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bugshu Arc User



  • Took some of the money I had designated for the Legacy Pack, gave it to riot games and bought riot points. They were happy to accept my credit card and happy to sell me some products. Honestly, I can buy a new Champion and a skin to go with it for about $5. I usually buy champions with IP and the skins cost $2. STOs ships…
  • Cant seem to purchase this via paypal even though my credit card is in good standing. Paypal is really nasty about wanting me to get verified and giving them access to my bank account or something. Guess Cryptic doesnt want my money. Oh well. Im sure a kind find a game maker that does.
  • Skrills Eula to read before buying this pack Not buying it with Skrill MONEYBOOKERS ACCOUNT TERMS OF USE - 03-30-2011 A copy of our Terms of Use is available for download at your convenience. 1. Stipulations 1.1. By using the Moneybookers Payment Service (as described below), the Customer agrees to these Terms of Use (the…
  • Here is how to enjoy pvp. Go to Hilberts Guide and read everything you need to know. Pull out your credit card and buy $3000 zen points. Buy 3000 keys and sell them for 3 billion energy credits. Buy a Jem hadar attack ship so you can have a ship that holds 5 tactical consoles and turns like a BOP with decent hull. It…
  • Comments This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~syberghost Mankind never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps Q was right in episode 1 of TNG. You look at what Saloth Sar accomplished as leader of his country and he had supporters every step of the…
  • Well cryptics viewpoint seems to be that the less they give out to players that the more they can force them to buy. Webkinz is free to play so is Cryptic. At webkinz you buy a $15 pet enter a code into your account and essentially you have a gold membership for a year. You get daily log in bonuses and there is very little…
  • Center Solace is darn tooting right here. Cryptic is so eager to swing the fun bash bat that they lose sight of what the have. Sure they time gate everyone and force them into reputation grind but what if they didnt. Lets take the Ghost Ship mission. Its a great fun mission. They scale the enemies up so you can do it at…
  • Has anybody even seen a single objective third party review suggesting that Neverwinter Nights is fun. MMORPG.com currently has STO rated at 6.4 with guildwars 2 at 9.3 and Eve Online and WoW at 9.2, Star Wars at 8.7 and Diablo 3 at 8.5 and lord of the rings online at 8.3. In fact Star Trek started at 7.4 and we reviewed…
  • They need to bring Craig Z bck to STO instead of wasting good talent on a game doomed to disappoint. You cant charge $300 for a drow and the most in demand race and expect people to want to play it. The only good reason I can think of to play NWN instead of LOTR or Guildwars is to be a drow and I would never pay $300 just…
  • 1000 posts, pulled facebook threads and accounts, censored posts, moved threads, opened 2nd threads 100s of pages of replies.... universal opinion. Not one player here has thought or posted that the removal of rewards for playing foundry misssions was a good idea. Nobody, not one, zilch, nada. Opinion is not divided on…
  • As for larger fleets, they get slapped in the face with these changes as well. I will tell you that the larger fleets with high level starbases are getting where they do not want new members. Fleet Admirals with tier 3 / 4 starbases worry about people donating 500,000 fleet marks to their smaller homey fleet then leaving…
  • Ok, your data shows that more fleets are starved for dilithium than fleet marks. I imagine that this is true. Its something Ive been posting and talking about since you removed the clickies. But if someone is starving because they eat rice daily and do not have enough protein in their diet then the answer is not to remove…
  • My fleet had a foundry fleet officer that led teams on foundry missions for fleet marks. I guess thats dead now. Im kind of amused here. I opposed the elimination of the quicky daily log in bonuses and got shouted down about how it was this awful exploit. But people had a reason to log on, stick around and do fun things…
  • Stahl is not believable anymore. If he says something the best notice you can make of it is that his lips are moving. I do not think people are entitled to get to tier 5. But I do think they are entitled to have a chance at it. If STO puts up projects to work for then there must be a reasonable chance to get to the end of…
  • I think that rewards need to be achievable. Right now, fleets absolutely cannot achieve tier 5 unless they are a mega fleet and then its hard and even as hard as it is they need the so called whales to buy lots of zen and get them there. You cant hardly invite anyone to a fleet anymore without the first question being what…
  • I think that every mission should have a payout that makes it worth doing and that foundry authors can pick and choose some payouts to add to their missions as well. Fourthly, I think the game needs a real crafting system. I think that people should be able to custom design consoles, ship weapons, pets, kits, consumables…
  • Well a lot of it I put in my thread and if people would read it instead of chopping it they would see some positive solutions. First of all, Id like to see everyone that spends time in game welcomed and rewarded. If you come here daily instead of playing a different game we will give you a bonus. And we will do it with…
  • Im sick of the Cryptic fan boys saying we want instant gratification. Theres not a fleet in the game that I know of thats at tier 5. Even when you had the log in bonus and could get a reasonable price for the zen you bought it didnt give you "instant" gratification. It just let you get within site of the goal. And hes…
  • How about making fun missions that people want to do instead of making them do missions they hate. People are doing missions they hate to get rewards ... Cryptic time gates people and forces them to do what they dont want to do and this happens.... Sure its rude to go afk ... but I understand it. Its rude to make people do…
  • I drove that ford for 7 years past the star bolt issue.... Guess how much I spent with Ford and its dealers.... Even if people are playing it doesnt mean they will be paying... Think about it
  • When you have moderator next to your name, I dont think that its unfair to note it. Just as its not unfair to note that I come from a viewpoint of representing my fleet, and friends, and actually want to enjoy my toons and alts that I bought. I didnt say that American companies make shoddy cars. But I will say that they…
  • I honestly applaud you for saying that you thought the value of Zen would go up and it has gone down. Still, the law of supply and demand has to be acknowledged and respected. You cannot reduce the amount of dilithium in the game without it having an impact on the value of zen. Cryptic increased the demand for dilithium at…
  • Not sure a moderator would ever be anything but a fan boy. But hey I will bite. There are 2 reasons to play a mission. One its a fun mission. Two it offers a good reward. Offering better rewards does not change the fun of the foundry missions. They dont magically become better or worse. They are the same. If people thought…
  • The game survives because of Zen. And if less people play then less people will buy zen. If the ones that do play - then play less - because they are bored - they also will buy less zen. And if people discover that when they buy zen that they get less value for their money - they might start buying less zen. How will the…
  • Again, Id enjoy playing the game if it was fairly rewarded. But fleet marks are hard to come by and dilithium also. Give 50 fleet marks for stranded in space and then talk to me about playing the game. Give 1440 dilithium for doing the vault and then talk to me about playing the game. There are 83 story missions in this…
  • People would log in do a clickie mission and get 50 fleet marks and 1440 dilithium. Cryptic encouraged this for a year, allowed it for a year, and added 50 fleet marks to the process. Lots of people formed fleets and started advancing them. Then Cryptic decided that this little log in bonus was an "exploit". People come to…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • Another post moved to an area less visited. Only praise Cryptic posts are allowed for discussion now.
  • They used to pretend there were advantages to being a lifetime subscriber over a monthly subscriber and there really werent beyond the fact that you didnt have to pay $15 each month. Now there are few advantages to being a gold subscriber over f2p. And fewer still to being lifetime. It would be nice if there were "real"…
  • Frankly they dont listen and they dont care. Ford, GM, and Chrysler didnt listen when people said we want affordable, high gas mileage, high quality cars. And we had to have the goverment bail them out to save them. I cant even count how many times Chrysler has been bailed out. We want a fun, easy to play, affordable game.…