Yes please. you used to be able to follow and find her while she is cloaked but now she TELEPORTS WTF. Durring the moments of when she cloaked you could do X2 damage due to the shields not blocking the shots but now due to the new bs cloak she takes longer to fight. And if she doesnt teleport then somthing is defently…
Crew health actually affect the usage of your 3 team powers. Crew health effect the extra damage Tac team applies and maybe the shield heal but i don't know about that, for engineering team it effects how much hull it repairs, and for sci team it increases how much shielding you get when you use that power. And when you do…
Well seing as not enough people are putting enough money into the lock boxes PWE has decided to shut down STO once the timmer ends. So in other word the timer is how much time we have left to play STO. Poor poor STO Killed by lock boxes what a sad existance.
It would seriously help if you people taught the lowbies how to play and assist them especially if they are new. The community in this is the most horrendous even before F2P, while before F2P it wasn't bad it was really borderline with the Epenis showboating and harassment. I myself am simply a mediocre player in STO due…
It seems there "could" be plans to open up up circular object in the middle of the floor in ops and replace the panels with glass so players could look down like with glass bottom boats. The circular object is seen in pict 2 you posted. Mind you all this is simply only speculation on my part mixed with something i would…
The ability does require a certain amount of live and well crew white colored bar on health at the bottom. Crew is also for passive hull repair and team abilities ie: Tac Team, Sci Team, Eng Team. The bar will deplete from live/well-white collored, to alive/but injured-orange collored, to dead black/empty. To prevent major…
Technically not true at all. The Romulan/Remen Ship that the Donatra is(the ship class name escapes me will edit later once i get the name) Isn't scripted to be undetectable while in cloak. I have been known to be able to find this ship and pound on it with a patrol escort while it is suposed to be cloaked while the rest…
1 Federation 2 Patrol Escort 3 No not a PVP map, Yes PVE map-Federation Fleet Alert, No-Win 4 N/A 5 All weapons were locked 6 all powers still worked 7 no 8 deselect target, fly away out of combat range of all hostiles, smash space bar repededly while a energy weapons power was active. While this has happened to me while i…
The problem here is the fact we are facing weapons that are suposed to be strong, buffed by NPC setting which are x70%(i dont remember the number off hand) stronger than the players own values. NPC have been set up with low amounts of powers and weapons but have built in damage mods and deffesive buffs to there stats…
Long time ago I have complained about how the shuttle system is lacking item content. Even now its still lacking the 360 degree beam arrays are lacking in diversity like ones with acc. or dam., just the 2 crit. mods. The shuttle system is just like PVP and the KDf faction, horribly implemented with content waved over it…
I like the blue hud error on the KDF with the red ship icon. I beleave the hud should be a faction neutral color with team colored icons it would be better on the eyes and draw attention to major areas of the hud.
Has any engineer even tried to use "quick fix" on the core yet it should count as a mechanical target and quick fix is the power to fix deployables and the android Boff. That clas is actually more than a turret farm. They get support and some controll powers.
I find quad cannons really good on my escorts. The engine drain i find a little helpfull from running low power on that subsystem already on attack runs extending them half a second longer or something close for an extra shot. I believe its a little too bad you cant slot 2 or more. But overall i my self like them even at…