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Dilithium nerf, official response



  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I understand what Mr. Ricossa is getting at. I have a huge stockpile of marks that I convert during bonus weekends. Making current activities more desirable is a good thing, but Mr. Ricossa, I find group space based content too much a chore to be enjoyable. Except for in-fleet pvp I do nothing but solo content in space. Eventually my mark nest egg will expire, like my 3 alts I deleted. Fully geared, full reputation, fun characters, gone. WHY? It's too much work to have more than one character in this game, and Dil is part of the reason why.

    Care to take a guess at the heart of the problem with STO, Mr. Ricossa?
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    You aren't even clever enough to just not support reasonable concerns; you actually have to go out of your way to deride and attack those who raise them. Pathetic.

    Oh, the hypocrisy... You of all posters claiming others go out of their way to deride those with a differing opinion...

    Once again, you're also accusing others with a differing opinion of being wrong (or in this case, outright stupid) because they do not agree with your perspective...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • lawstanzlawstanz Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    Once and for all, it is not "mark hoarding." It is mark earning.

    Once and for all, the rewards are not "free." We worked for every one of those marks and rep items. We played for them, sometimes with morons who are so ridiculous they see every example of someone gaining any benefit as an "exploit" that needs to be nerfed.

    It is not a case of wanting free stuff. it is a case of wanting what we were promised and what we worked/played for *and were promised."

    If you are still using these underhanded terms to misrepresent the reality of matters, then you warrant all the derision you get for being blatant idiots and worthless TRIBBLE-kissing fanboys. One might think, your having watched any Star Trek might have given you a small portion of critical acuity, but clearly you have not. You aren't even clever enough to just not support reasonable concerns; you actually have to go out of your way to deride and attack those who raise them. Pathetic.
    It is hoarding, and there is nothing wrong, underhanded, or negative connotated by that term. Marks were "stockpiled" with the expectation that they could be turned in during the event for a greater than normal return. No one is really saying hoarding/stockpiling/saving your marks is wrong.

    What "white knights" are taking issue with, is the massive freaking out about the perfectly reasonable action on Cryptic's part to say...the event is intended to provide an EXTRA reward for play that takes place DURING the event. Earning the marks whenever you play is perfectly fine. Cashing in what you earn will provide the return players are entitled too. But since the bonus weekend is strictly speaking, nothing but largess on the part of Cryptic, surly they have the right to say that marks that are earned outside of the event won't earn the EXTRA dilithium from the event. The only real foul in this whole tempest in a tea cup was the unfortunate copy/paste of the previous announcement on the website.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    raeat wrote: »
    Once and for all, it is not "mark hoarding." It is mark earning.

    It's mark hoarding. You hoarded to turn them all in at once.
    Once and for all, the rewards are not "free." We worked for every one of those marks and rep items. We played for them, sometimes with morons who are so ridiculous they see every example of someone gaining any benefit as an "exploit" that needs to be nerfed.

    Uh.. no, they actually saw it as "we never intended to give you a bonus" also no bonus != nerf.
    It is not a case of wanting free stuff. it is a case of wanting what we were promised and what we worked/played for *and were promised."

    You weren't promised the mark conversion at all. The other stuff was apparently the CM not getting the memo.
    If you are still using these underhanded terms to misrepresent the reality of matters, then you warrant all the derision you get for being blatant idiots and worthless TRIBBLE-kissing fanboys. One might think, your having watched any Star Trek might have given you a small portion of critical acuity, but clearly you have not. You aren't even clever enough to just not support reasonable concerns; you actually have to go out of your way to deride and attack those who raise them. Pathetic.

    Or you could just be so angry you're letting it cloud your judgement. Which, incidentally, seems to be the general tenor of the STO forums. These concerns are simply not reasonable. Concerns over the fact that the queues got hit with a nerf stick? Perfectly legitimate. (And worrying.)

    Concerns over the fact that they're trying to encourage play by not giving an extra reward to something that DOESN'T necessarily require you to play missions or activities during the weekend? Not as reasonable.

    ETA: Let me clarify. Hoarding isn't bad per se. I'm not sure I'd go as far to describe negatively.
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well for me this "Dilitium Week End " is just a TRIBBLE in the wind. I haven't been out of my way to do any content rewarding dilitium. Instead, I'm busy collecting omega traces, shards and up because when you make those Omega upgrade YOU DON'T NEED ANY DILITIUM.

    So craptic wanted to make an event, its more a complaining event than anything else and nobody I know in game is happy about their position.

    It seems we can't take advantage of anything in game without it being nerfed one way or the other and to make it even better a bunch of peebs saying Craptic was right, yeah right....

    To say it as it is, this week end is total TRIBBLE.
    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well for me this "Dilitium Week End " is just a TRIBBLE in the wind. I haven't been out of my way to do any content rewarding dilitium. Instead, I'm busy collecting omega traces, shards and up because when you make those Omega upgrade YOU DON'T NEED ANY DILITIUM.

    So craptic wanted to make an event, its more a complaining event than anything else and nobody I know in game is happy about their position.

    It seems we can't take advantage of anything in game without it being nerfed one way or the other and to make it even better a bunch of peebs saying Craptic was right, yeah right....

    To say it as it is, this week end is total TRIBBLE.

    Then don't play. Simple.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's mark hoarding. You hoarded to turn them all in at once.

    Erm , no , I first *earned them* and then *collected* them to turn them all in at once .
    Same as everything else that has been nerfed , and will be nerfed in the future .
    Same as collecting Contraband for example .

    ETA: Let me clarify. Hoarding isn't bad per se. I'm not sure I'd go as far to describe negatively.

    Well then unfortunately you don't understand (or pretend not to understand) the connotations .

    Collecting = collecting .

    Hoarding = collecting with the intent to keep things to one's self and not share (the word has "selfish" or "obsessed" in it as a connotation) , or to (in some cases) attempting to corner a market with the intent to re-sell at a markedly higher price (also known as "scalping") .

    In STO , if you want to look at hoarders , look for ppl who have several unopened very rare ships that they buy in order to dry out the market and resell later at a mark up .
    Example : Bug Ship hoarders .

    ... yes , they were out there , and don't get butt hurt if you were one ...
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    ... the intent to re-sell at a markedly higher price ...

    But isn't this the entire crux of the problem, that people are accumulating large stockpiles of rep marks, purely for the sole purpose of converting them during dilithium events, due to the increased dilithium return?

    Is this not the virtually the same as the example you have presented here? You're intentionally holding onto those marks in order to convert them at a markedly higher rate, than what would be considered normal...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    None of you had a problem with "hoarding" last week.

    Why do you have a problem with it now when you were fine with it last week?

    Free Tibet!
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    But isn't this the entire crux of the problem, that people are accumulating large stockpiles of rep marks, purely for the sole purpose of converting them during dilithium events, due to the increased dilithium return?

    Is this not the virtually the same as the example you have presented here? You're intentionally holding onto those marks in order to convert them at a markedly higher rate, than what would be considered normal...

    What's the difference between collecting marks, and clipping/saving coupons to go shop during a sale? There's nothing wrong with doing that, just as there was nothing wrong with saving up marks to use during that 'sale'. At least until the devs said so.

    Personally I couldn't be bothered saving up the marks like that to wait for a weekend event. The thing that bugs me the most is the continual prodding to play how they think we should play.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    None of you had a problem with "hoarding" last week.

    Why do you have a problem with it now when you were fine with it last week?


    Personally, I don't have an issue with people doing this and I myself have even held off collecting T5 rep rewards when I knew a dilithium weekend is coming up...

    What I take issue with is the entitled attitudes that some people have displayed over this, even going so far as to suggest Cryptic have some how robbed them by not providing the extra dilithium rewards...

    I just find that attitude rather rich when such people are attacking the developers of a F2P game because those players do not wish to actually pay for that game, instead screaming that Cryptic are forcing them to pay, which could not be further from the truth...

    Yes, they aren't getting as much for free as they were before the change, but they're still getting their content for free, there's still no forced coercion to make them pay real money...
    hravik wrote: »
    What's the difference between collecting marks, and clipping/saving coupons to go shop during a sale? There's nothing wrong with doing that, just as there was nothing wrong with saving up marks to use during that 'sale'. At least until the devs said so.

    Personally I couldn't be bothered saving up the marks like that to wait for a weekend event. The thing that bugs me the most is the continual prodding to play how they think we should play.

    As I said above, I have no issue with the practice, I just have issue with the entitlement mentality shown by many who have ranted and raved about the change as if they have been robbed...

    I'm not gonna get into 'prodding to play they they think we should play'... I've not felt forced to play STO in any particular fashion myself yet, but I can see how people might feel that way, so I'm not gonna pass judgement there until all the upcoming changes Gecko mentioned in the lastest podcast (and have been mentioned on these forums) have come to pass...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »

    As I said above, I have no issue with the practice, I just have issue with the entitlement mentality shown by many who have ranted and raved about the change as if they have been robbed...

    That's because we have been robbed, both in manner of Dil and in the manner of playing ability (aka I can no longer play like I used go).

    That is the way I feel now, that is the way I felt when I could no longer get bonus marks from mark boxes that I earned and saved for the Marks event and that is the way I'll feel when they'll get around to nerfig contraband (or disqualify it from the Dill weekends bonus) .

    Go ahead, call me entitled for getting bonus Dil on Contraband right now .

    Come on, I know you want to .

    No one is stopping you .

    ... or is it that you can act like an TRIBBLE hat only after you got Cryptic's blessings ?!?
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    That's because we have been robbed, both in manner of Dil and in the manner of playing ability (aka I can no longer play like I used go).

    That is the way I feel now, that is the way I felt when I could no longer get bonus marks from mark boxes that I earned and saved for the Marks event and that is the way I'll feel when they'll get around to nerfig contraband (or disqualify it from the Dill weekends bonus) .

    Go ahead, call me entitled for getting bonus Dil on Contraband right now .

    Come on, I know you want to .

    No one is stopping you .

    And I won't disappoint...

    Implying you've been robbed means that something of actual value has been taken from you... No longer being able to work the mechanics in your favour is unfortunate, but hardly you being robbed... You still get to play the game for free, just not as freely as you had been accustomed...

    And in the even of contraband hand-ins being nerfed, I too will be gravely disappointed as I usually do at least 1 contraband assignment on my characters each day...

    Will I scream bloody murder that Cryptic have some how robbed me by no longer receiving a bonus during the dilithium event, will I claim I've been robbed if contraband hand-ins are removed completely?

    No... I've not lost anything of actual value...
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    ... or is it that you can act like an TRIBBLE hat only after you got Cryptic's blessings ?!?

    Now you're just being infantile and making me wonder who the TRIBBLE hat around here truly is...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • edited February 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's really not a big deal. Those who are upset should really find something worthwhile to get upset about.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Hoarding = collecting with the intent to keep things to one's self and not share (the word has "selfish" or "obsessed" in it as a connotation) , or to (in some cases) attempting to corner a market with the intent to re-sell at a markedly higher price (also known as "scalping") .

    That connotation is one you have assigned to the word, and then gotten offended over. To the rest of us a "to hoard" is to accumulate and preserve for a future use.

    I suppose your ego could be sated if we switched to the word "saving" "stockpiling" "caching" "speculating" or any of the other synonyms that convey the act of storing something to be used at a future date... but since your problem with the word hoarding is only your problem and you've tried to make it my problem, I'm not inclined to be gentle with you.

    Collecting, by the way, would not be a strong synonym to switch to. As collecting does not imply something is gathered with a future use in mind. A coin collector, for instance, isn't gathering coins with the intention of selling them on the buffalo nickel bonus weekend.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Sorry, I'm only interested in conversations that involve the health of the game. On October 13th we had a healthy game. If you think a cash grab like the past 3 months can be sustained for much more than another 3 months you're thicker than your friend the brick.

    Then I'd suggest the next time I ask an entirely different poster a question, you ask yourself "Can I answer this question while having an interesting conversation that involves the health of the game." Then, only if you believe the answer is "yes" should you butt in.

    Also, until you learn how to read someones post, and respond to those posts, you shouldn't be calling people stupid, because from where I sit, "my friend the brick" has shown himself to be able to stay on point while demonstrating the same knowledge of what is being discussed. In short, by an objective count he is smarter than you.
    When the omega hero crack collection ends on the 26th of this month you will wake up to a ghost town the following morning. The reaction to that reality will decide the game's longevity.

    And when I don't, will you still be here to have your nose rubbed in the fact that the outside of Qonos and ESD is still so crowded with ships that I can't warp in without hitting someone? I suspect you will be, and I also suspect the irony of that will be lost on you.

    No wait, that's not fair. I mean, you could have some legitimate complaints or concerns here and I'm just missing them because of how hard you're working to convince me that you're an idiot.

    Here's what I'm going to recommend you do. Sit down and really think about what you think is killing the game. Then make a separate thread about it. Because, as I said in my original post, when you bring up potentially legitimate complaints in this thread, it makes them look about as legitimate as the mark hoarder demanding they be given free dilithium.
    Don't mistake my nature. For some 2 years I have been the game's biggest white knight here - and well hated for it. In fact I still am. Only now I must speak out against the direction the company has taken the game, because it is killing it - quickly.

    I don't care about your history, or your nature. I care about the quality of the thoughts you have expressed.
    As for why I deserve the free Dilithium?
    I was promised I would get it.
    They told me I would get a bonus for a given period of time, but when that time came they suddenly do a 180 and tell me I cant have what I was promised after all.
    And they give me some half baked excuse about metrics, a reson thats clearly is not the real reason becasue they would never dare tell us the truth, as reason for why I cant have what I was promised as if its supposed to make me feel better.

    So you stand by the Sheldon Cooper "clerical error entitlement theorum." Cool. I don't agree with that because in any other situation, if someone told me they were going to give me something free for absolutely not additional effort on my part, and then it turns out they were wrong, I wouldn't expect them to give me the free thing and would just be happy that they gave me a substitution. Something pretty similar actually happened to me the last time I tried to sign up for a free HBO trial. As it turns out the free trial was only for new customers, and not former customers. Was I disappointed? Sure. Did I start calling HBO a liar for explaining to me, and I'm paraphrasing here, that the trial was only to draw in new business, and not to let some cheap SOB binge watch Game of Thrones? No. I dealt with my disappointment like an adult. And they didn't even offer me a free week of cinemax as way of apologizing for not noting that returning customers didn't qualify.

    I think the mistake they made was unfortunate, but I understand how it could happen. And unless you would like to pony up some evidence, and not just unabashedly crazy conspiracy theory nonsense, I'm not sure how you reach the conclusion that their explanation was half baked, or even how it was about metrics. They're trying to draw more players into the game world to try other things. The guy who clicks the dilithium reputation mission over and over again until he has refined 8k worth of dilithium and then goes to do the omega particle event isn't being drawn into the game world.
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    *yawn*.....The same people that say, "You are hoarding marks" are probably the same ones that 'hoarded' marks during the past Dili Events and find some ridiculous reason to attack others for doing the same thing. Nothing but apathy. Keep wiping the brown, whiteys....
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    *yawn*.....The same people that say, "You are hoarding marks" are probably the same ones that 'hoarded' marks during the past Dili Events and find some ridiculous reason to attack others for doing the same thing. Nothing but apathy. Keep wiping the brown, whiteys....

    Nope. Still grinding through the rep tree. Also, this is sure some quality contribution to the discussion.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    aoax10 wrote: »
    *yawn*.....The same people that say, "You are hoarding marks" are probably the same ones that 'hoarded' marks during the past Dili Events and find some ridiculous reason to attack others for doing the same thing. Nothing but apathy. Keep wiping the brown, whiteys....

    Wow, you have such an active imagination. One day you'll learn to put that creative mind to use. Really, you'd be a fine scientist if you could learn how to turn these fantasies into testable hypothesis. On the other hand, you'd also need to learn how to cope when your hypothesis was proven wrong. Maybe becoming a painter would be more fulfilling. Or a fanfiction writer?
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    icsairguns wrote: »
    lol just another nerf because people were not playing they way they wanted is all it is. atleast they are not calling people who saved it up exploiters or cheaters this time.

    no it's not a nerf it's a mistake that got corrected. the events were being exploited and cryptic corrected the problem. at least they had the common sense (this time) to realize that exploiting game systems is just what any player does and not call us out for it.
    it's only an nerf in the strictest sense of the word. they only corrected something that created an undesired effect. personally I am not even noticing anything different but yea the event goes on longer. :)

    if people are raging here on the forum that the event got nerfed than they are basically admitting that they were abusing it, planning to continue to do so and now they are upset they can't continue to do so. congratulations you have managed to get away whit it all this time but it's over now.

    knowing their reasons I think crypic made the right call here. those complaining are caught in the act. your marks still have value you just can exploit them any more.

    ps. cryptic if you really wanna drag people in during these dill weekends double the refinement cap during the event.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    exploited... exploiting... abusing... caught in the act... exploit

    Yet another person who had no problem with this issue last week but suddenly has a problem with it this week.

    How can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
    Free Tibet!
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    As opposed to your post count that amounts to nine in almost a 2 year period? Nice...

    Yeah, nothing beats a good bit of self fulfilling paranoia.

    "There's a conspiracy"
    "This phenomenon can potentially be interpreted as part of a conspiracy"
    "I see no reason to confirm my belief with any other account, so it's proof of a conspiracy."
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    That's actually because they'd also start giving dil and they want you to do /multiple things/ not just one.

    So far all we've got is empty promises on this happening. And once more their dictating where we go and what we do. If they wanted people to do "Multiple things" then they should have left well enough alone in the first place. But oh no in true cryptic fashion they have to go messing around with things that worked fine. The duty officer system being a prime example, this hasn't been right since they removed the exploration clusters. And they've only recently, in like the past few weeks came onto the forums and asked people to help identify the missions that have disappeared, its what took them six months?

    I used to run multiple things in the game, but I will follow the path of least resistance so because certain DR patrols are the most efficient route to get to where I want to be in game, that's what I'm going to do. Now if cryptic don't like that choice, well tough S**t, they messed around with there own systems and this is the result. Now they act all shocked and surprised, when players with a modicum of understanding and fore sight, use systems cryptic have put in place to their own advantage.

    But to all those that are defending recent nerf's, how long before you people say enough is enough? a month? a year or are you all so blinded by loyalty to cryptic that even when your having to feed hundreds of dollars into the game, you'll still defend them! But given the constant cash grab DR and current events have become, I fail to understand why they ever went F2P.

    What's done is done, and I think its highly unlikely that cryptic will back down on this, no matter how much we voice our complaints/anger/concern. But they need to show is the carrot soon.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    Yet another person who had no problem with this issue last week but suddenly has a problem with it this week.

    How can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

    seriously how did you get this from my post? I wasn't having a problem whit i last week I still don't have a problem whit it now. imho there wasn't even a problem to be had...

    I can reduce what I've said to this one line:
    If you managed to exploit the dilithium events the last few years congratulations but you couldn't expect that to go on forever. right?

    maybe you want to learn to actually read or at least try and comprehend what is said....
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    seriously how did you get this from my post? I wasn't having a problem whit i last week I still don't have a problem whit it. imho there wasn't even a problem to be had...

    I can reduce what I've said to this one line:
    If you managed to exploit the dilithium events the last few years congratulations but you couldn't expect that to go on forever. right?

    maybe you want to learn to actually read or at least try and comprehend what is said....

    The fact that you use the word "Exploit" is enough to suggest that you have a problem with it. You're implying that the players have done something wrong.

    What have they done wrong?
    Free Tibet!
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    seriously how did you get this from my post? I wasn't having a problem whit i last week I still don't have a problem whit it now. imho there wasn't even a problem to be had...

    I can reduce what I've said to this one line:
    If you managed to exploit the dilithium events the last few years congratulations but you couldn't expect that to go on forever. right?

    maybe you want to learn to actually read or at least try and comprehend what is said....

    Don't, it's not worth the effort.

    Some people are here explicitly to be offended. They will misunderstand or construe anything they want from what you say just to be offended, as if them being offended will somehow make them right.

    Unfortunately it doesn't make them right. It just makes them insufferable.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    The fact that you use the word "Exploit" is enough to suggest that you have a problem with it. You're implying that the players have done something wrong.

    What have they done wrong?

    noting it's just what any player does to be successful in any kind of game. I've already said that the fist time around if you had paid attention.
    at least they had the common sense (this time) to realize that exploiting game systems is just what any player does and not call us out for it.

    but do you even know what the word means? here is a Dictionary definition for exploitation
    1. The act of employing to the greatest possible advantage

    to exploit, meaning "using something to one’s own advantage" from wikipedia

    any player will employ the games rules to the greatest possible advantage in order to win/succeed. in other words any player will always exploit! game developers should be aware of that. if the current rules create a problem then the rules should be changed to correct it. Cryptic only did what any other responsible game developer would have done.

    if you were able to take great advantage of the old situation than congratulations. that was very clever of you. you must have realized that the devs would eventually figure out what were doing and correct their mistake. right? just be glad you managed to get an advantage for as long as you had....
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have no problem with them ditching the bonus on the T5 rep dilithium payout as I never bothered with this anyway and frankly didn't think you would get a bonus for that, but to loose the 50% bonus on the marks exchange is a big blow for me.
    I cant honestly see what difference it makes to cryptic if I am logged in for 2 hours collecting on doff missions and doing a foundry mission or a deferi mission or dyson ground or whatever as opposed to spending 2 hours turning in my extra marks, either way I am playing the game and having fun and enjoying my play, and either way I am showing up on game stats as in game and I would think that is all that would matter at the end of the day that I am in game, what I am doing while I am here is of no matter as long as I am not breaking any rules or hurting others.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ... I cant honestly see what difference it makes to cryptic ...

    I would imagine that it has an impact on the dilithium exchange, if nothing else...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

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