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Attn Devs - PWE Marketing

paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2012 in PvP Gameplay
This forum depicts multiple posts of dissatisfaction with your product.

This dissatisfaction has led to the notion of players leaving this game for others. Guild Wars and Mech Warrior appear to be the next destination for most PvP players.

Your forum post in reference to having a poll on "Which of these features would you like to see most in 2013?"

Found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=379951

Depicts 8% of your players making demands for change to PvP.

Other results
More Feature Episodes 619 16.95%
- Exclusive to STO, retention on this is high.

More KDF Content 696 19.06%
- Unless I am mistaken, guild wars and mechwarriors do not feature Klingons so this is also in high retention due to it's exclusive nature.

More Fleet Missions / STFs 269 7.37%
- Again STFs involving bad guys from star trek is also an exclusive feature and retention is high.

More Foundry Improvements 63 1.73%
- Not even worth investing according to these votes, retention on this is also exclusive because other games do not feature a good foundry such as STO.

More Rare Ships 97 2.66%
- We have enough box ships thanks. Also a high consumer retention area.

Playable Romulans 1,117 30.59%
- Exclusive race to the Star Trek universe, and very high in retention for people to stick around for since you said they will be playable.

Improve Duty Officer System 73 2.00%
- Near perfect it seems, but seems very simplistic and exclusive to this game. Again you won't have trouble retaining these consumers either.

Improve Crafting 115 3.15%
- Star bases sort of address this to a degree with their unique equipment. So once again retention is high.

Improve Exploration 295 8.08%
- I saw the new sector block. So, I think this has been addressed and you won't have to worry about the 8% that participated in this portion of your poll.

Improve PVP 307 8.41%
- This however is in direct contention with other MMOS that offer a more stable if not renewed form of PvP that people are demanding. This item is 3rd on the list since the new sector block is already on the tribble server. Also, this is the only item you cannot make assurances of retaining due to the fact it is not exclusive to STO.

Voters: 3651

Cryptic/Perfect World Entertainment, you are about to lose maybe a minimum of 5% in revenue to Mech Warrior and Guild Wars for this quarter due to lack of PvP in your MMO. It's silly, at the same time very simple to address this source of revenue in your game.

I think I can say from a personal perspective to strongly implore you to make changes sooner than the current proposals you have made for PvP in your MMO.

The least you can do is invest time into fixing and balancing. This truly isn't as big as an effort to creating a New Home World for Romulans.

Thank you

-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes.
Turkish RP Heroes
Post edited by paxottoman on


  • kingofsandboxkingofsandbox Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Nearly ten percent of their player base doesn't matter!

    Remember that.

    Losing 1/10th of your income means nothing. Especially when your revenue is over all Toilet Level compared to others in the industry. Because well well They say so!

    You think they'd realize that 8 percent of us, want to stay here. 8 percent of us, spend more money on Respecs alone to have a disproportionate effect on their revenue. 8 percent of us might be the pvpers.. but I'm willing to wager we give them ALOT more than 8 percent of their revenue.

    At this point, just let them get buried pax. Let them pursue a revenue system that's quickly earning the ire, and hate of their consumer base with power creep with each lock box and pay to grind system. If cryptic wants to continue being Stupid and ignore us, then they deserve to fail.
  • redstarsweredstarswe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yeah, the percentage would probably be higher if people hadn't fled already to to the complete lack of support for the pvpers. Not even a word about where on the list it is. "No, we're so busy with s7". Then s8, s9, s10 etc.
    A contract is a contract...(but only between Ferengi).
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well said pax! A smart company would go nuts even if they would loose 5% of their player base or income.

    Problem with cryptic is that there is nobody that can see the pvp potential in their management, their lead devs plain suck at pvp and also hate it. Better invent a weapon with 10 additional procs than improving pvp, right? At least you can one shot the Borg soon...

    Cryptic hasn't gotten it and won't get it... They will kill pvp in the game and then it will be very hard, if no impossible to get it back. Also, pvpers are te biggest spenders in the game, not pveers. Why would you get acc x3 weapons for pve? Or whatever doff? Or for that reason any box ship? And why do we need to tell cryptic all those things? They should've known them already...
    Hear! Sons of Kahless
    Hear! Daughters too.
    The blood of battle washes clean.
    The Warrior brave and true.
    We fight, we love, and then we kill...
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    Well said pax! A smart company would go nuts even if they would loose 5% of their player base or income.

    Problem with cryptic is that there is nobody that can see the pvp potential in their management, their lead devs plain suck at pvp and also hate it. Better invent a weapon with 10 additional procs than improving pvp, right? At least you can one shot the Borg soon...

    Cryptic hasn't gotten it and won't get it... They will kill pvp in the game and then it will be very hard, if no impossible to get it back. Also, pvpers are te biggest spenders in the game, not pveers. Why would you get acc x3 weapons for pve? Or whatever doff? Or for that reason any box ship? And why do we need to tell cryptic all those things? They should've known them already...

    well, borg is one shot-able already thanks to trics

    I don't see it that way. I just don't think that cryptic really cares about pvp in their game. The vision they have for STO obviously does not include pvp. No matter what they say, their actions speak louder than words or in this case broken promises. Any one of these seasons could have been pvp oriented if it was at all important to them. Hell, one of the seasons was SUPPOSED to be pvp oriented then it was sweeped under the rug. There history has blatantly shown their priority for pvp, and there present decisions show that this hasn't changed in the least. Bort has been our only ray of hope, but what there going to bury us in with S7 content is more than even he can fix. If none of this tells us their intentions and vision is for this game, nothing will
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    well, borg is one shot-able already thanks to trics

    I don't see it that way. I just don't think that cryptic really cares about pvp in their game. The vision they have for STO obviously does not include pvp. No matter what they say, their actions speak louder than words or in this case broken promises. Any one of these seasons could have been pvp oriented if it was at all important to them. Hell, one of the seasons was SUPPOSED to be pvp oriented then it was sweeped under the rug. There history has blatantly shown their priority for pvp, and there present decisions show that this hasn't changed in the least. Bort has been our only ray of hope, but what there going to bury us in with S7 content is more than even he can fix. If none of this tells us their intentions and vision is for this game, nothing will

    I think the marketing guys have no idea what the Devs have done to this game.

    I also think marketing departments exceed the importance in a company than developers in MMOs. The idea of "how to make money" comes before "how to develop".

    I have a hunch that marketing has no clue and that "everything is ok" in this aspect of the game. I am also hopeful that someone in that department will start asking questions based on the facts stated in this thread.

    However, the likely hood of me being wrong is his high based on the status quo. But, as always voicing our convictions on this is welcomed on these forums as they are feedback nonetheless.

    -PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    I think the marketing guys have no idea what the Devs have done to this game.

    I also think marketing departments exceed the importance in a company than developers in MMOs. The idea of "how to make money" comes before "how to develop".

    I have a hunch that marketing has no clue and that "everything is ok" in this aspect of the game. I am also hopeful that someone in that department will start asking questions based on the facts stated in this thread.

    However, the likely hood of me being wrong is his high based on the status quo. But, as always voicing our convictions on this is welcomed on these forums as they are feedback nonetheless.

    -PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes

    I agree with the last statement. Short of leaving the game all together, the forums are about the only way to really voice our opinions. I'm just saying its unfortunate that cryptic as a whole really doesnt care. I do believe there are individual devs that care, but thats much different than the direction that cryptic is steering sto. If ENOUGH devs cared, that direction could change, but as someone already pointed out, how many devs pvp, much less care about it?

    Heres an idea that just came to me, what if we start a movement asking all pvp'ers to start flooding cryptic with in game tickets to fix pvp? At worst it'll really annoy them but get there attention. At best, they'll listen.
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »

    Heres an idea that just came to me, what if we start a movement asking all pvp'ers to start flooding cryptic with in game tickets to fix pvp? At worst it'll really annoy them but get there attention. At best, they'll listen.

    I think it's worth a try.
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I thought everyone knew how to skew these polls. I'll bet it's only one or two guys who did all those votes for playable rommies.

    Besides, without an entire revamp of the game PvP is dead in STO- the devs have borked it up too much, for too long. STO wont survive long enough to fix PvP.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I voted in that poll. Somehow, I didn't see it as a "demand".
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Now I do not agree with a lot of posts / comments Pax makes, but this is a logical, well drafted way of demonstrating what negative impact PWE's lack of interest in PVP could have.

    Only issue I got is that I highly doubt this forum would get the right type of attention this post is seeking.
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    Now I do not agree with a lot of posts / comments Pax makes, but this is a logical, well drafted way of demonstrating what negative impact PWE's lack of interest in PVP could have.

    Only issue I got is that I highly doubt this forum would get the right type of attention this post is seeking.

    I think if we e-mail the URL to different parties in their company might make it more widespread.

    ...and thanks, I love you too.

    Yours truly,

    -PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • thepleasuredomethepleasuredome Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2012
    +1 for the thread pax. Well done.

    But I have to agree with kingofsandbox's post right beneath your opening. Not only were we to have one season be about pvp, we were told that 2 seasons were supposed to be about pvp, and weren't. Someone made a post in another thread "...have we not made it clear what we want you to do?" it's not pvp. The management is as much carebear as the majority of the playerbase, and they make that quite obvious with every craptastic decision and addition to this game.

    I miss my starships, and if it weren't for this game would probably not have found the joy that is pvp, and would not be testing/playing other titles that offer much better pvp gameplay these days. But that's what cryptic has done, to a great many people. And cryptic is also making it so that if one doesn't get started on the new grinds now, one is at a further competitive disadvantage the later one returns, making that occurrence highly unlikely, and if likely, quite distasteful.
    Arawn & Ihasa
    OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i was going to buy a life time. i might even still had sub month to month. but when they kepted pushing the pvp away to different season dates i stoped putting money into this game. after seeing the new passives on tribble ill never give them a life time. they are trying to kill pvp and its sad. this is my first mmo. i enjoy talking to people on here but its soon time to move on.
  • bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    8 percent of us, spend more money on Respecs alone to have a disproportionate effect on their revenue.

    Yes! Respecs are the only thing I've payed real money for since F2P.

    Make more balance adjustments, and this will apply:
  • linkdown1linkdown1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Funny that you say that i just purchased guild wars 2 and about to start playing mwo. I still play STO because i love pvp and still enjoy it. But i have been playing the same maps for the last 3 years no new modes map or rewards. S7 is kinda the wake up call that countless others had years ago. Cryptic neglected pvp and does not want players playing it.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I had avoided any of the grinds because I would not buy respecs - I think the price for a respec is well beyond ridiculous. I always just rerolled. It also meant that I was not participating in any of the Lockbox/Lobi (single toon gear TRIBBLE)... it's kind of funny, thinking about it - if the respecs were cheaper, they'd actually have gotten more money out of me.

    With the S7 grinds... hrm... yeah... anyway.
  • smeagolsneakysmeagolsneaky Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have been here since day one my fleet Lafamilia is I think the only existing Pre Beta PvP fleet left in the game as all other PvP fleets I believe have evolved after launch.
    When SWTOR launched a majority of our US PvP?ers left the game and will not return to a Farmville game with a star trek theme, they have now migrated to guild wars and I would be with them also but my PC isn?t up to Spec.

    LF was nearly dead we had about 4 active players just before free to play. Then I took over as the main fleet leader in STO and managed to bring the fleet back to a point where we now form a significant presence in the PvP queues.

    I always thought they would do something for pvp it was looking good when free to play launched.

    Balance wasn?t too bad apart from sci resists

    Devs where talking about pvp content entering the design discussion stage.

    But all seems to be going downhill with this new season we haven?t heard a whisper of what?s been done for pvp since Gozer bailed despite the fact someone else was supposedly replacing him.

    And another cryptic grind you can spend all your time farming resources and the same content for months for minimal rewards.

    What are PvP?ers going to do with a Romulan embassy? :eek:

    Right now at the start of season 7 I personally feel very dissatisfied with Star Trek Online I have decided to no longer spend money on the game unless PvP improves with more PvP maps ,Game modes and balance passes.

    OR they release Risan Beach wear whichever comes first.
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    Yeah, I also wonder what happened to this mysterious dev who "took over where gozer left off". If he's STILL trying to understand and finish what he "supposedly" had started working on, we're doomed...lol

    Lets face it, even if it did indeed get passed onto another dev (which is I really doubt since they won't even tell us who it is), its definitely on the bottom of their to do list. Gozer even admitted he couldn't really get the resources he needed to get his ideas off the ground. While I didn't agree with every idea he had, at least they were ideas with the focus of making pvp better. While he didn't necessarily fully grasp the dynamics of what pvp needs to become balanced while also keeping things balanced within pve, he was at least willing to get on vent with us and discuss his ideas, ask for feedback, and most importantly, LISTEN to what we had to say. We didn't always change his mind, but he actually took what we had to say and pondered it before just dismissing it. It was THE biggest step I've ever seen while playing this game to bridge the gap between the devs and their community. It's a shame that it went to waste.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think PVP in it's current state is very poor. But that's only because it's been buried in so much TRIBBLE. You can't be bought by a company that openly declares PVP to be it's bread and butter and then neglect it so totally. I think a PVP update/season IS coming, i would put money on it. But i'm just worried they'll look at all the negative factors/strings attached to our current PVP experience i.e overpowered doffs, overpowered ships, ****ed up science skills broken mechanics etc and **** themselves.

    If they had released a new lockbox and actually LOOKED at each piece and thought "how does this potentially break PVP?" And then tweek it to co-exist then i'd be happy. But its the sheer shortsightedness of every fluff update that makes it so clear that they have no ****ing idea what PVP is.

    If PWE love PVP so damn much, send some developers into Cryptic with that frame of mine and get it done, because frankly the existing bunch just aren't capable.

    The above ideas about blaring PVP in tickets and every other channel of communication is worth looking into - but do it at PWE not Cryptic.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • naffoffpwenaffoffpwe Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I deleted my credit card information from my STO account long ago and Cryptic / PWE will not be seeing a penny more from me until they either put serious effort into making PvP better, or finish the Klingon faction.

    Instead, I'm about to spend the equivalent of an STO lifetime subscription cost on this game - http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/ - a game that hasn't even entered alpha testing yet, let alone beta testing and which is not expected to be released for two years. Why? Because I trust the head honcho there (Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame) and that trust (based on his past record and enthusiasm) mean I'm willing to spend a chunk of money before the game is anywhere near complete.

    See the difference Cryptic? Earn the trust of your players and we will support you c**p on us and you'll not see a penny more out of us.
    The user formerly known as DogsBody.
    Here before PWE (and hopefully) here long after PWE is gone.

    What this game needs is PvP, NOT PWE.
  • esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yeah, I've pretty much had it as well.

    I really do not believe that Cryptic cares a bit about balance in this game. And PVP was never really more than an afterthought with a couple of maps. All it would seem they care about, is the next lockbox key sale and that has thrown balance out the window more than a year ago. Everything is about the store, now.

    Oh well, off to MMORPGs with a subscription price included. P2W has left such a bad impression that I hear the phrase "F2P" and my stomach turns. I believe I'll chose to support gameing co. and developers who actualy think gameplay, all types, is important and more than just a way to get some1 to their pixel store.
  • scottapricescottaprice Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Would someone be so kind as to list the issues with the current PvP system or please direct me to some of the valid links describing the current issues with PvP and their proposed solutions? I have not played PvP in a very long time, but I plan to become more involved with it. Last I saw, one can still enter into a PvP instance and fight. What is specifically broken? People are just complaining and I have not been able to find specifics with the limited time I have had to dig in the forums.

    I was under the impression that people build their ships/ground char with consoles, kits, skills, etc. then they develop tactics and enter into PvP Battles. Whomever emerges victoriously probably has the better build and skill/power/tactic combination. Is it not that simple? I must be missing something.

    I know this is a very critical issue for some players and I am looking to better understand what people are looking for in improving STO PvP?

    Thanks to anyone who can help.
  • fearganfeargan Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Would someone be so kind as to list the issues with the current PvP system or please direct me to some of the valid links describing the current issues with PvP and their proposed solutions? I have not played PvP in a very long time, but I plan to become more involved with it. Last I saw, one can still enter into a PvP instance and fight. What is specifically broken? People are just complaining and I have not been able to find specifics with the limited time I have had to dig in the forums.

    I was under the impression that people build their ships/ground char with consoles, kits, skills, etc. then they develop tactics and enter into PvP Battles. Whomever emerges victoriously probably has the better build and skill/power/tactic combination. Is it not that simple? I must be missing something.

    I know this is a very critical issue for some players and I am looking to better understand what people are looking for in improving STO PvP?

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

    Here is a start:

    Then there's *snicker* Ground PvP...
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