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Dilithium nerf, official response



  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sqwished wrote: »
    So far all we've got is empty promises on this happening. And once more their dictating where we go and what we do.

    1) I'm interested in how you apparently have no faith but keep playing this game

    2) Yes. Devs of a game do in fact get a bit of power to dictate how you should play the game.
    If they wanted people to do "Multiple things" then they should have left well enough alone in the first place. But oh no in true cryptic fashion they have to go messing around with things that worked fine. The duty officer system being a prime example, this hasn't been right since they removed the exploration clusters. And they've only recently, in like the past few weeks came onto the forums and asked people to help identify the missions that have disappeared, its what took them six months?

    So they should rest on their laurels? Yeah, sure, that'll work out. :rolleyes: People want a better game, but don't want change, and criticize attempts to approve.

    Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.
    I used to run multiple things in the game, but I will follow the path of least resistance so because certain DR patrols are the most efficient route to get to where I want to be in game, that's what I'm going to do. Now if cryptic don't like that choice, well tough S**t, they messed around with there own systems and this is the result. Now they act all shocked and surprised, when players with a modicum of understanding and fore sight, use systems cryptic have put in place to their own advantage.

    Then you have zero right to complain when cryptic fixes the system. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    But to all those that are defending recent nerf's, how long before you people say enough is enough? a month? a year or are you all so blinded by loyalty to cryptic that even when your having to feed hundreds of dollars into the game, you'll still defend them!

    I might actually feel that these complaints are silly. I do, in fact, and I actually don't mind spending the odd money here and there. That said, the last time I willingly spent a lot of money was the Legend of Romulus expansion.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    I would imagine that it has an impact on the dilithium exchange, if nothing else...

    it should not effect the exchange at all as no matter how much dilithium ore you have you can still only refine up to the daily cap in any case.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    it should not effect the exchange at all as no matter how much dilithium ore you have you can still only refine up to the cap in any case.

    True, I was failing to consider that... But, having said that, it does still mean that there is more dilithium being refined in the long term, so would still impact the market...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    it should not effect the exchange at all as no matter how much dilithium ore you have you can still only refine up to the daily cap in any case.

    Except that people with multiple characters might only earn enough Dil normally to refine 8000 a day on one or two characters, during the event might manage that on more, meaning there is more Dil on the market, so the price of Zen goes up to reflect that - And it did. Pre-weekend the exchange was at 161/162 its now at 166/167.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    True, I was failing to consider that... But, having said that, it does still mean that there is more dilithium being refined in the long term, so would still impact the market...

    Not as much as you would think when you bring in the sinks. When I get a tier 5 dil reward the first thing I do is fill up the dil requirement on a fleet projects,not the upgrades as that's a few huindred k worth of dil needed.

    Let's throw in crafting, upgrading, officer training, fleet gear, rep gear, and finally the dil store which people still buy from for advanced hangar pets. This means the choices on what we spend our dil on have increased beyond what there used to be.

    Even if it does affect the exchange that is a positive thing for Cryptic as more people buy zen for cash to sell on the exchange.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    1) I'm interested in how you apparently have no faith but keep playing this game
    Because I still have a small glimmer of hope that they'll actually improve the game to the point where many of the players that have been lost will want to return to the game.
    2) Yes. Devs of a game do in fact get a bit of power to dictate how you should play the game.

    So the minute they see we're not doing what they want us to do, they herd us into that content, fair enough I'll concede that point, but there are other ways of doing it besides the methods they're currently employing

    Then you have zero right to complain when cryptic fixes the system.

    Its laughable when they can find the time to fix this supposed issue/Exploit or whatever you want to term it, yet they do nothing about the bugs at have 1/ either been around since beta,. 2/ There are bugs that are game breaking for portions of the player base (the Mac client issue comes to mind). 3/ Issues like the constant bugs in the load out system, which despite after numerous fixes is still doesn't work. And to be perfectly honest if these was a problem why take this long to fix it after dil event?

    If they try and say that its because of the trends that they're seeing, then I often wonder how they can call themselves developers because they obviously lack the ability to step back and ask themselves what's going to happen when this goes live. The omega anniversary is another perfect example, what do they think people are doing right now? because I'm seeing far more players crowding into specific zones collecting these traces. So they collect now and process either as their going along or later, which is my intent, so because we understand that the traces will disappear shortly, we're in the wrong for taking advantage of them by stockpiling as many as we can?

    I might actually feel that these complaints are silly. I do, in fact, and I actually don't mind spending the odd money here and there. That said, the last time I willingly spent a lot of money was the Legend of Romulus expansion.

    I've not purchased any of expansion packs, because personally I've never seen the need to. I have however purchased ships separately that were available from the packs (LoR anyway, I don't have the desire to purchase anything from the DR range). Also from my initial time of playing the game in December 2010, for which I purchased a special edition and had been up until August of last year, when they broke the doffing system for over a 3 - 4 week period, despite several poorly tested "fixes" I used to have a recurring gold subscription.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Does anyone ever pause to wonder we are being treated as if we should be taking into account the corporate economics of the game? Why the hell should the players be even thinking about that, much less accepting getting overtly abused on the basis of it? When did the players become responsible for Cryptic's basic management incompetence? We shouldn't even be seeing this, much less trying to predict and account for whatever bizarre and obscene nerf Craptic has in store for us in the future. The game economics (which is different from the economics in the game) should be invisible to us.

    But here we are, with idiotic white knights trying to tell us our in-game behaviour makes us responsible for Craptic's economic woes. What utter bull****!

    It is not my job to manage your finances, is that clear enough so that even Craptic understands it? It is, however, your job to make the game a game-like experience. Again, clear enough? You do not have any claim to my time, effort, or money. All you can do is try to appeal to me (as a member of the player base) such that I might be inspired to spend those things on your product.

    Of late you get a big, fat fail, Hence I spend most of my game time playing Rift now. They don't expect me to be responsible for their fiscal management woes. They offer services and product for sale in hopes players will buy. Maybe I will or maybe I won't, but they don't come whining to me about how I should tolerate being ambush ****ed because of their oh so pitiful economic woes.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    Does anyone ever pause to wonder we are being treated as if we should be taking into account the corporate economics of the game? Why the hell should the players be even thinking about that, much less accepting getting overtly abused on the basis of it? When did the players become responsible for Cryptic's basic management incompetence? We shouldn't even be seeing this, much less trying to predict and account for whatever bizarre and obscene nerf Craptic has in store for us in the future. The game economics (which is different from the economics in the game) should be invisible to us.

    Uh.. what? You don't have to. You can, you know, ignore it.
    But here we are, with idiotic white knights trying to tell us our in-game behaviour makes us responsible for Craptic's economic woes. What utter bull****!

    Wait, where did anyone say that?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am rather disturbed by Cryptic's mentality here. Cryptic is like a person who tells you, "I will pay you $100 for it today, but if you wait until tomorrow, I'll give you $200 for it." And then blames you for actually waiting that extra day. And it's really bizarre to see the amount of people buying into believing they did something wrong.

    Essentially, Cryptic doesn't want you to play smart. The bottom line is that Cryptic wants you to spend haphazardly, daily, and with your mind on zero. That way, by the time you really want the latest and shiniest, you'll be broke, and will press that 'Buy Zen' button. Anything that has you be proficient, in your ingame economic affairs, is thus deemed 'exploitative' nowadays. Like collecting XP in the best places, or doing missions that pay out good Marks (recent cca-nerf, anyone?). And yes, I find this new trend very disturbing; and insulting to boot.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I am rather disturbed by Cryptic's mentality here. Cryptic is like a person who tells you, "I will pay you $100 for it today, but if you wait until tomorrow, I'll give you $200 for it." And then blames you for actually waiting that extra day. And it's really bizarre to see the amount of people buying into believing they did something wrong.

    Essentially, Cryptic doesn't want you to play smart. The bottom line is that Cryptic wants you to spend haphazardly, daily, and with your mind on zero. That way, by the time you really want the latest and shiniest, you'll be broke, and will press that 'Buy Zen' button. Anything that has you be proficient, in your ingame economic affairs, is thus deemed 'exploitative' nowadays. Like collecting XP in the best places, or doing missions that pay out good Marks (recent cca-nerf, anyone?). And yes, I find this new trend very disturbing; and insulting to boot.

    that exactly what they ave been doing. players naturally realized that and exploited it. they didn't do anything wrong by that. cryptic realized they made a mistake and corrected the problem. to no-ones fault things can go wrong and than have to be corrected. sometimes it's that simple.

    ihmo i think its a good thing that cryptic is encouraging people to play every day and play a variety of content. I would prefer if they boosted the rewards of the less played mission rather than nerf the reward for the more played ones but at least they are trying.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    What's wrong is they advertised the event the same as its always been. Maybe they did maybe they didn't let the community know about the impending changes on more official channels like the Dev blog or their own forums.
    What they did wrong is try to justify it as players where exploiting the event by hoarding marks. They were a little more tactful than they were with the Romulans patrol changes but to justify it as players exploiting the system.
    What they should have done is held their hands up said we goofed, the event will be the same as previous ones but the changes we have made will take effect the next time around.

    Thats call public relations. Admitting a mistake, correcting it and then educating the customer that changes will take place next time.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    that exactly what they ave been doing. players naturally realized that and exploited it. they didn't do anything wrong by that. cryptic realized they made a mistake and corrected the problem. to no-ones fault things can go wrong and than have to be corrected. sometimes it's that simple.

    ihmo i think its a good thing that cryptic is encouraging people to play every day and play a variety of content. I would prefer if they boosted the rewards of the less played mission rather than nerf the reward for the more played ones but at least they are trying.

    Well they could go the way of other *better* developers... and attempt to make there content compelling enough to log in for every day.

    That would require work though wouldn't it.

    Much easier to just stretch it like taffy... to be honest its pretty damn sad.

    Time gates on everything... a nibble of a carrot a day. I mean heck even there Dust to Dust mission... seriously log in every week and play the EXACT same freaking mission to get the next piece of gear. They at least used to try and create a month of episodes with the feature episode stuff. Now what we get is a month long replay. Its lazy. The mission is pretty long... and first run though I thought not bad pretty good quality mission. Then I thought about having to log in and replay it every week... and ya TRIBBLE that.

    I get that they are competing against a lot of good games that pull players to other places. They need to start fighting back by offering fun again instead of gated everything. Really happy Ann... here craft this -> wait 15 min -> craft this wait 1 hr -> Craft this wait 4hr ect ect ect wait 20hr. OR spend some $. I found/find... the Omega tech stuff hillarious. Now its clear they will add an "Event R&D tab" and every month there will be some junk event stuff to time gate ourselves on. How much you want to bet the average Omega Tech nets them 5x the D from people speeding all the junk components needed to make them. I have to hand it to them the amount of people falling for that one is mind blowing. Then again I play eve and watch people fall for all sorts of BS... I guess the average person loggin into these things is a light touch.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • dpsloss88dpsloss88 Member Posts: 765 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Translation : Go Play Something Else.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    that exactly what they ave been doing. players naturally realized that and exploited it. they didn't do anything wrong by that.

    You can't use "players naturally realized that and exploited it" and "they didn't do anything wrong by that" in the same sentence. :) If you admit they did nothing wrong, then it's not an exploit.

    Honestly, you gotta think this thru. Is it an exploit if I wait until the next 15%-off sale before I buy Zen? If you start thinking like that, soon *everything* is an exploit. Cryptic needs to stop this madness now.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well they could go the way of other *better* developers... and attempt to make there content compelling enough to log in for every day.

    That would require work though wouldn't it.

    Much easier to just stretch it like taffy... to be honest its pretty damn sad.

    Time gates on everything... a nibble of a carrot a day. I mean heck even there Dust to Dust mission... seriously log in every week and play the EXACT same freaking mission to get the next piece of gear. They at least used to try and create a month of episodes with the feature episode stuff. Now what we get is a month long replay. Its lazy. The mission is pretty long... and first run though I thought not bad pretty good quality mission. Then I thought about having to log in and replay it every week... and ya TRIBBLE that.

    I get that they are competing against a lot of good games that pull players to other places. They need to start fighting back by offering fun again instead of gated everything. Really happy Ann... here craft this -> wait 15 min -> craft this wait 1 hr -> Craft this wait 4hr ect ect ect wait 20hr. OR spend some $. I found/find... the Omega tech stuff hillarious. Now its clear they will add an "Event R&D tab" and every month there will be some junk event stuff to time gate ourselves on. How much you want to bet the average Omega Tech nets them 5x the D from people speeding all the junk components needed to make them. I have to hand it to them the amount of people falling for that one is mind blowing. Then again I play eve and watch people fall for all sorts of BS... I guess the average person loggin into these things is a light touch.

    I am not disagreeing at all whit you about this but the way the dilitium weekend events were previously setup encouraged the wrong kind of play and the devs were right to correct the problem.
    they could do a whole lot to make the game just fun to play again instead of time-gating everything and adding new reward systems. if your game is just fun to play people will naturally log in just to have fun even if there was no progression to be made what so ever. this describes almost all nintendo games, CoD and other FPS, Civilization, etc. people play games for either or both of two reasons 1 to have fun 2 compete against others.
    all you need to get people to logg in is a game that's fun to just play and has a solid PvP experience. than just playing is it'sown reward and you don't have to dangle a carrot on a stick in front of us to make us play.

    but this discussion is rather off-topic.

    on topic though I think the devs were right about their decision because the old situation was encouraging the wrong kind of play.

    meimeitoo wrote: »
    You can't use "players naturally realized that and exploited it" and "they didn't do anything wrong by that" in the same sentence. :) If you admit they did nothing wrong, then it's not an exploit.

    Honestly, you gotta think this thru. Is it an exploit if I wait until the next 15%-off sale before I buy Zen? If you start thinking like that, soon *everything* is an exploit. Cryptic needs to stop this madness now.

    read what i wrote before an you can see why that sentence does not contradict itself. it comes down to exploiting is not cheating. if you are not cheating you are not doing anything wrong.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Same 'ol same 'ol.

    Don't expect anything new and fresh from the XP. He's simply towing the party line.

    In fact he was part of the team that created this disaster of a game.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    on topic though I think the devs were right about their decision because the old situation was encouraging the wrong kind of play.

    Wrong kind of play be whoes definition? I think focusing on DPS is the wrong kind of play, but that is me personally. Which is one of the reasons I like dust to dust even though, I hate mazes with avengance, because it is not focused on DPS. Others think PvP is the wrong kind of play, some think removal of the exporation clusters was wrong as that was the right kind of play.

    Now the reaon they said was to make these marks more valuable at other times. Well they could apply that to the foundry when there is a spike in play during the dil event, Dyson zone, if they wanted to go the whole hog to mining itself and just get rid of the dil event.

    Let's not forget the "hoarding" of conraband for the event. Should these also be excluded?

    What's next certain areas excluded from the marks weekend? That weekend encourages me, and others, to go more to Defari and Nakura. I do to Defari off and on outside and do see a massive increae in numbers during mark event,. I never go to Nakura without the event so someone who does that more regularly will have to comment on that.

    Also if it is about rewarding playing during that time, then answer this: Why has the Rommy t5 been excluded? It involves a long mission compared to all other reps, which has to be played to get the dil. THerefore there is a "proper" kind of game play taking place to earn them.

    Now I think the only one that should never have been excluded is the Omega t5 even with their excuse. It rewards a pathetic amount of dil and so deserves the bonus. Personally I would prefer that they boost the dil reward to that of the other reps, even without it being retrospective.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lawstanz wrote: »
    It is hoarding, and there is nothing wrong, underhanded, or negative connotated by that term. Marks were "stockpiled" with the expectation that they could be turned in during the event for a greater than normal return. No one is really saying hoarding/stockpiling/saving your marks is wrong.

    What "white knights" are taking issue with, is the massive freaking out about the perfectly reasonable action on Cryptic's part to say...the event is intended to provide an EXTRA reward for play that takes place DURING the event. Earning the marks whenever you play is perfectly fine. Cashing in what you earn will provide the return players are entitled too. But since the bonus weekend is strictly speaking, nothing but largess on the part of Cryptic, surly they have the right to say that marks that are earned outside of the event won't earn the EXTRA dilithium from the event. The only real foul in this whole tempest in a tea cup was the unfortunate copy/paste of the previous announcement on the website.

    Well, now we don't get either so, this point in well pointless!

    People can call it an exploit but, how can you exploit something that Dev's originally intended for you to, well exploit?

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    read what i wrote before an you can see why that sentence does not contradict itself. it comes down to exploiting is not cheating. if you are not cheating you are not doing anything wrong.

    Exploit, in this context, means 'to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly.' Like I said in my example, waiting until the next 15%-off sale before I buy Zen is no more unfair/exploitative than holding on to your Marks to convert them at the right time. Or hanging on to your Dilithium until you can get the most Zen for it. Doing those things can, by their very nature, not be deemed unfair -- even though they obviously give you an advantage over 'not using your brain at all.'
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    While I don't agree with this latest change, and the rationale behind it, a developer communicating with the player base on the matter is appreciated.
  • lored2deathlored2death Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am not disagreeing at all whit you about this but the way the dilitium weekend events were previously setup encouraged the wrong kind of play and the devs were right to correct the problem.
    they could do a whole lot to make the game just fun to play again instead of time-gating everything and adding new reward systems. if your game is just fun to play people will naturally log in just to have fun even if there was no progression to be made what so ever. this describes almost all nintendo games, CoD and other FPS, Civilization, etc. people play games for either or both of two reasons 1 to have fun 2 compete against others.
    all you need to get people to logg in is a game that's fun to just play and has a solid PvP experience. than just playing is it'sown reward and you don't have to dangle a carrot on a stick in front of us to make us play.

    but this discussion is rather off-topic.

    on topic though I think the devs were right about their decision because the old situation was encouraging the wrong kind of play.


    read what i wrote before an you can see why that sentence does not contradict itself. it comes down to exploiting is not cheating. if you are not cheating you are not doing anything wrong.

    Yes, because we wouldn't want to encourage saving anything as a valid method of gameplay. Good game companies should discourage that mindset and replace it with the "BUY IT NAO!!!" mentality. Becuase, you know, if a player saves up for something, they're exploiters, plain and simple.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Ah well, at least he apologised, and I understand why they did it. Still makes me sad I sat on top of T5 turn ins for the first time ever.

    Only for others to have received the benefit countless times, and me to come up squat. Rule is: 'exploit' first, and 'exploit' fast.

    They could make it easier to turn in marks, rather than having to run the missions, a mark to dil slider turn in would be a big improvement. There's little point to turning in outside of the dil weekends because of the effort filling it in repeatedly (especially with Nukara which requires scrolling through the list of conversions over and over again).
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    decronia wrote: »
    Wrong kind of play be whoes definition? I think focusing on DPS is the wrong kind of play, but that is me personally. Which is one of the reasons I like dust to dust even though, I hate mazes with avengance, because it is not focused on DPS. Others think PvP is the wrong kind of play, some think removal of the exporation clusters was wrong as that was the right kind of play.

    Now the reaon they said was to make these marks more valuable at other times. Well they could apply that to the foundry when there is a spike in play during the dil event, Dyson zone, if they wanted to go the whole hog to mining itself and just get rid of the dil event.

    Let's not forget the "hoarding" of conraband for the event. Should these also be excluded?

    What's next certain areas excluded from the marks weekend? That weekend encourages me, and others, to go more to Defari and Nakura. I do to Defari off and on outside and do see a massive increae in numbers during mark event,. I never go to Nakura without the event so someone who does that more regularly will have to comment on that.

    Also if it is about rewarding playing during that time, then answer this: Why has the Rommy t5 been excluded? It involves a long mission compared to all other reps, which has to be played to get the dil. THerefore there is a "proper" kind of game play taking place to earn them.

    Now I think the only one that should never have been excluded is the Omega t5 even with their excuse. It rewards a pathetic amount of dil and so deserves the bonus. Personally I would prefer that they boost the dil reward to that of the other reps, even without it being retrospective.

    hey I am not saying that cryptic doesn't make it's fair share of dumb decisions but the one discussed in this topic is not one of them!
    here is something i said in an unrelated topic:
    I think that when I play ISA advanced and I get 75 marks, a borg neural processor and 960 dilithium if I complete the optional that, that is fair. that means runing 3 advanced STFs will get me: 225 marks 3 borg neural procesors and 2880 dilithium. the repsystem allows me to convert 200 marks for 2000 dilitium and all 3 borg neural processors for another 1000 dilitium. totaling 5880 dilitium for 3 missions thats a payout of 1960 per mission. that will keep me online for about 2 to 3 hours each day to get to the refinement cap this way.

    because of this the STF are a bit stale to me. I have a strong sense of been there done that. I would like to try my hand at another mission. most of them reward a lot less though. to me it does not matter if it's an ancient power cell, a voth cyber implant, isomorphic injection or borg neural processor they all serve the same function. when a missions like Azure Nebula Rescue doesn't reward me such an item it's instantly less attractive to me. even though it's fun to play.

    the same is true if mission pay out less dilitium or marks. I will play the most advantageous missions to play. if the total payout for each queued mission would on average be 2k dilitium at advanced I would just queue up for what ever I felt like doing and have plenty of variety.

    please crypitc don't read this the wrong way. i like the casual nature of STO just increase the other queued mission to match the STFs please....

    rewarding all content equally all the time makes it more compelling to play different kinds of content and be online more often. that is something that should be encouraged. this was the right call regardless of how you feel about it.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Exploit, in this context, means 'to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly.' Like I said in my example, waiting until the next 15%-off sale before I buy Zen is no more unfair/exploitative than holding on to your Marks to convert them at the right time. Or hanging on to your Dilithium until you can get the most Zen for it. Doing those things can, by their very nature, not be deemed unfair -- even though they obviously give you an advantage over 'not using your brain at all.'

    dictionary definition of to exploit
    1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
    2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a corporation that exploited peasant labor.

    I can exploit the rules to the greatest possible advantage without being selfish or unethical. if I was playing baseball I would exploit the rule that allows me to steel a base whenever I can. if the rules allow for it to happen it's not unfair to do so...
    Yes, because we wouldn't want to encourage saving anything as a valid method of gameplay. Good game companies should discourage that mindset and replace it with the "BUY IT NAO!!!" mentality. Becuase, you know, if a player saves up for something, they're exploiters, plain and simple.

    you'd just be saving up dilithium instead of marks. constants and variables....
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • bansheedragonbansheedragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lawstanz wrote: »
    It is hoarding, and there is nothing wrong, underhanded, or negative connotated by that term. Marks were "stockpiled" with the expectation that they could be turned in during the event for a greater than normal return. No one is really saying hoarding/stockpiling/saving your marks is wrong.

    What "white knights" are taking issue with, is the massive freaking out about the perfectly reasonable action on Cryptic's part to say...the event is intended to provide an EXTRA reward for play that takes place DURING the event. Earning the marks whenever you play is perfectly fine. Cashing in what you earn will provide the return players are entitled too. But since the bonus weekend is strictly speaking, nothing but largess on the part of Cryptic, surly they have the right to say that marks that are earned outside of the event won't earn the EXTRA dilithium from the event. The only real foul in this whole tempest in a tea cup was the unfortunate copy/paste of the previous announcement on the website.
    Please explain to me how it is mark hoarding when the following is true.

    1. You got full reputation, all rep items and nothing more to use marks on except Dil.

    2. You keep doing the content that the devs want you to do and by doing that continue to earn marks.

    3. Once people have all the rep items they want/need, few of them even think about the fact that they are still earning marks.

    4. Most people rarely think about the fact that they can run in those marks for Dil, I for one almost never have the thought even cross my mind that I can get dil for the marks aat any time.

    As a result people just end up getting more and more marks, they just pile up since they are not being used for anything.
    The Dil weekend actually worked as an incentive for people to convert their marks into dil.
    For some people the Dil weekend actually worked as a kind of "wake up call" if you want to call it that, in a way it made them awware that they had allot of marks lying around not being used, so they convertedthem to dil and got a little extra for it.
    And whats the harm in letting the players get a little bit extra for the marks they already spent time earning?

    Sure there were some people that were knowingly hoarding them, but unless someone can give me speccific numbers on that I just cant get myself to believe that its anywhere near as bad as the "Cryptic Defence Force" are trying to make it sound, and even then I would have a hard time beliving it anwhere near as bad as some people want to make it sound.
    To me it frankly sounds like some of those people are trying to make it sound like everyone but themselves were doing it and making it sound like some terrible exploit that was somehow destabilizing the game.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    True, I was failing to consider that... But, having said that, it does still mean that there is more dilithium being refined in the long term, so would still impact the market...

    you cant say that without knowing how much dilithium i refine every day on a regular basis, besides if they were that worried about people having loads of dilithium ore they would cap how much you can earn each day rather then how much you can refine plus they would not be having regular dilithium weekends with 50% bonus dilithium, but they know it does not matter how much ore you have, the thing that is important to the exchange is how much you can refine each day, hence the refine cap.
    thats why they never give you a 50% refine cap increase during the dilithium weekends.

    also in your statement you are assuming i would either (a) exchange the dilithium for zen or (b) buy zen to exchange for dilithium cos i cant wait to earn it in game, when in actual fact i will do neither and i am sure that is true of most players, with all the things that require dilithium like upgrading and crafting a lot of players will use the extra dilithium in game.

    ok lets assume i will convert my stash of marks to dil and use it on the exchange, say 10k of marks devided by 50 and times by 750 is 150k of dil at arround 150 dil to 1zen (last i looked) thats about 1000 zen thats hardly going to break the bank when you see how much zen&dil is changing hands on the exchange every day.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am not disagreeing at all whit you about this but the way the dilitium weekend events were previously setup encouraged the wrong kind of play and the devs were right to correct the problem.


    they could do a whole lot to make thit comes down to exploiting is not cheating. if you are not cheating you are not doing anything wrong.

    The only thing that seems to escape you is that it was not a problem , until the Dev's decided to call it a problem .
    And this is not a one off turn in labeling by the Devs .

    Tour of the Galaxy ?
    Suddenly the players were earning too much .

    Japori ?
    Suddenly the players were "exploiting" a system that was there to be used by players for 5 years .

    Foundry "clicky" missions ?
    Were in the game for what ... 2 , 2.5 years before they were deemed the most horrible thing since ... whatever .

    Old Mirror Invasion ?
    "Suddenly" we were leveling too fast .

    And the list goes on .

    In short , it's not a problem until Cryptic say it's a problem , and outside of the Japori case , it's usually a feature that existed over a year at least , usually a lot longer then that .
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    After studying this thread closely I've come to the conclusion that people who SUDDENLY think that turning in Reputation marks during a Dilithium Bonus weekend is an Exploit are just trolls and not worth bothering with.

    Not a single one of you was complaining about this issue until Cryptic made it the Monster Of The Week.

    Why don't you try and form your own opinions occasionally and knock off the pathetic trolling?
    Free Tibet!
  • bansheedragonbansheedragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's mark hoarding. You hoarded to turn them all in at once.

    How do you know this?
    How do you know that this was actually an intentional act?
    For all you know the person could just have been doing stuff earning marks and not thinking about the dil conversion being possible.
    If it was an intentional act and you can prove it them you would have a valid point, but you dont know that nor can you prove it.
    Most people are actually busy playing the game the way the devs want to and dont even think about converting their marks to dil every single time they finish a run,or every day or few days, so the marks just pile up.
    Uh.. no, they actually saw it as "we never intended to give you a bonus" also no bonus != nerf.

    Now that is complete and utter bull and you know it.
    In every single event they have specifically said that the marks BNP or whatever was included in the event and that you would get a bonus for them as well.
    You weren't promised the mark conversion at all. The other stuff was apparently the CM not getting the memo.

    If this is in fact true then they should have allowed it for this event as well and waited until the next event with changing it.
    By doing it this way they are just angering the players and giving players the impression that this just another attempt at trying to remove what few benefits the player still have and monetize even more of the game.
    It's mark hoarding. You hoarded to turn them all in at once.

    How do you know this?
    How do you know that this was actually an intentional act?
    For all you know the person could just have been doing stuff earning marks and not thinking about the dil conversion being possible.
    If it was an intentional act and you could prove it as such, then you would have a valid point, but you dont know that nor can you prove it.
    Most people are actually busy playing the game the way the devs want to and dont even think about converting their marks to dil every single time they finish a run,or every day or few days, so the marks just pile up.
    Uh.. no, they actually saw it as "we never intended to give you a bonus" also no bonus != nerf.

    Now that is complete and utter bull and you know it.
    In every single event they have specifically said that the marks BNP or whatever was included in the event and that you would get a bonus for them as well.
    You weren't promised the mark conversion at all. The other stuff was apparently the CM not getting the memo.

    If this is in fact true then they should have allowed it for this event as well and waited until the next event with changing it.
    By doing it this way they are just angering the players and giving players the impression that this just another attempt at trying to remove what few benefits the player still have and monetize even more of the game.

    Or you could just be so angry you're letting it cloud your judgement. Which, incidentally, seems to be the general tenor of the STO forums. These concerns are simply not reasonable. Concerns over the fact that the queues got hit with a nerf stick? Perfectly legitimate. (And worrying.)

    Given the long line of "missed memos", nerfs and monetizing of things in the game, with no fixes to all the bugs, stability issues and other problems, it is really not so big a wonder as you are implying here that people are angry at Cryptic/PWE.

    Is it really that hard for you to understand why people are actually angry, or are you just one of those White Knights who think that Cryptic/PWE can do no wrong no matter what they do?

    Concerns over the fact that they're trying to encourage play by not giving an extra reward to something that DOESN'T necessarily require you to play missions or activities during the weekend? Not as reasonable.

    ETA: Let me clarify. Hoarding isn't bad per se. I'm not sure I'd go as far to describe negatively.

    Lol you really are a piece of work.

    How is it in any way encouraging players to play when they are punishing the players for doing just that and removing the benefits from actually playing the game?

    They remove options from the game for players to earn dil and then add a dil requirement to obtain things that didnt have it before.
    Basically they are reducing the amount of dil players can actually earn through gameplay, and increasing the amount they need, thus forcing them to buy ZEN to convert into Dil to be able to get the things they need to continue to play.

    Please explain to me how is this in any way encouraging players to actually play the game?

    It should be pretty obvious by now that will all the changes they have done since the release of DR, they are not encouraging layers to play the game, they are trying to force them to pay more money to be able to continue to play, but by doing so are instead just driving them away.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    How do you know this?
    How do you know that this was actually an intentional act?

    From all of the people complaining. It's not like it's HARD to find.
    Now that is complete and utter bull and you know it.
    In every single event they have specifically said that the marks BNP or whatever was included in the event and that you would get a bonus for them as well.

    Before. Not now. This is not a hard concept. Let me bold it.

    Just because they did it in the past, does not mean they'll do it in the future
    If this is in fact true then they should have allowed it for this event as well and waited until the next event with changing it.
    By doing it this way they are just angering the players and giving players the impression that this just another attempt at trying to remove what few benefits the player still have and monetize even more of the game.

    Considering that the in game text never said it, no they don't have to. Also, it's REALLY hard to not anger the forum players. I mean, actually, that's not fair. They needed to do something, and they chose to extend the weekend.
    Lol you really are a piece of work.

    How is it in any way encouraging players to play when they are punishing the players for doing just that and removing the benefits from actually playing the game?

    Something like please go do something else. You know, the other things you can do to get dil?
    They remove options from the game for players to earn dil and then add a dil requirement to obtain things that didnt have it before.
    Basically they are reducing the amount of dil players can actually earn through gameplay, and increasing the amount they need, thus forcing them to buy ZEN to convert into Dil to be able to get the things they need to continue to play.

    I've had 0 problem getting dil. Still don't get why people keep saying it's hard...

    Please explain to me how is this in any way encouraging players to actually play the game?

    It should be pretty obvious by now that will all the changes they have done since the release of DR, they are not encouraging layers to play the game, they are trying to force them to pay more money to be able to continue to play, but by doing so are instead just driving them away.

    ... I don't think so, but maybe I just don't play at the same level everyone does. :shrugs:
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can exploit the rules to the greatest possible advantage without being selfish or unethical. if I was playing baseball I would exploit the rule that allows me to steel a base whenever I can. if the rules allow for it to happen it's not unfair to do so...

    You got the word right, you have the context wrong.

    In the context of a video game " exploit " means to cheat. Plain and simple. No one that has been gaming for any amount of times on line sees anything else when they hear Exploit. When talking about a video game people are not saying "good on you for exploiting the best of your abilities" they are saying "this is cheating".

    So Developers have to be careful when they throw the word around... as should other players. In general calling anyone a cheat is looking to pick a fight. For instance a few months ago when Cryptic decided they didn't like a game mechanic. (that had existed in the game since the first year of the game "That higher level teamed players would be rewarded extra for helping there lower level friends" and yes that was intended when it was added by the developer that added it. They threw out the word Exploit... and there by called a ton of players cheats. They where also talking about anyone that played the game and used that game mechanic and where not even around for Delta. It was sickening and annoyed many long time gamers and STO players. (it would be no different then someone 3/4 through a board game changing a rule and then yelling at the guy across the table for cheating cause they followed the rule for the first 3/4 of the game)

    Fast forward to know... and people (perhaps not Cryptic this time, they have skirted calling anything the "exploit" word.) are throwing around the game label of Cheat on people that where simply waiting as meimeitoo has pointed out a sale. As there is little difference between holding some marks for the D weekend then there would be in only buying keys when they where on sale. Perhaps Cryptic should discontinue all Key sales as it discourages sales of keys when there not.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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