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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - November 20, 2012



  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've updated the patch notes. The dailies will now grant 50 Fleet Marks.

    Seriously? You're trading 1400 dil for 50 fleetmarks ONLY? :mad:

    Also, please, some more fleet actions for the KDF would be appreciated. You did it for feds, now it's the KDF turn! :D
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • pwefailpwefail Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    seriously 50 marks is that all ? it should be dilithium and fleet marks.you're going about this the wrong way,its no good strangling the dilithium if there are no players left.
    The player formerly known as Chunter.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You know, i'd be happier if they made ALL Fleet Action "dailys" available every day, and each one potentially rewarding 50 Fleet Marks + completion Dilithium.

    But as is, sacrificing 1440 Dilithium for 50 Fleet Marks is not what I consider a "fair trade". Removing the Dilithium from daily, I think should return the completion rewards to S7 launch values (i.e 1440 Dilithium per completion). Was the high number really so bad, Cryptic?
  • metalkorekingmetalkoreking Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We really really need a fix for the bridge officer starbase project asap. Is there news on this?
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lol. i think theyre not commenting on the tier 3-5 times, because theyre actually going to be higher than the 40 hours we currently peg it to be. they're going to probably make us beg for them to make them reasonable too.

    can we get a systems dev to comment on what to expect? this being in the dark really sucks. let's take a proactive stance and negotiate this now instead of a reactionary stance where you'll only make changes if enough people complain. help us help you. show us you care. give us a seat at the negotiation tables.
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    SO by the time this goes live a good many people will already be beyond Tier 1 & 2 on the main shard (I am assuming it will come to the main soon). Seems like another early adopter penalty. If I recall all the times were complained about on tribble before season 7 went live on holodeck. So why release it, have people work for it, then change it?
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    *]Updated the Federation Gorn Minefield Fleet Action:
    • There is a new 5-man Gorn Minefield Fleet Action that is based on the KDF 5-man Gorn Minefield.
    • The old 20-man version has been removed.

    i think that's supposed to read fed.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Cryptic keeps telling us, that Dilithium is a time-based currency.

    So where's my bonus Dilithium Cryptic? Seeing as i've already spent a good portion of 40h projects getting to Tier 1 on Omega and Romulus. If it's being reduced by half, should I not get some Dilithium compensation? I spent time, which apparently was wasted.
  • zer0niusrexzer0niusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xsharpex wrote: »
    i think that's supposed to read fed.

    You are correct sir!
    Thanks. :)
  • aegon1iceaegon1ice Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    • Omega Reputation Updated:
      • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
      • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.
    • Romulan Reputation Updated:
      • Renamed from "Romulan Star Empire" to "New Romulus"
      • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
      • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.

    With all due respect this is not enough. Most of us will have completed Tier 2 by the time the build goes to Holodeck. The timers need to be adjusted for all tiers and not only 1-2. Please adjust all Tiers.
  • naldorannaldoran Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't know whether it'll be in this patch, or the next one, but when the time comes, can we please have "Voldemort has been slain" in the official notes? I think everyone knows what I'm talking about, and I'd love to see that in the notes. ;)

    Any updates on private queues? I don't care if we have to use /queue_startgame like on Tribble, but the lack of private STF / PvP queues has been rather noticeable.
    12th Fleet | Sad Pandas | Starfleet M.A.C.O.
  • herbie1966herbie1966 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Rep XP Project hours are reduced...

    What about the hours for the 'Store' items and Consumables, will they still be 40 hours long???
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    And what about actual BUGFIXES? Or are they not in this weeks patch? Every season, you add new bugs, and rarely get around to fixing them.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can we please get a cross-faction space fleet action. It's a major pain in the TRIBBLE to get the one to pop for the Klingon side, and half the time it's bugged when it does pop.

    Right now I'm having to farm fleet actions w/ my Fed to get drops, it's a bit ridiculous.
  • bidwiqbidwiq Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Another source of dilitium removed and no serious bugs solved? Are you kidding me?
    You want from us play more fleet actions but still have not fix bug that throws players after 10 seconds and to do is to remove dilitium from dailys?
    Maybe we need to stop playing this game.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Your argument/logic is flawed, since it's based on the current Holodeck build. Once this Tribble build goes live, and the Daily reward is removed, THEN you can use your argument to counter mine. Until then, I stick by my convictions, in suggesting that Fleet Actions will become an even greater wasteland than it currently is.

    By your own numbers;

    5 Starbase 24's = 5 x 20 players = 100 players
    3 Gorn Minefields = 3 x 20 players = 60 players
    1 Breaking the Planet with 16/20 people
    2 Klingon Scout Force = 2 x 20 players = 40 players
    1 Big Dig with 5/20 people

    What happened to all those "Big numbers" of F2P players, Cryptic? By my count, this list above shows fewer than 250 people either in a Fleet Action, or queued for one. Granted, it's no longer the "best" source for Dilithium, but still.

    The logic is not flawed, because out of those people, 116 were doing fleet actions that NEVER have a daily attached to them, and are doing so only for the native rewards, WHICH ARE NOT BEING CHANGED.

    An additional 100 are doing fleet actions which have a daily attached, but which is not today's. While conceivably some of them are doing holdover dailies, it's unlikely that consistently over an entire day, half of the Fleet Action participants are doing so.

    5 were doing the daily. That instance filled shortly after I posted, but so did Breaking the Planet, which NEVER has a daily attached.

    In other words, the segment of that data set that would be affected by this patch was a ROUNDING ERROR, and even in a giggle-worthy fringe case scenario less than half could possibly be.

    Just to do a second data set: Right now, the game is up to 14 concurrent fleet actions as we head into busier hours, only 4 of which are ever eligible for a daily and ZERO of which are today's daily. Meaning well over 200 people are participating in fleet actions as I type, and not a single one is doing today's daily, and less than a third could theoretically be doing a leftover daily. They are doing them for the native rewards, which are not being changed, meaning what's happen right this second would not be in any way affected by this patch.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Cryptic keeps telling us, that Dilithium is a time-based currency.

    So where's my bonus Dilithium Cryptic? Seeing as i've already spent a good portion of 40h projects getting to Tier 1 on Omega and Romulus. If it's being reduced by half, should I not get some Dilithium compensation? I spent time, which apparently was wasted.

    I feel you're confused. The waiting for a project completing isn't the same as you playing the game. Dilithium was always meant to be for game play :)
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I rarely even do FAs, and am lucky if I combine it with the corresponding daily when I DO decide to do them, but... this is not helping. Not helping at all.

    I agree with the other posts - you're basically giving the same rewards as for the officer reports daily, except not nearly as frequently (I see a new daily what, once a week?) and with a lot more luck involved (queues for fleet actions are SO unpredictable)

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tobar26th wrote: »
    I feel you're confused. The waiting for a project completing isn't the same as you playing the game. Dilithium was always meant to be for game play :)

    And what makes you assume that I wasn't actively logged into the game for much of the time spent "waiting" ?

    But sure, i'll play your game... If Dilithium is only awarded for time-based activities (time spent ACTIVELY playing), why do any content that doesn't require active gametime, have any requirement for Dilithium? DOff assignments such as the "General Recruitment", Store Projects in the new Reputation Grind... err System. These things are set-and-forget and take many hours to complete. Hours "likely" not spent in the game.

    And thou I seek a dev response, I know this will fall on deaf ears... Why have "Store Projects" at all? Why don't I "unlock" access to buying the gear immediately from the store? Why must I spend 40 hours per project, to get "awarded" an item, rather than buying it right now?

    I asked Mr BranFlakes over Twitter, but didn't get any clear response to it...

    If Dilithium is a time-based currency, why hasn't Cryptic added Dilithium to every scrap of content that requires a certain amount of time? I can run a 5-man STF that takes 15 min, and get 960 Dilithium. But if I run one of Cryptic's "Episodes" that sometimes can take 30-45 min to complete, I get 0 Dilithium. Make sense?
  • sirsrisirsri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • The Daily fleet action missions now grant 50 Fleet Marks instead of Dilithium.
      • These are the daily missions offered by Yanishev on the Fed side, and B'Mera on the KDF side.
    • The Fleet Starbase ground supplies officer should no longer have a white background.
    • Updated the Federation Gorn Minefield Fleet Action:
      • There is a new 5-man Gorn Minefield Fleet Action that is based on the KDF 5-man Federation Minefield.
      • The old 20-man version has been removed.

    The 20 man version of the gorn minefield doesn't need to be removed. You just need to change the respawns (to uh... not resapwn). Same with the Klingon Scout force (specifically the cruiser spawns, which may have already changed, last time I did it there wasn't the senseless waiting around for ages).

    The fleet actions suffer a lot because your personal objective conflicts with the group. You personally want to do the most damage possible to get first place, if someone else is going to die you want them to, so they don't get first place. If you want to do the daily missions that actually takes you away from the overall mission objectives. Making them adversarial is bad, and especially the gorn minefield, trying to do the daily mineral recovery is a nightmare. Just only have enough stuff spawn to meet each objective along the way (with some leftovers). Need 60 frigates? Spawn 90. And be done with it. 36 cruisers? Spawn 45. 12 battleships? 3 groups of 6 works.

    Don't get me wrong, the KDF fleet action is best of the lot, and having an equivalent fed side is good idea. But you don't need to completely remove content which could be fun (or at least playable) with a bit of tuning.
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    *urgh* no private queues coming back? ,c
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • fyllisfyllis Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So with this update are the Devs on High also going to be fixing the 10 Sec Boot times when you enter anything that is PVE Queue??
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hevach wrote: »
    The logic is not flawed, because out of those people, 116 were doing fleet actions that NEVER have a daily attached to them, and are doing so only for the native rewards, WHICH ARE NOT BEING CHANGED.

    An additional 100 are doing fleet actions which have a daily attached, but which is not today's. While conceivably some of them are doing holdover dailies, it's unlikely that consistently over an entire day, half of the Fleet Action participants are doing so.

    5 were doing the daily. That instance filled shortly after I posted, but so did Breaking the Planet, which NEVER has a daily attached.

    In other words, the segment of that data set that would be affected by this patch was a ROUNDING ERROR, and even in a giggle-worthy fringe case scenario less than half could possibly be.

    Just to do a second data set: Right now, the game is up to 14 concurrent fleet actions as we head into busier hours, only 4 of which are ever eligible for a daily and ZERO of which are today's daily. Meaning well over 200 people are participating in fleet actions as I type, and not a single one is doing today's daily, and less than a third could theoretically be doing a leftover daily. They are doing them for the native rewards, which are not being changed, meaning what's happen right this second would not be in any way affected by this patch.

    You do realize (I hope) that the number of players you just attributed to "actually playing" those listed aspects of the game, would be considered rather minuscule...

    I'm not really seeing you proving your point when there's supposed to be thousands(?) of players in-game at any given time.

    If I were Cryptic, that data subset, would be extremely troubling.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • anonymoose666anonymoose666 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Fleet Starbase ground supplies officer should no longer have a white background.

    I've been encountering these ALL over the game, and I have a couple of questions. First, what caused this? Second, is this the new space flicker? That is to say, space flicker STILL hasnt been completely fixed, so is this going to be something that takes forever and makes the game look cheap?
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • The Daily fleet action missions now grant 50 Fleet Marks instead of Dilithium.

      Why couldn't you simply add the fleet marks instead of taking out the dilithium?
      We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

      • Omega Reputation Updated:
        • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
        • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.
      • Romulan Reputation Updated:
        • Renamed from "Romulan Star Empire" to "New Romulus"
        • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
        • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.
      • The Viral Matrix debuff can now be cleared by Engineering Team.
        • Previously, this only cured the individual systems that were knocked offline.

      Progress on improving the reputation system anyway. Why not carry these changes all the way thru Tier 4 at least?
    • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      this all couldn't be more herpderp. now the fleet action daily is giving fleet marks instead of dil? oh thats just adorable, more dil being removed from the game. WTF seriously.

      what was wrong with gorn mine field? it was fine. the fed mine field is sorta dumbed down version really. the klingon scout force needs groups of enemies to spawn more quickly though, minutes go by and theres nothing to shoot at. the kdf need another space fleet action too, its 1 vs 3 now.

      so, it appears its quite easy to change what rewards dailies give. so WHY THE HELL HASN'T FLEET MARKS BEEN ADDED TO THE PVP DAILY YET?!?!? pvp is the original fleet content, and though often full of afkers, the most time consuming to farm. just admit you hate us, or give us an explanation already! pvp, passed over AGAIN wile something else is given fleet marks instead. how can we not take it personally at this point
    • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      The only conclusion I can come to based on personal observation both here and in-game...,

      Is that somewhere along the way, somebody that makes the important decisions about this game, decide that there was just waaay to much Dilithium available...

      And informed the STO Team that with Season 7, it was necessary to cull all that extraneous currency out...

      What we've seen so far, is the apparent result.

      Unfortunately, this decision appears to have also resulted in the culling of a large portion of the player base.
      STO Member since February 2009.
      I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
      Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
    • izdubar6izdubar6 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      You guys really need to remove even more sources of dilithium.

      Just give players 3 weekly quests that grant 480 each.
    • redlead3rredlead3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      Any clue on what will happen if you got a T2 project with 1d12h left of building time when this goes live?

      Will the time be reduced to 20h or will we need to wait the full time?

      Formerly redleader - Real join date is July 2008
    • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      i think some one needs to explain why they are changing a dilithium source. you need to because last time you didn't listen to tribble feedback you ended up red faced when it hit holodeck with countless pages of comunitity disapproval.
      which never should have happened!
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