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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    OoC: Hey Logan shouldn't Oni or someone be investigating why there was a Spartan aiding the unknown aliens? It at least investigate the identity? (identity would be harder to find out probably)
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: Sure.

    *Karen walks over to the replicator.*

    Karen: What do you want?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: yes I will get them there here shortly. Though ONI will have records of who went through the program and who didn't.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Susan: I could go for some fried chicken.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *James Jr is heading to the bridge with Casval as Mila and her group come up on him.. He does not catch her grasp and tastes the wall..*

    James Jr: oww.. Damn it.. *He retches from his barely taken care of hangover..*

    Casval: Mila.. Not now!!

    OOC: Mila's first response wouldn't be that violent, even if James did deserve it.

    *OOC: I will amend it..*

    Casval: Mila.. we don't have time for this..

    Mila: This will only take a minute.

    What is wrong with you?!

    James Jr: I wanted to have a cordial and nice time with a friend... It was a mistake to choose Romulan Ale, but come on..

    Mila: Uh, you think?! Alcohol and 'nice time with a friend' don't mix! Especially when that friend is female and you happen to be the reincarnation of James T. Kirk, except without the good looks or the intelligence!

    *An ensign walking past winces at that, muttering something like 'ouch' under their breath.*

    I would report you for having a hangover, but I can do far, far worse.

    I can tell Cassi.

    Casval: Mila we really don't have time for this. Stop.. okay.. Just stop..

    *James Jr, incensed by her statement breaks free of her grip and gives her the angriest people had ever seen him, even herself. His eyes were like flaming pits but dark when looked into.*

    James Jr: Why don't you ask what happened first, before running off at the proverbial mouth. If you think its going to inhibit me from my job, or make things worse for me, no thanks.

    *He turns around and asks for a site to site transport and he gets it.. Casval can feel him burning. Mila on the other hand, can feel a pit in her stomach.. Casval gets a site to site transport as well, he isn't very happy with her either, telling her not to do something was like talking to a mad bull sometimes. She can tell by the look on his face.*

    Casval: Site to Site transport computer..

    Computer: Destination required..
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!

    WIlson: Yeah and I found it... little princess..

    *The baseball glows faintly... showing her the evacuation of DS9 after incurring severe damage during the invasion... *

    *On the other end of the ruin, Kazon board the station Nistrom banners on their shoulders their Maje at the head.*

    *OOC: If someone wants to take a whack go ahead..*

    Tara A: What on...?

    Wilson: What?

    Tara A: This is it... This is what's been drawing me here.

    Wilson: Huh.. Thought they would have taken that during the evacuation..

    Tara A: Maybe they didn't have time...

    There's an old story that when Ben Sisko was forced to abandon DS9 at the beginning of the first Dominion War, he left this behind as a message that he'd be back. According to the story, it's remained on his desk ever since.

    *She watches something move toward the direction of the lower ring and to the outside... She can hear the Kazon scavenging throughout the area and moving closer.. *

    Wilson: Well wonder britches we have maybe an opportunity right now to get moving.. I suggest we take it.. or I can make a mess of the Kazon..
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *In the tail ends of Republic space the teams find the vessels deprived of shuttles and escape pods, floating there as if abandoned.. *

    Ops: There it is sir.. pulling in scans of the area.

    Comm: The Prime Minister has a direct line in, shall I punch her in to the bridge sir?

    Captain Yost: Do so Ensign..
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I could go for some fried chicken.

    Karen: Okay.

    *Karen brings their food over.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *James Jr is heading to the bridge with Casval as Mila and her group come up on him.. He does not catch her grasp and tastes the wall..*

    James Jr: oww.. Damn it.. *He retches from his barely taken care of hangover..*

    Casval: Mila.. Not now!!

    OOC: Mila's first response wouldn't be that violent, even if James did deserve it.

    *OOC: I will amend it..*

    Casval: Mila.. we don't have time for this..

    Mila: This will only take a minute.

    What is wrong with you?!

    James Jr: I wanted to have a cordial and nice time with a friend... It was a mistake to choose Romulan Ale, but come on..

    Mila: Uh, you think?! Alcohol and 'nice time with a friend' don't mix! Especially when that friend is female and you happen to be the reincarnation of James T. Kirk, except without the good looks or the intelligence!

    *An ensign walking past winces at that, muttering something like 'ouch' under their breath.*

    I would report you for having a hangover, but I can do far, far worse.

    I can tell Cassi.

    Casval: Mila we really don't have time for this. Stop.. okay.. Just stop..

    *James Jr, incensed by her statement breaks free of her grip and gives her the angriest people had ever seen him, even herself. His eyes were like flaming pits but dark when looked into.*

    James Jr: Why don't you ask what happened first, before running off at the proverbial mouth. If you think its going to inhibit me from my job, or make things worse for me, no thanks.

    *He turns around and asks for a site to site transport and he gets it.. Casval can feel him burning. Mila on the other hand, can feel a pit in her stomach.. Casval gets a site to site transport as well, he isn't very happy with her either, telling her not to do something was like talking to a mad bull sometimes. She can tell by the look on his face.*

    Casval: Site to Site transport computer..

    Computer: Destination required..

    *Mila walks off.

    1 hour later, Mila is talking to her mother over subspace.*

    Mila: Do you think I should tell her?

    Dani: You tell me.

    *Mila exhales through the nostrils.*

    Mila: It's not like I owe her anything... Maybe I should let her find out for herself...

    Dani: If you were that cruel, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    You're asking because you want to know if you should do this to James.

    *Mila looks at her.*

    Mila: And I thought Dad was the telepath.

    Dani: It will hurt Cassi more to find out for herself than it will James if you tell her.

    Mila: He needs to learn to take responsibility for himself and his own actions.

    Dani: On that we're agreed.

    Mila: So?

    Dani: So what?

    Mila: So should I tell Cassi?

    Dani: Mila, I'm your mother. But I'm also a galaxy away and you're not a kid anymore. It's your decision.

    *10 minutes later, Mila passes a message to one of the bridge crew to pass on to James Jr, before going to Cassi's station in Main Engineering as her break starts.*

    Mila: Cass', can I talk to you?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!

    WIlson: Yeah and I found it... little princess..

    *The baseball glows faintly... showing her the evacuation of DS9 after incurring severe damage during the invasion... *

    *On the other end of the ruin, Kazon board the station Nistrom banners on their shoulders their Maje at the head.*

    *OOC: If someone wants to take a whack go ahead..*

    Tara A: What on...?

    Wilson: What?

    Tara A: This is it... This is what's been drawing me here.

    Wilson: Huh.. Thought they would have taken that during the evacuation..

    Tara A: Maybe they didn't have time...

    There's an old story that when Ben Sisko was forced to abandon DS9 at the beginning of the first Dominion War, he left this behind as a message that he'd be back. According to the story, it's remained on his desk ever since.

    *She watches something move toward the direction of the lower ring and to the outside... She can hear the Kazon scavenging throughout the area and moving closer.. *

    Wilson: Well wonder britches we have maybe an opportunity right now to get moving.. I suggest we take it.. or I can make a mess of the Kazon..

    Tara A: Okay, port us out.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *In the tail ends of Republic space the teams find the vessels deprived of shuttles and escape pods, floating there as if abandoned.. *

    Ops: There it is sir.. pulling in scans of the area.

    Comm: The Prime Minister has a direct line in, shall I punch her in to the bridge sir?

    Captain Yost: Do so Ensign..

    Sam: What have you found Captain?
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I could go for some fried chicken.

    Karen: Okay.

    *Karen brings their food over.*

    Susan: Thanks. So uh maybe we should take a break from fighting for a bit?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I could go for some fried chicken.

    Karen: Okay.

    *Karen brings their food over.*

    Susan: Thanks. So uh maybe we should take a break from fighting for a bit?

    Karen: Maybe...
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Susan: I think we've just been going at it too much lately.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I think we've just been going at it too much lately.

    Karen: Yeah... We probably have...
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Susan: I kinda wish we could go on vacation.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *James Jr is heading to the bridge with Casval as Mila and her group come up on him.. He does not catch her grasp and tastes the wall..*

    James Jr: oww.. Damn it.. *He retches from his barely taken care of hangover..*

    Casval: Mila.. Not now!!

    OOC: Mila's first response wouldn't be that violent, even if James did deserve it.

    *OOC: I will amend it..*

    Casval: Mila.. we don't have time for this..

    Mila: This will only take a minute.

    What is wrong with you?!

    James Jr: I wanted to have a cordial and nice time with a friend... It was a mistake to choose Romulan Ale, but come on..

    Mila: Uh, you think?! Alcohol and 'nice time with a friend' don't mix! Especially when that friend is female and you happen to be the reincarnation of James T. Kirk, except without the good looks or the intelligence!

    *An ensign walking past winces at that, muttering something like 'ouch' under their breath.*

    I would report you for having a hangover, but I can do far, far worse.

    I can tell Cassi.

    Casval: Mila we really don't have time for this. Stop.. okay.. Just stop..

    *James Jr, incensed by her statement breaks free of her grip and gives her the angriest people had ever seen him, even herself. His eyes were like flaming pits but dark when looked into.*

    James Jr: Why don't you ask what happened first, before running off at the proverbial mouth. If you think its going to inhibit me from my job, or make things worse for me, no thanks.

    *He turns around and asks for a site to site transport and he gets it.. Casval can feel him burning. Mila on the other hand, can feel a pit in her stomach.. Casval gets a site to site transport as well, he isn't very happy with her either, telling her not to do something was like talking to a mad bull sometimes. She can tell by the look on his face.*

    Casval: Site to Site transport computer..

    Computer: Destination required..

    *Mila walks off.

    1 hour later, Mila is talking to her mother over subspace.*

    Mila: Do you think I should tell her?

    Dani: You tell me.

    *Mila exhales through the nostrils.*

    Mila: It's not like I owe her anything... Maybe I should let her find out for herself...

    Dani: If you were that cruel, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    You're asking because you want to know if you should do this to James.

    *Mila looks at her.*

    Mila: And I thought Dad was the telepath.

    Dani: It will hurt Cassi more to find out for herself than it will James if you tell her.

    Mila: He needs to learn to take responsibility for himself and his own actions.

    Dani: On that we're agreed.

    Mila: So?

    Dani: So what?

    Mila: So should I tell Cassi?

    Dani: Mila, I'm your mother. But I'm also a galaxy away and you're not a kid anymore. It's your decision.

    *10 minutes later, Mila passes a message to one of the bridge crew to pass on to James Jr, before going to Cassi's station in Main Engineering as her break starts.*

    Mila: Cass', can I talk to you?

    *OOC: Wow.. straight to not thinking about it.. There are reasons I did not reveal much about that time, however, should add plenty of stress between everyone. *

    Cassi: Not right now... *She is still under the terminal dealing with a few random circuits.* but if its about your brother, I don't want to know. Yeah I heard about that spat you two had. You would think that people would stay out of people's business.

    James Jr.: *Coming down and getting directions from Gillian, he doesn't speak much to Mila outside of one phrase.* Your not needed here..

    *Mila gets a buzz from Casval more than one buzz. *
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!

    WIlson: Yeah and I found it... little princess..

    *The baseball glows faintly... showing her the evacuation of DS9 after incurring severe damage during the invasion... *

    *On the other end of the ruin, Kazon board the station Nistrom banners on their shoulders their Maje at the head.*

    *OOC: If someone wants to take a whack go ahead..*

    Tara A: What on...?

    Wilson: What?

    Tara A: This is it... This is what's been drawing me here.

    Wilson: Huh.. Thought they would have taken that during the evacuation..

    Tara A: Maybe they didn't have time...

    There's an old story that when Ben Sisko was forced to abandon DS9 at the beginning of the first Dominion War, he left this behind as a message that he'd be back. According to the story, it's remained on his desk ever since.

    *She watches something move toward the direction of the lower ring and to the outside... She can hear the Kazon scavenging throughout the area and moving closer.. *

    Wilson: Well wonder britches we have maybe an opportunity right now to get moving.. I suggest we take it.. or I can make a mess of the Kazon..

    Tara A: Okay, port us out.

    Wilson: Sure no problem.. Hang on tight little princesses.. *He grabs both of them and with a pop they find themselves in the runabout.. The alert going off, the Kazon have discovered the ship..*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In the tail ends of Republic space the teams find the vessels deprived of shuttles and escape pods, floating there as if abandoned.. *

    Ops: There it is sir.. pulling in scans of the area.

    Comm: The Prime Minister has a direct line in, shall I punch her in to the bridge sir?

    Captain Yost: Do so Ensign..

    Sam: What have you found Captain?

    Yost: We have found one of the vessels.. It has been abandoned, all shuttles, fighters, and escape pods are gone.. We are not picking up any lifesigns but we are picking up trails that go in every which direction.. I am about to send a team to investigate the vessel itself.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Kovan can feel malicks men and Furys men approaching the planet.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: oh Allen let me know what you want to do so I know how to proceed thanks
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Approaching the colony where kovan is at

    Coulson: remember we move quick. We don't know if he is going to come willingly so we take him down and then bring him in.

    Agent: do we know what kinda power level we are dealing with.

    Coulson: no we really don't. Any other questions? No. Good we can also expect other parties are going to be involved. So shoot first ask questions after.

    The team nods as Coulson heads toward the cockpit.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    ryan218 wrote: »
    *James Jr is heading to the bridge with Casval as Mila and her group come up on him.. He does not catch her grasp and tastes the wall..*

    James Jr: oww.. Damn it.. *He retches from his barely taken care of hangover..*

    Casval: Mila.. Not now!!

    OOC: Mila's first response wouldn't be that violent, even if James did deserve it.

    *OOC: I will amend it..*

    Casval: Mila.. we don't have time for this..

    Mila: This will only take a minute.

    What is wrong with you?!

    James Jr: I wanted to have a cordial and nice time with a friend... It was a mistake to choose Romulan Ale, but come on..

    Mila: Uh, you think?! Alcohol and 'nice time with a friend' don't mix! Especially when that friend is female and you happen to be the reincarnation of James T. Kirk, except without the good looks or the intelligence!

    *An ensign walking past winces at that, muttering something like 'ouch' under their breath.*

    I would report you for having a hangover, but I can do far, far worse.

    I can tell Cassi.

    Casval: Mila we really don't have time for this. Stop.. okay.. Just stop..

    *James Jr, incensed by her statement breaks free of her grip and gives her the angriest people had ever seen him, even herself. His eyes were like flaming pits but dark when looked into.*

    James Jr: Why don't you ask what happened first, before running off at the proverbial mouth. If you think its going to inhibit me from my job, or make things worse for me, no thanks.

    *He turns around and asks for a site to site transport and he gets it.. Casval can feel him burning. Mila on the other hand, can feel a pit in her stomach.. Casval gets a site to site transport as well, he isn't very happy with her either, telling her not to do something was like talking to a mad bull sometimes. She can tell by the look on his face.*

    Casval: Site to Site transport computer..

    Computer: Destination required..

    *Mila walks off.

    1 hour later, Mila is talking to her mother over subspace.*

    Mila: Do you think I should tell her?

    Dani: You tell me.

    *Mila exhales through the nostrils.*

    Mila: It's not like I owe her anything... Maybe I should let her find out for herself...

    Dani: If you were that cruel, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    You're asking because you want to know if you should do this to James.

    *Mila looks at her.*

    Mila: And I thought Dad was the telepath.

    Dani: It will hurt Cassi more to find out for herself than it will James if you tell her.

    Mila: He needs to learn to take responsibility for himself and his own actions.

    Dani: On that we're agreed.

    Mila: So?

    Dani: So what?

    Mila: So should I tell Cassi?

    Dani: Mila, I'm your mother. But I'm also a galaxy away and you're not a kid anymore. It's your decision.

    *10 minutes later, Mila passes a message to one of the bridge crew to pass on to James Jr, before going to Cassi's station in Main Engineering as her break starts.*

    Mila: Cass', can I talk to you?

    *OOC: Wow.. straight to not thinking about it.. There are reasons I did not reveal much about that time, however, should add plenty of stress between everyone. *

    Cassi: Not right now... *She is still under the terminal dealing with a few random circuits.* but if its about your brother, I don't want to know. Yeah I heard about that spat you two had. You would think that people would stay out of people's business.

    James Jr.: *Coming down and getting directions from Gillian, he doesn't speak much to Mila outside of one phrase.* Your not needed here..

    *Mila gets a buzz from Casval more than one buzz. *

    *Mila starts to walk off.*

    Mila: This is exactly why I asked for a different posting...

    *A few minutes later, on the Bridge, O'Connor walks over to Wade with a PADD.*

    O'Connor: Duty roster. We've also had a few transfer requests, including one very interesting one.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
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    *Wilson pops out looking around whistling at the wreckage of the area.. twenty years would do very little to the ruins and to the new Shoal Zone, Elibisi tech and the Elibisi still remained as reminders and a danger zone blocked off by many Confederation powers. *

    Wilson: They still haven't cleaned this area.. Makes me wonder if dead gods still dream..

    *First time in a while Tara A sees that he isn't completely an insane man child. The patrols were no where near them so they could proceed to the ruins of DS9 and Bajor quickly.. *

    Wilson: Guessing they are keeping their distance from the Shoal Zone to avoid the risk of indoctrination.. Go in at low power their sweeps will think we are a wreck..

    *Tara A sets the runabout adrift, leaving only the manoeuvring thrusters online.*

    Tara A: Computer, locate possible landing zones on Bajor.

    *A map appears with the possible landing sites. Tara A meditates for a moment before selecting one.*

    Tara A: I'll take us down once we clear the debris field.

    *They float there as a Elibisi Captial vessel floats by, dead but a pressure in her head knows that something strange is happening..*

    Wilson: Longer we stay here, the higher the chance we become indoctrinated. Even with the war over for two decades it still creeps me out.

    *He looks to the other person with them.*

    Trust me they were scarier alive...

    *The wreckage floats as Tara A can't help but to agree. Though the attitude change in Wilson has her wonder..*

    *Tara A looks over at Sara, who is clearly frightened.*

    Tara A: Don't worry. I can shield us from it for a time...

    These things killed my best friend... She was an Innotankan. They indoctrinated her and made her force me to...

    *She shakes her head, closing her eyes.*

    Sara, I promise you, we'll get Zoe back.

    *Sara nods slightly as the Runabout enters the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, they've landed in a clearing near the Fire Caves and the coast.*

    *Wilson can't help but to feel more frayed as they approach the cave..*

    Wilson: So let me get this straight.. Oh.. Wait.. What are we even looking for?

    Wilson's other personality: Oh i dunno, my guess is something not a piece of junk...

    Tara A: Something's drawing me here... I need to know what...

    *She turns to both of them.*

    You two don't have to come in with me.

    Wilson: Hey beasty boy will rip me in half if I don't, and you have no idea how much of a pain in the neck that is to regenerate..

    Sara: I'd rather stay with you...

    Tara A: Alright...

    *They walk into the caves.*

    *The caves themselves are eeriely silent and still even with the Elibisi indoctrinated dead all around... As if they were looking for something.*

    Wilson: Hate fighting in caves..

    Other Wilson Personality: Yeah tightly cramped and dark.. Like a sardine..Yick.

    Tara A: Everything in here has been dead for 20 years.

    Wilson: These are the fire caves.. Pah-Wraiths I hear can do quite a bit, if legend is right.

    Other Wilson: Ooo creepy fire ghosts..

    Tara A: Relax.

    *They keep walking to where Tara A is being drawn.*

    Wilson: Yeah of course..

    *That feeling doesn't seem to materialize.. something is missing..*

    *Tara A looks around confused.*

    Wilson: Okay whiskers the wonder girl... Whats up..

    Tara A: This is where I've been being drawn to, but... There's something missing...

    *OOC: Throw me a bone here? What is she looking for?*

    *OOC: Has to do with the station, and is a relic. You did not think this was going to be that easy did you?*

    Wilson: Great a scavenger hunt.. in the middle of one of the creepiest places in the galaxy..

    *Tara A steps outside, looking up.*

    Tara A: That's why...

    This place is a prison for the Pah'Wraiths, Prophets who were cast out for trying to interfere actively with Bajor's development. I wasn't being called here, it just felt familiar.

    Sara: Then where were you...?

    Oh, you have to be kidding. Back up to the scary mecha-aliens?

    Tara A: They're dead, Sara. Besides, I can shield you from their indoctrination, remember?

    Wilson: Well the station could be usable given the place is an abandoned ruin, with damage. I could teleport us there without risking the shuttle again..Might want to get into EV suits just in case..

    Tara A: You can teleport us across the system?

    Wilson: Come on.. of course I can.. How do you think I have time to annoy you?

    *Shuts up when he has been had.. *

    *They return to the shuttle and get into EV suits.*

    *Wilson has his own suit on..*

    Wilson: Okay ladies hang on and do not grip too hard.

    *They hold on.*

    *There is a pop and a crack and they find themselves in the DS9 ruins, the gravity is out of whack as some area's have gravity. Other's do not. There are corpses of indoctrinated everywhere and frozen bodies.. *

    Wilson: Creepy floating around here..

    *Tara A telekinetically pulls them to the deck and she and Sara activate their gravity boots.*

    Tara A: Whatever I'm looking for, it's close...

    Let's check the shrine first.

    *They turn on their helmet lights and head for the Bajoran Shrine.*

    Wilson: *Back to the other personality* Oh yeah the creepy shrine.. in a ruin of a station.. where there is supposed to be an orb... Fan.. freakin tastic..

    Tara A: You got a better idea?

    Wilson: Are you sure its supposed to be something that grand? Maybe its something smaller and not as grand.. Don't ask me why but it seems Gods.. or heavens gate looking... fellows. *watching his mouth in the presence of a little one.* Might put something important in a trivial item of seemingly little importance. Especially to you or me..

    Tara A: Possibly, but it doesn't hurt to check.

    Wilson: Alright do as you want.. lets go..

    *As they cross the threshold he mutters to himself.*

    Wilson: Maximum Effort...

    *Tara A checks to see if the Orb is still there.*

    *Nothing is at the altar, it is as barren as the station has been for years.. The place was evacuated quickly.. a ship does go by, one of Kazon design.. Renegades...*

    Tara A: Oh, Hell...

    *She takes Sara by the arm and they head towards the turbo-shaft.*

    Wilson: Great.. the space trash of the galaxy..

    *The Kazon vessel halts at a functioning docking bay, and docks.. *

    Great... Why is it almost always these guys!!

    *They head to one of the lower levels of the Habitat Ring, Tara A taking out her EV suit's tricorder and calling the runabout.*

    Tara A: It'll take about half an hour for the runabout to get within transporter range. Can you port us out again?

    *Wilson is tossing around a baseball in a case.. *

    Wilson: Yeah.. I can..

    *Tara A takes the case off of him.*

    Tara A: This is a PRICELESS ANTIQUE!

    WIlson: Yeah and I found it... little princess..

    *The baseball glows faintly... showing her the evacuation of DS9 after incurring severe damage during the invasion... *

    *On the other end of the ruin, Kazon board the station Nistrom banners on their shoulders their Maje at the head.*

    *OOC: If someone wants to take a whack go ahead..*

    Tara A: What on...?

    Wilson: What?

    Tara A: This is it... This is what's been drawing me here.

    Wilson: Huh.. Thought they would have taken that during the evacuation..

    Tara A: Maybe they didn't have time...

    There's an old story that when Ben Sisko was forced to abandon DS9 at the beginning of the first Dominion War, he left this behind as a message that he'd be back. According to the story, it's remained on his desk ever since.

    *She watches something move toward the direction of the lower ring and to the outside... She can hear the Kazon scavenging throughout the area and moving closer.. *

    Wilson: Well wonder britches we have maybe an opportunity right now to get moving.. I suggest we take it.. or I can make a mess of the Kazon..

    Tara A: Okay, port us out.

    Wilson: Sure no problem.. Hang on tight little princesses.. *He grabs both of them and with a pop they find themselves in the runabout.. The alert going off, the Kazon have discovered the ship..*

    *Tara A quickly takes the helm.*

    Tara A: Alright, I think it's time to leave.

    *She begins to take the runabout back through the debris field.*
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In the tail ends of Republic space the teams find the vessels deprived of shuttles and escape pods, floating there as if abandoned.. *

    Ops: There it is sir.. pulling in scans of the area.

    Comm: The Prime Minister has a direct line in, shall I punch her in to the bridge sir?

    Captain Yost: Do so Ensign..

    Sam: What have you found Captain?

    Yost: We have found one of the vessels.. It has been abandoned, all shuttles, fighters, and escape pods are gone.. We are not picking up any lifesigns but we are picking up trails that go in every which direction.. I am about to send a team to investigate the vessel itself.

    Sam: This sounds a disturbingly lot similar to the ships the Enterprise found a couple of weeks ago...

    Make sure you send your AO squad with them. Keep me posted.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I kinda wish we could go on vacation.

    Karen: Technically, everytime we make a stop anywhere other than Pegasus Prime it's a vacation.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson and his team touch down just as malicks does on the other side of the town. Both unaware that they are already known. Coulson and his team reach the room first as they burst in before they can fire a shot a surge of energy sends the group flying back breaking the wall. Malicks group breaches the other wall as kovan sends another blast at them sending them flying back.

    Kovan: leave me alone! This is your only warning.

    With both groups dazed and confused he vanishes to a different world that has no colony on it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    Susan: I guess so but I'd like a longer one. Just relaxing on a beach with no worries for a few days... *sighs at the thought*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: I guess so but I'd like a longer one. Just relaxing on a beach with no worries for a few days... *sighs at the thought*

    Karen: That does sound nice...
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson gets up

    Coulson: well that could have gone alot better. Everyone ok?

    The group nods as they get up

    Coulson: team to transport we need a pick up.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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