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The new Rep System



  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    One of the advantages of the new rep system is that we can choose both powers from the same rep tier. Right now we have to decide between Shield Regeneration or Slower Borg Adaption for Omega Tier 3. With the new rep, we can pick both.

    There is also the benefit that we can change our passives to deal with the current foe. So if we encounter Undine, then we could pick Mental Conditioning, Empathic Adaption, Empathic Reverberation for ground and Crucial Component Redistribution, Nanoprobe Field Generator, and Nanoprobe Feedback for space since these powers seem to be better against the Undine with some of them having a higher chance of activating against Undine or Psionic attacks. For the Borg, Omega Graviton Pulse Module for Ground and Omega Graviton Amplifier for space would be better since Omega Graviton Pulse Module slows down Borg Adaption and the damage done by these powers are doubled when we fight Borg. Of course, these powers are not necessary to pick, but to show that certain situational powers are better against certain enemies. Also, these power layouts are not possible with the current system since we have to pick powers from the same rep tier.
  • blznfunblznfun Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    /Begin Rant

    I think the Reputation changes coming just literally suck...

    I mean Cryptic makes us grind to get this stuff, we earn it, and then they take it away like some Indian-giver. We earned it, and just because there is a slight power-creep or some PvP organization doesn't like it, doesn't mean they should take it away. If its PvP that is the issue, then take away all bonuses in PvP. Just basic gear stats and powers. No Passives, no bonuses, just straight up skill (not that I play PvP much anymore due to the "aire" within the PvP community).

    The grind already sucks in this game and for what? Their bottom dollar. I don't mind giving my time for somethings, but everything? Really? Just like the anniversary event. That should have stayed, "Play a mission, get a ship" not a grind. It should be a reward to us for sticking with this slowly declining game. It isn't "Star Trek" anymore, its "Latinum Trek" as in "Let's see just how far we can push every ounce of blood from someone to get the gear and the goods."

    /End Rant
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  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    PVP crowd has nothing to do with this change. The game needed a decrease in power creep.

    Nothing is being taken away either, You still have your passives and you can choose which ones to slot at which times.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Nothing is being taken away either, You still have your passives and you can choose which ones to slot at which times.

    Lies. I currently have 16 passives "slotted" and once the nerfbat...er..."update" hits I'll have 8. Spin it like a Washington DC insider all you want, drink the Kool-Aid Cryptic is pouring all you want, that's a lot of something being taken away.
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Lies. I currently have 16 passives "slotted" and once the nerfbat...er..."update" hits I'll have 8. Spin it like a Washington DC insider all you want, drink the Kool-Aid Cryptic is pouring all you want, that's a lot of something being taken away.

    And what did it really give you? More power to blow things up in a few seconds faster?
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2014
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    And what did it really give you? More power to blow things up in a few seconds faster?

    Irrelevant to the Kool-Aid drinking blatant lie that they're "taking nothing away" by cutting the number of passives I can have active in half, spin doctor.
  • cptviper78cptviper78 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Whats the problem with that? IF someone grind until he has 12 or more passives "slottet" then why not? It does not stop you from playing with only lets say 4 passives or does it?

    And if it has nothign to do with PVP and is only relatet to PVE then hej i have a reaaaly strange idea for that.
    Why not make enemys in as example elite events harder to kill, give them better shields or higher shield reload or whatever (just DONT simply add 100000 more spawns).

    Really this entire NERf "Game" in STO i know from City of heroes, same happend ther,e no buff to NPC only nerfs to player powers and stats.

    And no really i dont get it, they let people grind weeks and months to get the passives then they take again the easy way and simply change all passvies and make a limit of 4.

    But for me this show also one of the biggest problems in STO , nothign is really planned and calculatet, for me it looks like someone said "hej lets make some nice passives lets roll a dice for the bonus the passive give" but no one made the calculation how the passives all togehter work.

    And at other side why they wanna nerf the passives? Only lvl 50 chars have this passives so its only for endgame content and why there is a problem that some people with many passives have it easier in the different content then somoene with only 5 passives?
    This entire PVE at lvl 50 is only pure grind so no reason to make the grind more and more work for the people.

    And yes i know in any mmo stuff can and will change but really for me it often looks like STO and also champions online is just some sort of poker game.

    IN most MMOs i play i can see some sort of "red line" what the devs are planning and how they wanna enhance the game, here in sto it looks more like someone wakje up has a idea and it is added some weeks or months later someone see this idea dont work so its removed or totally changed, makes not much sense.
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If they were taking away from you, you wouldn't even have the same options as previously.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ... cutting the number of passives I can have active in half...

    also buffing each passive and letting one switch them out at will thus giving access to more passives...

    What's with all the complaining? Ships are more powerful on tribble right now than they are on holodeck. It's amazing how much people in the game complain about change.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    If they were taking away from you, you wouldn't even have the same options as previously.

    I won't have the same options- instead of 16 slotted powers, I'll have 8.

    But you keep insisting that taking half our slots away isn't taking anything away until you actually believe it- that's what they want, and you obviously don't want to disappoint them by not guzzling down their Kool-Aid.
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    also buffing each passive and letting one switch them out at will thus giving access to more passives...

    You serious?

    Okay, I'll bite- how is having 8 passives slotted "access to more passives" than having 16? Show me under what mathematical system 8 > 16.

    And of course we're talking 8 over 16 now, 8 over 20 once the next rep comes along, 8 over 24 when the next one after that arrives, and that progression will continue until their next "revamp." Yeah, there are 3 kinds of people out there- those who are good at math, and those who aren't. :rolleyes:
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    If they were taking away from you, you wouldn't even have the same options as previously.

    You don't. The options previously are "All the passives/actives you earned."

    The soon-to-be-options are "A few that you pick and choose at your discretion."

    Regardless of whether or not they're buffed, or able to be changed on-the-fly, you no longer have access to all of the passives you earned previously in the same fashion you did before.

    And regardless of whether or not it allows you to kill things "a few seconds faster" these were powers that were purposefully put in to be earned and gained the way they were designed. Cryptic knew that rep sytems were going to be business as usual from the Omega system on out.

    They knew this, and enticed people to do the grind for the prospect of becoming incredibly powerful. They knew it would TRIBBLE players off if they changed it, they knew what they were getting into with this change.

    It is a nerf, not an update.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I won't have the same options- instead of 16 slotted powers, I'll have 8.

    But you keep insisting that taking half our slots away isn't taking anything away until you actually believe it- that's what they want, and you obviously don't want to disappoint them by not guzzling down their Kool-Aid.

    You serious?

    Okay, I'll bite- how is having 8 passives slotted "access to more passives" than having 16? Show me under what mathematical system 8 > 16.

    because you'll be able to switch them out for FREE anytime you're in space dock or in sector space or any social zone. Right now, you pick what you want, and you're stuck with it until you pay 500 zen. And yeah, I'm serious...
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    because you'll be able to switch them out for FREE anytime you're in space dock or in sector space or any social zone. Right now, you pick what you want, and you're stuck with it until you pay 500 zen. And yeah, I'm serious...

    Right now, I have 16 picked and after y'all's plan I'll have 8. Tell me, what's 2 + 2? Now how about 16 - 8? :rolleyes:
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So being able to choose Omega Graviton Pulse Module (slower borg adaption and additional damage proc) and Regenerative Shield Augmentation (higher shield regeneration) at the same time which are both from Tier 3 Omega Reputation is a nerf? Or being able to pick the best powers to go against the Borg or Undine instead of being stuck with the same powers unless you purchase a Reputation respec is a nerf? The new Reputation System is a Buff and a Nerf at the same time.
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I won't have the same options- instead of 16 slotted powers, I'll have 8.

    But you keep insisting that taking half our slots away isn't taking anything away until you actually believe it- that's what they want, and you obviously don't want to disappoint them by not guzzling down their Kool-Aid.

    You serious?

    Okay, I'll bite- how is having 8 passives slotted "access to more passives" than having 16? Show me under what mathematical system 8 > 16.

    And of course we're talking 8 over 16 now, 8 over 20 once the next rep comes along, 8 over 24 when the next one after that arrives, and that progression will continue until their next "revamp." Yeah, there are 3 kinds of people out there- those who are good at math, and those who aren't. :rolleyes:

    Last I checked, you can choose from any to fill your 4 slots. Oh yes, they took a power away. Man I can't believe I'll get to choose any power for my slots. Wow, I really lost something.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    So being able to choose Omega Graviton Pulse Module (slower borg adaption and additional damage proc) and Regenerative Shield Augmentation (higher shield regeneration) at the same time which are both from Tier 3 Omega Reputation is a nerf? Or being able to pick the best powers to go against the Borg or Undine instead of being stuck with the same powers unless you purchase a Reputation respec is a nerf? The new Reputation System is a Buff and a Nerf at the same time.

    16 - 8 = ?

    20 - 8 = ?

    24 - 8 = ?

  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Right now, I have 16 picked and after y'all's plan I'll have 8. Tell me, what's 2 + 2? Now how about 16 - 8? :rolleyes:

    you're looking at it wrong.

    right now, I get to pick 16 passives, 8 ground, 8 space. I only have access to those 16. After season 9, I'll have access to all 32 passives, 16 ground and 16 space, but I will only be able to use 4 ground and 4 space at a time. To compensate for this, each passive has been buffed.

    This new system allows for more build choice. In the long run it's a good system.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    So being able to choose Omega Graviton Pulse Module (slower borg adaption and additional damage proc) and Regenerative Shield Augmentation (higher shield regeneration) at the same time which are both from Tier 3 Omega Reputation is a nerf? Or being able to pick the best powers to go against the Borg or Undine instead of being stuck with the same powers unless you purchase a Reputation respec is a nerf?

    Yes, because the best powers against the Borg and Undine could not only be chosen, but they would be augmented by the other powers from the other reputation systems. To the extent the benefits from having all of your passives at once, working in tandem together, is a better option than a few really powerful passives.

    And Cryptic knew this and advertised the rep system as such. These were sidegrades, the equivelant of alternate advancement. This nerf brings people who have gone to level 70 (in a manner of speaking) down to level 55 so fresh level 50's can 'compete' with them.

    I'm not going to say the nerf isn't needed, but to delay a change this long after several rep systems are already out -- and then knowing it will incite outrage, what did they think was going to happen?

    All of the outrage is deserved, and Cryptic knows it is. You can't blame the people for behaving exactly as predicted, when the rep system was already a hot button topic even before this nerf.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    you're looking at it wrong.

    And you apparently suck at math, but do enjoy that Nerf Kool-Aid. -shrug-

    16 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.
    20 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.
    24 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    And you apparently suck at math, but do enjoy that Nerf Kool-Aid. -shrug-

    16 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.
    20 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.
    24 > 8 no matter how the fanbois spin it.

    My BS in Mathematics would disagree with you. I'm just going to call this trolling and move on...

    At least iconians has well thought out arguments. I don't agree with him, but his reasoning is sound.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I'm not going to say the nerf isn't needed, but to delay a change this long after several rep systems are already out -- and then knowing it will incite outrage, what did they think was going to happen?

    All of the outrage is deserved.

    And the outrage would be even greater if they did it in Season 15 when it will be absolutely necessary to do the change. Losing 36 passive powers and 7 active powers is a lot more painful than losing 8 passive powers. It would have been better if they did it with the Nukara Reputation and the best if the did it with Season 7, but such is the life of being a MMO player.

    One benefit to this change is that it is no longer necessary to get to Tier 5 in every rep for every alt. Just have people go for the Reputations that they want to play for that character and ignore the rest. So this "nerf" actually helps to reduce grind.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    And the outrage would be even greater if they did it in Season 15 when it will be absolutely necessary to do the change. Losing 36 passive powers and 7 active powers is a lot more painful than losing 8 passive powers. It would have been better if they did it with the Nukara Reputation and the best if the did it with Season 7, but such is the life of being a MMO player.

    And you know what I say to that argument?

    There would still be people like you in Season 15 saying it's better that they do the change now and take away 36 passive powers and 7 active powers than them delaying until Season 25 where you would lose 60 passive powers and 14 actives.

    The whole "It's better to do it now than never" is a very frail argument when you know for a fact Cryptic knew beforehand all of these passives and actives were not infinitely scalable, and they decided to delay a change anyway.

    There is no possible way they could not have known this was going to be an eventuality, and they went through with it anyway, and continue their business of giving out rep projects to get players to grind for them in order to become more powerful.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    You don't. The options previously are "All the passives/actives you earned."

    The soon-to-be-options are "A few that you pick and choose at your discretion."

    Regardless of whether or not they're buffed, or able to be changed on-the-fly, you no longer have access to all of the passives you earned previously in the same fashion you did before.

    And regardless of whether or not it allows you to kill things "a few seconds faster" these were powers that were purposefully put in to be earned and gained the way they were designed. Cryptic knew that rep sytems were going to be business as usual from the Omega system on out.

    They knew this, and enticed people to do the grind for the prospect of becoming incredibly powerful. They knew it would TRIBBLE players off if they changed it, they knew what they were getting into with this change.

    It is a nerf, not an update.

    ^^ This post was QFT!

    "Regardless of whether or not they're buffed, or able to be changed on-the-fly, you no longer have access to all of the passives you earned previously in the same fashion you did before."

    Escpecially that one ticks me off to no end.

    If they wanted to reign in rep powers, they should have used all current 5 reps as a base point, and not begin with taking 50% away.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    My BS in Mathematics would disagree with you. I'm just going to call this trolling and move on...

    Oh, I don't doubt you've got a BS...but I suspect we're not both thinking of the same abbreviation. :P

    Enjoy your Kool-Aid.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    If they wanted to reign in rep powers, they should have used all current 5 reps as a base point, and not begin with taking 50% away.


    If they want to stop the (clearly warranted) howling of "nerf," don't nerf it. Set the cap where it is now, instead of where it would have been if they'd had the integrity (and balls) to pull this stunt 2 reputations ago.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's also incredibly easy to make the argument, "If the needed nerf/update to the reputation powers are so awesome and cool and yet indistinct and unnoticable from how things were before, why do we need the change again?"

    If AdjudicatorHawk is going to say (paraphrasing him), "If we take away 6 nickels and give you 3 dimes, what is lost?"

    Then I will say, "Why did you need to take away the six nickels to begin with, if that's the closest comparison you have to make?"
  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    @ Aloishammer

    don't bother trying to explain it to them, most wont realise what this means until it hits the holodeck. i tried a couple weeks ago and got hit by the same ignorant people that clearly seem to not understand what is happening http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1066541

    they will start screaming when we have then 5 or 7 Reputation systems and still only can slotz 8 passives out of 56 passive choices then. thats right

    currently we have 5 reps on tribble. each with 8 possible passive powers so we have 40 passives over all to chose from.. and now only having 8 slots to fill them..

    ultimately it will lead to a stagnation of the rep system after a while as when you dont get shineys for it it isnt of much use.

    and most people try to say you have more choices.. NO YOU HAVE NOT.. 5 rep systems. 5!!!!! nw we have 1 passive for each tier on the rep that makes 4 passive powers for each rep. in the new system we dont even have 2 passive powers for each rep. NOT EVEN 2

    start using your brain people IT IS A NERF

    Alois is absolutely right , with his maths and with his thinking. i just dont understand how ignorant people can be.. and yes i tested it on tribble it still is bugging the hell out of me that i spent hours on grinding this stuff and now i cant even use the half of the powers i could before.
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Oh, I don't doubt you've got a BS...but I suspect we're not both thinking of the same abbreviation. :P

    Enjoy your Kool-Aid.

    There's this little thing called PR.

    You run a good point, but then you ruin your credibility by slinging insults and phrases like "drink your Kool-aid" and "spin doctors". Why don't you throw in "sheep" as well, like the good hipster you are?

    Are they wasting people's time by limiting currently available options? Yes.
    Will the buffs to powers have to be significant to justify docking all these options by half? Totally.

    Am I going to support you? No. you're an insufferable TRIBBLE.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    And you know what I say to that argument?

    There would still be people like you in Season 15 saying it's better that they do the change now and take away 36 passive powers and 7 active powers than them delaying until Season 25 where you would lose 60 passive powers and 14 actives.

    The whole "It's better to do it now than never" is a very frail argument when you know for a fact Cryptic knew beforehand all of these passives and actives were not infinitely scalable, and they decided to delay a change anyway.

    There is no possible way they could not have known this was going to be an eventuality, and they went through with it anyway, and continue their business of giving out rep projects to get players to grind for them in order to become more powerful.

    And how do we know that? It is pure speculation to state what the devs know and don't know. They could be using the experimentation approach to their game so they plan for a few Reputations and Lockboxes and if they do successful, then create more Reputations and Lockboxes. If the Reputation system was not successful, then they could just go to some other system and we just have a few passive powers that don't change the game much.

    Also, new EP usually means new direction. So Dan Stahl could have not cared about the power creep caused by Reputation passives while Stephen D'Angelo wanted power creep caused by reputation powers reigned in. Plans change over time at any MMO company and the reasons why those plans change are rarely released to us.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    sophus84at wrote: »
    @ Aloishammer

    don't bother trying to explain it to them, most wont realise what this means until it hits the holodeck. i tried a couple weeks ago and got hit by the same ignorant people that clearly seem to not understand what is happening http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1066541

    they will start screaming when we have then 5 or 7 Reputation systems and still only can slotz 8 passives out of 56 passive choices then. thats right

    If this is the case, then Cryptic is going to just make more of a headache for themselves by buffing every rep power in every rep system each time a new rep system comes out, in order to keep the 'power exchange' balanced.

    But we all know that this isn't a likely scenario. This is a one-time buff for all powers when S9 hits, and every subsequent reputation system will simply have more powerful options in order to dangle that carrot in front of us.

    Unless they want to go on record and say that they will continually buff every rep power after each season that introduces a rep system.
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