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billdun Arc User



  • It would appear the post meant to consolidate the information was a failure. I've added the last upgrade sequence to the pic of the entire upgrade process. You can see that here (4.59 MB) Let's go over the pic. Note that from start to finish, the same Upgrade and Accelerator are used. Let's look at the Mk 12 upgrade. A…
  • Go up a few posts and look at the pics. I documented the entire upgrade process for a new, Mk 12 Very Rare item. Omega Upgrades and Major Tech Accelerators did exactly as they should at Mk 12, giving a 20% chance for a Quality upgrade (5 x 4). The item became Ultra Rare, and the chance at Mk 13 was 10%, also exactly as it…
  • If that's the case, why does the same combination of Omega Upgrade and Major Tech Accelerator work exactly as expected at Mark 13 and below? Edit - I had a knowledgeable member of this forum test these for me as well. On Tribble, when using Omega/Major Tech, 2.5 x 4 = 10 at all Mks.
  • Perhaps the information is spread out over too many posts. Let's consolidate things. First, we'll verify the 2.5% chance of quality improvement for Ultra Rare items. Please note that for all item types, the chance for quality improvement at Ultra Rare is 2.5%: Upgrade Tables Next is the upgrade in question. Please note the…
  • Over 1,200,000,000(< yes, that's billion) Energy Credits spent on broken upgrades. I invite everyone to have a look at the pics and explain to me how 2.5 x 4 = 5
  • Please look at the pictures. There was no mix and matching. I used exclusively Omega Upgrades, and did not get the 4x quality improvement chance. Having the research points from 10% carryover getting used up isn't going to negate a full 50% of the potential upgrade chance. Let's continue with the item where I left off.…
  • Back from the graveyard of Page 20 I was able to replicate this problem on a new item, so nothing to do with previous use of Superior or Experimental upgrades. It seems that upon reaching Mk 14, the chance for a Rarity upgrade is cut in half. I didn't experience that with Superior or Experimental upgrades. I couldn't find…
  • You're right, mine was on a ship.
  • I'm waiting on a couple requests for assistance. I'll post there if I don't get any help. Thanks:)
  • Sorry, this is the correct pic: http://oi59.tinypic.com/rus22r.jpg I know the chance drops at each quality level, but I've never seen it drop at any mark before, and I've upgraded items all the way to Mk 14 epic.
  • I made this one a couple months ago: http://oi61.tinypic.com/j786zn.jpg I don't think its lost anything.
  • Here's the same item earlier in the upgrade: http://oi59.tinypic.com/rus22r.jpg Note the 20% chance of a rarity upgrade, which is exactly what you'd expect (5% for VR x Omega). The chance in the first pic is 5%. Shouldn't it be 10% (2.5% for UR x Omega), or does the chance for a quality upgrade get cut in half at Mk 14?
  • Does anyone see a problem with this? http://oi62.tinypic.com/25tdmc0.jpg
  • What's the Mk of your cannon? Are you using accelerators? If so, which type?
  • Quality chance improvement at UR is 2.5%? Omega is supposed to increase that chance by a factor of four? 2.5 x 4 =10 I just upgraded this armor with Omega Upgrades. It shows 5%, not 10%. Am I missing something? http://oi61.tinypic.com/352p3te.jpg
  • Back from the graveyard once again, and these upgrades are still broken.
  • Back from the graveyard of Page Three. It seems this bug affects not only the engines in the original post, but every piece of gear that's had a standard upgrade used on it. Some music while we wait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-kA3UtBj4M And a bonus bug for fun: http://oi60.tinypic.com/34eb5sp.jpg
  • And your lack of intelligence shows every time you hit that reply button.
  • You really are dense. Did you miss the "I haven't" in what I wrote? You're an idiot that I will be ignoring from now on. SMH...
  • Keep rolling those eyes. You're another one that makes no sense.
  • Where did I mention 99.99% uptime? Where did I make any demands? And here you go again, throwing around your favorite word, "entitlement". You make absolutely no sense. This forum needs an ignore feature badly.
  • I don't give a rodent's behind what they do. Perhaps players who have spent hundreds, or even thousands of dollars (I haven't), are "entitled" to something. If Cryptic were mine, I'd do what I could to keep players happy, especially when my product (pixels) costs me nothing. Happy customers spend money, pissed off…
  • Wut... WTF are you going on about? I believe everyone is aware its not possible to do anything while the game is down. Thanks for the brilliant insight...
  • Its not at all uncommon to give customers free stuff when you make mistakes; its called good business. Lots of unhappy players today, like the ones I saw mining at the Rich Claim when the servers died. Unhappy customers are bad for business.
  • A pretty common tactic. This forum needs an ignore function.
  • He requested I do it.
  • Calling people childish, foolish, hysterical, and telling them that they're raving is schoolyard TRIBBLE IMO, but I'm sure you feel differently.
  • You NEVER do that, right?
  • If you wait until a Dilithium Weekend to run queues, yes, you will be exploiting.
  • I was thinking it might go from four to twenty hours, but you're probably right.