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A Guide to Torpedo Boats



  • dpsloss88dpsloss88 Member Posts: 765 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. The quote was because I thought it was funny not because I dispute that Engineers suck...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    edit: Meh, I'll edit it so they don't have to...lalalala.


    You start off with what appears to be a compliment. You follow that with an insult. You then question what the OP stated. Your next line...given the previous paragraph...

    ...it's not reading comprehension.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ok, I've set up my Sci in a Fleet T'Varo, with the aim of turning it into a torpedo boat. Some observations:

    1. Having more than two mines really is not advised. Hell I actually wonder if having more than one is advised. But I don't really know what to put in the aft weapon slots. Probably the rom hyperplasma and the Breen cluster torp when I get them, plus a single mine.

    2. Is there any recommended spacebar keybinds that work well for torp boats? I've been using the hilbert guide spacebar.txt for all my characters, which works for all of them except for this one. So I might have to custom edit the keybind. In the mean time, I've made shift+space fire torpedoes as a stopgap measure.

    3. I've only fooled around in soloplay and it does seem pretty strong. Even mixing torpedo types doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Ultimate test will be to take this ship into eSTFs.

    4. It seems launching the big red blob of doom will take some thought.

    5. I'm trying to think what boff abilities I need. Though it's there I keep forgeting to cast tachyon beam 3, which might indicate something else could stand to be put in there, like PO3, grav well or tykens or something. I dunno.

    This seems like a really interesting and fun way to play the game. Thanks for posting this thread!
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »

    I don't have the Corvette (hence my questions about does its console share cooldowns with anything, how does its damage scale) so I can't actually test it.

    Something to note is that having speed alone isn't a big deal. Having a good turn rate is more valuable when it comes to turning to your aft weapons. Also, flying at max speed 100% of the time isn't always good, since you could do something like fly out of your tractor beam's (if you have one) effective range. Don't be afraid to throttle down sometimes, it won't execute your Defense value a huge amount.

    If I were to take a guess, assuming the Wake console shares no cooldowns with EWP or Theta, and assuming it doesn't assume manual control over your throttle setting, I'd imagine a good tactic would be to make a direct pass over your enemies; reduce speed to about 1/2 or 1/4 impulse (so your plasma clouds don't become diluted when you activate your Wake), activate EWP and Wake or Theta and Wake as you are flying into them, and lastly drop mines and aft torpedoes as you pass overhead. At this point your enemies should be severely slowed and be cooking inside of your Wake and Cloud effects, and soon your aft weapons should hit. Then resume forward torpedo fire.

    And no, they changed the Embassy consoles again at some point. I just checked, and they do boost DoTs of plasma projectiles (it's not a lot, but it's there).

    Do you mean builds for the Intrepid or STF builds in general? I'd find the intrepid a hard ship to use a torpedo boat because it's significantly lacking in tac slots, unless you're willing to forgo dual TT. Still, it would seem a bit of a struggle to use one if you wanted to put out some decent weapon damage.

    If you could suggest general STF torp boat builds I'd appreciate that. Thanks so much.

    Sorry, it sounded as if you had a Corvette. From what I remember Wake lasted 5-10 seconds, had a 2 or 3 minute cool down and had the added effect of pushing the target away from you, thus I used it in conjunction with tractor beam. My aft weapons were a mixture of spike and consistent damage torpedoes, in part because of the length of Wake. Wake's long cd, power duplication (Evasive maneuvers gives a decent boost) and situational use as a weapon pushed me to use the slot for other consoles.

    I never tested what could increase Wake's damage, and unfortunately I do not have the Theta console.
    I do not remember any shared cool downs from Wake but a speed boost power would make sense.

    Given Eject Warp plasma's shield bypass abilities I may have to swap out Aceton Beam and try it again. It could provide another control power. I've not been happy with my choices for that Engineer slot.

    Agreed, higher turn rates puts torpedo sights on targets sooner. I should have realized I should drop a copy of TT on my Intrepid earlier, thank for reminding me that Torp Boats are dependent on Tact slots.

    On a side note, I went looking for an Elite Warp Core to use for my torp. boat build. I noticed that there is no Aux to Shield [AMP (+3.x weapon damage for each subsystem over 75)] warp core. I think an Aux to Shield [AMP] core would be good for some torpedo boat builds.

    There is a Aux to Shield core that gives 1% chance to boost weapons power, but it is labeled E to S.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    stofsk wrote: »
    Ok, I've set up my Sci in a Fleet T'Varo, with the aim of turning it into a torpedo boat. Some observations:

    1. Having more than two mines really is not advised. Hell I actually wonder if having more than one is advised. But I don't really know what to put in the aft weapon slots. Probably the rom hyperplasma and the Breen cluster torp when I get them, plus a single mine.
    Because of the timing, you are basically going to start launching your heavy torps at 9k and try to be done with everything and breaking off before you get within 3k. You dont want to fly over/under your target when the heavy tricobalt or orange ball hit at the same time. So, knowing that you will have to turn away from your target, you can incorporate this into your loadout and put more torpedoes in the aft if you want to do it, but they need to be pretty fast, since they need to meet up with the others.

    Right now I am using the web mines and tractor mines and KCB in the aft, in the hope that they will be strategic, but as above I am also starting to think that I may just slot more torps back there.

    I have been training on the crystaline entity and some ISE runs
    2. Is there any recommended spacebar keybinds that work well for torp boats? I've been using the hilbert guide spacebar.txt for all my characters, which works for all of them except for this one. So I might have to custom edit the keybind. In the mean time, I've made shift+space fire torpedoes as a stopgap measure.
    I dont run anything on mine. You dont need EPtS and TT and all that stuff if you are coming in cloaked. The stuff I do activate like sensor scan is all done manually.
    5. I'm trying to think what boff abilities I need. Though it's there I keep forgeting to cast tachyon beam 3, which might indicate something else could stand to be put in there, like PO3, grav well or tykens or something. I dunno.
    In CC typically activate GW1 to clump them all up. I do it a few seconds before starting the run so that everything has time to get sucked in, then fire sensor scan immediately before spamming the torps.

    1v1 you will want tractor beam instead so you dont waste the GW. Some other things that seem like they might be useful are scramble sensors and photonic shockwave (stun), but those require some expensive science skills to get full duration. I am still thinking about this too.

    One other thing I've found is that the singularity tray is removed from most action since it only charges up while uncloaked and firing weapons.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    One other thing I've found is that the singularity tray is removed from most action since it only charges up while uncloaked and firing weapons.

    That's not entirely accurate; you will always generate singularity charge while at red alert, even while under EBC, though if you're are a pure spiking ship, then yes, you probably won't have enough time to accumulate charge. But I don't play that way, so I get plenty of use from the singularity abilities (except Singularity Overcharge of course).

    Also, what's with all of the KCBs? They do kinetic damage, yes, but they're energy weapons! They run off of weapons power. They pull you out of EBC. Unless I missed something, I don't get it...
    stofsk wrote: »
    2. Is there any recommended spacebar keybinds that work well for torp boats? I've been using the hilbert guide spacebar.txt for all my characters, which works for all of them except for this one. So I might have to custom edit the keybind. In the mean time, I've made shift+space fire torpedoes as a stopgap measure.

    For my playstyle, I've bound 1 to activate EM and the DPT when I want to make a spiking run. 2 activates DPB and all THY copies. 3 cycles all hull tanking buffs (Dual HE, Dual PH, Dual APD, Aux2SIF). It's not perfect, but it works decently for me.
    dpsloss88 wrote: »
    I question your use of PH over APO, is there really that much advantage for APD over APO, which gives both offense and defensive abilities?

    I like PH and APD because they're great for hull tanking in my T'varo, and they have a better uptime than APO for continuous cycling. Sure, APO is great for spiking, but that's not 100% my playstyle. APD is also a great counter to being tagged by cruiser FAW APB spam. Also, I just love casting out APD on my aceton assimilators. :D
    If you could suggest general STF torp boat builds I'd appreciate that. Thanks so much.

    Given your fondness for the Intrepid, I've thought up of an STF build for it: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=intrepidplasmastftorps_0

    Given the latest patches, Gravity Well is back! TBR is also nice for damage to stationary objects and fat heavy borg Cubes, and good for CC as long as you aren't trolling your team. The extra Tractor Beam is kinda filler, you could kinda put anything there: Some Jam Sensors or SS, more heals if you feel squishy, Tachyon Beam for the Crystalline entity, etc. The mine launcher is also kinda excess, you could definitely put a beam array there if you wanted one. I've slotted the Ablative Generator, though a Neutronium would work well there too.

    For Elite Warp cores, a Reinforced Core which transfers Aux to Shields is probably you best choice. On non-warbirds, the [CON] modifier (1% for weapon power) is worthless for a torp boat, since that's power you're not using at all. You're probably best off with AMP, as I'm guessing you'll probably have at least Shields and Aux over 75.

    And Virus, you just reminded me of what else (I believe) turns off HE: VM and PSW! Another reason why scis are the kings of plasma.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    And Virus, you just reminded me of what else (I believe) turns off HE: VM and PSW! Another reason why scis are the kings of plasma.

    I didn't think killing Aux killed an HE in progress - only stopped/delayed them from starting it. Hrmm, will have to look at that.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    Also, what's with all of the KCBs? They do kinetic damage, yes, but they're energy weapons! They run off of weapons power. They pull you out of EBC. Unless I missed something, I don't get it...
    They dont pull you out of EBC and will only fire if you are already out of it. The reason(s) I kept mine was I wanted an energy weapon for emergency situations, and it seemed like the best choice considering the 360 degree firing arc plus the 2-pc bonus with the console.

    It doesnt seem to be very useful though, and I think I would be better off moving the Hargh'peng to its slot in the rear, just need to figure out something to replace it with in the front.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, I meant that you would have to pull yourself out of cloak to use it.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hrmm, I can't remember if STOwiki's right or not (and can't check in game at the moment), but what's the proc% on the 3pc with the KCB, Hyper, Borg?
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »

    Given your fondness for the Intrepid, I've thought up of an STF build for it: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=intrepidplasmastftorps_0

    Given the latest patches, Gravity Well is back! TBR is also nice for damage to stationary objects and fat heavy borg Cubes, and good for CC as long as you aren't trolling your team. The extra Tractor Beam is kinda filler, you could kinda put anything there: Some Jam Sensors or SS, more heals if you feel squishy, Tachyon Beam for the Crystalline entity, etc. The mine launcher is also kinda excess, you could definitely put a beam array there if you wanted one. I've slotted the Ablative Generator, though a Neutronium would work well there too.

    For Elite Warp cores, a Reinforced Core which transfers Aux to Shields is probably you best choice. On non-warbirds, the [CON] modifier (1% for weapon power) is worthless for a torp boat, since that's power you're not using at all. You're probably best off with AMP, as I'm guessing you'll probably have at least Shields and Aux over 75.

    I hope they develop a Elite Aux to Shields [AMP] Core. Thanks for the effort and information on an STF build; I eSTF in my Corvette, but some of your prior philosophical build principles can be applied. My Intrepid is set it up as a drain boat and shield weakener with an AMP core; synergy is important but plasma DoT would be interesting.

    I'm not and never have been a fan of plasma, in part because of resists to it. I also wonder about how effective it is against STF structures, but I'm re-examining it in part because of your philosophy. Thanks again for the insights.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • icepirakaicepiraka Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    I hope they develop a Elite Aux to Shields [AMP] Core. Thanks for the effort and information on an STF build; I eSTF in my Corvette, but some of your prior philosophical build principles can be applied. My Intrepid is set it up as a drain boat and shield weakener with an AMP core; synergy is important but plasma DoT would be interesting.

    I'm not and never have been a fan of plasma, in part because of resists to it. I also wonder about how effective it is against STF structures, but I'm re-examining it in part because of your philosophy. Thanks again for the insights.

    I believe you're under a severe misconception. The "plasma" resists on STF shields/Elite Fleet Shieds (I believe) only apply to Energy Weapon damage. They don't apply to plasma torpedoes, because they deal kinetic damage, not plasma energy damage. Plus they don't apply to the torpedo DoT, because it's shield bypassing.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    I believe you're under a severe misconception. The "plasma" resists on STF shields/Elite Fleet Shieds (I believe) only apply to Energy Weapon damage. They don't apply to plasma torpedoes, because they deal kinetic damage, not plasma energy damage. Plus they don't apply to the torpedo DoT, because it's shield bypassing.

    LOL! I appreciate the concern and note and given the subject of torpedoes, I can see the misunderstanding. But seriously, the spirit is appreciated.

    From what I have read the resists only do apply to energy weapons, which I was using, and this was part of my reluctance to use plasma. With torps, I'll try plasma out as a shield by-passer.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    icepiraka wrote: »
    For my playstyle, I've bound 1 to activate EM and the DPT when I want to make a spiking run. 2 activates DPB and all THY copies. 3 cycles all hull tanking buffs (Dual HE, Dual PH, Dual APD, Aux2SIF). It's not perfect, but it works decently for me.
    I edited my spacebar.txt and replaced 'firephasers' with 'firetorps' and renamed a copy to spacebar torp build. It works for me. :)
    I like PH and APD because they're great for hull tanking in my T'varo, and they have a better uptime than APO for continuous cycling. Sure, APO is great for spiking, but that's not 100% my playstyle. APD is also a great counter to being tagged by cruiser FAW APB spam. Also, I just love casting out APD on my aceton assimilators. :D
    I made a thread not too long about about APD. I've been using APB for my torp boat, since that seems more effective.

    One thing I've noticed is that autofire prevents my being able to fire my big blob of doom.
    Because of the timing, you are basically going to start launching your heavy torps at 9k and try to be done with everything and breaking off before you get within 3k. You dont want to fly over/under your target when the heavy tricobalt or orange ball hit at the same time. So, knowing that you will have to turn away from your target, you can incorporate this into your loadout and put more torpedoes in the aft if you want to do it, but they need to be pretty fast, since they need to meet up with the others.

    Right now I am using the web mines and tractor mines and KCB in the aft, in the hope that they will be strategic, but as above I am also starting to think that I may just slot more torps back there.
    I find the cooldown on mines makes slotting even two of them a little awkward. I'm thinking of putting the Breen clustertorp back there when I get around to getting it.

    Also is it me, or are transphasics ridiculously effective? I'm gonna have to disagree with Icepiraka about torpedo spread vs high yield. A volley of transphasics that are guaranteed to hit seem to do some really nice damage. But maybe my perceptions are skewed, since plasma is also effective. (I currently use both - main reason why was because I have purple MK XI consoles for both but not enough for one without having to spend heaps of EC or crafting blue ones with dilth)
    I dont run anything on mine. You dont need EPtS and TT and all that stuff if you are coming in cloaked. The stuff I do activate like sensor scan is all done manually.
    Well I put stuff like TS and APB on my keybind tray, since it's nice to activate those automatically. Then again, I don't really use the EBC that much. I mean that I don't use it on all the time, I tend to drop in and out of cloak for decloak alpha purposes.
    In CC typically activate GW1 to clump them all up. I do it a few seconds before starting the run so that everything has time to get sucked in, then fire sensor scan immediately before spamming the torps.

    1v1 you will want tractor beam instead so you dont waste the GW. Some other things that seem like they might be useful are scramble sensors and photonic shockwave (stun), but those require some expensive science skills to get full duration. I am still thinking about this too.
    I'm considering PO thanks to Mimey's thread about it, but I just realised that would mean having to eventually equip the MACO set, when I had AMACO in mind for this character. GW is also on the shortlist for the reasons you mentioned, and I've already got a tractor beam with purple doff, but I find with transphasics and plasmas the shield drain isn't even that important. It's more useful holding people for the beachball (and maybe for any high yields if I decide to slot that in and try it out).

    One possibility, and I don't know if this would be a waste or not, is to double up on the healing powers. I'm already running full aux power. Or maybe FBP, but I mainly PVE.
    One other thing I've found is that the singularity tray is removed from most action since it only charges up while uncloaked and firing weapons.
    It charges up for me normally, but I don't use EBC all that much. I acknowledge that I might not be properly capitalising on one of the T'Varo's chief advantages. :)
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm not sure if these are the type of builds that belongs here,
    the idea is to stay cloaked at all time and for the torpedoes to be always be firing, so the cd must be small, please also read the note, I have just copied each post cmdrskyfaller made on his bop torpedo boat.

    I'm looking for info on how to update each build, eg:

    skill planner
    boffs stations skills
    and to lower the cd with new powerful torpedoes.

    any help would be great thx, energy weapons are not used as they decloak the ship, but I may change my mind.

    cmdrskyfaller last know build,


    again all thanks goes to Cmdrskyfaller for his info and work on making this a B'rel torpedo boat build, which he helped me with.

    Using rep weapons here are science and a tactical builds

    balanced bomber


    plasma bomber


    here is his bop in action.

  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yeah he was inspirational on my build too. He is probably still around somewhere--a couple of those build plans show Nukara web mines, which means he was grinding rep somewhat recently.

    The youtube video is misleading, since they are using the pre-nerf Tricobalt mines. Actually it shows pretty good evidence of why those mines were nerfed.
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yeah he was inspirational on my build too. He is probably still around somewhere--a couple of those build plans show Nukara web mines, which means he was grinding rep somewhat recently.

    The youtube video is misleading, since they are using the pre-nerf Tricobalt mines. Actually it shows pretty good evidence of why those mines were nerfed.

    sorry I should of said it was me that uploaded these builds to stoacademy's skillplanner.
    I just copied info that cmdrskyfaller stated and it was me that added the Nukara web mines.
    the video was before the pre-nerf Tricobalt mines

    here is some good setup that cmdrskyfaller posted that may help for this guide.
    all thanks goes to cmdrskyfaller

    shield/engine/deflector setups:

    Reman engine and deflector with KHG shields- plasma bomber
    KHG shield and engine with omega deflector. - balanced bomber
    Reman shield and engine with omega deflector. - plasma crit bomber.

    Either three works depending on your playstyle.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Fantastic guide! I had started toying with the idea of a strong torp boat the other day.

    I re-kitted my Ar'Kif retrofit with a number of different torps: chroniton, quantum, plasma, transphasic, and photon. However, I did not understand how much of an impact PWoffs has on the firing rate of torps. I also discovered first hand that beating down someone's shields is not an easy task. Also, I was doing this with a skill point system that was very energy heavy. Despite all this the Ar'Kif performed alright. I manged to get some kills in one of the Tau Dewa patrol missions. I then read this guide and went to re-kit my warbird again, and noticed that my Talvath-class temporal destroyer looked like it was comparable to the Ar'Kif retrofit. After a quick comparison on the STO wiki, I found that the Talvath actually had a better setup than the Ar'Kif (forgive the tac captain). Although I'm not done with it, here is what I have:

    Talvath-class Temporal Destroyer
    Fore weapons: Breen Cluster Torpedo, 3 Rapid Fire Transphasic Torpedos
    Aft weapons: 2 purple Mk XI Transphasic Torpedoes, purple Mk XI Transphasic mines
    Deflector, Engine, Shields: Breen Set
    Warp Core: Obelisk Warp Core (from Sphere of Influence)
    Eng Con: purple Mk XI Neutronium Armor, empty slot
    Sci Con: Rule 62, Tachyokinetic convertor, purple Mk XI Field Emitter, purple Mk XI Shield Emitter Amplifier
    Tac Con: 4 purple Mk XI Transphasic Compressors

    I've re-speced my skills and threw most of it into projectiles, hull, and shields. I'm trying to aquire the zero-point and adapted consoles still. I'm still working on getting two more Rapid Fire Transphasics. I got to fly it for the first time last night and all I can say is wow. Any question of the efficacy of a torpedo boat is gone out of my mind! It is a little more difficult to fly than my normal builds, as it obviously lacks energy weapons. A lot of HY, TS, and DPB all helped clean house during the missions. My one bane last night was tractor mines. Before I would hit FAW and clear them out, but with this setup its a lot harder. Does anyone know the counter to a tractor beam?

    All in all, I think the guide brought out a lot of good points and had a lot of good suggestions on how to outfit a torpedo boat. Well done!
  • kotvogelkotvogel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hi everyone!
    I hope this is the right place to ask. I'm new to STO (character is lv50 though) but i found the concept of a torpedo-boat very interesting.
    Now i was curious what kind of "gear-standart" is necessary to somewhat play this effectively. I already tried out a cannon-based setup (i'm flying a regular Ha'feh) and that worked decently even with white gear.
    I'd hate to "gimp" other peoples game-experience with a setup that is very subpar, so i'd like to know what the "minimum" requirements (if that can be said) for a decent torpedo boat build would look like.
    Thank you very much!
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kotvogel wrote: »
    Hi everyone!
    I hope this is the right place to ask. I'm new to STO (character is lv50 though) but i found the concept of a torpedo-boat very interesting.
    Now i was curious what kind of "gear-standart" is necessary to somewhat play this effectively. I already tried out a cannon-based setup (i'm flying a regular Ha'feh) and that worked decently even with white gear.
    I'd hate to "gimp" other peoples game-experience with a setup that is very subpar, so i'd like to know what the "minimum" requirements (if that can be said) for a decent torpedo boat build would look like.
    Thank you very much!

    I guess "minimum" depends on what you want to go for, what kind of captain you have, and the kind of ship you have. In general, you'll need:

    - A torp loadout, I've found that transphasics work well when you're by yourself. You want to be able to accomplish two things with your torp setup 1) apply some kind of consistent damage to your opponent(s) so I use the Rapid Reload Transphasic torpedoes (assuming a tranny setup). Note that you want these torps to apply as much damage as possible so fill all of your tac console slots with the appropriate booster (transphasic compressor in this case. Put the highest mark you can get your hands on and make sure they're at least green, although blue or purple would be better.). 2) Have something that you can use to really lay on the dmg, one forward and at least one aft (I have a Breen Cluster torp up front and transphasic mines in back. This is how you really hurt your opponent).

    - An engine/deflector/shield set that will enhance your ability to deal damage and take it. That may sound a little trite, but you want items that will enhance your already potent abilities. For example, the Breen set will give you a nice boost to your transphasic damage. I've heard that the MACO set from the Omega rep system is great, but I'm not that high in the rep system.

    - You will also need, and this ties back to a previous statement, a series of consoles that will help you boost your ability to damage (dmg type/crits) and your ability to defend yourself (shields/hull/engine power/turn rate/etc...). The Zero-point energy console from the Rom rep system and the Adapted module console from the Omega rep system are favorites. Also, the Rule 62 and Tachyokinetic convertor consoles from the Lobi store are also handy.

    - This next one is ESSENTIAL to an effective torp boat. You need to load up duty officers (Doffs), three if you got them, that are Projectile Weapons Officers (PWOffs). These guys provide a 20% chance to reduce the cooldown time for a torpedo by a certain amount (depends on the rarity of the officer, but the purple ones reduce cooldowns by 5 seconds per time their ability is invoked, which can be quite often). I think you can earn one from one of the Nimbus missions for free. I don't know if you can troll mission a couple of times to get three PWoffs or not. I know that I have a couple of the same character on my Doffs, but I got those from duty packs. Purple PWoffs are worth their weight in unobtainium.

    These are just a few things, but should get you started. Hope this helped!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I apologize if it was already mentioned in the thread (I doubly apologize if I was the one that mentioned it here or elsewhere - ahem, wouldn't be the first time I had a senile moment)...

    Bio-Molecular Warhead Launcher

    Has anybody noticed these are not modified by Photon Consoles?

    It's listed as a modified Photon (for the life of me, I can't remember if it ever was modified - though, stowiki does list it as a console that boosts it)...but slot a Photon Tac Console, check the info from the Skills Available window and nada. Slot a Warhead, and tada. Slot the Photon and nada. Slot a Warhead and tada.

    I ask if it is supposed to be or not...given the new Dyson set that modifies Photons...and well, yeah - just wondering if it's supposed to be or not.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am also new and playing in klingon space on my first go. Not quite level 30, I naturally and quickly moved to a torp boat build after finding some launchers and liked the result.

    I actually think that torp builds are very, very over powered at lower levels. One of 3 very basic strategies has won nearly every fight.... brute force (works on weak groups) of just blasting each enemy in turn, The plasma surprise (one tough target) --- this is simply cloaking in to about 9.5 range, killing the engine, and firing all weapons autofire. The enemy zooms up to you about the time his shield is getting weak, and is hit by about 12 plasma mines that were building up behind you... and 3, for the really bad stuff, kiting on the edge of weapon range to slowly wear them down.

    After you start getting level 5 weapons, you will have plasma torps and mines, which are outstanding so far (the NPC level up guys do not remove the damage or not often).

    So to answer .... you will not be weak in this build at lower levels, though it may be difficult to manage it in your first ship, by the second one you will be able to destroy anything in normal mode without issues.
  • cepholapoidcepholapoid Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey, just dropping in again with an updated build. With the new gravimetric torp I thought I'd through it on and see how it does, and I'm very glad I did. It has great dps, and with the rifts it does some insane damage. I found that buffing around 11km out, hitting the bio then speed in, from around 6km hit the cluster, 5km launch the gravimetric torp and 3km hit destabilized, all while spamming the other torps. Once you get with 5km tractor him and launch your grav well, and watch as all torps slam into your helpless target with next to no defense . Instead of the uni sci I also run an engi with EPtA, aux to damp, and eject warp plasma for the more organized pvp matches I join.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey, just dropping in again with an updated build. With the new gravimetric torp I thought I'd through it on and see how it does, and I'm very glad I did. It has great dps, and with the rifts it does some insane damage. I found that buffing around 11km out, hitting the bio then speed in, from around 6km hit the cluster, 5km launch the gravimetric torp and 3km hit destabilized, all while spamming the other torps. Once you get with 5km tractor him and launch your grav well, and watch as all torps slam into your helpless target with next to no defense . Instead of the uni sci I also run an engi with EPtA, aux to damp, and eject warp plasma for the more organized pvp matches I join.

    May I ask for confirmation if Photon torp tac consoles buff this as well? I'm caught between building a quantum (love the sound and visual effects), transphasic(prob easiest to do), and photon build ( possible best dmg potential with new set) for an RSV.
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hi there greendragon,

    In your quantum build, may I ask what are you doing to handle shields? In my own Recon ship, I'm using Transphasics, but I certainly wouldn't mind having the option for quantum torps.


    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Finally got on stoacademy. Here are a few builds I've been working on:

    The temporal destroyer that I'm currently flying, and I must say that it has been very effective.

    This next one is a real possibility, if my fleet can ever get a tier 5 shipyard.

    So because my fleet only has a tier 3 shipyard, I may go with this one for a while:

    Or eventually this:

    Let me know what you think!

    Note: the modifiers on some of these are not present because I couldn't remember them.
  • no09dysonsphereno09dysonsphere Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    madviola wrote: »
    Finally got on stoacademy. Here are a few builds I've been working on:

    The temporal destroyer that I'm currently flying, and I must say that it has been very effective.

    I use a similar build, except with 2 Breen cluster torpedoes/2 rapid reloads instead of 1/3 as you have. With 3 purple torpedo doffs I find using 2/2 takes the best advantage of cooldowns, although if you don't have those I don't recommend switching (purple torpedo doffs are easy to get from Omega rep or doing the Khazan Cluster colonial chain, and you're guaranteed one if you get Law).

    Otherwise I have the Assimilated console and the kinetic cutting beam, 4 purple mk xii transphasic compressors (incredibly cheap compared to other consoles, got mine for around 2-3 mil each watching the exchange for deals, but you might be better off just waiting for the spire consoles), embassy neutronium and shield emitter consoles (not sure if you can get these) and a tipler cylinder instead of the rule 62 (the effect is amazing if you get a cube on you) would not recommend manheim device on the talvath as you just die a lot.

    Even so I still find the Talvath rather low on survivability, I have to say if you're not having a problem with hull and shield healing with that boff setup I'm very impressed.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I use a similar build, except with 2 Breen cluster torpedoes/2 rapid reloads instead of 1/3 as you have. With 3 purple torpedo doffs I find using 2/2 takes the best advantage of cooldowns, although if you don't have those I don't recommend switching (purple torpedo doffs are easy to get from Omega rep or doing the Khazan Cluster colonial chain, and you're guaranteed one if you get Law).

    Otherwise I have the Assimilated console and the kinetic cutting beam, 4 purple mk xii transphasic compressors (incredibly cheap compared to other consoles, got mine for around 2-3 mil each watching the exchange for deals, but you might be better off just waiting for the spire consoles), embassy neutronium and shield emitter consoles (not sure if you can get these) and a tipler cylinder instead of the rule 62 (the effect is amazing if you get a cube on you) would not recommend manheim device on the talvath as you just die a lot.

    Even so I still find the Talvath rather low on survivability, I have to say if you're not having a problem with hull and shield healing with that boff setup I'm very impressed.

    The survivability is decent, though its definitely not what I prefer. I've taken it into the Elachi Fleet action in PvE and only been blown up once. It's a bit of an art. I have my hull and shield skill points maxed out, so that's a factor. Survivability is one reason I want to switch to Fleet Mogai. I definitely saw an improvement on the destroyer when I changed to a different shield array. I have two purple and one blue torp doff setup. Not my first choice, but the console and boff arrangement was nice so I ran with it.

    Unfortunetly, I don't have a Tipler Cylinder, and I don't have the resources to acquire one right now. The Manheim Device is nearly worthless to me, and ya, I usually ended up dying when I did use it.

    I haven't even started season 8. I've been concentrating on my other rep systems and my fleet stuff, like the newb that I am I just found the fleet window... I'll get there soon. :)
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hi there greendragon,

    In your quantum build, may I ask what are you doing to handle shields? In my own Recon ship, I'm using Transphasics, but I certainly wouldn't mind having the option for quantum torps.


    Hi there I was gonna go with a variant of this: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=265786

    Not sure if it's workable anymore, but I'd like to experiment. I surely wouldn't mind you sharing you transphasic build either, I'm mostly likely going transphasics if quantums don't work out :D
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey there,

    Here's what I'm currently steering toward with my Recon Transphasic, based on the advice in this thread:


    Some things I've been going back & forth on:

    I've been underwhelmed by the mine launcher, and I'm thinking I'll replace that with another torpedo tube, a transphasic in all likelihood (unless I decide on something like an argh'penguin).

    My Engineering layout has alternated between the listed, and a variant of (Epts1, A2S1). So far the dual EptX version is ahead by a nose in my estimation.

    I was very conflicted in passing up the Adapted MACO set for Elite Fleet components, but the advantage of the set bonus +Torpedo damage seems offset by the fact that I don't like the individual AMACO pieces very much. Obviously, YMMV.

    More later as opportunity permits.


    EDIT: the more I contemplate this, the more I think I could make a go at using Adapted MACO. If one is only going to use two pieces, in this context, I'm thinking use the Engine & Deflector, and use Elite Fleet Shields. Any thoughts from anyone on this?

    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
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