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panz3ru Arc User



  • I guess pets been an alternative way to get decent dps and to not spend real money. This is starting to get disgusting. With Elite Dangerous launching this months the devs are really starting to push with their luck.
  • Playing the game is a privilege not a right. In the days when you could farm player missions to make 500k a run and 900 dil for 10 min was trivial to get a box ship from exchange. You needed to do like 150 runs for a box ship - like 30 hours of gameplay. Not to mention the mirror ships which been more than enough for…
  • I was defending DEVs until reading this thread. I think the things went too far. Is one thing to provide pay2convenience and another thing to force pay2convenience. I think i will go to firefly too until devs sorts the **** .
  • I guess this expansion separates mens from boys ;)
  • I enjoy more now the heaviest advanced than in the past the pointless elites. Now you actually have to think not just press space bar like monkey.
  • The epics are meant to be a very long term goal. After you done all in the game hundreds of times the epics will become the goal. So don't hate them, just understand their role.
  • As long as having epics is not game breaking and pay2win i don;t see the problem. Is more like cosmetic for bragging rights. I don;t plan to get any epics , i don;t see their point because i am not interested in cosmetic items.
  • Actually having legendary in other games is a lot harder. And legendary is only for bragging rights and e-peen.
  • I am curious too how did you made the number several milion dil. We are speaking here about going lev 12-14, not legendary which is e-peen.
  • The event ships got free upgrade to t5-u. If you are so tight on budget you should have got that free ships. They give us expansions after expansions for free. Don;t you think is fair for them to make some money ? Beside to play all the content you don;t need a t5u ship. Only if you want to do advanced .
  • +1 for the great storry
  • 30% nerf on advanced and 10% buff on elite is about right to make them accesible for all
  • The game is free to play not all for free. You have 2 options: 1 .invest 0 real money and advance at a moderate rate, 2. pay the equivalent of 2 month sub and insta-get endgame gear. Your choice. Personally i am in the middle i had some dil and i bought some dil (like 50-50)
  • Is 500 if you buy a pack and you can buy with ec from exchange. Beside even as a free player if you bothered to get event ships (long events ones) you get upgrade for free.
  • So that means masses don;t want good AI. All people seems to want is tons of loot and dil and for free. Think if you would have to pay to play it would be 1500 zen / month meaning 240 k dil. With 2 month worth of sub you can make all your gear mk14 and end this drama. I can see those options for all that are buthurted 1.…
  • To make a good ai is easy but would be like bots in games. Maybe they should make nightmare mode where ai works against you and you die from focused fire and drains in 10 sec max.
  • Maybe you are a self entitled kid that think he is entitled to get free rides ? The game is fine as it is, especially after they will remove some hp. You are not supposed to have endgame gear in day2 after expansion. Or maybe the game is chalanging you a bit too much ? if that's the case there is always wow and hello kitty…
  • Out of curiosity, you want more ai. If they make a ship that have good ai, good dps and always outmaneuvre you dive in unload and run would you be happy ? It would take you ages to kill it. It would be easy for them to make smth like this. If this is not what you mean then please explain what do you mean by AI
  • The romulan expansion was also great, maybe greater than this one if you are in romulans. However I like fed. I bought both expansion packages as a sign that I appreciate their work. From what I can see in general only people that needs to learn adapt are complaining . They will patch soon to take down 30% hp on advanced.…
  • This is best season so far. They managed to reproduce the atmosphere from ST Voyager. Yes , there is a bit of grind but is a mmo, some grinding is involved. Yes the hp is a bit high but fire on torpedo and destroying one entire fleet like before is lame and destroys immersion. Yes is difficult to get dilithium but there is…
  • Can i have your credits after you sell everything ?
  • You can enjoy the entire game content just doing Normal difficulty. If Advanced is too hard just keep playing on normal. I want that the fights to have a meaning, not the semi-afk way that was in the pas ISE. P.S. I die/loose all the time in advanced but that's it, it makes the game more interesting and give a meaning to…
  • Game is fine as it is. L2P or you will be repurposed. Endgame content is tuned around level 60. The previously difficulty was a joke. ISE was doable in shutles. Was that how the startrek spirit was, Federation destroying everything by just breathing in enemy direction ? Or was a struggle with planning and calculated risks ?
  • Actually bringing science now for cristaline is necesarry.
  • I am just level 50 and i love the new advanced difficulty It finally gives a meaning to playing. I failed 10 times in crystaline advanced but when finally won it felt nice. For walking in parks and watching content there is Normal difficulty. For good gear there are 2 ways at least for new players: 1. fleet gear + upgrades…
  • Is a good thing that they made possible to casual players to upgrade their gear slowly and maybe with a bit of $$. I don't have 10 toons and paying some money 20-30$ i think is fair. Then i can get more dil for the rest . The game needs money and the devs are not greedy but needs to survive.