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  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User

    protoneous wrote: »
    lol now it's the players fault for doing it wrong.

    There's no wrong way to do it, but he's not wrong in that the player chooses their pain.

    Why does "pain" need to be a part of the equation at all? If I play a game, I do it for enjoyment. If something is painful I try to avoid it.

    Even so, there are times in life that we need/want to do something and in order to do that something, discomfort is a part of accomplishing that. I personally hate going out in public and dealing with people. Unfortunately, life requires that I do just that in order to continue living. You know, the whole work/pay bills/buy products thing. It is uncomfortable for me, even actually painful at times, but I suck it up and do what needs to be done.

    Now, I also understand that even in games there are tasks that need to be done in order to progress. Some of these tasks may not be all that much fun, but are done by players because the desire to progress outweighs the discomfort in doing the tasks. However, with this event, the line was blurred enough that the discomfort was at times simply NOT worth it. And once you're in that grey area, that's when *I* believe things need to be reexamined and changed. Which apparently is happening, just nothing can be done for this event. I'm willing to see how future events are handled before writing the new system off completely.

    Other MMO's I've played, there are times when only having 20-30 minutes of playtime a day means you can't really do anything meaningful to make progress. STO is different in that there are missions and tasks that can be done easily in that amount of time. And before this event, even special/seasonal events could be accomplished in that amount of time, usually with time to spare for something else. Not so with this event. With only 20-30 minutes to spare, there were days for me that I simply knew I wouldn't finish getting full daily progress in what spare time I had, so I didn't bother doing anything. Yes, I did finish the event, and not on the last day so it's not like I was cutting it close, but I would have liked to have played some other content besides only event related things.

    And now I'm hearing talk that they may require more than one task to be done for progress in the summer and winter events? That's fine and dandy, but they'd better take any timers off of those extra requirements. Because if I only have 20-30 minutes to spare during one of those events, and I need to do not only Flying High but the Scavenger Hunt as well, but the hunt won't be cycled back around for another 30 minutes, well, I'm not making progress that day or any other where the task needs to cycle back around. Also, tying it into the "PvP" style races wouldn't work either. I have never been able to complete the winter pvp race. The normal race, piece of cake, the pvp one I keep getting DQ'd for some reason.

    Am I an outlier now? Most likely, yes. Should the Devs cater to my playstyle? No, unless there is a large number of players who also fall into this area, which I kind of doubt there is.

    If future events were to go back to the 1 and done scheme, I would not have any issue with that at all.

    "Run a single queue and there's your full daily progress." Sounds good to me.

    Even if they came up with something like "Here are 2 short tasks that will take maybe 10 minutes total and you'll get your full daily progress." I'm good with that as well as I might even have time to play other parts of the game besides only running event related stuff.

    Apologies for all the rambling I have been doing on this subject. But if I didn't care, I wouldn't bother.
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • edited October 2019
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    iamynaught wrote: »
    Why does "pain" need to be a part of the equation at all?
    He was making a joke/reference to the title of an episode of Discovery.
    I didn't get the joke either.
    protoneous wrote: »
    Phoenix boxes are not a reliable way to keep a multi-character account up to date
    The idea that you even remotely need these things to stay "up to date" is a illusion of your own creation.
    Timeline Stabilizer, Domino Console, Protomatter Field Console. These are essential parts of many of my builds. It's no illusion.
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    I see some more good feedback here along with some clarifications of positions that give me a better understanding. I want to address those later when I have a bit more time.
    Some of us didn't even have enough time to finish conversations when you made your previous post. I'd like to address that post further when I have a bit more time.
    Sometimes, it's not about being right or wrong. Sometimes, it's just about being heard and acknowledged.
    I saved this quote of yours from somewhere. It's definitely applicable to many in this thread, one in particular and yourself included.
    ... You people really are hellbent on spiting yourselves.
    This statement is undeserved.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
    *Spoiler tags inserted to shorten the post.
    I think the point is that normally, what people are doing during their 'STO Time' is basically.. whatever they feel like. If a player finds it fun to do the same thing every day, rather it's battle zones or whatever.. who cares? Everyone has their own idea of what is fun. Personally, I am never bored in STO.. I can always find something to do and during events like this where I have 2-3 choices, those choices get old fast. Especially if I have to run them 40 times in 20 days.

    Granted. And I can completely understand the notion of having things one would rather do. Every time I end up in another Borg TFO via Random, I groan, but I soldier on through it. I'm never bored in STO either. I can always find something to do as well. I agree that the grind seemed a bit much for an event, though. It didn't bother me as much, because I used it to also accomplish other things I wanted to do. But I do hope the next one has a better balance.

    Your viewpoint here is confusing because just a few posts ago you took the opposite point of view on this issue.

    Not sure what you mean by an opposite point of view.

    It definitely is different. I don't consider doing 40 queues in 20 days or 80 patrols to be the definition of variety. Frankly, these options got old after day 3. Yes, previously there was no variety at all since only one single thing qualified you for the event, but at least you had to do far less of that one thing.

    In my opinion, the time to complete soon became a secondary issue to the fact that I was just sick to death of the content. I can safely say that now that I am done with the event, I will never run that mission or one of those patrols again. I might do the queue if they come out with an Elite version but by the time the 20 days was up I was so sick of these 'choices' that I just wanted to throw up.

    Again, the idea was good.. the implementation needs a tweak.

    I won't argue here. I'd have preferred something to mitigate the repetition. Either more content for even more variety to lessen the repetition or some double bonus days to cut down on the grind.

    The fact of the matter is many people who "play" STO don't actually want to play STO. They want to log in, sneeze, and then have all the new items automatically added to their inventories, and anything other then that is a grind.

    Sadly, I feel like there are many with this attitude. Not all, but some.

    protoneous wrote: »
    I agree. But when I said more effort less time pick one not both it was an attempt to imply that perhaps an optimal balance has yet to be found.

    Ok, I understand what you're getting at now. I agree that an optimal balance is still to be found.

    protoneous wrote: »
    Phoenix boxes are not a reliable way to keep a multi-character account up to date so your claim should perhaps add the words 'in theory'. Full credit given to the current second chance system though. I don't think we can comment too much on the old system as it's gone and not coming back. You not wrong about the only person not giving yourself a break is yourself. I skipped the summer event this year. This could quite possibly become a slippery slope. I'd rather that not happen. Giving honest feedback is my way of ensuring I'm heard by the folks that plan and make these events.

    I'm not exactly happy with the Phoenix Boxes as an idea, but it's better than players not having access to any of those rewards ever again, so I can live with it.

    protoneous wrote: »
    The buyout scaling is good. Having a variety of content to play for event completion is good. As to overall flexibility as compared to the old system... promised I wouldn't go there as it's gone. Something about playing more when you can and less when you can't might have been part of that. That was important for me at least. Allow me to deal with this loss please.

    Ok, if I understand correctly, this is more about token hoarding from before, so one could use them on future events, if one needed/wanted to. Not judging. I did it, too. If this is what you're talking about, then I understand what you mean by flexibility now.

    protoneous wrote: »
    I did a few patrols as they were new. See my comment in another thread giving one of them a glowing review. Mainly I relied upon the TFO and also have given it a good review for replay ability and design for an event. Is it really the player's fault if some don't find current event content agreeable?

    I sampled everything as well, but ended up doing the TFO repeatedly. No, of course it's not the player's fault if they don't find the available content agreeable. Everything is subject to taste.

    protoneous wrote: »
    It seems we're not in complete disagreement. Perhaps my own concern is the frequency the game uses time limited exclusive events. We currently have 2 seasonal, 1 anniversary, 1 experimental T6 ship coupon, 1 unique ship + weapons, plus however many single item events related to FTFO's. I've enjoyed many of them as a collector of various item but really wonder if the number of events and time between them is heading in a direction that is optimal for me.

    And let's not forget they want to add a Halloween event. As much as I enjoy doing events, I also have gotten a bit weary with event overload sometimes.

    warpangel wrote: »
    You don't have to run them at all. If you don't think an event is fun, and don't think the reward is worth it, not playing it is also your choice to make.

    But other people did like it.

    I have to agree that if players don't find something fun, then don't do it. The whole point is to have fun.

    warpangel wrote: »
    I don't know if they'll go back to doing 2 minute events next time, but at least we've now had something for those of us who like more involved events for a change.

    I hope they don't go back to "2 minute" events. But i do feel this event could've used some scaling back. Somewhere in between is the answer.

    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Its not just about 2 min events. I like evolved events when they are well designed which this event was not.

    I disagree. The bones of it are good. And it seems several others agree. It just needs some tweaking.

    kirk2811 wrote: »
    Agreed, not only for the first time I skipped 10 days of an event, but I hadn't logged in since then, not even to master the ship. Other ingame activities should be at one's discretion, not forced ones to achieve daily requirements. Running a daily event grind fast lets me focus in other activities of "my" choice that I enjoy more and still be online, that should be a player's decision. In this case though, I just finished it as soon as possible and logged off due to burnout.

    I agree with salvation4 as well, and qoutinq you " Its not the idea behind the system we have a problem with as the idea is really good. It’s the poor implementation leading to grind, burnout and boredom that is the problem."

    If you're feeling "forced" to do an event, then I have to wonder why you're doing it all. It should be something fun. It should be something that you WANT to take part in. If it's not fun for you, and you don't want to do it, then why are you doing it? Yeah, I get the burnout argument. That's valid. I'm addressing those that didn't want to do it to begin with, but still did because they felt "forced" to.

    iamynaught wrote: »
    Why does "pain" need to be a part of the equation at all? If I play a game, I do it for enjoyment. If something is painful I try to avoid it.
    He was making a joke/reference to the title of an episode of Discovery.
    protoneous wrote: »
    I didn't get the joke either.

    Actually, it wasn't a joke or a reference to Discovery. It's an idiomatic phrase similar to "pick your poison". That being said, it was more directed to those players who seem to not want to do the event as designed, but feel compelled to take part anyway.

    iamynaught wrote: »
    Now, I also understand that even in games there are tasks that need to be done in order to progress. Some of these tasks may not be all that much fun, but are done by players because the desire to progress outweighs the discomfort in doing the tasks. However, with this event, the line was blurred enough that the discomfort was at times simply NOT worth it. And once you're in that grey area, that's when *I* believe things need to be reexamined and changed. Which apparently is happening, just nothing can be done for this event. I'm willing to see how future events are handled before writing the new system off completely.

    Other MMO's I've played, there are times when only having 20-30 minutes of playtime a day means you can't really do anything meaningful to make progress. STO is different in that there are missions and tasks that can be done easily in that amount of time. And before this event, even special/seasonal events could be accomplished in that amount of time, usually with time to spare for something else. Not so with this event. With only 20-30 minutes to spare, there were days for me that I simply knew I wouldn't finish getting full daily progress in what spare time I had, so I didn't bother doing anything. Yes, I did finish the event, and not on the last day so it's not like I was cutting it close, but I would have liked to have played some other content besides only event related things.

    Understandable. And as it's been said before, hopefully, a happy medium can be found.

    iamynaught wrote: »
    And now I'm hearing talk that they may require more than one task to be done for progress in the summer and winter events? That's fine and dandy, but they'd better take any timers off of those extra requirements. Because if I only have 20-30 minutes to spare during one of those events, and I need to do not only Flying High but the Scavenger Hunt as well, but the hunt won't be cycled back around for another 30 minutes, well, I'm not making progress that day or any other where the task needs to cycle back around. Also, tying it into the "PvP" style races wouldn't work either. I have never been able to complete the winter pvp race. The normal race, piece of cake, the pvp one I keep getting DQ'd for some reason.

    I feel that the timers in many of the summer events are unnecessary with the exception of the races. The winter events, however, have many activities that require timers to activate them due to how they work. I believe that any one of those activities, given the time and effort needed to complete them, with the exception of "Flying High" or "Fastest Game on Ice", would suffice for daily event progress.

    protoneous wrote: »
    I see some more good feedback here along with some clarifications of positions that give me a better understanding. I want to address those later when I have a bit more time.
    Some of us didn't even have enough time to finish conversations when you made your previous post. I'd like to address that post further when I have a bit more time.


    protoneous wrote: »
    Sometimes, it's not about being right or wrong. Sometimes, it's just about being heard and acknowledged.
    I saved this quote of yours from somewhere. It's definitely applicable to many in this thread, one in particular and yourself included.

    Are you implying that I haven't heard or acknowledged people in this thread? Because, I don't believe that's true.

    protoneous wrote: »
    ... You people really are hellbent on spiting yourselves.
    This statement is undeserved.

    Well, first, way to go with quoting me out of context. Second, possibly, but when taken in context, I think it fits.
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    Are you implying that I haven't heard or acknowledged people in this thread? Because, I don't believe that's true.
    I was close to doing so, but you just completed the process.
    Well, first, way to go with quoting me out of context. Second, possibly, but when taken in context, I think it fits.
    It was not my intent to quote you out of context. Your context in your initial post of last evening was... more difficult and complex to ascertain than usual for some (myself included), and also rather unwieldy in length.

    It was also made more complicated for me at least as I was still in the process, after being away for a portion of the evening, in responding to another conversation. Elements of that conversation most likely added context to my own statements that you had already commented upon. That was a verbatim post saved from draft.

    I do stand by my comment that it's undeserved.

    There should be no shame in pushing back a bit at changes you're not entirely fond of. There is nothing in this thread that I've said that I regret or won't stand fast by. I can honestly say that.

    That being said it doesn't necessarily make me feel good triple quoting some who's judgement I very much respect. Something is out of alignment when that happens.
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  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    and what stops someone just idling in a patrol or something for an hour and racking up credit that way?​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
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    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
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  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
    protoneous wrote: »
    There should be no shame in pushing back a bit at changes you're not entirely fond of. There is nothing in this thread that I've said that I regret or won't stand fast by. I can honestly say that.

    I don't disagree with this. Pushing back a bit, yes. But I was referring to the comments that, at least to me, seemed to imply an unwillingness to participate if the requirements went beyond a meer 2-3 minutes of play, even if one might be doing the other things anyway. If I misinterpreted that, then I apologize.

    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...here's an idea. How about instead of play so and so x number of times for points, you can play ANYTHING for points. Every 1 min of content played...be it a mission, queue, patrol or battlezone, you get 1 point. If you happened to play one of the special event items, you get 2 points per min of play. So you do the new stuff they wanna show off...you need to play any of it for 30 min. You wanna play whatever you wanna play? Play for an hour. I mean I assume they run these events because they want us to stay on and play...right? This should completely negate any burn out as we have the option to play really whatever we want to get points this way.

    Well, I suppose something like that could work. But it's obvious that some of these events are designed for us to play specific content. Seasonal events for example: unless they're going to turn the entire galaxy and every possible mission into a version of Q's Winter Wonderland, then obviously one would have to go to Q's Winter Wonderland and participate in those activities. Events tend to revolve around a particular thing: summer, winter, a particular TFO, etc. With this latest one, it was themed around the Mycelial Spores. I suspect future events will take this themed approach as well. I could see a Mirror Universe event including not only the Mirror Invasion TFO, but the Badlands Battlezone, too, and maybe some new Terran themed Patrols. Personally, I don't see a problem with events basically herding players towards certain content for awhile. But I can understand if that's not to everyone's liking. I understand and sympathize with burnout. I think that could be mitigated, though, by providing more content that qualifies so that it feels less repetitive, or by lessening the amount of repetition needed.
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...here's an idea. How about instead of play so and so x number of times for points, you can play ANYTHING for points. Every 1 min of content played...be it a mission, queue, patrol or battlezone, you get 1 point. If you happened to play one of the special event items, you get 2 points per min of play. So you do the new stuff they wanna show off...you need to play any of it for 30 min. You wanna play whatever you wanna play? Play for an hour. I mean I assume they run these events because they want us to stay on and play...right? This should completely negate any burn out as we have the option to play really whatever we want to get points this way.

    Is this a good idea? Yes.

    Is there a chance it will ever happen? Sadly.. No.

    I would love it.. but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    I like the part about the focused content offering double points.. it would drive people to the targeted content, but people that didn't want to do it, wouldn't have to and could still take part in the event.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    and what stops someone just idling in a patrol or something for an hour and racking up credit that way?​​

    Do they care? They want you in the game...they don't really care what you do in the game. And honestly, if you are gonna waste an hour AFK a patrol, why are you even in the game again? The system literally would let you do ANYTHING you wanted for an hour. AKA play what you wanna. But yes, if you are super busy in your life, you could technically load up a patrol and AFK for an hour to do whatever else you need to do in your life...not sure this is a bad thing however.
    But I WANT the game to give me specific things to play for specific results. Do-whatever-you-want isn't even a game in my book.

    If what I do in the game didn't matter at all, I totally would SAVE an hour by going AFK in a patrol for free points. And spend the time playing some other game where what I do does matter.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator

    I could see a Battlezone event where every Battlezone counts. Or a Patrol event where every Patrol counts. Or an Adventure Zone event where every Adventure Zone counts. But a "do whatever you want it doesn't matter" event? You'd have people sitting around DOFFing and running Admiralty, or Crafting. I mean, if EVERYTHING counts.
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  • starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...here's an idea. How about instead of play so and so x number of times for points, you can play ANYTHING for points. Every 1 min of content played...be it a mission, queue, patrol or battlezone, you get 1 point. If you happened to play one of the special event items, you get 2 points per min of play. So you do the new stuff they wanna show off...you need to play any of it for 30 min. You wanna play whatever you wanna play? Play for an hour. I mean I assume they run these events because they want us to stay on and play...right? This should completely negate any burn out as we have the option to play really whatever we want to get points this way.

    This is a great idea and logical.​​
  • fred26291#2759 fred26291 Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...here's an idea. How about instead of play so and so x number of times for points, you can play ANYTHING for points. Every 1 min of content played...be it a mission, queue, patrol or battlezone, you get 1 point. If you happened to play one of the special event items, you get 2 points per min of play. So you do the new stuff they wanna show off...you need to play any of it for 30 min. You wanna play whatever you wanna play? Play for an hour. I mean I assume they run these events because they want us to stay on and play...right? This should completely negate any burn out as we have the option to play really whatever we want to get points this way.

    I dont see this as being quicker than what the current system is thats supposed to be quicker, so i really dont see this as being a usefull replacement to the new system that already takes upwards to 2 and 3 times longer than the length of time the original system took daily.

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  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    The winter and summer events are actually two events rolled into one, the ship event that just awards the ship and after that, marks, and another event with its own currency and store. They are better off sticking with Flying High and Fastest Game on Ice or the equivalent because while the prize is the best it is functionally a sidegame to the currency based event and requiring more time spent on getting the ship would reduce participation in the others.

    Why? Because of the quirks of perception.

    Right now the ship part is small and fast and feels a bit like a kind of admission fee in a way, once it is out of the way one is free to relax and do the other event minigames without pressure. If the other minigames were roped into the ship requirements they would stop being that whimsical change of pace and would become just another grind to get out of the way before going back to whatever the player does in the game outside of events, goes to other games, or does something real-world instead.
  • kirk2811kirk2811 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    *Spoiler tags inserted to shorten the post.
    kirk2811 wrote: »
    Agreed, not only for the first time I skipped 10 days of an event, but I hadn't logged in since then, not even to master the ship. Other ingame activities should be at one's discretion, not forced ones to achieve daily requirements. Running a daily event grind fast lets me focus in other activities of "my" choice that I enjoy more and still be online, that should be a player's decision. In this case though, I just finished it as soon as possible and logged off due to burnout.

    I agree with salvation4 as well, and qoutinq you " Its not the idea behind the system we have a problem with as the idea is really good. It’s the poor implementation leading to grind, burnout and boredom that is the problem."

    If you're feeling "forced" to do an event, then I have to wonder why you're doing it all. It should be something fun. It should be something that you WANT to take part in. If it's not fun for you, and you don't want to do it, then why are you doing it? Yeah, I get the burnout argument. That's valid. I'm addressing those that didn't want to do it to begin with, but still did because they felt "forced" to.

    Why did I do it? Answer is simple enough, I wanted the rewards. What I didn't enjoyed were the means to achieve that goal. Having a limited daily online time "forced" me to spend most of it doing the event instead of just a part of it and moving to whatever else more enjoyable to my taste and playstyle. In my opinion that is the opposite to "Earn Event Rewards Quicker" which is the tittle of this thread and the reason why I posted my comment. Then again I think this system is a really good idea but as many have stated, needs refinement
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    I'm glad that event is over and because of how much of a grind it was I gave up because I felt forced to do it. Hopefully this isn't how events are going to be from now on otherwise I won't bother with that either.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    The old system was terrible too...but we grinned and beared it because it was only 2-10 min a day. This is all going in the wrong direction.

    That one sentence sums it up about as well as anyone can.

    No one is saying the new system is bad.. it just needs a little refinement on the daily requirement.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    But I WANT the game to give me specific things to play for specific results. Do-whatever-you-want isn't even a game in my book..

    Excuse me, whaaaaat?
    As a fan of open-world games, dem's fightin' words.

  • jennycolvinjennycolvin Member Posts: 1,100 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    The old system was terrible too...but we grinned and beared it because it was only 2-10 min a day. This is all going in the wrong direction.

    That one sentence sums it up about as well as anyone can.

    No one is saying the new system is bad.. it just needs a little refinement on the daily requirement.

    I've said it many times already, but here it goes again: it would've worked way better if they gave us the choice of completing only one activity to get the points, one that we could choose between the entire "event's content".
    Again, CC is... how long? 3 minutes? And still, how many events we've had with that single queue as the only requirement to get daily progress?
    These new patrols are longer - some of them are even time gated (ugh) - and then, of course, there's the episode and the new STF.
    They could've said: complete ANY one of these to get the daily progress.
    THAT would've been variety.
    THAT would've meant giving the player the ability to play how they choose - something they're so fond of saying, but extremely bad at giving us.

    Now, the Kobayashi Maru event that's about to start will require doing the STF (or rather, the first 3 waves if the calendar description is to be believed) to get the daily progress, and we will need 14 days to complete it. So, no problem there.

    For the Winter Event, where there are many activities you can complete for event currency (always remember, guys: peace is good for business!), why not give us the choice to run anything once per day - and I mean anything, yes even the "Fastest Game on Ice" for those that choose to go for that one - to gain the daily progress?

    I agree with those that says that progress should only come from event-related activities, because come on... it wouldn't make sense otherwise. Not with how the events are at the moment, at least.
    @baddmoonrizin your idea of Battlezone/Patrol/Adventure Zone events is a cool one, though!
    I hope they think about it, though I'd skip the Battlezone without a single moment of regret XD​​
    Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.

    Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
    - quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;

    Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
    Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    earn rewards quicker - how quicker? Please make more "spaced" (more time between TFO's and other event) schedule. It's really difficult to keep up from one side and yet I don't want to lose anything unique (or sometimes big bonus) on the other side. (I do enjoy playing but not necessarily what you put in the list, in that time, and in that repeating amount/scheduling)
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,619 Arc User
    Please make more "spaced" (more time between TFO's and other event) schedule.
    I'll second that request. It'd be nice just to have 2 or 3 weeks to enjoy ourselves by playing the game.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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