the theater with my Dad watching Star Trek the motion picture. The scene when Kirk and Scotty are in the Pod pulling up to the Connie Refit. It was love at 1st sight. Nothing conveys majesty like that ship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H71t6Qblq6M
  • The Name of the episode was Sub Rosa. Google or lookup the wiki article on the Book "The Witching Hour" by Anne Rice. Im suprised she did not sue TNG for outright plagiarism. They even kept some of the names the same. here is a brief summery of the books story: Dr. Rowan Mayfair, a brilliant neurosurgeon who is ignorant of…
  • If Cryptic would release a Space and Ground set with kit and a Wespon set ie. Dual beam, Beam Array, Single, Dual, Dual Heavy Cannon and a Torp that is tied to crafting. Meaning it is a deep crafting investment with the needed items being locked behind Doff chains and Patrol missions and Daily PVE missions etc. Once you…
  • Im starting to think this guy is just having fun trolling. His "But, But, But -40 power,-40 power!!" agruement is weak and has been shut down buy at least 10 different people on two different threads about this. This video pretty much sums him up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg_8knBHEyw
  • Your the one with this "Issue" spouting off in multiple threads with every single other person posting that you are wrong. But I guess every other player in the game is wrong but your right. lol. It is common knowledge that the -40 power to Romulan ships is overcame with little difficulty. Your on this one man crusade to…
  • With a leech and a few other adjustments you can run any romulan ship at 200 power. The statement that Romulans -40 power makes up for the massive boost they get to crit is a joke. You can get them with no effort to have the same power levels as Fed and KDF, then their true OP'ness hangs out.
  • Cryptic needs to capitalise on the OCD of MMO players. Repitive grinding the same content does not work. But a deep crafting system would. If you had to do every patrol mission in every sector to find one item to add to another item that took you a week to find only to have to give it to a Doff that you had to get from a…
  • If I was in the TOS era I would use my contacts in Starfleet security and on the high council to have the blue prints for the cloaking device that Kirk stole from the Romulans. I would have my Chief Engeneer build one but hide it and keep it a secret until a situation arose where it would be needed. Then just cloak and…
  • As this mission goes for DPS Gods that want to stroke their parsers... it was great. A extremely target rich map. The "Fix" that cryptic employed completely broke the mission. If you had a well geared team of FAW Scimitars using voice comms you might be able to keep the base from getting to zero. For everyone else there…
  • If you fall through the floor near the Vendors in ESD there are crates with bombs on them. Yes the floor under that area is rigged with explosives. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=840051
  • Dude get real. 8k is a few STF's Foundry Daily, Defera Daily, Exploration daily, if you have preferred mining claims you can do the astroid and you Dil mine daily. Then do your 3 PVP battles. So you are looking at 2 or more hours of play to do all of that each day. If you can get 8k in 30 min please share.
  • Well looks like a windows update from 4/3/14 for nvidia cards caused this issue. I rolled back the update and the game loaded.