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caocaopuff Arc User



  • You have missed the point entirely. The point was that nobody wants to be a deadweight. As of now, there are ships that are relative deadweights on teams, whether they be PvP or PvE. Cryptic has shown that it is trying to make endgame less dependent on the sheer amount of damage you can put out. This can be seen with the…
  • 1. Make Bolian 2. Get all Bolian crew 3. Form Blue Man Group, play shows on ESD 4. Profit But for a more serous answer, Joined Trills and Borg get a little bit of an edge in space (all careers) and Catian/Klingon get an edge in ground, especially if you decide to create a melee centric tactical. IMO aliens are the most fun…
  • In one sense, any ship is adequate to complete the horrifically easy PvE content. But this is an MMO. People aren't going to measure their ships by "Can I beat this mission". It's going to be "Compared to the others I am playing with, am I pulling my weight?" "Am I contributing anything of value to this team, even though…
  • The problem is that passives and customization options can be applied to any ship. Why should I pick up a fleet star cruiser? Or an advanced heavy cruiser? Fleet escort? Nebula? Galaxy? I can customize the living hell out of it but in the end its simply an inferior ship compared to another ship. And I can put the exact…
  • Just wait a bit... don't bring the servers back just yet. I'm a little OCD and I need this thread to reach 100 pages... no more..no less
  • Wait. Any ship? FIne.. voth citadel ship :) I might just decide to live out my years in the delta quadrant. I recall the things have transwarp anyways if I need to escape dinos eager to reclaim their ship. More seriously, probably the Vesta. Large enough with the staying power to make the trip, slipstream to speed it up,…
  • I had the Vo'quv in mind actually. It's an awesome ship, especially when you consider its BoP pets. Carriers started as a KDF unique ship and so following that line they should maintain carrier superiority. I was just fumbling around for a carrier type that is unique to the KDF. Didn't mean to seem like I was ignoring it…
  • It's a different playstyle. Carriers are more of the true standoff support ships and do a lot of their work while sitting parked away from their target. Science vessels are a very different breed. Look at a good Wells or Vesta in action and you'll see them doing as much damage with their weapons as their sci abilities.…
  • I do agree that the KDF needs support (aka science) vessels. See my revived battle carrier concept. All I am against is them copy pasting the lineup of fed sci ships with new consoles as the KDF support lineup. As to your second point. In the real world this is absolutely how it works. You learn from your enemies, adapt,…
  • Honestly. I tried.. but I really can't say anything about warbirds. Cryptic was able to design a ship lineup from the ground up and made at least a single warbird for ALMOST every playstyle. The "warbird" type in of itself is unique and I really have nothing to add save this: The romulans are in crippling need of a…
  • Now science vessels. This is where the factions really begin to seperate. For starters, only the federation has "science vessels" with the exception of the KDF Veranus. Note that I do not count the temporal science ships as those are lockbox vessels. Things that set the federation sci vessels apart are -Innate subsystem…
  • Now to escorts. This is bit tricky as the KDF don't have "escorts" I will here lump both BoPs and raptors into the comparison. I am aware that BoPs are highly unique and that there are as many uses and builds for them as there are captains. When you look at fed escorts you see - high turn - versatile BoFF seating - 4/3…
  • Been around since beta and this game has grown and developed far beyond my initial expectations. Thanks for all the hard work and most definitely looking forward to what the next year brings. Set course for 2014. Maximum warp :)
  • Thanks for support and suggestions as to how this happened. As far as I can tell after asking around and gathering some info, the TRIBBLE account was a rl friend of one of our co-founders and also was a fleet leader as well in a different fleet. Given that the other fleet has not been TRIBBLE despite the hacker being in a…
  • I am.. well.. was the leader of the 42nd STF. As was previously mentioned, our fleet was TRIBBLE by an unknown individual. He was able to access the account of someone not in the fleet, somehow gain entry into the fleet and then completely destroy it. We have since reformed our fleet, albeit starting from tier 0.…
  • Guess it's about time for an update. I had forgotten we had a thread.. Fleet is the same as always: active, casual, friendly, and very helpful. The fleet has more than doubled in size and continues to grow. We are nearing our tier 3 upgrade and eagerly awaiting the new dilithium mine. Finally we have a place to consign all…
  • Just a little update on our fleet status. We're at about 30 odd members now, and still a very laid back, friendly, and helpful group. Due to the casual nature of the fleet, we usually have about 4-5 members on although that number climbs dramatically on the weekends. Our fleetbase is about to hit tier 2 somehow... i'm not…
  • If you havent found a fleet yet, my fleet does do RP on the side and we actively run STFs. That being said, we are also pretty casual and relaxed in playstyle. We offer lots of help and support to our members. Message me in game or on the forums. My handle is @caocaopuff. Whatever you decide, grats on VA and have fun.…
  • Yep, you just about fit the bill. We have a friendly tight knit group, but we also have lone wolves that come on at odd hours. We have two members I haven't heard a word from since they joined, but that's the essence of the fleet. We don't force participation and interaction on you, but we do leave the option open if you…
  • One tiny thing. In smash and grab where you board the last transport. My Torvan had a conversation with himself about not shooting anything. I'm thinking maybe this occurs because he was the only tac officer in my away team so it defaults to him? Fun mission otherwise. [edit]: I love the revamp to drozana station. Looks…
  • Ran into the issue, but good to know there is a fix incoming.
  • Not super relevant, but it made me laugh. On "Search for New Romulus" I scanned a radiation cloud and got a Superior Radiation Report. On my fed and KDF guys I only get regular ones, and I thought to myself. "Well.. I'm a Romulan. Of course it's superior."
  • After a fleetwide vote, we're now the 42nd Special Task Force Its been a week and we've swelled to about 23 members and have 2 days until our tier 1 upgrade begins. It's becoming a fun and active group that pretty casual and active primarily in the evening so join up if that sounds like it fits your taste. We also have a…
  • Sorry if its already been mentioned, but if you choose KDF ally your warp out color and transporter switch to KDF animation and colors. Not sure if it's on purpose or not..
  • You have a valid point. But then that brings us back to the heart of this issue, which is that some players feel that warbirds will consistently perform lower in situations such as STFs and that the addition of the singularity powers does not make up for the loss of power. It has been stated that to address this issue,…
  • Was waiting for someone to bring this up. In an STF where sustained damage is sometimes more important, a warbird can just fight like any other ship. Keep the singularity at lv 5 to bring the power levels on par with other ships so that they can do the sustained damage necessary. STF do have those "aww TRIBBLE.." moments…
  • Yeah, the Ha'apax tier 5 warbird is supposed to be sci, I'm thinking the current layout is just a placeholder. In the meantime, I'm fine with the limited number of lower tier ships, but would love some universal BoFF slots in there. Even if its a c-store version it would add some flexibility considering its more or less…
  • Just finished playing around about with the first few warbirds. The ships and singularity mechanic are fun to play with, but one issue I have with them is that they don't feel quite "Romulan" For me, Romulans emphasize brute force almost as much, or more so than Klingons, but it was more of a calculated cloak and dagger…
  • Yeah I'm also having an issue with Neutral no More. KDF ally was chosen and now the Naussican pirate is friendly so I can't destroy him to progress. [EDIT] Seems off that my only comment in this thread is a bug report. The missions have been amazing. I think it's the first time since release I've actually been compelled to…