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kingofsandbox Arc User




  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • So are you saying you didn't have a single primary torpedo on your ship then? Or that some how all of your torp launchers combined did infact out damage your mines and that the actual combat log is in error? Or are you saying you only came into combat with 4 weapons total? 2 mine launchers and 2 torp tubes? If that's the…
  • Death To: Cryptic Studios. That's my hope and dream at this point.
  • Dude your torps combined only made up 43 percent of your damage out put. They did not do the lionshare. The lionshare was your Mines at 57 percent. Look at the figures. Those totals I gave you were the exact totals from your mines, the rest was all torpedoes. Do you not know how to add or do percentages? Maybe that's why…
  • Nearly ten percent of their player base doesn't matter! Remember that. Losing 1/10th of your income means nothing. Especially when your revenue is over all Toilet Level compared to others in the industry. Because well well They say so! You think they'd realize that 8 percent of us, want to stay here. 8 percent of us, spend…
  • This particular issue has been around since the game launched. And despite repeated assurances to us, they have never fixed it.
  • And what did you do after the first opening seconds? You stood still, still. And did nothing. Oh wait you hit reverse to try to turn your torps into the fight, while you threw everything you had at surviving. Even coming in from being Cold, you should have been able to simply hit TT, MW and EPTS and been fine once you…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • You claim to have fought against competent players when they dealt only 800 some odd DPS as the next closest to your damage out put. LOL Also lets see. What did the most damage 35,903 damage from your mines and 10625 again mines. out of 81338 Looks to me like I was right, again jack TRIBBLE. 57% of your damage was from…
  • The ques die with every patch more and more. The only thing I ever see are more and more dilith farmers and afkers in pvp matches.
  • Maybe we can get real lucky and have you leave this forum section for good too. Yes I do, I've got the combat log. I can see exactly what you healed, what skills you used and didn't use Chump. The only thing you've proven is that you live in denial. Also Acc3? lol. You don't need Acc3. Not on a properly setup pvp ship.…
  • That should work very well, as long as you make the TOC very clear. :) Also it would make life alot easier to hot link into zone chat via keybind. I'd been struggling for months trying to figure out what other key I can quick hit to make a thread link into zone. Also if you like I can write the keybind for your thread and…
  • You're a deluded ego maniac that thinks he knows anything about ship building. That's why I stopped giving a damn about this discussion. You Do No Damage, Chump. Know why I -know- how much more dps you'll be dealing? Because I know the games mechanics. I know what kind of increase in output you can expect from pvp to pve.…
  • I need to get on with Jorf to play with my new dragon that I've worked on. Providing he's in his brawler anyway. I also have another in reserve that I'm going to build once I get a few computer parts. I need to figure out a way to get an ER PPC, LBX10 and at least 1 SRM4 though for my ideal build.
  • We both know I will probably be ghosted soon ;) If you quote mine, you can edit them later as needed if the game changes and I'm gone.
  • When you go to do the ripping out of this thread, just quote ghostys posts, that way you get the full thing every time :)
  • yeah, you remakin the thread might be for the best. mind remakin the sci thread too? :P
  • If it's a problem in Arena it will be a problem in pve. the only difference is pve is so failtastic it's harder to notice the problems with a build. You have to burn all your heals for yourself to survive, you have to cut throttle to use your loltorps. If that doesn't make sense to you then you should just uninstall now…
  • FAW is used for spam clearing. It's not used for DPS you Moron. Also if you really think your lil fail boat is going to contribute in a High levle pvper team rolling through an STF you're sadly mistaken. Actually said boat, will do 1300 DPS to a fully hardened full defense scored target in other words a target that had…
  • He's gone forever. Cryptic broke their own forum policy and not only skipped the point system but went straight for the perma ban.
  • DHCs don't work because they are making sure the tech to actually equip them works right now. They did the exact same thing with the NARC, TAG and AMS systems. All of which work beautifully. The game is madly addicting even with only one game mode (and seriously, like STO has any better... at just honestly -one- game mode…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TsjjE8jXDts Nuff said.
  • Neither of them subspace jumped. One of them had next to nothing in kinetic resistance and 0 hull heals. Yes yes it is. High DPS is high dps period. In pve, there are eng cruisers cranking 3500 dps. Tell me just how much faster do you think said cruisers vape targets than your lolbuild? You state that your damage "would…
  • And yet there it is that pretty combat log. Pretty pretty combat log. Not only that, but witnesses to the ship you flew too. Yeah "way more" meaning what double? Triple? Even at Triple dps, you're setup is still sub par. :P
  • Makes that "measure twice cut once" belief of his real funny to think about doesn't it?
  • I seem to recall reading someone's combat log that says yes indeed there are, and it be yours sir. Transphasic spread 3 and 2. You know the ship with an amazing 734 dps.
  • It's -much- easier to hit full damage resistance capacity when you have +20 floating around. In Pugging, against plasma an Escort will often be at or near the max shield damage resistance cap thanks to the lolmaco lolomega, and lolborg shields. That's why plasma sucks balls. Much like a tranny torp oddy. Also don't listen…
  • Fixed that for you.
  • AMSing is helpful and very useful in pvp. It kills incoming missiles! Wait... wrong game. Carry on.
  • that would be correct yes :) The plasma dot is the most reliable way to hurt pets, since most of them have shields. Quantums would do better, if shields were not in the way