Another one asked for sense beta. Still want Scoty's Kilt and Jacket form ST: IV and good foot wear. My Orion can not even use Orion Sandals while using the Klingon leather skirts. :(
How in there right mind is going to give up the escort for carrier? I got the bug and the EC to get the carrier but I am not going to get it. It would take weeks to grear it up as well..
It looks like a great ship. Only reason I am not using it is becouse it is major pain to grind rep to V and gear the ship. Will get it on all my toons. Did not do that for last years ship.
The spider mount looks cool but I am not going to pay 200$USD for it. I am sure there many people how will. If they had somekind of a Lifetime like STO I would think about it but just access to beta, not me.
Star trek Online said lifers would get access to the Neverwinter Beta. Well as far as I know no Star Trek lifer has gotton a invite. I only bring this becouse Neverwinters beta starts Feb 8th
For what you get it os overpriced. Starbases and embessy have ment the death of small fleets for long time and it will not get any better from what i can tell.
You do not need any of them items from the lobi store. I have run and cleared Elite STFs with opional with gear you can get of the ecxhange or sets found in game. Most of them are just fun toys and will hurt your DPS not help anyway.