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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: Alright. I'll meet her at the transporter pad. *heads to the transporter room*

    *When he arrives, a ship-based Assault Ops commando beams over.*

    Garrick: I'm Captain Garrick. May I ask your name?

    Commando: Lieutenant JG Tana Maris, sir. I've been ordered to immediately proceed to the CIC.

    Garrick: Well then welcome aboard. Right this way. *Leads the way to the CIC*

    *When they enter, Maris takes out a data rod and activates the central console.*

    Maris: Has this been isolated as instructed?

    Tech: I made the modifications myself.

    *Maris slides the data rod into one of the data ports.*

    Maris: This will take a moment.

    *Garrick sees a massive amount of data being downloaded into the central console.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!

    WIlson: Yeah and I found it... little princess..

    *The baseball glows faintly... showing her the evacuation of DS9 after incurring severe damage during the invasion... *

    *On the other end of the ruin, Kazon board the station Nistrom banners on their shoulders their Maje at the head.*

    *OOC: If someone wants to take a whack go ahead..*

    Tara A: What on...?

    Wilson: What?

    Tara A: This is it... This is what's been drawing me here.

    Wilson: Huh.. Thought they would have taken that during the evacuation..

    Tara A: Maybe they didn't have time...

    There's an old story that when Ben Sisko was forced to abandon DS9 at the beginning of the first Dominion War, he left this behind as a message that he'd be back. According to the story, it's remained on his desk ever since.

    *She watches something move toward the direction of the lower ring and to the outside... She can hear the Kazon scavenging throughout the area and moving closer.. *

    Wilson: Well wonder britches we have maybe an opportunity right now to get moving.. I suggest we take it.. or I can make a mess of the Kazon..

    Tara A: Okay, port us out.

    Wilson: Sure no problem.. Hang on tight little princesses.. *He grabs both of them and with a pop they find themselves in the runabout.. The alert going off, the Kazon have discovered the ship..*

    *Tara A quickly takes the helm.*

    Tara A: Alright, I think it's time to leave.

    *She begins to take the runabout back through the debris field.*

    *The Kazon begin firing on the runabout and following them..*

    Wilson: Jeez tell me you have something bigger than phasers on this thing..

    Tara A: This is a civilian runabout! Phasers are all we have!

    *Wilson sighs as the ship rocks again under fire..*

    Wilson: Maximum effort..

    *There is a pop as the Kazon ship breaks off its attack..before starting to go straight into the debris field and with another pop.. He is back bloodier...*

    Here is an idea instead of me being the one man boarding party little missy.. How about you get the attention of the patrolling ships..

    Tara A: Here's an idea: maybe drop the attitude if you want me to actually listen to your suggestions? Besides, the debris is jamming comms.

    *Wilson sighs and murmurs something about the kitchen.. and locks the phasers on the nearest exposed core in a wreck.. Which causes it to explode a soft explosion.. taking another Kazon vessel. *

    Wilson: That should get the attention of the patrols.. Go kiddo.. now before the Kazon make up their mind..

    Tara A: Wilson, I was finishing high school when you were still in kindergarten.

    *She reaches the edge of the debris field and jumps to warp.*

    WIlson: Ohhh how cute a little girl wants to take punches on my immaturity.. Please..

    Tara A: Even ignoring that I was technically born 50 years ago, my actual age is 34, so kindly don't call me a 'little girl'. Ever.

    Wilson: Oh don't get me started on how old I am.. I still remember Yani..

    Tara A: The point is I'm not a little girl.

    Wilson: Still spoiled...

    Tara A: Spoiled? I'm spoiled?

    Wilson: Yes.. your spoiled.

    Tara A *cold*: You have no idea what I've been through - the life I've led. The things I've gone through would be enough to drive a normal person mad.

    Wilson: So have I.. except I couldn't die from it.. *He finally removes his mask to reveal a tumor, scar covered, and burned face.. she couldn't tell what he was before.. *

    *He looks at her coyly with his mask off.. *

    Made you look..
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.

    Sam: Do we have any ships in the area?
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *The triage unit brings James Jr to the Doctor down in sickbay, so the Doctor can work on him. He does see the extent of what happened, they did miss the shrapnel lodged in his head, where his eye was.. Giving him a small horn like appearance. *

    Bruce: My god..
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.

    Sam: Do we have any ships in the area?

    Aide: Only one a day out but its only the Californian.. a transport ship.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.

    Sam: Do we have any ships in the area?

    Aide: Only one a day out but its only the Californian.. a transport ship.

    Sam: See if she's able to help. Whoever set that bomb has probably tried to jump ship by now. Maybe they can find him.

    If nothing else, it'll stop the Federation from blaming us.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.

    Sam: Do we have any ships in the area?

    Aide: Only one a day out but its only the Californian.. a transport ship.

    Sam: See if she's able to help. Whoever set that bomb has probably tried to jump ship by now. Maybe they can find him.

    If nothing else, it'll stop the Federation from blaming us.

    Aide: Perhaps.. I will send word mam.. Anything else?
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.

    Computer: Triage center Ten Forward..

    *Sala enters, a little shaken up, like she was regretting something..*

    Sala: Wondering if you needed a hand...
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Yost's vessel succeeded in destroying the vessel while they begin searching for the shuttles and escape pods. However, within several days they too have gone offline. *

    *This leads to Sam to worry.. an Aide reports what she was worried about there is a breakout on a populated.*

    Aide: Mam. Corellia has sent out a planetary wide quarantine...

    Sam: Tell the Admiralty they have authorisation to track down and stop any transports that have left Corellia in the last few days. Let's make sure we contain this.

    Have Reserach come up with anything from the logs we recovered? Bio filter scans?

    Aide: Research has nothing out of the ordinary so far.. They were thinking a parasite given the evidence but nothing showed up. The victims did show that they were suffering from something like a cold at the time, which is baffling Research.

    *He hands her another pad from intelligence..*

    Another bit of news the Enterprise J was bombed.. heavy damage.

    Sam: Do we have any ships in the area?

    Aide: Only one a day out but its only the Californian.. a transport ship.

    Sam: See if she's able to help. Whoever set that bomb has probably tried to jump ship by now. Maybe they can find him.

    If nothing else, it'll stop the Federation from blaming us.

    Aide: Perhaps.. I will send word mam.. Anything else?

    Sam: No, thank you...
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.

    Computer: Triage center Ten Forward..

    *Sala enters, a little shaken up, like she was regretting something..*

    Sala: Wondering if you needed a hand...

    Mila: You have investigative training?
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.

    Computer: Triage center Ten Forward..

    *Sala enters, a little shaken up, like she was regretting something..*

    Sala: Wondering if you needed a hand...

    Mila: You have investigative training?

    Sala: Better than you might suspect.. and it beats sitting around..
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Bruce has James Jr placed onto the table.. and waves the doctor in..*

    Bruce: Doctor.. As you can see.. this is a big one..
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.

    Computer: Triage center Ten Forward..

    *Sala enters, a little shaken up, like she was regretting something..*

    Sala: Wondering if you needed a hand...

    Mila: You have investigative training?

    Sala: Better than you might suspect.. and it beats sitting around..

    Mila: Someone took a shuttle just before the bombs went off. See if you can figure out who. There's a list already compiled. I'm going to go get some help.
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    *The mysterious ensign leaves ten forward still no one paying him any mind as he walks among the damaged ship*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Garrick: What are you downloading?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: What are you downloading?

    Maris: The Aide.

    *After a few moments, a small hologram of a young women appears on the console.*

    Athena: Okay, let me get my chronometer set up...

    4 days! What did you take?! A garbage scow?!

    Maris: She does this a lot, Captain.

    Athena: Captain?

    *She looks at Garrick, before straightening up.*

    Captain Garrick. My name's Athena.

    *OOC: As a bit of background, pure-data AI like Athena are outlawed in the Republic after DIS used one of their service drones to store Sam's brain patterns, which led to it evolving and creating the Synthesisers (Emma's race) which very nearly bought the Republic to its knees. Athena is partly based on the programming of the Terminals - sentient AI/androids which helped fight the Shadows 100 years ago (before going nuts). She was created by DIS to serve as an aide to Dr Warren when he was creating the Comanche troopers for President Clarke to fight the Eblisi before eventually being assigned to one of them. This is the first we've seen her since the Eblisi arc. In theory, Garrick should have a guarded attitide towards her, given she's an AI.*
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Garrick: Pleased to meet you. So why do we need your help? *he makes sure he doesn't sound mean by saying that*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Unsc space

    Hannah: well that went better then I figured.

    List: why have cause he said maybe?

    Hannah: mostly yes.

    The two get into the warthog as they make the trip back to the capital
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: Pleased to meet you. So why do we need your help? *he makes sure he doesn't sound mean by saying that*

    Athena: Put simply? I've already identified 3 different locations likely to devolve into bloodbaths implementing conventional tactics and I'm already coming up with solutions. That's from a quick sensor sweep I just took.

    Maris: To be fair, sir, she was a ale to beat my entire squad individually at 3D chess within 20 moves, simultaneously. She knows what she's doing.

    Athena: Aside from that, I can formulate tactics and process information for you on the fly faster than any computer. And I'm prettier too.

    Maris *dryly*: As you can tell, she's also very modest.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Cole sits in his home looking over the padd they left. His mastiff comes up to him nudging him.

    Cole: alright alright I'll take you out.

    He gets up stepping outside. He had made a good life here and didn't want to leave it. But he also knew how much they needed help.

    Cole: i suppose there isn't much to decide is there.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Deathstrike is at a facility watching some news on his padd.

    Deathstrike: i better have something soon. Otherwise I'm going to go start blowing up stuff for the hell of it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: Pleased to meet you. So why do we need your help? *he makes sure he doesn't sound mean by saying that*

    Athena: Put simply? I've already identified 3 different locations likely to devolve into bloodbaths implementing conventional tactics and I'm already coming up with solutions. That's from a quick sensor sweep I just took.

    Maris: To be fair, sir, she was a ale to beat my entire squad individually at 3D chess within 20 moves, simultaneously. She knows what she's doing.

    Athena: Aside from that, I can formulate tactics and process information for you on the fly faster than any computer. And I'm prettier too.

    Maris *dryly*: As you can tell, she's also very modest.

    Garrick: Indeed. So you're here to help us keep control of the planet?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Donavan: ok Roland try to access the base codes for the defense systems try to locate down the area we know the prisoner was being kept. Maybe we can by time till Damien arrives.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mila is at the security station in the shuttle bay but finds the records suspiciously not recorded. The feeds are also offline. *

    Mila: Computer, who deactivated the security monitors for the main Shuttlebay?

    Computer: Unknown...

    Mila: Computer, scan all life-forms present aboard the Enterprise. Identify all missing personnel with sufficient security clearance or maintenance access to disable security monitors.

    *It lists several crew members but only so few. Security personnel are listed but no one she really knows.. This is getting deep and long.. Several things needed to happen before this kind of thing to have worked appropriately... She needs help and only one person she knows that is on the ship, intelligent enough to leave sentimentality at the door.*

    Computer: Another inquiry?

    Mila: Locate Ensign Valeris.

    Computer: Triage center Ten Forward..

    *Sala enters, a little shaken up, like she was regretting something..*

    Sala: Wondering if you needed a hand...

    Mila: You have investigative training?

    Sala: Better than you might suspect.. and it beats sitting around..

    Mila: Someone took a shuttle just before the bombs went off. See if you can figure out who. There's a list already compiled. I'm going to go get some help.

    *Sala looks over the list, something isn't sitting right with her about this..*

    Sala: Mila.. Your forgetting something.. These people only have access to the security feeds and computer protocols.. but not to placing the bombs in key areas.. Whoever did this had to have help on the ship.. If only one person got away we need more people on this..

    *In Sick Bay the operating team manage to remove most of the shrapnel and seal the wounds, his left arm is fitted with a padded stump for the time being after cleaning up the wounded area. Bruce looks over the scans of the head piece of shrapnel.. The procedure is going to be tough.. if pressed it could apply more pressure to his brain. The eye is a loss and there is going to be scarring no matter what they do. *

    Bruce: Alright, this is going to take some delicate work.. any suggestions aside from prompt removal?

    *On the runabout*

    *Wilson managed to shut her up before putting his mask back on... She however hears James Jr.. and Casval.. James Jr.. shoving his little brother out of the way of something before she hears the explosion go off. In a hazy like trance she passes control to her co-pilot.. She hears another James Jr speaking..*

    James Jr: Don't do it.. Give them another chance..
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *On the Bridge*

    Wade: *Sitting in the Captain's chair can't help but feel something is off. * Colas... Something strange is happening here..

    *The bridge crew look around and notice that there are no other ships in range coming anytime soon.. *

    Alvin: Its too quiet.. Nothing on sensors yet..

    *In Pegasus Dani receives a message from her youngest son..*
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