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Wide Angle DHCs/360 beams and fleet weapons need to change.

dark4blooddark4blood Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
One thing that doesn't make sense about Cryptic's plan to introduce new weapon types and setups is they seem to never think the ideas all the way through. Thus, here is my idea to fix 360 beams and Wide Angle DHCs. I realize we don't want these weapons making regular or lockbox DHCs obsolete. So here is some ideas:

1.) Keep Wide Angle Cannons front only and keep the Acc proc that takes away one proc thus limiting Wide Angle DHCs to ACC X 3 or CrtD X 3 at most. To encourage fleet versions, give the UR elite versions an additional modifier of healing as seen on other UR weapons. Allows up to 3 DHCs so to encourage more single torpedo type ships, except on 5 fore weapon escorts destroyers that will be allowed to use 4. This will give escorts destroyers a distinct difference than their raider/general escort relatives, which has been a problem in STO for a while. Personally I think the Jem Hadar escort should also be a destroyer, but that is going off topic.

2.) All 360 beams need to be rear only, and there should be no limit on these beyond being rear. This means the very large and rear packed Science and Dreadnaughts will have an advantage when it comes to beams over other smaller ships that would try to use beams. This also balances the problem with the Scimitar which has a 5/3 setup, and gives back some power to the other very large ships in the same class of Dreadnaught. This again won't eliminate regular beams entirely as these weapons will be rear only. Same applies for Fleet weapon version for healing and extra modifier.

3.) Fleet weapon changes to make things easier for people who have invested time in playing STO. There are several story missions in STO that give weapons that are not accessible anywhere else in the game. There weapons are normally limited to Rare with bad modifiers that make the weapons almost a pain to use. Well here is where fleets step in, by offering these weapons in their VR and UR forms with decent modifiers CrtD X3 or ACC X3 but ONLY after completing said missions to unlock the weapons in the first place. This will be BY CHARACTER not ACCOUNT WIDE unlocks. Since you only have to do the mission once, it doesn't really hinder people with multiple characters and encourages more story mission completion. There are both Ground/Space weapons that could easily add another layer to both Fleet weapons and upgraded weapons, thus giving STO more variety WITHOUT increasing grinding.
Post edited by dark4blood on


  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Sounds pretty good in my ears. There may be some fine tuning necessary to prevent massive power creep and keep some kind of balance (yeah I know, like cryptic even cares :rolleyes:) but this would really create a huge load of viable options instead of the usual "AP above everthing else" TRIBBLE since they allowed more than 1 Ap omni.

    Just saying that my daeinos would love 3 Ppasma omnis.;)
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The Ancient [omni] really should have counted for the "one of this weapon type" restriction on crafted AP [omni] but that genie is long out of the bottle.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • stumpfgobsstumpfgobs Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The Ancient [omni] really should have counted for the "one of this weapon type" restriction on crafted AP [omni] but that genie is long out of the bottle.

    I doubt that it would have made a meaningful difference.

    AP is, in the current game, the ultimate proc. Having a single superior operative makes it proc as often as "normal" procs and without much effort you can easily push it to 20-30% proc chance. Heck, if you use beam overload with an ap beam, you can force the proc to trigger. There are no other weapon procs that do that. And then there is stuff like Surgical Strike, increasing the AP proc rate by 40% for 10 seconds...

    No, Antiproton is widespread because it is without competition for the most part.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It's not the only reason but AP really doesn't need the overkill in making it the supreme damage type.

    AP's "proc" would have been better if STO had a PPM (procs per minute) system to throttle it like WoW has to keep it inline with all the 2.5% chance procs for all the other energy types.

    Tying AP's proc to crit is fine for people without the fleet gear to get free crit chance out of "every" console. Overlooking the vulnerability consoles had to be intentional.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The only thing I'd change as far as otherwise useless mission weapons go is making the unique mission reward weapons a 360 beam, along with the Rep set beam weapons (Experimental Romulan Plasma and the Delta Rep version).

    I would like to add that certain Beam Arrays awarded by Missions should instead have a one-time Omni reward version (replays only grant the other Omni if available or regular Array versions), since their Mods are generally almost as useless as the mods on Omnis (Acc/CritD/Dmg etc), and can be made VR just by adding the [Arc] tag. Besides, almost no one uses reward weapons due to their relative uselessness Mod-wise. An [Arc] tag to upgrade the Arrays to Beam Omnis would at least give them a second look.

    Polarized Tetryon
    Piercing Tetryon
    Plasma Disruptor
    Dominion Polaron
    Caustic Plasma

    Even if it's just one Omni of each, at least that's 4 more types. If we include the Delta and Rom weapons as Omnis; that's 2 Tetryon choices, 2 Plasma choices (though IIRC, Caustic Plasma is a Rom-exclusive), and 2 Polaron choices.

    If necessary, Cryptic could also make both Phaser types from "Everything Old is New" have a one-time Omni variant; one regular Phaser Omni (preferably the CritDx2 version rather than the Accx2 version) and one Retrofit Omni version (the CrtH/Dam version with the equally obnoxious SFX) for a Phaser-based Omni or two as well (and if two, would leave KDF with one possible Omni Disruptor type while everyone else gets 2 variants; which is par for Cryptic). Only one can be equipped alongside a Crafted Omni of course.

    Not only would they make those weapon types a bit more useful, but would also help out those working their way up; with some of them possibly being the only pre-level 50 Omnis available, which can now be upgraded if the player is willing.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    dark4blood wrote: »

    1.) Keep Wide Angle Cannons front only and keep the Acc proc that takes away one proc thus limiting Wide Angle DHCs to ACC X 3 or CrtD X 3 at most.

    I want to keep the ability to craft Wide Arc DHCs with [CrtD]x3 [CrtH] or [CrtD]x4 for my KDF toons flying BoPs.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Instead of asking them to nerf things (which helps nobody) ask them to improve things so they are on par with antiproton.

    No need to pee in peoples cornflakes if you don't have to.

    *Gets lots of bowls, milk and cornflakes out for all to enjoy*

  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    For some reason, we're being pushed into Antiproton.

    Obelisk 2=piece set from FE.

    Multitude of Antiproton weapons from FE.

    Ability to slot 2 Antiproton 360 beams.

    If you play through all of the episodes, you would have to go out of your way to use something else- at least pre DR.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I wish if they were going to pigeon hole us into a beam they'd have picked phasers. At least then our ships could use a beam that looks and sounds like the canon ships without gimping ourselves. :(
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Perhaps I'm missing something here; allowing more than one Omni beam but limiting it to rear arcs creates parity with Scimitards because they can only slot 3 max in back?

  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    But Phasers aren't Ancient tech weapons. Antiprotons are.

    Anyway, that's what I'm suggesting that the unique mission reward weapons should be made a one-time claimable Omni (unless there's two types available; such as one cannon and one beam array; so would instead be one one-time Omni beam and one one-time Wide DHC), with regular Beam Array versions after.

    As I listed above, that would cover almost all the core weapon bases.
  • crabbycabbycrabbycabby Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It's not the only reason but AP really doesn't need the overkill in making it the supreme damage type.

    AP's "proc" would have been better if STO had a PPM (procs per minute) system to throttle it like WoW has to keep it inline with all the 2.5% chance procs for all the other energy types.

    Tying AP's proc to crit is fine for people without the fleet gear to get free crit chance out of "every" console. Overlooking the vulnerability consoles had to be intentional.

    I second the highlighted idea a lot. Limiting Processes per [time unit] would even the playing field among the various weapons.

    I would also like to bring into this idea the concept of "Process % Boosting" either as a Modifier and/or Console and/or Trait. This would increase the % chance of a Process occurring. The limit of Processes per [time] would mostly keep the Process Boosting from getting out of control.

    Thank you for introducing this idea, thatcursedwolf
    Proudly F2P
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    dark4blood wrote: »
    One thing that doesn't make sense about Cryptic's plan to introduce new weapon types and setups is they seem to never think the ideas all the way through. Thus, here is my idea to fix 360 beams and Wide Angle DHCs. I realize we don't want these weapons making regular or lockbox DHCs obsolete. So here is some ideas:

    1.) Keep Wide Angle Cannons front only and keep the Acc proc that takes away one proc thus limiting Wide Angle DHCs to ACC X 3 or CrtD X 3 at most. To encourage fleet versions, give the UR elite versions an additional modifier of healing as seen on other UR weapons. Allows up to 3 DHCs so to encourage more single torpedo type ships, except on 5 fore weapon escorts destroyers that will be allowed to use 4. This will give escorts destroyers a distinct difference than their raider/general escort relatives, which has been a problem in STO for a while. Personally I think the Jem Hadar escort should also be a destroyer, but that is going off topic.

    2.) All 360 beams need to be rear only, and there should be no limit on these beyond being rear. This means the very large and rear packed Science and Dreadnaughts will have an advantage when it comes to beams over other smaller ships that would try to use beams. This also balances the problem with the Scimitar which has a 5/3 setup, and gives back some power to the other very large ships in the same class of Dreadnaught. This again won't eliminate regular beams entirely as these weapons will be rear only. Same applies for Fleet weapon version for healing and extra modifier.

    3.) Fleet weapon changes to make things easier for people who have invested time in playing STO. There are several story missions in STO that give weapons that are not accessible anywhere else in the game. There weapons are normally limited to Rare with bad modifiers that make the weapons almost a pain to use. Well here is where fleets step in, by offering these weapons in their VR and UR forms with decent modifiers CrtD X3 or ACC X3 but ONLY after completing said missions to unlock the weapons in the first place. This will be BY CHARACTER not ACCOUNT WIDE unlocks. Since you only have to do the mission once, it doesn't really hinder people with multiple characters and encourages more story mission completion. There are both Ground/Space weapons that could easily add another layer to both Fleet weapons and upgraded weapons, thus giving STO more variety WITHOUT increasing grinding.

    1. why make wide ange wepons front only ? if anyone want use them in rear, let keep him doing it.

    2.why limit omni-360 beams to rear only ? yes, they will be more powerfull than turrets only wersion, but still less powerfull if player use normal 270 beams on front.

    3. fukly agree with that, make fleet version of mission specific items - weappons/engines/shield..etc (not only vr/ur versions) but make buyble mk 12 version too, not only mk 11 as ve get from missions, even when lvl 60 char.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1) wide angle cannon X 1 copy is fail. Whoop-te-do ONE cannon and 3 turrets are hitting my target, maybe it will die sometime next week. All the SINGLE COPY of a wide arc cannon does is let you shoot down a torp easier. They need to throw cannons a bone anyway, and I would see them allow as many wide arc cannons as a person cares to use. It should cost 1 mod slot, but if someone wants 5 of them, let them have it already. Its still not going to come close to beams for functionality. (I probably still would not use them... learn 2 fly and use DHC).

    2) NO! I *love* my 360 beams in my shuttle, and that means up front mounted. I don't care on a starship but this change has little to no effect in game (who puts a 360 up front where a DBB should go??) and for arrays, it lets you bear 5 weapons in the front/rear arcs but they are all weak weapons, 360s are identical to 270s for dps (I think?) and its not a big deal to seat them forward on array ships as the dps is not really significantly improved with it. This fix would not make any big differences to array ships, and no one else would do it, and it really hurts shuttles.

    3) Fleet weapons are dead to me. I cannot share them after upgrading them across my account, so why would I buy a fleet weapon ever again? It would just be throwing away currency.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sinn74 wrote: »
    For some reason, we're being pushed into Antiproton.

    Obelisk 2=piece set from FE.

    Multitude of Antiproton weapons from FE.

    Ability to slot 2 Antiproton 360 beams.

    If you play through all of the episodes, you would have to go out of your way to use something else- at least pre DR.

    Honestly I see that as them trying to make up for the fact that before the Solanae Dyson Sphere ep, there was Fleet Advanced AP and nothing else, whereas there were half a dozen flavors of disruptor, two or three of polaron, three tetryon, four or five of phaser (albeit most of those were just colored differently and acted the same), and two of plasma. More choice is always good.

    On the other hand being able to mount 2 antiproton 360s strikes me as a coding oversight that they can't be arsed to correct.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

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