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A Guide to Torpedo Boats



  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not sure if any of this stuff I've got to say is at all relevant, but I've always loved kinetic weapons and have become a bit of an expert with mines, my main is running a Fleet Patrol Escort setup with a mine launcher aft, and it is *glorious*. Most of my PvP kills consist of a bunch of quantumines catching up with my target as they turn to come around at me for another strafing run.

    Mines, if you're gonna use them, either go big or go home. A regular mine drop, only drops 4 standard mines, or 1 tricobalt device. Dispersal Pattern Beta III, drops *16* (or 4, for the big ones).

    Another reason to have an energy weapon is "Attack Pattern Beta". Hit APB and FAW with a pair of arrays (or a turret, if you like that better) and you debuff everything within range - that reduces their damage resistance by *20%*, and that's only with APB *I*, a Lt Tac skill. APB III kicks it up to 33%.

    One of my alts, an engineer in escort-based torp boats (don't think about that, I certainly didn't) will be turning a Fleet Escort Retrofit into a torp boat at level 50.

    Dual bank


    Not so sure on the third aft slot, debating a mine launcher, a second torp or another array, overall the ship is supposed to be a mix of a frigate and a torp boat, meant for harassing and distracting things and stuffing a bunch of torps down in through a downed shield facing.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey there,

    Here's what I'm currently steering toward with my Recon Transphasic, based on the advice in this thread:


    Some things I've been going back & forth on:

    I've been underwhelmed by the mine launcher, and I'm thinking I'll replace that with another torpedo tube, a transphasic in all likelihood (unless I decide on something like an argh'penguin).

    My Engineering layout has alternated between the listed, and a variant of (Epts1, A2S1). So far the dual EptX version is ahead by a nose in my estimation.

    I was very conflicted in passing up the Adapted MACO set for Elite Fleet components, but the advantage of the set bonus +Torpedo damage seems offset by the fact that I don't like the individual AMACO pieces very much. Obviously, YMMV.

    More later as opportunity permits.


    EDIT: the more I contemplate this, the more I think I could make a go at using Adapted MACO. If one is only going to use two pieces, in this context, I'm thinking use the Engine & Deflector, and use Elite Fleet Shields. Any thoughts from anyone on this?

    Seeing as you have an AMP warp core, the Maco shield is an option to help you achieve better levels.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    madviola wrote: »
    Finally got on stoacademy. Here are a few builds I've been working on:

    The temporal destroyer that I'm currently flying, and I must say that it has been very effective.

    This next one is a real possibility, if my fleet can ever get a tier 5 shipyard.

    So because my fleet only has a tier 3 shipyard, I may go with this one for a while:

    Or eventually this:

    Let me know what you think!

    Note: the modifiers on some of these are not present because I couldn't remember them.

    See, I don't get that: you're flying with 4 or 5 torps. Whenever I try that, the entire system locks up, and hardly any torp fires. So, what are you doing right that I'm doing wrong? ;)
  • clintsatclintsat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Has anyone experimented with an all photon build with the new Voth weapons set that boosts photon torpedo damage (and eventually crit/severity)?

    I'm thinking of moving my sci from transphasics to photons just to try it out.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    clintsat wrote: »
    Has anyone experimented with an all photon build with the new Voth weapons set that boosts photon torpedo damage (and eventually crit/severity)?

    I'm thinking of moving my sci from transphasics to photons just to try it out.

    I just did, today. Voth Photon Torp + Proton Console *do* give the extra DPS; and, best of all, the overall 3% overall extra CrtH.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    See, I don't get that: you're flying with 4 or 5 torps. Whenever I try that, the entire system locks up, and hardly any torp fires. So, what are you doing right that I'm doing wrong? ;)

    I have no idea. It does slow down some when I get a lot of projectiles in motion (like when I launch a clutster torp, TS3, and then hit DPB3 and drop a bunch of mines) :) . Maybe it has something to do with the graphics bug that is going on right now. Something to check would be if your computer had a shared video card, they can slow the game down dramatically depending of the system. Just a thought.
  • xyzyzxxyzyzx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ok I have the Rom T'varo, that has a different set up.
    Might anyone be using this ship as a Torp build?
    If so might you share your thoughts.
    I have little access to EC and such to get the elite things, but I do have the torps and officers of course.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have not used it but the t'varo (top tier) looks like an ideal ship for this job.

    battle cloak? Check!
    special singularity skills? Check!
    your choice of BO with 3 skills? Check (science or tactical seem best to me here?)
    4 torps forward, 3 whatever aft,check!

    Its just perfect in every way for this.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    I have not used it but the t'varo (top tier) looks like an ideal ship for this job.

    battle cloak? Check!
    special singularity skills? Check!
    your choice of BO with 3 skills? Check (science or tactical seem best to me here?)
    4 torps forward, 3 whatever aft,check!

    Its just perfect in every way for this.

    But more powerful as a DHC-Escort, unfortunately. The adv. BC also leaves you vulnerable while shooting torpedos, long enough for a plasmatorp to lock on.
  • pdaworldpdaworld Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wardcalis wrote: »

    this is my current torp boat. I pve only but I sustain 10k+dps and i've spiked over 50k. I normally find that in any eSTF I run 99% of the time i'm doing 25-40% more damage than anyone else

    Going to have to explain that more. I don't see how your doing that damage just base on what your showing. Especially with your omega and hyper plasma competing with each other to fire.
  • borg0vermindborg0vermind Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Very nice topic. just found it.
    I run an Obelisk Carrier as t-boat.
    I have 3 FW Torps: Hyperplasma, Gravimetric and Breen Cluster.
    In the back I use the 2 360dgr beams and Omega Torp, just in case there's a tactical retreat necessary.
    I do sustained DPS with the Gav and HYP and spiked damage with the cluster torp.

    Overall, my DPS is better then the majority of players in PvE.
    Did not try PvP yet, but I'll probably do.

    What I want to do next is switch to a Voth Cruiser, which has 4FW, 4BK weapons.
    The idea is to add a Tricobalt forward and a mine set back.

    The question is: will another torp make enough DPS difference to compensate for 6 Elite fighters ? The Voth has only 1 hangar compared to the OB. So is it worth the change or should I stick with the OB ?

    A certain advantage would be the better turn rate of the Voth ship, but I don't want to sacrifice the DPS just for that.

    One other I'd really like to use is the Tal Shiar Adapted BC, but that will certainly drop my DPS as no torp will be better than 12 Elite Fs.

    Also, was thinking of a Scimitar with 5 FW torps, but I don't actually like it, so I'm not gonna use it for now.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Amazing document, good job.

    I am thinking, right now on to make my sci ship a torp boat one.. xD. U just made me curious...
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I wanted to say nice thread. Thanks to this thread I have 2 successful torp sci built. Fed one is plasma, the kdf one on my reman is transphasic. I get over 5k dps on both. Plasma built is like slowly burning the enemy hull away with plasma fires. Transphasic just ignore shield and when that cluster torp crit :D a sight to behold, combine with that big red blob from the fleet T'varo, a gw, rapid reload transphasic and cluster torp, a transphasic mine. I'm still surprised at how effective it is.

    Plasma built is a little less spiky but it just doesn't stop burning when it goes. I use that built on a fleet recon. I kept 1 beam on it, experimental plasma one, for subsystem targetting. With 2 pce reman set, 3 pces singularity harness set, I can use that plasma overload thingy (pop a weapon battery just before using). All in all, a nice built there too, I can do much better science with aux power at maximum all the time. GW keep everything nice and packed for those hy plasma torp to set fire to everything in sight without forgetting romulan hyper torp and its splash.

    Both are real effective built that easily keep pace with probes in kase and still have time to shoot at gen, cube and transfo before the next batch arrive. In fact T'varo can do both side at once.

    So I thank the OP for a great thread and keep shooting bad guys :)
    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • senselockesenselocke Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Extremely thorough guide, thank you for it. I would like to ask one question though:

    How are autofire and targetting set up on these layouts?

    I've been trying a torp boat, and after running energy + one torp, I'm used to all autofire, all the time. And obviously, what works for that build doesn't work here.

    If I'm using one Romulan Plasma and other torps on autofire to speed cooldown, I'm having a heck of a time making certain the fast-firing torps don't "steal" HY or TS. But if they're not on autofire, cooldown won't work the way it should.

    So, how do you guys set up the weapon tray autofire (right-click icons, green highlight)?

    How is system targeting set up (Toggle, Change Cancels, Maintain While Pressed, etc)?

    How about optionals (never target pets, target offscreen, select attacker if attacked, etc)?

    Because I think all of these fall under "autofire" in one way or another, but they're all different things. Could someone be specific, and break each down for me? How exactly do I have speedy torps firing for cooldowns while ensuring only the heavy hitters get the Boff boosts?
  • dragonhawke777dragonhawke777 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Has anyone tried or had thoughts on the new tethered mines in the LOBI store. They are quantums and using one of the attack patterns could cancel out the weakness of mines (their activation time). I was thinking activate mines while at range, charge in with torpedoes blazing, mines lock on target while you charge past it.
  • dragonhawke777dragonhawke777 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I am also looking for a weapon layout for the new Anniversary ship (Romulan model with a Rom Sci capt). The idea i was thinking was straight torpedoes up front while in science mode and then I have access to the cannon in tac mode. Up front I am thinking:
    1 Romulan Hyper torpedo
    1 Hargh'pengs
    1 Breen Cluster or 1 Plasma torpedo

    Back would be:
    1 Experimental Rom beam Array (for subsystem targeting)
    1 Borg Cutting Beam
    1 Mine launcher (Plasma or the new Quantum tethered)

    Tac consoles would either be 3 Torpedo Boost ones or if I find myself in Tac mode alot the Dyson store ones that boost both the torpedo and Proton damage. Most other gear would either be fleet consoles (and the Rom rep one) and the gear that comes with the ship and mission rewards. Any thoughts on this setup? Im new to the torpedo boat scene so any good advise is welcome.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have a similar thought to this, but with pure photons. Two photon torps up front and the proton cannon from protonic arsenal, along with 2 piece KHG. That should give the photons great damage, and great CritH and CritD. It would require a full three purple torp cd doffs to sustain fire I think though.
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Photons have a short CD anyway so you could probably get away with 2 or even 1. You could always throw the Omega torp on as each shot from it can proc the doffs and that torpedo has such short CD you pretty much always have it available.
  • snowpig74snowpig74 Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    use photon mines. They get the bonus from the consoles too.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey guys, so it's been a while since I've been to this topic. I took a break from STO for a while earlier this year, but I'm coming back because of all the interesting things coming with S9. I intend to update the OP with some new stuff and hope to discuss what is to come.

    So S8 has granted us torpedo users with some interesting developments. PvP wise, since all the team abilities (ET, ST, TT) are off of their shared cooldown, we torp boats will conceivably have to work that much harder for our kills. Nevertheless, I believe there is no greater time to roll a torpedo boat, and I say that for a few reasons. Looking at some of the other S8 stuff, the new space traits from the Hirogen Lockbox, Hot Pursuit and Intimidating strikes, seem like they could yield very interesting results, at least from a PvP standpoint. Tethered quantum mines seem like they could be interesting, though I have not tried them myself, seeing as they are useless on a T'varo. The spatial charge launcher seems decent assuming you have the console slot to spare. My opinion on transphasic chronitons is essentially equal to my opinion on Thermionic torpedoes: not worth the asking price.

    The real major player here, however, is the Gravimetric photon torpedo. That thing is a gift from the gods, a truly amazing torpedo, and arguably one of the best in the game, simply because being able to spawn Gravimetric rifts is just great, even though it doesn't always happen 100% of the time. The torp works well with HY, does wonders with TS3 (actually one of the few torps that use TS effectively IMO), and becomes absolutely hilarious with Nadeon Detonator. I'd say, unless you're running a pure transphasic or pure plasma boat, your torp boat really needs to have this torpedo.

    Now it seems with S9 we shall yet again see some interesting items for torp boats. I won't talk about the new Omega Kinetic Shearing passive simply because it seems like something that will be in a state of flux for the next few weeks. The new Biomolecular torps, however, seem fairly well set in that they may launch as they are now on tribble, so I will talk about them. These new torps are essentially green colored photons wich apply a Biomolecular Incubation proc every time they hit. This proc basically applies a speed debuff over 8 seconds and, when the proc expires, deals a certain amound of shield-bypassing radiation damage, similar to how the Hargh'peng torpedo detonates. Naturally, it seems fair to compare this torpedo to both plasma and chroniton launchers.

    On my toon on tribble, my tooltip says incubation applies -23.1 runspeed. I'm assuming that number is not entirely indicative of the debuff I'm applying (the word runspeed seems kinda strange), though I do think it is actually working. Firing this once every 1.5 seconds means I will be able to stack this up to 5 or 6 times, compared to the 33% chance to apply speed and turn debuff with chronitons. For HY, the Biomolecular only applies 1 stack per salvo, but a chroniton launcher will be guaranteed to apply it's debuff also. For TS3, the Biomolecular launcher really pulls through here, in that it will guarantee the application of 4 stacks of incubation on your target (though a chroniton spread will also guarantee it's debuff as well). Also worth noting is that incubation is fixed at 8 seconds, while the duration of the chroniton debuff can be extended by Graviton gens skill.

    Now for the radiation damage; on my toon, incubation causes about 912 radiation damage. This is doubled against Undine, yes, but for now I'm going to ignore that fact. So assuming I fire one of these every 1.5 secs, that's going to come to about 608 dps I think. Compare that to my plasma launcher, which deals 2051 damage over 10 secs, or 205 dps. Since I could stack that up to 6 or 7 times, thats about 1200-1300 dps. So the plasma launcher seems like the obvious winner in terms of DPS. Going to HY, again, biomolecular only applies its 1 stack, but the plasma is going to apply an even bigger DOT. For TS3, the Biomolecular seems to have another advantage, since while a plasma launcher may vary between applying 1 to 4 stacks of its DOT, the Biomolecular will consistently apply its stack of 4. Also worth noting is that Biomolecular Incubation deals radiation damage, distinct from the kinetic damage of plasmas. Thus it is not buffed by tac consoles or skills like particle gens (though I think it is buffed by things like KHG 2pc and T'varo 2pc), but in turn it may also be a damage type that is harder to resist, like physical damage on web mines.

    So overall, it seems like the Biomolecular torpedoes are at an interesting place. They are essentially hybrids of plasmas and chronitons, doing both shied bypassing and speed debuff well, but not fantastically well. Plasma will have the theoretically higher DPS, and the chronitons will have the theoretically stronger debuffs. However, the Biomolecular has an advantage simply because it lacks the gimpynesses that are inherent of plasmas and chronitons. Yes, incubation can still be cleansed by HE and such just like plasmas, but the biomolecular does not have to pay the cost of targettable HY torpedoes, which can damage the attacker as well as the target (assuming the HY isn't shot down first). Chronitons probably have stronger debuff potential than biomoleculars, but in order to acieve it, one must essentially go all chronitons to circumvent the 33% chance of debuffs on chronitons, where incubation will guarantee something to happen on your target. Also, a pure chroniton boat will have extremely gimped DPS, where biomoleculars will still be applying radiation damage.

    There is also the factor that the Biomolecular torpedo is still a photon launcher, and thus maintains its quick 6.5 second reload time, compared to 8s on plasma and the excruciating 10s on chronitons. This means a pure Biomolecular boat may require fewer boffs than a pure plasma boat, and it also means that Biomoleculars can provide good suppliments on mixed-launcher torpedo boats with a lot of torps with longer cooldowns, or cooldowns which are hard to reduce (Hargh'peng, trics, etc). Lastly, the Biomolecular torpedo seems to be making great use out of torpedo spread abilities, similar to its Gravimetric brother. Indeed, I may consider replacing the two plasma launchers on my T'varo with biomoleculars, simply because I'm beginning to become sick of always hitting myself in order to land strong hits my opponents.

    Of course, some of this is of course subject to change, but nonetheless S9 should be an interesting time for us torp lovers. I may have to try an all photon Armitage build if I can spare the money for it.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited April 2014
    khayuung wrote: »
    *rousing applause*

    I'm too specialized into energy weapons and PtG tricks to use torps properly, but even I learnt something from that wall of text!

    Standing Ovation.

    WOW - going to reread this on my holidays ;)
  • w3est0fn0w3r3w3est0fn0w3r3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Be good to see updates to this thread. This is where I first came to get the info I needed to start building my two torp boats.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Be good to see updates to this thread. This is where I first came to get the info I needed to start building my two torp boats.

    I shall be updating the thread soon, see my discussion two posts above you (I am the OP FYI).
  • catliketypingcatliketyping Member Posts: 611
    edited April 2014
    I have done pure Photon, with Deflector DOFFs to cooldown the Grav Wells (since I don't need all the PWO DOFFs)... it's just lacking against anything that does TT to insta-adjust shielding, even with Gravimentric TS3.

    A Transphasic/Gravimetric setup (since you only use Grav for TS3, anyway, when you are running Breen Clusters) is still better. I might get off a few more Grav Wells, maybe 15 seconds ahead of time, but it doesn't necessarily do anything better because you can already slaughter groups in a single Grav Well/Gravimetric TS3 without going pure Photon. Throw in a Breen Cluster into the Grav Well/Gravimetric Rift mess, and you get lots of explosions!

    If the Bio-Moleculars do become a Plasma-ish hybrid (in the Photon category), then that may change... assuming they are available generally, and not just specifically to Romulans. The movement debuff becomes of instant interest for B'rel Raiders if/when the Flanking comes online. :D

    Until then, I will stick to Transphasics/Breen/Gravimetric on my B'rel and T'varo. Shields are way too powerful right now.
    Nessia (KDF Sci)
    IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have done pure Photon, with Deflector DOFFs to cooldown the Grav Wells (since I don't need all the PWO DOFFs)... it's just lacking against anything that does TT to insta-adjust shielding, even with Gravimentric TS3.

    A Transphasic/Gravimetric setup (since you only use Grav for TS3, anyway, when you are running Breen Clusters) is still better. I might get off a few more Grav Wells, maybe 15 seconds ahead of time, but it doesn't necessarily do anything better because you can already slaughter groups in a single Grav Well/Gravimetric TS3 without going pure Photon. Throw in a Breen Cluster into the Grav Well/Gravimetric Rift mess, and you get lots of explosions!

    If the Bio-Moleculars do become a Plasma-ish hybrid (in the Photon category), then that may change... assuming they are available generally, and not just specifically to Romulans. The movement debuff becomes of instant interest for B'rel Raiders if/when the Flanking comes online. :D

    Until then, I will stick to Transphasics/Breen/Gravimetric on my B'rel and T'varo. Shields are way too powerful right now.

    You've not been on Tribble have you? Biomolecular torpedoes are coming with the new 8472 rep system for everyone. There will be 1 special torpedo as part of a 3 set, and a store unlock for more torpedoes and mine variants.
  • tickletopstickletops Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    pdaworld wrote: »
    Going to have to explain that more. I don't see how your doing that damage just base on what your showing. Especially with your omega and hyper plasma competing with each other to fire.

    you need to rerun the harpheng mission and get yourself a mkxi, running a mk iii makes no sense. Harphengs dont scale as you level.
  • judasjungjudasjung Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Can I just say how much I love my Transphasic Torpvesta?

    "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm looking at running a TorpVaro on my Fed Rom Tac just to differentiate her from my more standard CannonScort/BeamCruiser flying Fed and KDF Tacs. This will be my first attempt at a pure torpedo boat, and I'm trying to parse all the info in this thread as best I can. Here's my current WIP concept build (including skill tree and rep traits):


    Mostly a pure Transphasic aside from the Nukara Mines and the Hargh'peng in the back. AMACO 2-piece for torpedo benefits, Solanae 2-piece for bonuses to Aux. My questions are as follows:

    Do the Spire Tac consoles make as much sense in a torp build, or are standard Tac consoles better? I'll probably be starting with standard ones either way, as my Rom is FC poor and will take her a while to grind those out.

    What should the ratio of Transphasic to general torpedo Tac consoles be?

    Is TB3 what I should be using in that Lt.Cdr Sci spot, or does Grav Well make more sense? I likely will not be flying this into PvP, at least not until I'm more used to the Torp Boat concept.

    Destabilized Plasma with the Transphasics or nay? I'll probably make a plasma loadout when I can afford to do so, but Transphasic is cheaper to start. Not sure if I should keep that Destabilized Plasma with the TP, or if I'd benefit more from some other consoles there.

    Any other suggestions are appreciated. :)
  • dcpuserdcpuser Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm looking at running a TorpVaro on my Fed Rom Tac just to differentiate her from my more standard CannonScort/BeamCruiser flying Fed and KDF Tacs. This will be my first attempt at a pure torpedo boat, and I'm trying to parse all the info in this thread as best I can. Here's my current WIP concept build (including skill tree and rep traits):


    Mostly a pure Transphasic aside from the Nukara Mines and the Hargh'peng in the back. AMACO 2-piece for torpedo benefits, Solanae 2-piece for bonuses to Aux. My questions are as follows:

    Do the Spire Tac consoles make as much sense in a torp build, or are standard Tac consoles better? I'll probably be starting with standard ones either way, as my Rom is FC poor and will take her a while to grind those out.

    What should the ratio of Transphasic to general torpedo Tac consoles be?

    Is TB3 what I should be using in that Lt.Cdr Sci spot, or does Grav Well make more sense? I likely will not be flying this into PvP, at least not until I'm more used to the Torp Boat concept.

    Destabilized Plasma with the Transphasics or nay? I'll probably make a plasma loadout when I can afford to do so, but Transphasic is cheaper to start. Not sure if I should keep that Destabilized Plasma with the TP, or if I'd benefit more from some other consoles there.

    Any other suggestions are appreciated. :)

    If you have the fleet creds, then yes having the Spire console for the extra umph in torpedo damage will definitely work (having that additional CrtD or CrtH never hurts). I run a Fleet Intrepid and went with 2 fleet consoles for transphasics since a bulk of my DPS is from the cluster mine and 1 fleet console that boosts all projectiles. Non-fleet can certainly work as well.

    Consider GW in the Lt Cmdr slot only because the Breen Cluster will likely blow up the ship you're targeting and you can get a nice chain effect going on. TB3 becomes less of a need if goign out plasma or transphasics (if you ran pure photon for example than TB3 becomes more ideal).

    My 2 cents.
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yeah, the more I think about it the more I'm leaning toward GW1 there. So, Doffs I'd thing something along these lines:

    3x PWO
    2x Deflector Officer (deflector ability CD reduction)

    If I get the 6th active slot from the spire, maybe a Gravimetric Scientist for aftershocks. Most of my normal go-to Doffs are irrelevant here. BFI Doffs, DCEs are useless. Even the cleanse WCE isn't much use if you're not constantly cycling an EPtX power. This build is way out of my comfort zone, kinda freaks me out.
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