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atlasmk7 Arc User



  • You've got to be trolling me. I literally have no other ways to say the stats and dps of these consoles don't matter to me. You like the ships, as do many others and that is great! I don't like them and said why. I was mostly curious if others thought along the same lines as I did. I am probably in the minority of those…
  • Again, for the third time, I've not mentioned anything about stats! I am not a min-maxer, I don't equip consoles to do crazy dps. I use consoles that are fun or do something UNIQUE. Buffing some damage type, lowering cooldowns, etc is fine and dandy but all I said is I thought the set bonuses were uninspiring. These ships…
  • You kind of missed my point. I didn't say the consoles were bad, they look like great fun. I'm just saying the set bonuses themselves aren't exciting. My post had nothing to do with how good anything was. I don't much care for light show abilities, but it's nice to have something to show for collecting entire ship sets…
  • Really disappointed in the set bonuses. They feel so uninspired and I especially dislike the trend of just empowering all the other consoles a little bit. I miss the days when you got the Thalaron blast on the Scimitar, the impenetrable bubble on the old Vestas, or even the Oblivion gateway on the Vonph. Made the sets feel…
  • Yes imo. Leach goes on all my ships no matter what. Luckily they are MUCH cheaper now thanks to the infinity box.
  • Well you could get it by using the console from the Constitution but you can easily get the other two consoles out of the console pack on the market for really cheap. The Proton Launcher/Mining Drill pack.
  • The problem with the advice to never open boxes is that if everybody would do that, prices would be outrageous or there would be no lockbox goodies available.
  • I was pretty sure I read the consoles and traits other than the Vengeance set were going to be high end prizes from the lockbox. I don't think us Feds will be able to get the Klingon and Rom consoles and traits with lobi. Edit- Woops I didn't see the edit above. Yeah I guessing it will be half the cost of the ship.…
  • Except not. Re-read it again and you'll see it says "These raiders are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own both a Herald Quas Flight Deck Cruiser or a Herald Vonph Dreadnought Carrier and a Herald Baltim Heavy Raider." One or the other carrier, plus the raider.
  • I don't think they would release two science dreadnoughts in a row. I think it will be Tac focused. I love the looks of it too.
  • Opened 54 boxes, and nothing. While it sucks, I know it's gambling and I lost. Will probably keep on until I get the ship. I opened over 100 for the Bulwark and never got it. Sometimes it feels rigged, but it's really just luck that some people seem to have. Someone got two ships in a span of about 10 seconds, just wow.
  • Cryptic has never ever told us the odds of getting the ship. Only the the odds are "improved" in these more expensive boxes than standard lock boxes.
  • It's because it's Star Trek. Some of us are willing to pay ludicrous amounts to fly our favorite ships in our favorite universe. If this wasn't Star Trek, I would have never stuck with the game. F2P games usually gouge quite a bit for those who want to really play it. I used to play World of Tanks and put a few hundred…
  • It's is originally from ST:Invasion, I played the heck out of that game. I played that Armada 3 mod too, and was amazed at how much they ripped off of STO to make it. It's still a great mod though.
  • I think something along the lines of an unbind token would be a better idea. I have alts with lobi and lockbox ships that are just going to waste that I would pay zen to move to my main. The current system really discourages having many characters IMO.
  • So you get the container with 10 lobi or Bug ship when you buy the packs from the C-store, but does that mean there is also a chance for the bug with the duty officer pack itself? Or is it only in the container?
  • I support this idea, but think the tokens should be account bound only. Ships that are rare, should stay rare. (Like the bug) The current system makes it very unfriendly to new characters. I played my Rom for a little over a month before I realized how much money I invested into lock box ships and lobi sets on my Fed. So…
  • I always appreciate it when someone flys what they want because of personal attachment or looks over raw stats :) The Gal-X is a ship I really wish would live up to its Dreadnought title.
  • This is literally the cruiser Feds have wanted for a while. It's a great ship, able to run dual cannons or beams very well. Its relatively quick, isn't squishy, and has 5 fore weapons. You said something about 3 attack ships in one with your two Oddys. You do know you can't deploy the Aquarius escort and separate at the…
  • The Shrapnel torp is utterly useless. Barely can see them, no sound effects, and the damage is low. The Destroyer though is a good ship, I just took the console off it.
  • Except, it actually does have everything to do with ambush. You gain turn rate in cloak, and the two piece set allows you to keep that increase in turn rate while ambush is active ON TOP of the two increase all the time. The Scimitar can't tank like a Fed cruiser but I have no trouble standing up to a Tac cube if my…
  • They can't use the drone ships on the Tac warbird, those are for the Scimitar only.
  • This is a cool idea. But you are putting beam weapons on the Scimitar which never used beam weapons. And you are putting a turret on the Sovereign which never used cannons. It will look silly and very un-movie like to have that one turret firing with beam arrays. Other than those two points, I think everything looks good.
  • So a box that would be completely and utterly useless to current Romulan players? Are the Odyssey and Bortas also going to be available to Romulans?
  • Eve is an AMAZING game for the thinker and planner and some of the most thrilling PvP in any game I've ever played. Definitely give it a shot! A new free expansion just came out too. Anyways, I'm with you all about the disappointment. I've been sitting on some adapted ships that I want to open, but am waiting until I see…
  • That's the one! Thanks so much!
  • Wow, just like every other C-store ship already in the game? No way Sherlock! Keep digging the hole, you're accomplishing nothing but making yourself look like the typical over vocal idiot.
  • Quite possibly the most self entitled forum rager I've ever seen. The OP has no idea what it means to balance an online game. The phasers were bugged, and needed to be fixed. They aren't taking anything away from you. They offered a full refund for anyone unsatisfied with the change. They can't do much better than that!…
  • What about those who don't have any zen and would buy some only if there was a ship sale? Totally silly to think there won't be any more ship sales IMO.