No offense intended. Now that that is out of the way, here is the reason that Earth will NOT endorse an extraterrestrial colony. Gravity. Just that. Don't believe me, check sci-fi as far back as "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". Any basic "tug" style of space vessel could simply divert a couple of asteroids so that do a…
Ouch, I'm Looking at that and WISHING I had such advanced hardware for my high school... Had to do ours on paper and have the teacher take our tests to the local comm. college to run them thru a 'real' computer. You remember programming in binary. Or when you have to explain what base and power are to your boss. PS: My Dad…
OP: As to the first part of your suggestion (talking to NPC's that are Dev's) ithink that might work as a part time means for a Dev to do "Live Interview's" or to leave prepared info releases. As for the second part, what does an attack on "random planet of the day" have to do with the first part? Might work as a Fed vs…
That is what has the NASA / genius's so confused. There should not be the reaction that is happening. But it is and has been measured by several different labs around the world. In the article I read the other day they even have two different working designs, though one is measurably more powerful than the other. My…
Same issues here. Was doing OK (not great) up until 22:15 EDT, then the game booted me. Now I can't get the loader to finish loading. Checked my system, my internet, and all the rest, but...
Press Ctrl-U and then go to the Reputations tab. Select the Special Events Reputation and from there select the Store tab. Really do wish that Cryptic would have set up the Reputaion system to have individual venders you had to go to for this sort of purchase.
You can count me a one of the effected. Three of my ground BOFF's have their skills reset every time I log on. Some times they reset during the same play session, sometimes not. But it is the same three BOFF's and the same skills every time. Just tried using a different BOFF today in place of the un-affected BOFF. And his…
More actual stories. Not just "Go here and kill", but something with a plot and writing. Maybe even continuity between the individual stories. Maybe even continuity with the other Arc's. But mostly stories. Please?
Seconded. No offense to either the actor or the character, but the X-Men movies have been Wolverine movies from the beginning. I would really like to see the stories of the original X-Men filled in and expanded. Like where did the money come from to fund the school? Hmmm sounds like Warren Worthington III might be a bigger…
I second the highlighted idea a lot. Limiting Processes per [time unit] would even the playing field among the various weapons. I would also like to bring into this idea the concept of "Process % Boosting" either as a Modifier and/or Console and/or Trait. This would increase the % chance of a Process occurring. The limit…
I have to agree, the use of limited seating (Intel only hybrid/Command only hybrid) will eventually catch up with Cryptic. With new specialties coming (each of which will require a new ship) things are going to get messy. I can see where the Commander seat may be limited to one specialty, but Lt (Lt Cmdr?) seating should…
Try changing the settings (upper right of the UI when viewing individual schools) so that all projects are shown. This may also give you a clue as to why you cannot find the project normally (missing officer/resource/component...). Hope this helps
10% DAT (Dilithium Added Tax) on all Dilithium transactions. Same for Energy Credit (EAT), Zen (ZAT), and Lobi (LAT). Also don't forget to tax the Doff missions, Upgrades, and Crafting.