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icepiraka Arc User



  • You've not been on Tribble have you? Biomolecular torpedoes are coming with the new 8472 rep system for everyone. There will be 1 special torpedo as part of a 3 set, and a store unlock for more torpedoes and mine variants.
  • I shall be updating the thread soon, see my discussion two posts above you (I am the OP FYI).
  • Hey guys, so it's been a while since I've been to this topic. I took a break from STO for a while earlier this year, but I'm coming back because of all the interesting things coming with S9. I intend to update the OP with some new stuff and hope to discuss what is to come. So S8 has granted us torpedo users with some…
  • You completely missed the point of my post didn't you?
  • So after skimming through this gigantic thread, I figured I'd add my 2 cents. I personally believe the incoming Reputation changes are actually a good thing, and I hope I can prove that with some hard numbers and math: Starting off, let's just look at how many possible reputation trait builds there are right now. For the…
  • This sounds like an autofire fail. You have to pay attention to the firing priorities of the weapons you've configured on autofire. When you set your Romulan and Omega Torpedoes on autofire, you must right-click you Romulan Torpedo (to set it to autofiring) before you right-click your Omega plasma. This establishes firing…
  • Quit patronizing me, I KNOW what I read! If you had read through the topic, you'd have noticed that ladymyajha was wondering whether or not the set piece bonuses changed the function of the Gravimetric torpedo. I responded with the Reddit post of the console, and speaking with respect to the Gravimetric torpedo, I noticed…
  • No, I didn't. I was merely speaking about the set bonus purely in terms of the Gravimetric torpedo (which is the point of my OP BTW).
  • So far this looks like it'll be another great tool for scis. Does high aux power have any effect on the anomalies?
  • Basically, I'm asking does it use the visuals of: *Gravity Well Amonaly, *Tykens Rift Anomaly, *Tricobalt/Temporal Disruption Device rift anomaly *Subspace Integraction Console Anomaly or is it something completely new?
  • I like this so far. Just on a hunch, are the rifts affected by aux power level (or by torpedo tac consoles, if not by science particle gen or grav gen consoles)? And what about the Nadeon Detonator? Also, what do these rifts look like?
  • I dunno, that torpedo alone may be a fantastic thing for torp boats. I fully intend to see if I can squeeze it onto my Torp'Varo.
  • Someone posted this on the STO reddit: http://imgur.com/7uIwPsq So the set bonuses only affect the damage and crits on photon damage, nothing else. Not a huge change in function IMO. But again, the true power of this torp may shine when it's modified with TS (like Romulan plasma) or HY (like Omega plasma), so I'm…
  • The torp actually costs 200K dil for the requisition project? Isn't that about 10x as much as any other reputation torpedo? Why not? All the other rep torps are affected by them, and this one looks like just a photon torpedo, but with a special proc.
  • Of course that's just standard fire, and as torpedo procs go, it doesn't seem too bad. So I'd figure the anomaly damage is affected by particle gens (and aux power?) and the duration is modified by Subspace Decompiler, but I'm just guessing here. And we have no idea how the torp interacts with TS or HY. I'd be really…
  • Maybe it's a tooltip thing, where you have to be in, say, your starship in Earth Orbit or some other star system before you can get an accurate reading?
  • I believe you're under a severe misconception. The "plasma" resists on STF shields/Elite Fleet Shieds (I believe) only apply to Energy Weapon damage. They don't apply to plasma torpedoes, because they deal kinetic damage, not plasma energy damage. Plus they don't apply to the torpedo DoT, because it's shield bypassing.
  • Well, I meant that you would have to pull yourself out of cloak to use it.
  • That's not entirely accurate; you will always generate singularity charge while at red alert, even while under EBC, though if you're are a pure spiking ship, then yes, you probably won't have enough time to accumulate charge. But I don't play that way, so I get plenty of use from the singularity abilities (except…
  • The Avenger... well... the VATA console seems to do decent damage, but 3 min cooldown? Not sure if worth it. Also not sure if the cruiser itself could pull off a torp boat setup, though I could be wrong. I'm gonna wait a while before I commit to theorizing a build for one. I don't have the Corvette (hence my questions…
  • Here's what I was thinking of: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=trololohlunatrisian_0 Given that you don't have a ton of room for shield drains on the corvette, some good shield penetrating torpedoes would be good. Given the fact that your corvette has an EWP-ish console (the Subspace Wake Generator), I figured,…
  • Yep, that was a typo on my part, should be fixed now. As for that 4th weapon slot on ships like the Corvette, I often like to think of it as a "free" slot. It can be a torpedo, but not necessarily locked into autofire with the other three. You can keep the DBB if you want, but I don't think the Risian corvette has any…
  • Woah, hostile much? I think you're misinterpreting what I mean by "Strong" and "Weak" torpedo boats. These words are not qualifiers of the effectiveness of such build in and of themselves. In logically rigorous studies like Philosophy, Mathematics, etc., a definition or theorem that is "weak" is one that has a broad,…
  • Ach, so much response! I wish there were an easy way to quote multiple people (don't post on these forums too much). @kublahkan: Yes you can! I actually leveled up my Rom with the sole intention of being a T'varo torp boat at endgame, so all my ships up to that were torp boats too. I didn't even spec into shield skills…
  • Thank you all for the positive feedback so far. I just posted up my build. If I can theorize up some more, I might post them too. Also, if you guys have some fantastic Skill Planner builds to show off, feel free to put them here. @ataloss: Lol, don't call me Professor! And I can't tell how much damage the AoE of the…
  • Lol, I just realized I went onto the second page! If you actually read the whole thing, you are amazing.
  • Example Builds: To be filled in. So far, I just have my own build to share, since I don't have the time to theorize up some other builds. If any of you guys would like to post your own Skill Planner links to awesome builds, I could post them up here too. My T'varo Build:…
  • Final Thoughts; Torpedo Boats as a System: All of this brings to mind a larger general idea about torpedo ships: given the linked nature of torpedoes because of system, shared and global cooldowns, your weapons on a whole are an interconnected system, combining a wide variety of unique functions. The performance of your…
  • Tactics in PvP: Because if you are a decently skilled player, you should be able to fight NPCs and tank damage just as well as any other well-specced man in an STF. PvP, IMO, is where the real challenge lies. Your basic strategy is to keep cycling your spiking and continuous fire weapons, all while throwing out science…
  • Gearing Up: Now that all this hypothetical stuff about weapons is out of way, we can start thinking about how you will want to gear up your ship in other ways. The Ship: Ship choice is largely a case of what type of ship you're considering, what bonuses it has, or also just which ship do you like the most. That being said,…