I've tried pvp on my KDF char for the first time since the update and it was a mess.
My display turned blue like a FED display, and all of my enemy and allies are appearing the wrong color making things very confusing. I don't know if this is also related, but the range of enemy ships is no longer displayed either unless I target them, this is game breaking, I can't take the time to target every ship i see to check if they are in range. I got killed a couple times and had to warp out to attempt to fix my display with no success.
I like the blue hud error on the KDF with the red ship icon. I beleave the hud should be a faction neutral color with team colored icons it would be better on the eyes and draw attention to major areas of the hud.
what the hell is up with the crappy "f" at the end of my name was never there on either website till the crappy change