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mementoeden Arc User



  • What about some love for the engineering class. At least in space they are not to par with either tactical or science captains. Most, but not all of their native abilities are to weak. Any chance of redesigning them or at least giving them a buff ?
  • I agree with number 5, engis are left in the dust or have to invest heavily to be able to do not the same but close dmg to tac captains which sadly is the main mechanic in this current meta.
  • Please dont include anything from those movies...poor gene......
  • Perhaps he does...the devs though should re-examine the game also though.....
  • There are some similarities :) but Andromeda FTW :)
  • Andromeda Ascendant without a doubt that would be so awesome.
  • Duet is also my favorite DS9 episode which is interesting because most of series start weak in first season, however this one didnt, brilliant acting by Harris covering under his bunk :)
  • I know that Star Trek has many plot holes especially movies for instance ST: First Contact and the time traveling borg who time travel...in front of earth getting pounded instead of a seclude sector where they could be undisturbed. Yet that still doesnt cancel the many important questions and story developments presented…
  • Nice nitpicking there... Considering other series ST is a deep thinking title you quoting some obscurities does not deny that. ST had a deep impact on many views and is considered a prime pillar in broader sci fi culture even if it had some badly implemented episode like some you mentioned, as a whole it stands out so…
  • Why is that ? Because it so closely follows the exploration, mystery, deep thinking of the series of Star Trek... ? Did you mean JJ trek...that would make sense..... I guess those people dont consider PoE as MMORPG because that game is free, everything except cosmetics... strange though while its not so much a massive…
  • The large passive skill tree that you are talking about is not difficult even if you dont use the million guides available. The color code representing each class in the skill tree makes it that anyone who puts at least a bit of brain into the game to have a decent build, and for any fine tuning there are respec points and…
  • And the F2P elements of Path of Exile where everything is free except cosmetics...EVERYTHING :) True such a game with the elements you described would be mind bogglingly awesome and great and sadly might not happen, but who knows...
  • For myself STO is nowhere near the best MMO ever, nor is it in the view of majority of gamers or critics and isnt hailed as one. That said i dont disagree with your opinions that this game is the best for you...great you found a good game for your particular taste. Other MMO out there do certain things far better then STO.…
  • I am sorry but i just cant respond to this post correctly, again you made so many things up that aren't mentioned in my posts that there is no constructive point for me to articulate further as you just make stuff up for the 3rd time in our discussion. People will see the original posts yes and also will see your claims…
  • You gave your opinion and those facts yes and i respect that... and also gave an opinion on made up words, that didnt come from me... It does make you hypocrite first calling one self-entitled and then proceed to be just the same in your post. You see it as an issue, but I don't. You can say all day long that you didn't…
  • That could be plausible, ofc if the iconinas who are now at peace with us didnt clear them up for multiple reasons but it is a possiblity i guess.
  • I did want opinions but you didnt gave one. You were blunt to parts that weren't in my post that's a big difference...I don't need someone to make up words and then give opinion on them and call them my words.. You were blunt on the parts that werent even included in my post about saying what people should do or not. Again…
  • While i agree with your part of how hard is it to make new ships and models or in this case hybrids the other part of your post is bonkers to me. Where did you see at any point that i am forbidding or actively encouraging people not to fly what they like... even herald ships? You missed the train sorry. I wouldn ever tell…
  • It did so whats your point? Not my fault for complete lack of any lore or logical progression from crpytic. Thing is iconians with heralds are portrayed as the biggest baddest thread. Everything in mission leads to them, EVERYTHING... even your first officer who slips and faceplants on the console causing the…
  • I disagree. Having tools does tell you a lot about the race. Imagine some random race getting hands on a fed ship cracking the main computer..well they now know every culture, every aspect of federation stored in that database. Motives ? well capturing and cracking a ship (considering how well they reverse engineered the…
  • I also agree with you. You do loose some respect and mystery that you had before. If anyone can fly their ships they are not as fearful or powerful as thought before. Although it is reverse engineering, the visual look stays the same which is a bit sad as iconians and heralds are (were) the main enemy and focus of this…
  • Never thought of that, but it does make sense from a collectors perspective. True, immersion really does depend on the player and his view, so to each their own i guess and if your dromias suits your play style who am i to argue against it :) What a false representation it didn't happen like that, it was more like this…
  • Both of your comments have some truth in it and i respect them. To mark: its true that they are reverse engineered but they still look the same visually. I always thought that a race or a faction puts some soul some of their culture in the design of their ships which this lockboxes negate that. To karr: true there are…
  • Congratulation on this great achievement its very impressive on the other hand this just proves how the game is in a pathetic state where only dps matters healers, tanks and support players are left in the dust.
  • Sorry to be blunt but tanking or healing has currently no future or in any way come close to the dps role because of cryptic. I tell you this as an engineer who has a tank build for the late or endgame you simply don't get rewarded for what you do in fact you are a burden i advanced and elite stf because dps matters…
  • But it is a money grab. Correct me if i am wrong but do very rare materials for R&D drop in normal mode? I dont think so and if so very very rarely. Second i dont think that any items required to get reputation gear drop in normal mode only in advanced or elite, again correct me if i am wrong. Now imagine a new free 2 play…
  • Crewman shields up ready phasers its time to enter #DeltaRising.