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What is the Arc Client?
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fyllis Arc User



  • Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try
  • OK will follow your instructions and see what happens will post results in a bit. Wish me luck. :D EDIT: Thank you. They fire but the timing is off. Even including the inevitable misfires and all, they are firing much slower than usual. For me it is about 30% slower. This may be a ninja nerf or just me. Thank you, at lease…
  • You mean using "Fire All Weapons" then yes I am. However misfires happen but not for a complete session of Tae Dewa Daily and on 6 other ships, testing the theory. Misfires are "supposed" to happen occasionally not consistently. Unless this is the new STO- Misfires are the norm and Fires are the abnormal? EDIT: Main Torps…
  • Guess What?!?! Took My Ferengi D'Kora to the Kelvani Belt in Orellius (sp) and guess what...It did NOT work. Must be pre-Rommie ships. Both Fed and KDF?? Anyone in the Red Zone :) care to verify u having isthues too?? Edit: aexrael where were u playing when they worked??
  • Believe it or not this is the first time I have ever had issues with both of these topedos (knock on wood). Murphy's Law, just as I get my ships set with weapons they go and pull a Charlie Foxtrot on them. Now to find something I can use in the mean time. This bites..royally.
  • I would like to thank C/PWE for a poorly thought out "Characters Lvl 10 and above can participate." For Feds I suppose it is great, however for Romulan/Remans we are stuck in our home sector until we reach some unknown lvl before we can leave the sector. I tried two different locations to leave the zone. "You must advance…
  • Subject line says it all. Read email, the click "Delete" and then verify I want to delete the message and.....Nothing happens. Happens on all of my toons, whether they are Lifers or free. Is there a ETA on correcting this matter? I have sent tickets in on 2 of my accounts. Thank you.
  • this is pathetically hilarious. I logged into Neverwinter and downloaded a 175mb patch, returned to STO login screen and had a 5 minute wait while the loading screen couldn't make up its mind what to do. 130519 15:48:06 14 [1]: HTTP patching problem (ContentLengthMissing): 130519 15:54:17 29 [1]: HTTP patching problem…
  • How come a NWpatcher is being used for STO?? NW = Neverwinter 130519 14:38:44 2304 [1]: HTTP patching connected to akamai.nwhttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 130519 14:38:52 2305 [1]: HTTP patching connected to akamai.nwhttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 130519 14:38:52 2306 [1]: HTTP patching connected to…
  • Well, I am STILL patching everytime I Log in and EVERY Time I log out THe patches COMPLETE 100% each time, thanks PWE/C for another well executed plan.
  • I have downloaded the pre-patch 4 times on each of my camputers along with a launcher patch each time. Let me 'splain it :) Exit Game - Get 5885mb patch, patch completes, pop-up window disappears click on launcher (habit to enter game after a patch) get patch of 3K KB enter game Exit game----rinse and repeat Umm is this…
  • From Login Screen: from Bran Flakes Since I understand many players are very nit picky about the times being correct. I believe you have an issue.(note bolded areas) 6-9 AM PST (1400-1700 UTC)= 3 hrs Therefore, shouldn't the time be: 6-10 AM PST (1400-1800 UTC) = 4hrs
  • Well I guess this is another thing I will not be getting . I understand there needs to be complexity since the players are getting a ship, however, O Flakey One, you were unclear about the actual rules and that the mobs the players are running against do not side or slip or have any issues on the ice. To most people…
  • Any possibility of getting daily mission(s) for Omega Marks, maybe in the Gama Orionis Block? We have a counple of Daily's for Romulan Marks and I think creating something for the Omega marks will help create interest and decrease grind time for players who would like to get Sets and gear utilizing Omega Marks.
  • All Mobs dead in the camps, in the "passageways" no red dots left on the map.
  • I have the issue on 4 of my 8 toons on 2 different accounts. I have a Fleet Tab that i made on all my toons so I would not have to see local/zone chat. No fleet available there for those toons only have local and zone, the 2 channels i do NOT want. IF I want to speak in fleet I have to go to the main Chat tab to type.…
  • Just ran this mission, actually still in the mission here is what is going on: ~Obtained Mission ~Went down path to prompt, entered instance ~Killed all Mobs in first area ~Clicked consoles and released prisoners ~2nd Camp, rinse and repeat, read communique ~3rd Camp Died Twice, away team killed most Mobs inclding the…
  • Had same issue is a known bug http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=447721 on both Tribble and Holodeck Hope this helps Was a free respec for me
  • So with this update are the Devs on High also going to be fixing the 10 Sec Boot times when you enter anything that is PVE Queue??
  • Well folks, PWE/C has certainly figured out how to correct the issues that are Plaguing the Fed Mirror Event. They have removed it from the pending events. Go Look at the upcoming events, Mirror event is usually on 2X in a 24 hr period since S7 started; used to be every 8-9 hrs. Last time was at 9:00am today, but paging…
  • http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=453961
  • What she is saying is: (still happening as of this morning) 1. On KDF character talking in Fleet 2. Change to FED Character using the new "Change Character" Tab 3. While on FED character still receiving a Read Only view of the KDF Fleet. a. I can speak to Fleet members in the FED Fleet 4. Change to Different FED character…
  • It was happening on BOTH Tribble and Holodeck. I can only assume when the toon was copied to Tribble the skills she had were borked. Unfortunately I did not see your post as I walked away from the game and boards to cool down and try and figure this out. I did a respec of EXACTLY the same skill set on Tribble - and the…
  • Well I guess it's just this toon. I did one of each type, Tac, Eng, Sci, between the 2 accounts and none of them seem to be having any issues at this time. Guess copying her to Tribble pooched her in Tribble and Holodeck. Now the decision, keep or throw. If her skills are skewed what else got messed up when she was copied…
  • Some skill are now highlighted if they are the invalid ones then I have an issue. The highlighted skills are skills I have maxed out 9/9 all others are not highlighted because they are not maxed. Is this because I decided to max out 6 Space and 2 Ground Skills???? If so (political correctness) that is not in the best…
  • Space Points Spent: 277,000 Ground Points Spent: 89,000 Available: 0 Total Points Spent: 366,000/366,000 Some skill are now highlighted if they are the invalid ones then I have an issue. The highlighted skills are skills I have maxed out 9/9 all others are not highlighted because they are not maxed. Is this because I…
  • I would supply a clear and concise example however I cannot place attachments or pictures on the fracking board. What do you see on the right hand side of the reputation tab? Do you see 9 little boxes with skills listed in them? I don't, I have a freaking error message and everyone keeps saying I didn't do something right.…
  • In the location where the graphic is supposed to be listing all the possible options for all the Tiers, is a statement: "Your character requires a skill respec to be able to VIEW or CHOOSE a reputation skill" Click "View Skills" Any of my toons that I have NOT started the Reputation Skills have the gui that lists the…
  • Aye I did and I have to apologize to the monkey's of the world about the remark. No need to disrespect them. From my pov he is a huge waste of space and a drunk, useless in a conversation and totally unintelligible. If he is canon and a saint to you go for it ..different strokes for different folks. Not everyone is a…
  • Since I cannot seem to post anywhere other than here....How about some information regarding the new Special Project "Welcome Guests" For FED all I see is a monkey at the end of the bar and something about Lat traders. For KDF they get the bar top dancers Please clarify what the Lat Traders do and how a monkey at the end…