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New Gravimetric Torp?



  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well the Exp Weap damage was about double that of a turret. My AP with 2x 28.1% consoles were at about 550dps and the Exp Weap was at just over 300dps. The rapid firing rate is making up for much of it. When you use rapid fire it changes from a beam weapon to a cannons shot type, although its a bit faster then the turret I also have in back.

    The torpedo at least is a LOT of fun, although its pull is fairly weak and short lived if you fire at a group and get 2 procs if will snap them all to one spot. The normal torps are not targetable, just the HY one is and its a big fairly slow moving target. Its kind of useless against Voth. Just use the normal or spread against them.

    Voth LOVE to spam GW, Tykens, Aceton drones, and their aoe ability. My fighters get wiped fairly often. The Romulan torpedo is fairly useless, only about 1/3 or 1/4 shots will actually reach their shiips unless you are firing at 1km or less and get lucky.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    Someone posted this on the STO reddit: http://imgur.com/7uIwPsq

    So the set bonuses only affect the damage and crits on photon damage, nothing else. Not a huge change in function IMO.

    But again, the true power of this torp may shine when it's modified with TS (like Romulan plasma) or HY (like Omega plasma), so I'm interested in seeing that specifically.

    I was considering creating a Sci Photon/Gravimetric Photon Torpedo boat build around the set's second and third bonuses. While the Experimental Weapon works within 180 degrees (and could be slotted as a forward weapon) it looks like it might not deliver TSS. This coupled with lower dps (not sure about its dps/300?) and the Experimental Weapon would not be very appealing to me.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    Someone posted this on the STO reddit: http://imgur.com/7uIwPsq

    So the set bonuses only affect the damage and crits on photon damage, nothing else. Not a huge change in function IMO.

    But again, the true power of this torp may shine when it's modified with TS (like Romulan plasma) or HY (like Omega plasma), so I'm interested in seeing that specifically.

    You have misread it. The +3% crit chance is for all weapons.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ikuruyo wrote: »
    You have misread it. The +3% crit chance is for all weapons.

    No, I didn't. I was merely speaking about the set bonus purely in terms of the Gravimetric torpedo (which is the point of my OP BTW).
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    only 300 dps on full power lvls?.....my cannons have over 1300 dps so looks like this will be waste of fore slot
  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    warpet wrote: »
    only 300 dps on full power lvls?.....my cannons have over 1300 dps so looks like this will be waste of fore slot

    324.4 dps sitting at 125 weapon power with maxxed starship weapons and energy weapons.

    The limited arc means its not really something for tacs, maybe for sci.

    -10 weapon power when firing other weapons btw.

    And to Icepiraka the 2 piece set bonus is +22,9% photon projectile weapons dmg and +3% crit chance with all weapons. Its not +22.9% dmg and crit chance for photon projectiles.

    3 piece is +10% crit chance on photon projectiles and +10% crit dmg for all weapons. There is plenty of reason to fit in at least the 2 piece set.

    HY makes a destructable torpedo like plasma torpedos with a 100% chance of making a rift. Spread fires a volley of torps where the first one fired at each target has a 33% chance to cause the rift. The rifts will drag you in as well if you are too close and cause dmg like a GW.

    Some interesting things should happen if you GW a group then hit them with a spread.

    And I see where the confusion occured. The set grants a crit chance for all weapons and more crit chance for photon torpedos. Depending if you have a 2 or 3 piece set.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't have any all energy weapon builds. The build I was (still possibly am) considering the set for currently looks like this:

    3 dual heavy cannons and one quantum torpedo launcher fore, 2 beam arrays and one quantum torpedo launcher aft.

    Commander Tac: Beam: Fire at Will I, Cannon: Scatter Volley I, Torpedo: Spread III, Cannon: Rapid Fire III
    Lt.-Cmdr. Eng: Engineering Team I, Emergency Power to Shields II, Reverse Shield Polarity II
    Lieutenant Eng: Engineering Team I, Emergency Power to Shields II
    Lieutenant Sci: Science Team I, Hazard Emitters II
    Ensign Tac: Tactical Team I

    If the experimental weapon had been a turret I could have replaced one of my beam arrays with it to cover the whole 360? sphre around my ship with FaW and have another weapon to fire forward. With a single cannon I probably lose frontal damage. I could maybe replace one of the aft beam arrays with a turret to compensate, but then aesthetics bite me in the butt (yes, I'm one of the few people who cares about them) with photon torpedoes, protonic cannon and a protonic polaron turret (why waste the boost to proton damage) all firing from the same hardpoint.

    That is one of the most horrible builds I ever saw in this game.

    A : Do not use beam arrays or torpedoes on the rear unless you are using front beam arrays, or maybe single cannons. Use 3 turrets (or cutting beam) with any Dual forward build.

    B: You got 4 teams. With the shared cooldown, having more than 2 of those is a waste.

    The set seems good for a photon torpedo centered build, but that's it. If you plan on having a semi-torp boat build, it maybe okey.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    That is one of the most horrible builds I ever saw in this game.

    It made first place in Crystalline Catastrophe (almost) every time. That's good enough for me. Also, you seem to be new or oblivious if you think it's one of the worst.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    A : Do not use beam arrays or torpedoes on the rear unless you are using front beam arrays, or maybe single cannons. Use 3 turrets (or cutting beam) with any Dual forward build.

    Beams in the rear with FaW can protect a pretty big part of the ship from HYT plasma and mines and also deliver nasty punches on flyby attacks. The latter is also true for the aft torpedo, nothing beats turning around after and attack run and hitting the bare hull with more torpedos. And I have absolutely zero interest in seeing tiny turret pulses coming from my torpedo emitters between the big DHC-shots
    tpalelena wrote: »
    B: You got 4 teams. With the shared cooldown, having more than 2 of those is a waste.

    Teams are situational skills, you use them when you need them, not when they get off cooldown. Tactical Team gets rid of boarding parties and can quickly redistribute your shields, science team clears subnukes and jam sensors and engineering team is a decent hull heal that can bring offline systems back online. No one in his right minds cycles two teams except maybe two tacticals for the shield redistribution, but that's what conn officers are there for or two engineering teams when you quickly need to regenerate hull while HE is on cooldown.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It made first place in Crystalline Catastrophe (almost) every time. That's good enough for me. Also, you seem to be new or oblivious if you think it's one of the worst.

    You say that as if it is a big deal. Trust me, its not.
    And I have been around since the game came out, and yeah it is still a bad one.
    Beams in the rear with FaW can protect a pretty big part of the ship from HYT plasma and mines and also deliver nasty punches on flyby attacks. The latter is also true for the aft torpedo, nothing beats turning around after and attack run and hitting the bare hull with more torpedos. And I have absolutely zero interest in seeing tiny turret pulses coming from my torpedo emitters between the big DHC-shots

    If you are not facing your target with your DHCs, you are not justifying your existence. Turrets are also good for the borg superplasma torps, but they also do damage when you are facing the enemy. What you should be like, doing.
    Teams are situational skills, you use them when you need them, not when they get off cooldown. Tactical Team gets rid of boarding parties and can quickly redistribute your shields, science team clears subnukes and jam sensors and engineering team is a decent hull heal that can bring offline systems back online. No one in his right minds cycles two teams except maybe two tacticals for the shield redistribution, but that's what conn officers are there for or two engineering teams when you quickly need to regenerate hull while HE is on cooldown.

    There is no enemy in game that is a danger and uses subnukes. If you need bridge officer powers to defeat a couple of breen ships, than that is just a weak build.
    HE should be enough for all your hull heal needs, if not, Aux to Structural is what you need.
    If it is not enough, than your shields are down way too much.
    The only enemy that does much subsystem disabling is the terrans and the tholians. Again its just an annoyance, you should still be able to waste them without taking any hull damage. Plus EPT powers work on them much better.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ikuruyo wrote: »
    And to Icepiraka the 2 piece set bonus is +22,9% photon projectile weapons dmg and +3% crit chance with all weapons. Its not +22.9% dmg and crit chance for photon projectiles.

    3 piece is +10% crit chance on photon projectiles and +10% crit dmg for all weapons. There is plenty of reason to fit in at least the 2 piece set.

    HY makes a destructable torpedo like plasma torpedos with a 100% chance of making a rift. Spread fires a volley of torps where the first one fired at each target has a 33% chance to cause the rift. The rifts will drag you in as well if you are too close and cause dmg like a GW.

    Some interesting things should happen if you GW a group then hit them with a spread.

    And I see where the confusion occured. The set grants a crit chance for all weapons and more crit chance for photon torpedos. Depending if you have a 2 or 3 piece set.

    Quit patronizing me, I KNOW what I read!

    If you had read through the topic, you'd have noticed that ladymyajha was wondering whether or not the set piece bonuses changed the function of the Gravimetric torpedo. I responded with the Reddit post of the console, and speaking with respect to the Gravimetric torpedo, I noticed that the set bonuses only add damage and crit chance/severity to that torpedo. So I concluded that no, the set bonuses do not influence the functionality of the Gravimetric torpedo, or at least not in a significant way.

    For my own build, I see absolutely no reason to add any of these set bonuses, only the torpedo.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    You say that as if it is a big deal. Trust me, its not.
    And I have been around since the game came out, and yeah it is still a bad one.

    Hard to believe, considering that I have seen all kinds of skittles and full turret builds in the same time.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    If you are not facing your target with your DHCs, you are not justifying your existence. Turrets are also good for the borg superplasma torps, but they also do damage when you are facing the enemy. What you should be like, doing.

    Well excuse me for playing my escorts like the Defiant from Star Trek DS9 (fun fact, this is the exact weapon layout it had), you know, one of the shows this game is based on. If I want to play battleship I take pencil and paper.:rolleyes: Maybe you should too, it's cheaper. And with turrets you actually have to target torpedoes. FaW just clears them.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    There is no enemy in game that is a danger and uses subnukes. If you need bridge officer powers to defeat a couple of breen ships, than that is just a weak build.

    There's a difference between "need" and "want". I don't "need" to quickly clear debuffs, but I "want" to.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    HE should be enough for all your hull heal needs, if not, Aux to Structural is what you need.

    I'm one of those horrible, horrible people who actually like to waste their Hazard Emitters on team mates who need it in STFs, even if the tactical cube switches to me a second later and then barely anyone returns that courtesy. And Aux to Structural is an annoyingly low-powered heal, I have better things to do than spam TRIBBLE like that.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    If it is not enough, than your shields are down way too much.

    Or there are too many shield ignoring DoTs.
    tpalelena wrote: »
    The only enemy that does much subsystem disabling is the terrans and the tholians. Again its just an annoyance, you should still be able to waste them without taking any hull damage. Plus EPT powers work on them much better.

    Again, sure I could just wait till my weapons go online again. But I don't "want" to, and I don't "need" to.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • undyingzeroundyingzero Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    And Aux to Structural is an annoyingly low-powered heal, I have better things to do than spam TRIBBLE like that.

    You DO realize that Aux2SIF's cooldown is 15 seconds as opposed to HE's 45 seconds and Engi Team's 30 seconds, right? And you do realize that not only does Aux2Sif give you a hull heal, it gives you a DAMAGE RESISTANCE BUFF? That's pretty significant, no matter how 'annoyingly low-powered' it is. You can spam it twice in the time it takes you to use Engi Team and heals for about the same if not more than it, and you can spam it about thrice in the time it takes you to use HE again. Also, again, none of those hull heals give you a damage resistance buff on top of the actual heal.

    If you think Aux2SIF's heal is low, use Aux2SIF III.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You DO realize that Aux2SIF's cooldown is 15 seconds as opposed to HE's 45 seconds and Engi Team's 30 seconds, right?

    I know. That's what makes it spammable. There are are already enough buffs I constantly cycle, I prefer my hull heals either being one-off HoTs like HE or heal a decent chunk of hull at once like Engineering Team. And with two I can cycle Engineering Team in emergencies which provides better healing.
    And you do realize that not only does Aux2Sif give you a hull heal, it gives you a DAMAGE RESISTANCE BUFF?

    So does, Hazard Emitters, even if it's smaller, and my hull isn't that breakable.
    That's pretty significant, no matter how 'annoyingly low-powered' it is.

    No, it isn't. As far as I remember resistance has diminishing returns.
    You can spam it twice in the time it takes you to use Engi Team and heals for about the same if not more than it,

    Unless you have incredibly high Aux, it heals less, and I have one of those annoying singularity cores, I have to press a button two times instead of once, it doesn't clear subsystem targeting or viral matrix etc.
    and you can spam it about thrice in the time it takes you to use HE again. Also, again, none of those hull heals give you a damage resistance buff on top of the actual heal.

    Press a button three times instead of once, NOT clean DoTs or the Borg shield neutralizer of my ship, and HE does give damage resistance.
    If you think Aux2SIF's heal is low, use Aux2SIF III.

    And drop RSP II? Thanks, I prefer keeping up the shield that protects my hull.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I just got the torp yesterday and enjoying it. I am playing around with tac consoles now. I'm running it on my Corvette, more later.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    its pull and pull range is very weak :(
  • jrwithjrwith Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    any chance it works with the nadeon detonator? that would be awesome
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    To begin to answer the OP's original question. I am running a Phonic Torpedo Corvette with TS1 and HYT2 and 3.

    HY produces a destructible torpedo. I am not sure if the Gravity Well (GW) itself is influenced by HY.

    TS produces groups of torps of which, according to prior patch notes, the first torpedo has a chance to trigger a GW. I think I have seen procs from two of the three groups of torpedoes before.

    The GW effect looks like a HY Chroniton Torpedo explosion except red in color.

    As it states on the tool tip the GW damages anything that it contacts, including your ship. I believe that it also states that Particle Generators effect the damage. If this GW operates as others do then Graviton Generators would effect duration.

    I am a Sci, and while I'd like like the GW to do more damage, it does some for the short period of time it is up.

    Tactics wise, It is nice when you drop a HYT, then hit the opponent with regular gravimetric torpedoes and both proc. For added pleasure dropping a HY Chroniton from the rear as you fly by adds fun to the party.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I just got the torp yesterday and enjoying it. I am playing around with tac consoles now. I'm running it on my Corvette, more later.
    warpet wrote: »
    its pull and pull range is very weak :(

    Any more info on these? If these don't 'really' pull enemies, what is the (potential) DoT damage on them? as a sci cc'er, I'd love to spam as much chaos as possible...

    Edit: just missed the response by seconds!
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    As it states on the tool tip the GW damages anything that it contacts, including your ship.

    Seriously? So you need to make sure this is ranged whenever you use it, or is the DoT so small it really doesn't matter? I'd hate to DoT teammates inadvertently....
  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    cowdoc0077 wrote: »
    Seriously? So you need to make sure this is ranged whenever you use it, or is the DoT so small it really doesn't matter? I'd hate to DoT teammates inadvertently....

    Most of the time with weapons like this that dmg your ship it will not affect your allies. Examples are Tricobalts and the Romulan plamsa torpedo, fire them from too close and you get hit but hit an enemy next to an ally and they will take nothing.

    The pull can be fairly weak but if you hit a group with a spread and it proccs on more then 1 the combined pull can be enough to drag anything near into it. The dmg I was seeing was 800-1000 dmg/sec per GW effect for the duration.

    It was normally fairly easy to fire it from enough distance and the dmg from it is not so severe that it will kill you, the area of effect seemed to be about 1-2km.
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ikuruyo wrote: »
    Most of the time with weapons like this that dmg your ship it will not affect your allies. Examples are Tricobalts and the Romulan plamsa torpedo, fire them from too close and you get hit but hit an enemy next to an ally and they will take nothing.

    The pull can be fairly weak but if you hit a group with a spread and it proccs on more then 1 the combined pull can be enough to drag anything near into it. The dmg I was seeing was 800-1000 dmg/sec per GW effect for the duration.

    It was normally fairly easy to fire it from enough distance and the dmg from it is not so severe that it will kill you, the area of effect seemed to be about 1-2km.

    Excellent; Thanks for that info!
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    cowdoc0077 wrote: »
    Seriously? So you need to make sure this is ranged whenever you use it, or is the DoT so small it really doesn't matter? I'd hate to DoT teammates inadvertently....

    I usually do not, and I usually am the player strafing up to and by the target. The affected area is very small.

    Nice that you are being thoughtful of teammates. It is DoA (Damage over Area), and I always fly straight through if I ever intersect with my Rift. The damage never drops my hull out of it's green condition.

    I've only seen it drag one maybe two other very close by ships-I would not count on that aspect of the power.

    I see the power as more of a hold Area DoT on a single unit. If other ships get drawn in that is a bonus. I do not have anything empirical at the moment but I have seen both medium and small amounts of hull damage to medium and small ships.

    I'd stick by the tool tips regarding damage to all that contact it and treat it like plasma, in the sense that the damage could affect anyone while the well is active.

    Note: HY might not guarantee a Gravimetric Rift, I noticed one torpedo not proc. Perhaps it was destroyed last minute. My HY3 Rift is powerful and has considerably damaged my Corvette. I wish more ship build missions were up in the Foundry, I really want to practice attack runs solo with this ship. If you can proc two rifts from a distance then drop a HY that procs you will do considerable damage to medium and large (not boss) targets. I am really enjoying this torpedo. Thank you Cryptic.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the Borg Omega Torpedo is staying on my tac Oddy after trying out this torpedo on Holodeck.
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